Resolution-PC 92-91~~ RES9LUTION N0. PC92~9,~„ A R~SOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION THAT PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 3528 B~ GRANTED WHEREAS, the Aruiheim City Planning Commfsslon dki recoive a v~rmed Petition for Conditional Use Pernft for certaln reai property situated :,~ the CKy of Anaheim, County of Oranqe, State oi Caii(ornla, descrlbed ag: PARCEL 18, AS PER MAP FILEn IN E100K 202, PAGES 41 TO A4 INCLUSIVE OF PARCEI. MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. WHEREAS, the Clty Planning Commission dld hNJ a puWic hearing at the Civic Center In the City oi Anahetm on July 13, 1992, at 1:30 p.m., notice of sald pu~lic hearinq havinp been duly glven es required by law and In accordance with the provfsions of 4ho Anaheim Municipal Codo, Chapter 18.03, to I~oar and considor evidence for and against 3aki proposed conditlonal use permft and to investig~te and rr~ako ftndinps and recommendations in connect(on therewith; and that said public heariny was continued to the July 2~, 1992 °Ianninp Commission meettng; WHEREAS, sakl Comm(ssion, after due Inspc3ction, Irrvostigallon and study mude by ftselt and In its bohalt, and atter due considerat(on of all svfdence and reports offered at safd hearing, daes tind and determino the fc,llowing tacts: t. That the proposocf use is properly ona for whicl~ a corxlitional use permft ~s authorized by Anahetm htuniciprii Coc1o Socti~ns and 1D.41.050.070 to permft twv (2) tempoiary traflens In conjunction wfth a prevlausly approved ch~rch use; 2. T~hat tl~e proposed use Is prope~ly one for which a conciftlonal use permft Is authorized by ihe Zoninp Cocle, or ihat sald uso is not Ilsted there In as being a pArmltted use; 3, 1'he proposed modular structures are intended tor a t~mporary 2-year perlod only, during which time the prevlously-t+pproved permanent chur~h facflfty wfll be constructed; 4. That tl~e praposed t~mporery use of modular structures, ag condittoned herel~, will not odversety atfACt the ad~oining land uses and tho qrc~v-^ch and development or the ar~ In whlch saki trailers er~ proposad to be ~ucated; 5. Thilt the aize end ehapo of the ske ta tha preposdci use is adequate to allow tho lutt de~~elopment of tho propostxi uso in a manner not detrtmentnl to the particular aree nor to the peace, t-ealth, sa(ery, end ganera! weliare: 8. That the troflic ~onorated by the proposed use w~l ru~t Impose an urxlue bunlon upon the atreets and hfflhways designed and improved ta ca-ry traflic in the area; 7. T~at the graMtng ol tho cwxlRional use porrnR under the conditl~ns imaosad w0t not be detrfrnental to the peace, hnalth, safoty and goneral wel(are of the cklzens of tho ~iry of Anahalm; g. That no one Indicvtod their presance et sakl public hearing in opposNion; and that ~o car~spondence waa recolv~cl U opposhlon ro the subJect potklon. CRt586MS.wp '~' P~~91 lffYd4 CALIFQRNIA ENVIRQ~IM~NTAL OUALITI' ACT FINDINC~; The Pl~nnln~ Dlroctor or hls authorized reprssentative has determined that the proposed proJect falls withln the definition of Categarical Exemptions, Class 3, as defined In the State EIR Guidoline~ and is, thereforo, categorically exempt from the requlremont to preparo an EIR. NQW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVFD that the Anal~eim Ciry Planri(n~ Commisslon tlaes hereby flrant subJect Petition tor Condftional Use Permit, upon the following conditlons which ete heroby found to bo a nocessary prerequisito to tho propo5od use of the subJeot property in order ta preserve the satety and floneral welfare of tho Citizens ut the City of Anehelm: 1. That subject traflera shall be permitted tor a meximum pericxi of two (2) yaars until July 27, 1994. 2. That, in the ovRnt subJect trallers remaln ~n subJect property for more than e one (1) year perlai, sald trailors sh~l! be equippec! with fire sprinklers to tho satisiection o{ the Fire Departmant. 3. ThAt unless proaf of oxemption is submltted in compllance with City Councll qesolution No. 89R- 440, the appropriate -n~(or thoroughfare and bridge foe shall be poid to the City of Anaheirn in An amount as speaft~ed in the ma)nr thoroughfare and Hridge Fee Program for ti~e ~oothfll/Eastern TranspoRatlan Corridor, as establishecl by City Councll resolutton. a. That thR approprl~te trafiic slgnal assessment fee shall be pald to the Ciry of Anaheim in an amount established by Cfty Councll =tesolution No. 91R-193. 5. That the eppropri~te iea shall be pafd to the City of Anaheim (qr Santn Ane Canyon Road wldening purposes, in an amount as established by the Giry Counr,il Resolutlon Nn. 89R-371, 6. 7hAt plans ahali be submitted to the City Traffic and Transportation Manager for hi3 revlew and approvai showln0 contonru-nce with the current verslons of Enqineerfnfl Stnndard Plan Nos. 436 and GU2 pertalntng tu parking standards and drivaway location. Subj9ct property shail thar9upon be developed nnd malntainec! In can(ormance wlth st~W plans. 7. That the driveway on Ct~aparral Court shall be constructed with ten {10) toot radlus curb returns as roqufred by the Clry Engineer Ih conformance wfth Engfneerlny Standarci No. 137. p. That sub)ect proporty shall bo developed substantially In accordance with rylane and apocificatlons submittad to the Cky of Anahe!m by the petltlonor and which plans are on ilie wfth th9 Pfanning pepartment marked Ezhlbtt Nos. t ihrou4h 5. 9. That prtor to commencement uE the activfty authorized by thfs resolutlon or within a pertod of ane (1) yoar (rom thA date of this resolutio~, whichever occurs first, Condkion Nns, 3 through ~, above-mentioned, bhall be cnmplied wfth. Extensions tor further time to comGlote said conditlons may ba granted in accordance with Sectfon 18.03.090 of the Anaheim Murncipal Code. 10. That prior to ilnal buiidinp and zoninq Inspoctfons, Cursdition Nos. 7 and 8, obove•rnentioned, shall be complled wfth. t t. That epproval oi this ap~l{cPt~on constitutes epproval oi the proposed requect ~My to the extent that k com~tlas wfth the Anahefm Mun~lpal Zoning Code and any othe- appllcal~la Ctry, Stato erui Federal regulatlon$. Approval does not Irclude any actlon or findings aa to compliance or apprc,val of the request re~aidinq any other appiicable ordlnance, regulatlon or requlrement. .2_ PC92•9i ,~•. BE 17 FURTWER RESOWED that the Anaheim CKy Planning Commisalon doa~ hereby (Ind and determino that adoption of thla Rosolutlon Is expresaly predicated upon appllcant's c~mpliance wlth each and all ol the conditluns heroinabove set forth. Should any such condition, or any pert ther9of, be dectared Invalid or unan ~p 81s~ ofg~^tcomm ~~o , shellnbe deemod nul snd v lo atent ~urisdlction, then thls fiesolutlun, anci any epp TH~E FOREGOIN(3 RESOLUTION w~s adopted at the Plenning Commisslon meeting oi July 27, 1992, ~ " ` ~ / MAN, ANAHEIM I PLAN G C MISSION AT7EST: ...P1~'~.Bn1G_ CNETARY, A IM CIlY PLANNING CUMMISSlON STATE OF CAUFORNIA ) COUNTY OP ORANGE ) s~v CITf AF ANAH~IM ) I, Janet L. Jensen, Secretary of the Anaheim Ctty Planning Commiasion, do hereby cenffy Commission held on July 27, 9J2, bygt e toi o ng~voe of the membors thereoAnahelm Ciry Planning AYES: COMMISSIONERS: pERAZA,gZEMEL~ H~~YEH, HENNIN(3ER, NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ; AB8ENT: COMMISSIONERS: MESSE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have horeunto set my hsiind this ~ d~y of ; . 14)92. I , CRETARY, ANg~~C~ I~Tf P~IAN~I PII G GOMMISSION .3_ PC92-91