Resolution-PC 93-100RESOLUTION NO. PC93,,QQ A RESGLUI'ION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PWNNING CQMMISSION ~ THAT FETITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMlT NO. 381G ElE f3RANTED ~ WHERJI3, the Anaheim City Planning Commisslon dfd receivo a vorified Pstitlon inr ~ Conditlonal Use Nermit for cenain real property situated in the Cfty uF Anahsim, County of OmnQe, Stete ~ of Calitomta, descr(bed as: i PARCEL 4 AS SHOWN Oh A PARCEL MAP FILED IN BOOK 23, PAQE 38 OF ~ PARCEL MAPS, IN THE OFFICF OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID I COUNIY. ' WHEREJ~S, the City Planning Commiasion did hold a publlc hearln~ at the Clvic Center In the Ciry of Anahelm on Auqust 23, 1993 at 1:30 p.m., notice ot :aid public hs~~ing havb~y besn duly given es requlied by lew and in accordence wlth tho provlsiona of the Anahelm Munlcipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to heer and conalder evfdenco tor and apeinst seid praposed condftional uao pe-mft and to irnestlpate and mtike fl~dfngs and recommendations {n connection therewith; and that sald public hearinp Nau contfnued to the September 8, 1993 Plarn~inQ Commiasfon meetin4; and WHEREAS, said Gommisalon, Atter due inspectier, irneatipation end at~by made by itaelf '~ and In its benalf. ancJ eRer clue consideretfon ~f all evidance and roports oKered et seld hoarinp, does Md and detennlne the idtowfng facts: 1. That the proposed use Is properly one for whlch a cond~lonel u~ pormh is eNho~lzed by Anahsim Muntci~al Code Secttcn /B.81.050.14b to retaln 'Industriatly related" retall sales of turnkure In con~unctlon wfth en existine (umkure warehouae, and wkh vlalver of the idlowinq tn~dor the authorlty of ~ Code Socilon •8.08.080: t t ecti ns t 8.08.060A213 - Minirrn~m numl~er of oerkinn aoaces, ` t8.06.050.022 (45 s~ecg,~ deterrtslned by perking atudy; ~ ,18.08 050.0281 147 soaces requlr9d by COde; t8.08.050.0~t 24 omslt eneces us 1 oH•site aoaces propoaed) ~ ~ ~,~.(~6.050.032 ' a~d t8.81.U66050 I 2. That thA p~~Cinq variance wlll not cause en Incroese fn t~aHtc conpestbn In the Immudiete vlcintry nor ~veroely aHoct any ad~olninp lend uaes; 3. Tl~at the qrantl~g of the pariclnfl va~lance under the aond~ions hnpoe0d will not be detrtmentel to the peeca, I~aelth, sefety or qenerel weltere of the cRitdns of !hs ~ky of Anah~alm; 4. Thet ths propoaed use, a~ qrantod, Is properly one for whlch a cor-~hfannl use permh it nuthorized by the Zonlnp Code; 5. That the pro{wsed uae, as prentvd, wAI not adversely aKect the edJofnlrq land uees end the 9rowth and dovelopmant d the eroe In which It I~ propc~.~ to bu located; ; e. Thet ~he siza and shapo d tha slte for ths pruposed uae, aa {~rented, is adoquete to allow ~ the fuil developmoM d the propoeed uae in ~ mannzr not dat~lmernal to tha peRfculer ers~ nor to ths ~ peace. health, sefoty and ~er~rel welbre: i t , -t- PC93-iQ0 ~ CR 1882MS.wp ~ ~ ; ~,,,~'~ .~ ~ , 7. That the traNic generated by the proposed use, es granted, will not impose an undue burden on the streets gnd highways designed and Improved to carry the treH(c In thA area; 8. That the granting of tha c~nditional use permit under the condRlona Imposed will not be detrimental to the peace, health, saiety and general welia~e of the citiaens of the City of Anaheim; and 9. That no one intiicated thelr presenGe at said public hearing In opposition; and that no correspondence was recefved in opposition to the subject potition, r4~ IFOHNIA ENVIRONM~NTAL QUALITY ACT FINDIN6: That the Anahelm Ciry PlanNng Com~~nission has revlewad the prnposal to ratain "irtslustrially retater!" retall sales oi tumfture in conJunctlon w(th an exlating turniture warehouse, and wkh waiver oi minimum numb~r of p3rkinp sWacos on an irregulartyshaped parcel of Iand cunslatinp nf approximately 0.58 acre, hevinp a irontage of eppraxlmntely 235 feet on the west slde of Lewis Street, having a maximum depth of approximetely t20 feet, being located approximately 275 feet south of the cente~llne ol Ketetla Avenue and turther described as 161b South Lewis Street (North American Warehouse); and dous hereby approve the Negative Declaratlon upon find(nfl that the declaration reilects the Independent )udpement of the tead agency and that It has conr'dored the Negetive Declaratlon together with any comments receNed during the public review process and turther 1lndin~ on tho basis ~f the Initiel atudy end any commeMa recelved that there Is no substential evidenco that the pra)ect will have e signlffcAnt eHect on the environment. NOW, THEREFOR~, BE IT RESOWED that the Anehefm Ciry Plenning Ccmmtsalon does hereby grant subJgct Petitton for Conditional Use Permk, upon the tollowing condRlona whloh are he~eby found tn bo a necessary prerequlsR~ to the proposed use of the subject proporty In order to proserve the satety and general welfere of 4he Citizens of the Ciry ot Anahelm: t. That within a perlod of ono (t) year }rom the date ot this resotutlon, the slgn edvertisiny "open to the public' shall be removed trom the north buildlnQ etevation. 2. That thQ parking lot shall be resurfaced to eliminate pot hole~ and/or cracks, and st~lped accortling to E:chfbk No. 1 as requfred by the Ciry TraHio and TranspoRation Managar. 3. That the t~ash enclocuro which is broken end mlasing concrete bricks end a dcx~r shall be repeired In accordance with City standards, as requlred by the Straet Melntenence and Senftetfon OMalon. ~3. Thet redwocxi or cedar slats shall be IntenNCwen Into the chafn Iink tenco iecing Lewis Street. 5. That e copy oi a recorded reciprocal parking egreement between the ownere of the proparty et 7/0 East Katella Avenue (Cactus Jacks) and the subJoct property owne-s shall be aubmitted ta Plnnntn~ Departmsnt. 8. That no morchandfea shall bo dlaplayed out-of~doora, end that no 3pectal Event Permits shall be requested or prented (ur subject businesa. 7. That eU drivewaya on Lewis Street ahall be roconstructed to accommodete ton (10) foat redtus cu-b retums 1n cadormence wRh Enginee~ing Department Stendenl No. 137. 8. Tt~t aub~gct propeny shall be devNoped substamieliy in accordence whh plnr.a and ap~cmcatfona submmed to the Gry ct Anahelm by the petR~oner and which plans are on ~io wkh the Piannin0 DepeRment merked Exhibit Nos. 1 end 2. ~ 9. That the use is hereby eppro~ved ior a por.od ot one (t) yeer untll September 8, 1994 at which time i aaid use shall expire. ~ .~ PG93•100 ` .2. c _I 'y ~ 10. That the parking I~rt shall be re-striped to provide traffic circulation ontirely on-ske. 11. That Condftlon N~~s. 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 and 10, above-mentloned, shall be completAd within ~ perlod ot four (4) months ~rom the date of this rasolutlon. 12. Thai P ppraval af this appli~.~tion constitutes approval oi the proposed requsst only tp the extent that ft complles wk4i the Anaheim Munfcipel Zoning Cale and any other epplicable City, ~tete and Federal regulatlons. ~hpproval does not include any actlon o; iindings as to compliance or approval of the requost r~ga~.din~ any other applicable ordinanca, regulatlan or requiremsnt. F'~E IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Anahelm Clty Planning Commisslorc does heroby flnd And determine tl•iat adoptlon of this Resolution fs Qxpressly predicated upon applicanYs compilance wkh each and ail of ~,he condftlons hereinabove set forth. Should any such condition, or eny paR thenot, be doclared i~valk~ or unen(orceable by the tinal judgment of any court of competent Jurisdtction, then this Resolutfon, oru:l any epprovals hereln contained, shalt be deemed null and vold. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION w~s ednpted at the Planninp Commfsalon meeting of Septamber 8, 1 ~J~J3. ~~/,.~~~'~/4^~ -~?• -~ / CNAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY PLANMNQ CCMMISSION ATTEST: i~ ~ ~ ~.~ S RETA{'Y, ANAH CITY PWNNINd COMMI$SION . _~' c. 8TATE OF CAUFORNIA ) COUNTY OF URANGE ) as. CITY OF ANAH~IM ) I, Edith l. HAnis, Secretary o1 the Ar~hefm City Planninp Commisslon, do herebj~ GeKffy that the for~yoing resol~tlon was passed and adopiecl at a meeting oi the Anahelm City Plennlnq Commission held on 8eptomber 8, 1993, by the idloyuing vote of the membere thoreof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOYDSTUN, CALDWFLL, HENMIfJ(3ER, MAYEA, MESSE, PERA7A NOES: ~COMMIBSIORIER3: NONE ABSENT: COMMIS810NEFi8: TAIT IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hend this ~~~ day of , , ~~; t 993. ~/ / n '!./"dl'J'' ,~ _ ~.'itf,~l~~ _~ S~ fiE7ARY, ANAH~~M CITY PI.ANNINd COMMI3SION % r.. ,~r''m. ~ ,g. PG'93•100