Resolution-PC 92-87RESOLUTIGN N0. PC92-87 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PIANNING COMMIS510N THAT PEfITION FOR RECLASSIFICA'fION NU, 91-92•20 6E DFNIEQ WHEREAS, the An~holm City Plnnning Commission did receive a verified petitlon tor Reclassliication for certAln real property situatod in the City of Anaheim, Counry of Oranflo, State of Calfiornia, described as follows: PARCEL 1 OF PARGEL MAP 89-382 AS FILED IN BOOK 258, PAGE 31 OF PARCEL MAPS QF SAID COUNTY. WH~REAS, the Ciry Plann(ng Commission did huld e public hearin~ at the Clvic Conter in the Ciry of Anaheim on May •4, 1992 at 1;30 p.m., notice of saki public hearing having been duly given as requlred by law and in accordance with the provisions of the Ant+heim Munlcipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider e~~idence tur and against snid proposed reclasali(catlar and to Investigete and make iindings end recommendations In connaction thorewith; end that saki public hearing wes continued to tlie May 18, Juno 15, July 13 and July 27, 1l~J2 Planning Commisslon meetfngs; and WHEREA3, saki Commission, atter due Inspoction, lnvestigatian and study msde by Itsel~ and in fts behalf, and aftAr due consfder~tion oi all evidence and reports oHered at said hoaring, does find and determine the (ollowing tacts: 1. That the petftioner proposec to raclassify a portlon o} subject property (rom the R3-A•43,000(SC) (Res(dential/Agric.ultural-Scenic Corridor Overlay) Zona to the RS :~000(SC) (Residentlal, Singlo-FamilyScenic Corridor Overlay) Zone; 2. That the AnahRim Gen9~ai Plan deslgnates subJoct pmperty tor HIIIsIde Low DensRy Residential ~and uses permitting up to 5 dwelling units per acre; 3. That the proposed reclas-stiicat~on of subJect properry is not necessary nor desirebfe for the orderly and proper deve:opment af the commun(ty; 4. 7hat the prop~sed reclassllfcatfon of subJect property does not prope~ly relnte to the zanes arxl their permitted uses iocally esta~lished in c'ose proximity to subject property and to ihe zones arx+ the(r permittod usos genorally ostabllshed through~ut the community; 6. That twenty (20) people indicated thelr pr~sance at satd publlc haa~ing In opposKiors; and that a pE+tftion cAnteining epproximately one hundrecl end iwenty (120) slpnatures was recalvecl in oppoahlon to eub~ect petlt~on. rei iFORNlA [NVIRQN NTA - QUALITY AC~DI~i: Thet tne Anaheim Cfty Planning Commission ~~ae roviewed the proposal to ro~fassity a portlort of the subJect property from the RS•A-43,000(SC) (Hestdential/Agrfculturel-Sconlc Corridor Overlay) Zona to tho RS•5000(SC) (Residentfat, Sinple•FamilySr,en~c Corridor Ovbrlay) Zone to establfsh a 36-lot, sinple tamily residantial subdblsfon with walvers ot r~qu(r9c! lot trontage, end raquirod locati~n and orientation of buildtngs, and to ramove 51 healthy specimon trees on an Irrepularly shapod parcel of taixl consistfng of approxlmately 12.38 acres, hoving approacimate iront~~es of 710 feat on the soeith sfde of Santa Ana Canyon Roed and 240 ieot on the north akie of Avenida Maryarita, having a moximum deptt~ of approx(matoty 700 loot, beinq (oceted approxlmate~y t,211 feat aast oi the ceMe~line of aoyal Oak Road nnd further clescribed as 5540 East Santa Ana r.a~nyon CR1562MS.wp .i. PC92-87 Road; and does hereby appr~ve a mitl~Ated Negetivo Declarntion on the basls that the declaratlon re8octs the Independent Judflement ol tho lead agoncy and that the Planning Commisslon has consldered tho proposal with the mltlgatod Negotfve Deciaretion, togather with any commonts recelveci during the public review process and (urther finding, on the basls of the Inhlal Study, th~t there is no substentlul evidenco that the proJoct wlll have n significtant effoct on the environment. NOW, THEREFORE, BC 17 RESQl.VEO that the Anaheim City Planning Commisslon does heroby deny Potition for Reclassl(Ic~tion on the basis of tha al~rementloned ilndfngs. , THE FOREGOING RGSOLU710N was adopted at the Planninfl Commis3lan meeting of July 27, t~J2. /~ ~r"~ G~" - ~-- . ~-GF IRMAN, ANAHE~M C~ PLANN OMMISSION ATTEST: .CREI'ARY, A a ~lM CI~P~LANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CAUFQRNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) s3. CIIY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Janet L. Jensen, Secretary of tho Anaheim Ciiy Planning Commisslon, do hereby certify that the toregoiny resolutfon was passed and adoptud at a meotinq of the Anahelm Clty Planning Commisslon held on July 27, 1992, by tho followlnp vote of the memhora thereoi: AYES: COMNIISSIONEFiS: 60UAS, BRISTOL, IIENNINGFR, PERAZA, ZEMEL N~ES: GOMMISSIONERS: HELLYER ABSEM: COMMISSIONERS: MESSF IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I havct hereunto set my hand this 7~1~ day ot /J~~~~~, 1992. ••- V ~-~~ ..~.L.-- ~~ 'RETARY, ANAHl31 CiTY PLANNING COMMISSION t -2- res2-a~