Resolution-PC 92-89RESOLU'j~,ON NG. PC92-89 A R~SOLU710N C~F TME ANAHEIM CITY PLANNItvG GOi~1MiSSION THAT PETITION FOR CONDlTIONAL U5E PERMII' N0. 3527 BE GRANTED WHEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commisslan did rocelve a verffled Petition for Conditional Uso Permit for certaln rea! proporty situated In tha Ciry of Anahalm, County cf Or~nge, State of California, doscribed as: TWAT PORTION OF rHE LAND ALLATTED TO PAULA PERALTA DE DOMINGUEZ IN DECREE OF PAFITITION 0~ THE RANCHO SANTiAGO DE BANTA ANA, RECORDED {N BOpK B OF JUDGMENTS OF THE 1TfH JUDICIAL DISTRICT CUURT OF CALIFORNI,1, LbCATED IN THE CuUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF QAUFORNIN, DESCRIgFD AS FOII.OWS: BEGItJNING AT A PQINT ON THE NARTHWES7ERi.Y LINE OF TH[ RIGHT OF WAY GRANTED TO THE SANTA ANA VALLEY IRRIGA'f{ON GOMPANY BY DEEp REC~RDED OCTOBER 9, 19a7, IN SqOK ~536, PAGE a8r, OFFiCtAL RECORUS v'r fiAID OI~ANGE COUNTY, SAID POIN7 BEING 449.01 FEET SOUTH 44° UO' 30" WES7 OF A POINT 72.98 FEET NORTH 38° 45' A2" WEST FROM A f'OINT ON THE CENTERUNE OF SAN'TA ANA CANYON ROAD DESCRIBED IN DFED RECORDED IN 800K 171, PAGE 14d, OFFICIAI RECORL~S OF SAIQ ORANGE COUNTY, SAID POINT ON SAID CENTEFlLINE DEING 728.55 FEET NORTH 14° 00' 30" EASI' FHOM A 60LT MARKING THE EASTERN TERMINUS OF A CURVE ON SAIQ CENTERLINE, SAID CURVE BEING DESIGNATED IN SAID DEED HS HAVING A RADIUS OF 450.00 FEET ANf) 7HROUGH A CEN1'RAL ANGLE OF 37° 02' 4~a" FROM SAID POINT OF BEGINNING; TNENCE NORTH 40° 07' 4fi" WEST, 1016.38 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH LJNE OF SAIn RANCHO SANTIAGO DE SANTA ANA; 7HENCE SOUTH 40° 24' 03" WEST, 69.05 FEET 70 STATION N0. 36 S.S.A,. SAID STATION B~ING MARKED TO BY A CONCRETE MONUMENT; THENCE SOUTH 46° 54' 30' WEST ALONG SAID RANCHIO LIWE 338.15 FEET TO A POINT 66•00 FEET NORTH ~48° 54' 30" EAST FROM A 6 INCH CONCRETE MONUMENT MARKING STATION ~~0. 37 S.S.A., TMENCE SOUTH 28° 49' 30" EAST, 637.82 FEET; TH~NCE SOUTH 0° 55' 00" WES7, 37?..39 ~EET TO A POINT ON THE CENTERLINE OF SAlD SANTA ANA CANYON RQAp 11S [?ESCRIBED IN THE DEED ABOVE MENTIONED; THENCE NORTH 81 ° 03' 15" EAS'f ALONG SAID CENTERLINE e51.00 FEET TQ TWE BEGINNING OF A CURVE 7ANGENI' CURVE TO THE NORTH WITH A RADIUS OF 450.00 FEE7; THENCE ALONG SA{D CURVE A QIS7ANCE OF 75.16 FEET THROUGH A CENTHAL ANGLE OF 9° 34' 10" TO A POINT ON THE NORTFIWESTERLY LINE OF SAID RIGNT OF WAY GRAN7ED TO TH~ SANTA ANA VALLEY !RRlGATION COMPANY; THENCE NORTH 26° 49' 10" EAST, 64.10 FEET 'f0 AtV ANGEL POINT ON THE NORTHERLY L1NE OF SAID RIGH7 OF WAY; THENCE NOFlTH 44° 00' 40' EAST, 433.52 FEET ALONG SAlD NORTHERLY I.INE OF SAID RIGN7 OF NIAY TO 71~IE POINT OF BEGINNING. EXCEPTINO THEREFRQM ALL TliAT PORTION LYING NOR7HERLY QF THE SOUTHERLY RIGH? OF WAY UNE OF THE SAtJTA ANA CANYON ROAD, AS GESCRISED BY DEED RECORD[D IU BOOK 1661, PAGES 232 THROUGH 237 INCLUSIVE, OFFIClAI. RECORDS OF SAID ORANGE GOUNTY. CR1564M5.wp -5- PCS2-89 THE ABO'/E, WHICN `.NAS ACaUIRED BY CRANT'ORS PER A UEED RECORDED AUGUST 4, 1980, IN BOOK 13C~88, PACaES 1101 THROUGH 1103 INCLUSIVH OF THE RECORDS OF SAID ORANG[ COUNTY, AND THF BELOW, WHICH WAS ACQUIRED BY GRANTORS PER A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE ~ITY OF AI~AHFIM, (RESOLUTIQN N0. 81R-329) VAC~TING SAID LAND P~R DC'3CUMENT RECORDED AUGUST 19, 1981, IN BOQK 141E37, PAGES 115b THROUGH 1'157, INCLUSIVE, ~N THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF SAID ORANGE CUUNTY. THAT PORTIVN OF LAND ALLOTTED TO PAULA PERALTA ~E DOA~INaUEZ IN DECREE OF PARTI710N OF THE RA~1CH0 SANTIAGO DE SANTA ANA, RECORDED IN BOOK "8" OF JUDGMENTS OF THE 1TTH JUDICIAL DISTRICI' OF TME COURT OF CALIFORNIA, LOCATED IN THE COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFARNIA, DESCRi~ED AS FOLLOWS: ALL THAT PORTION OF TME SANTA ANA CANYON ROA~ LYING SOUTHERLY OF THE GENTERUNE OF SAID SANTA ANA CANYON r~OAD, AS SET FORTH IN AN INS7RUMENT REC~RDED IN SOQK 171, PAGE 144, OFFICIAL RECORDS OF SAI~J ORANGE COUNTY, AND ~YING WESTERLY OF THE NORTHWESTEALY UNE OF THE RiGHT OF WAY GRANTED TO THE SANTA ANA VAU.EY IRRIGATION COMPANY BY DEBD RECORDED OCTABER e, 1947, IN BOOK 1536, PAGE 487, OF SAI~ OFFICIAL RECORDS. RESERVING UNTO THE CITY OF AN',~ i~ihl, ALL ABUTTER'S RIGHTS OF ACCESS TO SANTA ANA CANYON ROAD, AL.L THAT PORI'ION OF THE IAND ALLOTTED TO PAULA PERALTA DE DOMINGUEZ, AS t7ESCRIBED iN THE FINAL DECREE OF PARTITIO~f OF THE RANCHU SANTIAGO DE SANTA ANA, WHICH WAS EiVTERED SEPTEMBER 12, 19s8 IN BOOK "B", PAGE 410 OF JUDCaNdENTS C~F THE DISTRICT IN AND FOR L~JS ANGEI.ES COUNTY, CAUFORNIA OESCRIBED AS FOLLQWS: COMMENCING AT ~'HE INTERSECTION OF THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF PARCEL 1 OF IAND IN DEED RECORDED JUNE 29, 1948 IN BGOK 1661, PAGE 222, AND FlE-RECORDED JUL'Y 30, 1948, IN BOOK 1678, PAGE 209 OFFICIAL RECORDS, WI'fH TI1E SOUTHER! Y LINE OF SANTA ANA CANYUN ROAD, 60 FEET WI~E, AS DESCRIBED IN BOOK 171, PAGE 1b4 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS; ZHENCE NORTH 01 DEG. 03' 15" EAST 134.20 FEET ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY :INE OF SANTA ANA CANYON FlOAD TO THE TRUE POI~VT OF BEGINPJ~IJG OF THlS DESCRIPTION, SAID POIM OF BEGINNING BEING THE BEGINNII~C; OF A TANGENT CUP.VE CONCAVE NORTHERLY WITH A CENTRAL ANGI..~ OF 37 DEG. 02' 45' AND A RADIUS OF 480 FEET; TNENCE EASTEHL'f 47,87 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 5 DEG. 42' 52' ALONG SAID CURVE TO ITS INTERSECTION WITH THE WESTERLY UNE OP THA'T CER7RIN 50 FOOT STRIP OF LAND AS CONVEYED TO THE SANTA ANA VALLEY IRRIGATION COMPANY BY DEED REGORDED OCTOBER 9, 1947, IN BnOK ~536, PAGE 487 OF QFFICIAL RECORDS; THENCE ALONG SAID WES7ERLY UN~ SOUTH 26 DEG. 4~S' 10" WEST 34.68 FEET TO AN ANGLE POINT 7H~REON; TH~NCE SOllTH 6 DEG. 27' 35" ~VF.ST 135.16 FEET THENCE SOUTH 7 DEG. 51' 35' EAST i40,At FEET; THENCE SQUTH a3 ~EG. 19' 25' WEST 141.24 FEET YO A POINT THAT IS NORTH 33 DEG, t9' 25" EAST 114.05 FEET FROM THE SOUTIiWE3T .2. PC92-8~3 TERMINUS OF A COURSE IN THE WEST LINE OF SAID 50 FOOT 5TRIP HAVING A BEIIRING AF NORTH a3 DEa. 19~ 25" EAST AND A L~NrTH OF 255.2s FECT; THENG~ LEAVING SAID WESTERLY LINE, NOR7FI 11 DEG. 44' 03" WEST 105.45 FEE'1'; THENCE NORiI-I 4 DEG. 27' 20" WEST 120.00 FE[T; THENCE NOR7H 0 DEC3. 21' 56" EABT 178.35 FEET TC~ THE SOUT'HERLY LINE OF AFOREMENTIONED SAPITA ANA CANYON ROAD, 60 FEET WIDE; THENCE NORTH Q1 DEC. 03' 15" ~S7 72.92 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEOINNINCi. WHEREAS, the City Planning Commisslon did hold a publfc hearing at the Civic Conter in the Ciry of Anaholm on July 13, 19J2, at 1;30 p.m., notico of seid publia hearing having boen duly given as required by law and In eccordance wfth the provislons of the Anaheim MuniclpAl Coda, Qhapter 18.03, to hear and consider evidence tor end against said proposod conditlonat use parmk and to Investlg~to and make flndings and recommendations in connectlon therewith; and that said public hearing was continued to 4he July 2i, 1992 PlAnning Commission meeting; WHFREAS, saEd Commisslon, aRar due fnspectlon, Investigatl~n and atudy ~nade by itself ancl In fta behaif, and after due cons-dera4lon of s!I evidonce and reports otfered at sald hearing, doas iind and determine the following (ects: 1. Thc~t the proposed use is properly one (or which a conditionAl use purmit Is authorized by Anaheim Munlclpal Gode Sectlon 18.44,050,135 tc+ perrnft ~ two sWry, 9•unft commorcial rotafl conter with waiver of the folloNing: (a) ~ECTION 18 44 OF2 011 - Maximum structural h~J~ht within t GO feet of alnale i~,Jf y re~idontial zone bound~.yr . (0 to 2~ faet parmftted at 0 to 5-ioot setback; 26 toet propoaecl) (b) $ C710 ,§~}.063.040 - ,M],~imum atruc'~~~~ °°'~°^k adi~gant to a rasidential zone ~ e fu11Y Iandscaned required; ~ 5 feet proposed) (~) ,~~CTION i8.44.064.020 - Permftta~ enc ~achment into re ulred v~ds• (ma~cimum -~0 foot wfde eccess drlve width permitYed; 3S feet Proposed) (d) ,~~CT~ON 18, .Ot1~.62.0~? - Qrohibit oof•ma~nted eaulument. (~gpf-moun ~°°uln~ ne t In the Scenlc rridor erl v prohibfted; $ roof•mounted ~I conditionlnp~nit en~,osuros proposed) (e) GF~TIONS 16.~15.o91.Qt~ • p„grmltted tv~e of~,hopoina centgj ,~nd 18,8A.OEi2.040 IdeMiiication, (on ginale•taced~,~0•inch hiah wal~ op u°ted ~r pormitted; one, 8-fi~t high ,~,ouble_ ,~ed. ireettandina sian proposad) 1. That there are special circumstances applfcable to the property suah as size shepe, topography, lacatlon or surrounaings, whlch do not eppiy to other identicaily zoned propartles In tho viclniry; 2. That strict appllcatfon of ihe Zoning Code deprives the property of privilages en~oyed by other properties under idontical zoning classitic~atfan in the victniry; ~- PC92-09 3. Tl~t the proposed usa is properiy on~ for which a conditlonal use permft Is authorized by tho 2oning Cocla; 4. That the proposed use will not ~dversely aHoct tho ad~oinlnp land usos and the growth and developmont of tho area in which R is proposed to be iocnted; 5, That the sfze end ahape of the sfte for tho proposod uae Is adequ~te to allow the iutl developmem ot the proposed use In a manner not deulmenta~ to tho particular ^.-ea nor t~ +ho peace, health, safery, and gonernl weltPre; g. 7hat the traNic generatod by the propoaed use will nd tmpose en undue burciAn upon the streets and highways dealflned and Improved to ca-ry the traHic in tho area; ~, That the pra-ning of the conditlonal use permlt under the condNk-na imposed w!I~ not be detrimental to the pesce, health, safety and general wel(are ot tho chizena ut the Cfry oi Anahelm; g, That three (3) poople ~n oppositlon aixl abc (6) people In tava indicated their presenc~ ot said publ~ hearin~; and that no correspo-denco was r9cehred In opposftion to the subJect petitbn. ~.n~FAHNIA ENV1ROtvt~'ENYAL QUAL~fY ACT FIMDINC~: That the Anahelm Ciry Pla~niny Commission has reviewed the prot~se~ ta pormR a two story, 9~unR commercia~ retail centar with wnhrers o( maximum structural helght wRhtn t W leet of sin~lo fampy reskienttal xone boundary, minimum structural setback adjacent to a residential2one baunda~ PQ po pI~ p ce teidornitic.at~onro~uen~~rre~~e~Y ~P~ roof-maurned equipme~t and parrnittod tyPe parcel o( land cc~s~stinq of approxfma:oly .94 acre, havlnq a Irontage ot approxlmately 2W feot on the south side ol Santa Ana Canyon Road, hm+trp a maximum dopth d uppraximately 935 teet, befnp located approximately 515 feot west ot ths ceMerllne o1 Falrtnont Boulewrct, and lurther d9acribod t+s 6270 East 3anta Ane Carryon Road; and doea horuby appro~+e the NeqatNe Dedaretlon upon tinding thet the declaretbn rellocts the Independent iudqem¢nt d the lead aponcy and that It hsa conukfarecf the Ne~ntivd Dadantton to~othQr with any commeMs racelved du~lny the puWk: roviaw procasa and funh~ tinding on the baals ol the initlal atudy a~~d eny ccxr'me^~a receNed that there fs rw eubatantlal evkfence thet the pro~ect w~l have a slflnHicant affect on 1he amrlronm9M. NOW, T-iCREFORE. BE IT HESOLVEd that the Anahelm Ciry P~anning Commlaabn does hereby gnaM sub(ect Pet~lon f~CondoNtonal Use Perm~ d e sub~ett propeRy n ord~w to preserve tho tound to be a nacessaiY Pr"eQ P~P°~ aatery snd qeneral wolfare ot the CNizens d the City d Anaheim. 1. ?het Rrfo- to tha Isat~ance ~f a bu~ding pormR. tf-s devsl~r ahall pu-chaea the SAVI PropertY fncwporatad Into si:bject slto pan trom th~ Gty ol Arv~he!m a entor Irno a leoao oflre~^eM as approvod bY tho CKy. Th~ dAValopor slsaM subrnit o:~r tw-chasa o1(0- to t!w Rael PropartY 3ectlon d tho Pud~ Works~En~lneertrp ~opaRmerM. 2. reqo~llon ~ R5-M3.o0o S'C) ro he CL (SC1 Zorw t tt~e S~/-w ponMn suWecc {xo~o~Y • ~. That a atroet Imarovs-ne^~ aen fa constnictlon d a madian Is1an0 on San1a Ma Canyon Rc~ad to prohtWt le~ tum moven~nts ~t~all be wbr-~ttod to the PuMfc Worlcs-E~ hW ~~~ (a rovtaw and aFprovaJ. bnmllatbn slwN bo oonK~~~ec1 ~ ~. PC92~8f1 4. That the str(pin~ on Santt~ Ane Canyon Road shail be modifiod to provide adoyuato Ingress and egress to subJect property. The stripl~ig plan ahall be submitted to Traitlc Eng~neerlnp for revlow and approval. 5. 7hat subJect property shall bo dev~foped substantially in accordance with plans encl apecKicatfons submittad to the City o( Anahefm by the petKlAner and wh!ch ptans are on iile with the Planning DepaRmant matked Ext~ibk NAS. 1 through 4. 6. Tr~at prior to Isauance ot a bulldEny pe-mh or withln a po-iod ot one (1) year Irom tlia dnte M thie resdution, whichever occurs first, cortditlon Noa. 1 through 3 abrn-e mentloned, ~Itall be complied wfth. Extensions tur (urther time to complete sald condftlona may be grantad in accorde~ce wfth Sectbn 18.03.090 of the Anaheim Munlcipal Codo. 7, That prl~r to flnal bulidiny And zoning Inspactions, CorxlRion Nos. A and 5, above•mantloned, shall bo compltud with. 8. 7hat opproval ot this apWicatlon constftutes app-oval of the prcposod request only to the extont that K compliea with tho Anaheim Mun~lpsl Zoninp Cndo a-x! amr ott~er applicablo Ciry, 3tate arx! Federal requlatlons. Approval does not Include nny ectlon or ilndinps es to complfnroce or approvel ot the requdst reynrcltnq any other appllcaWa ordinance, repulatbn cx roquirement. BE IT FURTFIER FiESOWFD that tho Arsahelm City Ptanninp Comm{sslon dooa haroby iind and determ(ne thet adoption of this Resolution ig exprussly predicated upon applicam's cc~mpllance wfth each and all ot tho conclttions hereinebove sac fohh. Should any such condition, or any part theraof, be de~larecf invelkf or uneMorceable by the Onal judpment ot any couR oi competent ~urisdic:bn, thon thla Resututlon, and any approvala I~arein contained, shail be deemod null arxf vold. THE FOHCCi01N(3 FiE50LUTI0N was ad ed at the Planning Cc~mmisston eeting ot ~uiy 2~, ,~r. , ~ ~y /" / C AI MAN, ANAHEIM CITY NINd MMI R'tTEST: /' CRETAtaY, A~ M UTY PL~4NNINa COMMISSION ( - /STATE OF CAUFORNIA ) COUMY OF ORANCiE ) sa. CITY UF ANAHEIM ) f, Jarret L. .ionaon. Secrotery ot the Ansheim Gty PlarTming Commtasion, do horeby c~ertMy Itwt tM fot~qdnp seaolutlon was pasaod ancf adopted at e meeting d th~ Mahelrn Gty F'lennirp Gxnmiso~on h~ld on JWy 27, 1982, by the fdlowinp vole d the rr~mba-s therNOl: AYE3: '.:OMMISSIONERS: 90UA;~,, B9ISTOL, HENNIN(iER, PERAZA, NOES: COh1MISSI0NER3: HELLYER, ZEMEL AElSENT: COMMIaSI0NER3: MESSE IN WITNESS YVHEREOF, I tu~vo hereurno set my hand tMs ,~-~ daY d , 1992. ; ,~,~ECAETAAY, CtTY PLMININCi CAMMIS310N .g. PCD2~A