Resolution-PC 93-108~ A RESpLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM qITY PLANNINd COMMI3SIAN THAT WETI1'ION FOR RECLAS3!FICATION NA. 93-94-02 BE aRA.WTED WHEREAS, tho Anaheim City Planning Commisslon did recelve e verffled petRion for RoclassNicetion tor real property situated in the Cltry of Anahe(m, County of 0!ange, 3tate of CalNomia, described as idlows: PARCEL 1: LOTS 29 TO 33 IN BLOCK F OF THE H07EL D~I. CAMPO TFi11CT, IN 7HE CITY OF ANAHEIM, COUNTY OF ORANCiE, ~3TATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER IbIAP FiECORDED IN BOOK 24 PAQE3 69 AND 70 OF MI8CELLANEOU3 RECORDS OF LOS ANQElE3 COUNTY, CAUFORNIA. WHEREAS, the ~ity Planninq Commisslon dfd hdd a public hearlnfl et the CNic Centor In the City of Anaheim on 3eptember 20, t993 at 1:30 p.m., noti~:e oF said puWic hoering havinfl been duly fliven es required by law end In accordance with the provlslona of tho Anahelm Munlclpel Code, Chapter t8.03. t~ hear and conaider evidence tor and epalnst satd propoasd rec~asaHicetlon end to Irnwtbate and makF flnd(ngs atxi recommendeti~ns In connection therewnh; and WHEREP3, sotd Commission, aRer due Inspoction, lrrvestipatwn and study mada by Raelf and In its bohalf, end eRer dwi consideratfon ot all evider. :e and reporte otfered at eafd hearing, does flnd and determine the idlowfnp facts: 1. Thnt the potNioner propoaes redassMlcatbn of aub~ect property irom the RM•1200 (Resldentlal, Multiple FamNy) Zone tn the ML (Limfted Indust~kil) Zone. That the Mahelm aenerat Plan dealynates subject proporty tw deneral ~ndustriel ~arxf ttaes• 3. That the proposed redes~i~catbn ot subjoct Property Ia neceseery and/or deslrade Ior tho onferty and propar dsvolopme~ of the communiry. 4. Thet the propowd reclassiticetlon wpl not adveraely aHoct the adjoininq lend wes and tho qrowth and development of the erea and that the proposed tuture Industrlal uee of the aubject property wAl bo 4ovemad by etl applfcabe coctions of the Annholm Munidpal Code whlch ~nduclo nrlnpem he19M end eetback -eyutromonts In nletk+r to ad~ecant rasidontisl uaos. 6. Thet the propoeed rec~aasNkatbn d subject praperty doa propo~lY ~Iste t~ ''+e zones end tholr pormktod uoes Iucelly ettoblishod in dwo pno~dmRY to waact {x~cp~tY end ta the ~.... ~os and tl~lr pertnltted u'es ~wrally osteblished throuphout the canmu~ity. 8. Thet no one Indi~stod thelr pntsonce et sakf pudk hea~inp h oppesnlon: a~d that no corrospor~cltnce was rocoNed in oppo~IClon to subJect petNfan. ~Y t. ~~~ CR190~MS.wp -1- PC.Sp-tAB i t ~ i 1 ~ALIFORh1A ENVIRONMENTAI. ~llALITY ACT FINDIN(3: That the Anahoim City ~lanning ~ Commisalnn has reviewed the proposat to reclasaNy subjoct properry irom the R~JI-1200 (Residential, Multiplo ~~ Famlly) Zone to the ML (Umited Induatrial) Zone on a rectangularly ahaped parael of lend conslating of ~ approximately 0.43 acre having an approximate irontage of 150 feet on the east side oi Kroeger 3treet, ~~ hav(ng A maximum depth of approximatoly 125 teet, belnp located approx(mate~y 190 teat north ot the ~ centerline oE Santo Anu Street and turther desc~ibod a3 d08 - 412 South Kroeger Street; and does hereby ~ approve the Negetfve Declaration upon findin9 that the declaration reflecta the independent judgament of the lead agency arxi that R has considerad the Negetivs Declaratlon togather with eny comments recelved 1 during the public review prxess and lurther firxiing on the basis of the Inklal atudy and any comments ~ recelved that there Is no substanttai evidence that the praJect wr~i have ~ s~gnMicartt eHect on the ~I environment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOWED that the Anahe(m Ciry Plannln~ Commission does horeby approve the sutja~t Petition for ReclassHfcatlon to authorize an amendment to the Zoning Map uf the Aneheim Munlclpal Code to exclude tho abovetfescribed property from the RM-1260 (Residentlnl, Niultlple Family) Zone and to Incorporate said described property inta the to the M~ (LlmRed Industr'a~) Zone upon the followin~ conditlons which are horeby found to be a necessary prerern ~'^Re to the proposed use of subJect property in order to pr9serve the seiery and 9ene~al welfare of th ~s ot the Clry ot Anahefm: 1. Thet a Lot Une AdJustment to combine nll urnlerlyfng pa~cels shail be submitted to ihe Subdlvislon 8ection (or review and approval. The Lot Line Ad~uatment ahall be recc rded in the Oiflce of the Orenfle Counry Reca-der. 2. That the petitioner shall install n minfmum iive (5) foot wida landacape plenter adJacent tn Kroegar Strest. 3ald planter shall ba Irrlgeted end plarned in confom~ance wfth Code requirements. A slatted chaln Iink fencs ahail be Installed behind seld planter in order to screen outdoor uses iram the residential properdes acrosa the street. 3. That the pethionet ehall conatruct e sbc (8) toot hlyh block walt etcmg tho north propeRy Iine (edjacent to the reeidenco) In coMormance wfth Code requirements. 4. That prior to plecement of an obinance rezoninp aub)oct propoRy on an apende br Ciry Councll consideratlon, Condition Nos. t throu~h 3 above~menttoned, atx~ll be completed. TF~e Chy CouncN mey approve or dl~approve a zoning orcflnance at ita discratlon. If the ordinance Is dlsapproved, the procedure ~et ioRh In Anahelm Munlclpal Code Secttun 18.03.085 ahall epply. The provisiona or ~Ighta pr~nted by thte readution st~alt become null and vold by actlon of lhe Pienntng Co-nmiaalon unless sakf caxiltbne are complfed w~th wRhin one (t) yQar f~om the dste ot thls raaolutfon, or auch tunher tlme es the Planninp Commfscinn may qraM. 5. That epp-avat d thla applicatbn conatftutes approvdl ot the propoaetJ request ony to the extent that R compifes wlth th~ Anahaim Municipel Zoning Code and eny WhAr opallcada Clty, StRto anc! Fedoraf ~uletkMS, qpprovel does not indude eny actbn a 11rxfM~: as to complanca or epproval M the roqua:t reqsrdfn~ any other appliceble ordinance, reputetlon or requlrement. BE R FURTHER RESOWED that the Az~hoim Clty PlanntrsQ Commissfon doea ht~oby Md arxl determine thet adoptlon of thia R~olutlon la e~pros~lY txedir.aled upon applfcanYo complience wlth esch and lill d ttto condittons horeinabrn-e ~at ~anh. Stwuld arry such conditlono, or erry paR theroot, be d,klerod Irnralkl er unenforcesde by the Rnel ~udpment ot erry couR ei competent Jurtsdictfon, then thf~ Refolution, and any approve~s hQroln contelned. shall be dnemed null and void. .2. Pv90-108 9E 17 FURTHER FlESOU~[D, that this resd~lon ahall not constitute a rezoning of, or a commitmer~ by the Cfty to rezone, thr gubject proporty; sny auah rezoning shalt requlre t~n ord(nance of the City Council which ahall be e leglslfltive ect which may be o~+proved or denled by the City Counall at Its sole discretion, THE FORECi01NQ RESOLUTION was adopted at tho Plannfnp Commission meetinp of September 20, 1993. ,~ . /, r~ J CHAIRMAN, ANAHE~ CITY P NINCi COMMiSSION ATTEST: R~?'ARY, ANA ITY PLANNING COMMISSION S7ATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUP~TY OF ORANGE ) as. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Janet L Jensen, 3ecretery ~f the Anahaim Clty Planning Comrrdsalon, do hereby certNy that the foroyoinp readtrtlan was peseed and edopted et a meetiny oi the Aneheim CRy Plannlnp Commtasinn held on September 20, 1993, by the idlowin~ vote of thq members thereoi: AYE3: COMMIS310NER3: BOYDSTUN, HENNINGER, MAYER, ME8SE, PERAZA, TAIT NOES: COMMIS310NERS: CALDWEII A83ENT: COMMiS810NERS: NnNE t993. iN WITNE33 WHEREOF, I have hereunto aet my hand thi~_day of ~}- .. " ~-, RETArIY, ANAH CITY PLANNINQ COMIVI13310N 1 yr !~ ~ ~3• PG93-108