Resolution-PC 92-95g~,SOLSZT.lON NO. PC92-95 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CI'fY PLANNING COMMISSION CLARIFYING "SPEClAL EVENTS PEFiMIT5" LIMITATIONS WHEREAS, Sect(on 18.02.q41 of the Anaheim fdunlcipal Code specifies that i! an amblguity arises concarning the appropri~te ctasslii:ation of a particular use within the moaning or intent oi the 7.oninp Code, it ahall be thn duty oi the Planning (;ommission to escertaln ell pertfnent fACts and aet forth Its flndings and the reasons there(or, end such findings shall then be referred to the Clry Councll and, I; approved by Counr,ll, theroaiter such Interpretations shall govern; and WHEREAS, on April 22, 1991 tho Anaheim City Planning Commisslon grantQd Reclassification No. 90-91-25 In conjunction with Condit(or.al Use Permft No. 3400 to roclassfry subJect property irom the ML (Industr(al, lfmited) to the CL (Cammercl~l Limitecf) to pormit e commcrcial retnii c~nter (indo~r swap moet)d for 10 yoars sub~ect to a 5 yoar revir~w. WHEREAS, on June 4, 199t, CRy Council epproved subJect permft subJect to canditians; and on July 23, 1991 app~ovecl amendment af condittons and additlonal new conditlonE. WtiERE48, the petftloner now r6quasts (nterpretation of Cocie Sectlona 18.05.074 and 4.02.U6U.090 partalning to 4he numbor of Special Eventa Permitg ~sAUe~J to any 'business', 'busiress establishme~iY, or'shopping center" under the author(ty o( Code Section 18.02.041. WHEREAS, Code Sect~ons 1f1.05.074.020, and all perta~ning to the Ienpth of time and maximum number ~f ::~~ecial events permits allowed tor the temporarr ~fsplay of tlags, banners anc! ibced balloons read as follows: t8.06.074 Ftags, Bannen and Fixed Halloone. '.020 Lanpth of Permk. No pennk shall be issued lor a perlod in exce~s oi fourteon conse~:utlvo days.' ".u~v nurnnur uf Pormitf. No b~siness ahall be issued a permit more than twlce eech calendar year; provb~ed, further, that na;htnfl contalndJ in this sectfon shall be conatruod to prahibit the displny o} the 11eg oi the United Statas, Stnta of Celffornia or other politicel sut~divislon, or any flag o- banner o( any bora Ifd~ rnligious or fra~emal or~anizatlon; provided, hownver, that no more than three such ilags or banners st~all be displayecl at the same tlme at any single locatlun whhin the City." A.02.060 Roqulittons lor Condact oi Spocf~l EvoM. .090 No b~ Iness e_Slablfshment or sho~elnu cemer shall be issued more than two such pormfts during any calendar year. WHEAEAS, the petitioner, has requested to place 'a targe rooftop balloon on the buildtnp r,losost to the :ttreet' lor approximately three months until permanent signago can txi obteined end has turther requested permiasion tor 'promotional everns and sipnafle on tho slto durirq the weekencls from t2:W p.m. Frkiay to 8:00 p.m. SundaY on e permanent basis without Iimtt~tian. WIiEREAS, tha proposad spectot promotlonal events and siqnago wouid include larfle roof top balloais; clovvns and verious onfmated choractors wglklnp the skfowalks to ettrect customers; (lags, bannors end balloon~ on the buAdinp and in the parkinfl erea; and small cnrnival rype rWes and attractions. CR1571 MS.wp .~ . ~~z•~' WHERE/1S, the petitionAr Indicated there flre approximetely 1W buslness owners, each witli a separate busfness Iicense, presently conductlnp businoss at the Indoor swap moet and requosted Interprotation as to whether the Code would allow each separate "buslness' located wfthln thA single awap meet bullding to obtain IndNidual speclul ~~vonla permlts ur to whether separate addressas for tfie ten (t0) slnple doors thtit qllow eccess to the exlstiny buildlnp would constftute saparate bu~+~ness prfvileges for obtaining separate speclal everts permlts. WHERE/1S, th~ Anahelm City Planning consldered the atorementioned matter us a Repons and Rocommend~tlons Item, and aiter due inspoction, investl~nt(on and study made by Itself and in ita behalf, and after due conslderation of all uv:dence and reports oHered does hereby find ancJ datermine the following facts: 1. Tl~t~t the Individual businessos ar~ not visible irom the exterlor of the building. 2. That Interpretution aIl~wing each of the Indlvldual businesses to obtain specfe~ events permlts may set a precedent tor othor businessog. 3. 1 nnt potitloner's request would constituto a perpetual speclal event duo to the number of tenents. . 4. That Ciry Counctl Rosoiuclon No. 91 R-165 approvad in conJunctton wfth Conditional U~e Permit No. 3400 contalns the following condition with the intent to ilmit otrtdoor ectivities: "22.b. 7hat thero shall be no outdoor sales or product demonstrationa " 5. Tl~at Special ~v~nts Permito are Issu4d for the premisos upon which a buslness is located, not to includo public sidewelks. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESUWED, that the Anahaim Clry Planning Commisalon does hareby determine that eii businasses at the indnor swap meet wKhin tho single bullding are to be consldored ns Q~,~ business on the bASis uf tho a(oramentfoned tindings. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTIAN wns adopted et the Planning C~mmlaslon meeting of July 27, 1992. /a~.~~~~ • ~ _~~ "/~~~NJl~~- CHAIRMAN, AMAMEIM I PIAN CGMMISSION ATT ST: ~S RETARY, ANA M CITY PIANNIN~ COMMIISSI~JN ~'' STATE OF CALJFORNIA ) COUNTY OF QRANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Janet L~ Jenson, Ser,relary ot tho Anaheim City Pl~nnfng Commissfon, do h~reby certi(y that thA toreAoinq resdution w~a passad and adopted at a meeting oi the Anahelm Ci'ry Plannin~ Cornmisafon held on July 27, 1992, by tho fdlowing vote af the rnember~ thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOUAS, BRISTOI., HEILYER, HENN~NGER, PERAZA, Z~MEL NOFS: CAMM~SSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: MESSE IN WITNESS WWEREOF, I have hereursto set rny hand tlils J~-~, day of l.~.e, , ,. , _ . .~- , 1992. ~ ~ ~ . ;r.~rr,~'`_ ..- ~ _~^ G ~~~ f;RETAAY, ANAH • c:ITY PWMNINCi COMMIS3IUN / .2, PC92•~J5