Resolution-PC 92-99A RESULUi ION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ThiA7 FETITION FOR CONDiTIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 3b34 BE GRAPf(ED, IN PART WHEREAS, the Anahaim Ciry Planning Comm(sslon dW receNe o veriffecl Pelftion fcr Conditionai Uae Permit lor certnin real ~rop9rty sttuated in the Cfty M Anaheim, County ~} Orange, State ot Calitomi~, describal s~s: PARCEI. 1: FiEINQ 7HE WEST 10.5 F~ET OF THE EAST 340 FC-ET OF THE NOR?H 201 FEET OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THF_ N~RTHF43T ~UARTER OF THE NOR1'HW~ST QUARTE4 OF S~CTlON 14, TOWNSNIP 4 SOUTH, RANC,E 11 WEST, IN RANCHO LOS COYOTES, CITY OF ANAHEIM, AS SHOWN ON A MAP THEREOF FiECORDED IN BOOK 51, PAGE 11, MISCELU~NEOli3 MAPS, RECORQS OF ORANUE COUfYTY; D(CEPTING THE NORTH 68.00 FEET THEREOF. ANO THE NORTH 2O1.00 fEET 0~ THE EAS'f 175.00 FEET bF TH~: NORTHFJIST OUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST OUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST OUARTER OF SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 4 SOUYN, RANGE 11 WEST, IN THE RANCHO L03 COYOTE3, AS SHOWN ON A MAP RECORDED IN BCOK 51. PACiE +1 OF MISCEUANEOU~ MAPS, RECORDS OF ORANGE COUiHTY, CALIFORNlA. EXCEFiTINCa THEREFAOM THOSE PORTIANS DESCRIBED IN THE DEED TO THE STATE A~ CAUFORNiA AF_CORDED JUNE 9, 1955 IN BOCK 3096, PAGE 245 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS QF 3AI~ OiiANC,E COUNTY. YVHEREAS, thq Ciry Pt~nninQ Cc~mmission dk1 hdd e pudic hearMfl at the Civlc Center in ihe Cny uf Anoheim on August 24, I9A2, at 1:311 p.m., notice of said pub!ic heartng hav~oq been duty gi~en as required by I:~w and in accordar.ce with tha provlslons M the Anahelm Mun~Ipal Code, Chap!ar 1t1.03, to hear and conaide- evldence for aM apalnst eaid propot~ed conditfone~ use permN arx! to Invoatlgate and make findings and racommendatbrus In connectkx~ therewith; an-! W-1EREA;, sakf Commtsabn, after d~o inapaclbn, Mvestigatlon and atudy madA by Ns~t( and fn ~.~ behetf, and altar due cc~naideratlon d all evklsr~o and rapoAS c~Hered ot safd Maring, do0s tiM arxf dMermine the fdlowing lacta: 1. Thot Ihe proposea uso Is ixoperty one tor which a co+xlit(onal use pwmit b auth~lxed by Mahefm Munkipal Cale 8e~tbn 1B.Ad.050.300 tn permi~ thA addltlon of an outdoor playJdiMnp erea to an exlst(rp drtvedtxouph reuaurarn vNth waiver d the Idlowfn~: ~n~ s~io~s ia.oa_a~.., o~+ er~d ,s.~a.oa~ rs~ ~~,i.~.~.41~ ~1~~ • .9~s~ ~- ~~?~l~a~lassIIS..IoJ.la~o.A~a• Mir~lmut~..t~r~i,x.a[~.t~u1~m~. CN 1.SA6MS.wp . t . POB7.-~DA ?. That the roquested wafvers (Aj anci (B) are hereby denied on the basis that th~y wore deleted Idlowing public notification; 3. That the proposed uso is propcrly one (or whicn a cond~tlonal use permlt Is authorizod by the Zonfng Cotfe; 4. That the outdoor play/dining t~rea, as granted, is an accassory foature to tho driva- thro~~gh rostaurant anc: will not adversoly aPfect the adJoining land uses and the qrowth nnd dAVSlopmont of tlte nrea; 5. 7hat the slze and shape of the slte for the pro~osod use, as grantod, Is adequate to nNow the tull development of the proposed use In a manner not detrimantal to the pnrticular area ror to tho peace, health, satery, and general weltare; and, additi~nall~, that the propo~ed landscapiny wili preatly improve tho aestl~etlr, ernironment of tho property; 6. That the traHic generotod Ly the proposed use will not impose an unduo burden upon the streata and hiphways dealgned and (mproved to carry the traHic In the area and that acqulsitbn of the adjacent park(ng aroa will provide bAtter vehicular circulation arxi 21 more parking s[~ces than currently ex{at; a~xf 7, rhat the granting o( tha conditionai use permri undur the condRluns Imposed wtll not be detrimantai to the peace, he~tth, safety anC gonaral welfare ot ths citizens of tha Cfty of Anahoim; S. That no one irxltcated their presenco at sa(d public hearfnp in opposRion; and that no carrespondence was recelved in oppositlon to the subjeci petitian. ~ALFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL OUA~.ITY A IIV I : That the Anehelm Ciry Planning Commisalon has reviawed the proposF+l ta permR the addNion of an outdoor play/dlnfng area b an existing drivr-t~r~uflh rostaurant ~n e rectengularly-shaped parcol ot land consistinq of approximat~ly 0.88 acre located o~ the soulhweat cornar of Uncdn Avenue and Weatem Avenue, having approximate 1roMapes of 280 feet on the aaAh sfde nf Uncdn Avanue ancl t35 leet on the v~est akie of Weatem Avc+nue, and turthor descrfbed es 321Q Weat Uncdn Avenue; and dc~es haroby epprove the Neyative D~claretion upon Ifndinp thet Ihe declnration r~tlects the indopondoRt ~udgement of tho lead agency and thgt h haa considored the Nepative Declarntion toqether with any comments rec:oNed duriny the pubi~ revfaw pmcess and turther t-nding on the beals ol the inMtal study nnd arry commerris receNed that there ia na substnntial evldence Ihnt the proJoct will have a siqnNicant otiect on tho ernlronment. NOW, THEREI~ORE, BE IT RE50LY[0 that tho Anaheim City Plnnninq Cwnmiaalon doea hereby grar,t aub~ect Petltion for Conditional Uso Pem-it, In part, upcx~ tl» idlc~wing condhfona whkh are hereb~ found to t~e e necossnry prorequislte to the propnsyd use d 1ho subjact property fn oMor to prasarve the aalery ancl penornl weltare of the CNizans of 1ho City d AnahHim: 1. That thd exlatinfl urrJerground etore~e tank ahail bM remwed or placed out of servlce to tho satidar.fl^n ot the Fire Oepartmern. 2. That e~l remalniny driveways sha!I bo reco~truclW to accommodat0 tan (10) toot rndlus curb rWurns In c~Mormance wkh Engfneertn{~ Departrtwnt Stendard No. t37. 3. That plana subminacllor bufbiny pem~kY shap ahcw canlorrnance with Enylneoriny StatK~ard Plan No. 137 parta~ning to sigM distan.e vtsibillly. 4. Thnt a(eA lor itreet IbMlnq purooses ahell bo paid to Il~s CRy ol Analwim besed on tho Iw~th a~t~p~t fnornaqa elony Westem Av9nue In an amoum aa ostaWlahed by City CauncA readutfor+. .2. P092-99 5. 7hat e plan sheot for solid waate storage ancl cdlection and a plan ior rRCyciing shall be submfttod to thb Department of Malntenance fior revipw and approval. 6. Thet subJect property shAil be developed substantially In accordance with plans and sper,Nicatlons submftted to ttie City of Anahotm by the petittonAr and whtch plan3 are on tils with the Planning ~epaRment marked Exhibft Nos.t through 3. 7. That prior to i~suance of a building permft, ar within a porlod o1 one (I) year trom tho date of thfs readutiun, whlchever occurs first, Condiilon Non. 1, 3, 4 and 5, above-mentfoned, shall be complied with. Extonslons tor turther tfine to complete said c:onditions may be grented In accordance with Section t8.03.0~0 ot ihe Anaheim M~nicipal Cocle. 8. That prior to Pinal bu(Id(ng and zoning insp9ctiorts, Coruliticn Nos. 2 and 6, abnve-mentlonod, shall be c~mplied with. 9. Thot approval of this applfcatinn constftutes spprova{ of the proposed requast only to 2he extent tha4 ft cumplios wMh the Anaheim Municipal Zoninfl Code and any other applicaWe City, State and Federal regulatlons. Approval doos not inclucle any actton or tindinga ae to comalanco or approval of the roquest regarding any uther appl(cat~le ordfnanco, regulation or requlremertt. BE IT FURTNER RESOLVED thet the Anahoim Cfty Planning Commission doeo horsby 1lnd an:l determine thet adoptio~ ot this Resolutton Is oxpressly predt ed upon applicant's compllance wkl~ each an~J all of !he conditlons t•~relnatfove aet f~rth. Should a such coriditlun, ur any paR thereof, be doclared fr~valid or unenforc~tdo by the flnal Judgment of e c rt of com tent ~urisdictiqn, then this Resolut~on, and eny approvals ~~eretn comafned, shal; be d n I and . TI~E FORE~OING RESOLUTION waR on et ~ e P inp Commissfon mootinp of August 24, 1~32. ~ ~i2%(/G~'N/~ ATTEST: CHAIRMAiV, ANAHEIM CITY PIANNINQ ~'`! .:....._.~..-- ~ SECRETARY, ANAH~IM CiTY PLANMING COMMISSION STATE OF .^,ALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF OFiAN(3E ) as. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Janet L Jen3en. Secrutary o1 the Ar~h~lm Ciry PlanntnV GommlaAlan, do hereby catrlffy that the foregalnp resolution was pe.asecl and edopted at a moetfnp of iha Anahalm Clry Pla~ntr~ Cemmission Noid on /luqust 24, ~9J2, by tho tdfow(ng vote o( the mr,rs'-bors thoreof: AYES' COMMISSIO~lERS: BNISTOL, HENNINCaER, ME$SE, ZEMEL NUES: CG~MMISSfONEFiS: NONF. ABSEIVT: CtlMMISSI0NER3: PEFIAZA. TAIT VACANCY: ONE SEAT IN WITNE~S WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand thiu ~,~`' dsy of ~,~~ - ^ tt192. , ._- SEC.RETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNINCi COMM13~ION „1• PCt~2•99