Resolution-PC 93-109r-- ~ ~ F, ~ ~ RESO! ~JTION NO. PC93-109 ~ ~'. A FlESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMWIISSION s THAT PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PEkMIT N0. 3836 BE aRANTED , .y WHEREAS, the Anahelm City Planning Commission dfd recefve a verHied Petitlon tor ~ Condlt!onal Use Permit for certain reat proporty sltuated !n the City af Anahelm, County of Orange, State oi California, described as: T~~E EAST HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST C~UARTER OF ~'HE SOUTHEAST OUAFtTER OF SECTION SEVEN, TOWNSHIP FOUR SOUTH, RANGE TEN WE~T, i S.B.B. & M. EXCEPTIN(3 THEREFROM THE NORTH SIX ACRES A8 GONVEYED TO THE ~ITY O~ ANAHEIM BY DEED RECURDED OCTOBER 6, 1958 IN BOOK 4438, PAGE 122 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM THE SOUTH 266 FEET. WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did ho~d a public hearln~ at the Civic Center In the Gity of Anahelm on 5eptomber 20, 1993 et 1:30 p.m., notfce of safd publlc hearing havfng been duly given as required by law ancf in accordance with the provisfons of the AnAheim Municipgl Code, Chapter t8.03, to hear and consider evidence for and aqainst ~afd proposed conditlona{ use permit and to ir~vestigate and make ifndings and recommendatlons In connection thorewith; and that sub~ect hearing was continued to tho October 4, 1~J93 Planning Commission meeting; and WHEREA3, said Commission, after due inspection, irnestigetlon and atudy made by Itself and In its behalf, and after due c~nsideratian of ell evidence and reporta oHerecl at said hearinq, does tind and determfne the toilowtnp taats: 1. 7hat the proposed use Ia properly one iar which a conditlonal use permft is authorfzed by Anaheim Munlcfpal Code Sectfona and 18.2t•050.2E30 to pgrmit nn 8,028 sq.k. woiqht room building In order to expand an existinfl prlvate sporta treln(ng facillry; 2. That the proposed use Is properly one tor whlch a condltional use permk Is authorized by the Zoning Code; 3. Thet the propoaed use, as approved, wUl nat adversely el(ect the ad(oininfl lond ufas end the growth end developmerK of the erea ~n whfch ft is proposed to be located beoause the proposed ~ woipl~t trafning and atora9e bu(Iding is competible with the surrounding usea a~id it v-111 not generate additlonal parsonnel on or expanded uso of subject property; 4. That the slze and shape o} the site for the proposed use, es opproved, Is adequate to altow the full development of the proposed use In a mennet not det~imeMal to the particutar aree nor to '~.,, ~ the peace, health, safety and floneral ~~elfere because the prnposed bundinq wlll be located on the , southwestern poRton of subJect proporry end will be BCreened irom nearby single•family residanceo tn the eest by the exiatlnq buildinpa, end that the proposed building will encloso e~ciating equfpment end exercise end condltbninp activRlet which are cucrently befnp conducted outslde due to lack oi IMe~lor twlldtng space; 5. 7hat the traHfc penorated by the proposed use wfll not Impose an undue burden on atroets end htghways desipned eruf Improved to carry the trnNlc In the erAa or en the exigt(ng parkfny lot beceuse no additional employees or trnininp personne~ are amlcfpated; CRt9t3MS.WP •t• PC93~109 ~. ~ im ased will not be ~ 6. That the granting of the condfNonal use permit under the conditfons p ,g detrfinental to the peace, health, r~fety and goneral welfare of the citizens of the Cfty of Anaheim; and ~~ 7. That ten (tq) paople indioeted their presence at said public hearing in opp~sition; and that g' no correspondence wbs received in opposftion to the subJect petition. ~ ~gL,IFORNIA FNVIROhMFNTA OUALI_TY ACT FINDING; That the Anaheim Clry Planning ; Commission has reviewad the proposal to permit an 8,028 sq.ft. weight room bullding fn order to expand f an existing private sports tre(ning facility on a rectanguiarlyshaped parcel of tand consiating of I approximatoly 10.1 acres, havin~ a frontage of approximately 635 teet on the west side of Ventura Street, ; having a maximum depth of approxlmately 650 feqt, beinfl locatod approximately 275 feet west of the , centerline of Montorey Street, and turther dASCribed as 2327 West Lincoln Avenue (Lcs Angeles Rams Training Camp and Corporate Office); and does hereby approve the Negative Dsclaratian upon tindinp that the doclaratlon re8ects the independent ~udgement of th9 lead agency and that it has considered thA Negatlve Declaration together with any comments received during the public revlew process and further finding on the basis of the initial atudy and any comments received that there is no substantial evidence that the praject wlll have a significant effect on the envi•onmont. • NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anat~eim City Planning Commisalon daes heroby grant sub~act PetltlCn (or Conditfonel Use Permit, upon the foltowing conditi~ns which are hereby faund to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use ot the subject property In order to preserve the ~ sa(aty end general welfare of the Citfzens of the City of Anahefm: 1. That a minimum ot efghty (80) parking s~ces shall be malntained an the property at all tlmos. 2. Thet subJect property shall be doveloped substantially in accordance with plans and specitications submitted to the Cfty of Anaheim by the petitfoner and whlch plans are on flte with tho Planninp Department merked Exhibit Nos. 1 through 3. 3. That all lockable pedestrian and/or vehfculsr acceaq getes shell be equlpped with 'kr,ox box" devlces as required and approved by the Cfty Fire DepaRment. 4. That fire spr(nkfers shall be installed as requirod by the Fire L`epArtment. 5. That Ffre Depanment vehicular access shall be provided and malntalned to the satisfactfon of the Ffro popartment. 6, ihe t elthPOUnd arr~ t f he satisf~act onyof the Parks, Rec eation and Com uniry Serv(ces Oe'part oint P YU 7. That for u period of two (2) years, City Code Enforcement staN wll! conduct quaRerly Inspectlons of the walkwWy and ~layprourx! fecflRfes to verHy thst the petitloner malntafns the exist(ng play~lround and Rs equlpmeM es well as the pedastrien walkway to (3flbeR Stre9t. Thereafter, inspectlons wll! be made es deemed necessary by Code Enforcement staN. The petitfoner shall be roaponalble for peying ttie cost ot each Inspection tn eccordance with the tees In eHsct at the time the Inspoctions ere made. B. Th~t prior to tinat buildfng and zonin~ fnspectlons, Conditfon Nos. 2, 3, 4 and 5, nbove•mentloned, sha!I be complfed with. 9. That appr~val of this epplication constftutea approval ol the proposed request only to tho Axtent thet ft complies with the Anahefm Municlpal Zoning Code end any other applicable Cfty, State and Federai regulot(ona. Approval does not Include any actlon or iindings es to com~liance ar approval oi the request regardfny any other applicable ordinence, regulation or requlrement. -2- PC93-109 - ~ BE I~ FURTHER RESOLVED that the Analieim City Pianning Cammissinn dooa heroby tlnd and determine that adoption oi thi~ Resolutlon is expressly predicated upon appllcant's compllanca with each and all of the condftfons hereinabove set forth. Should any such conciltion, or any part thereof, be dealared invalfd or uneniorceablA by the flnal judgment of any court of competent Jurisdictlon, then this Resolutlon, and any approvals herein contafned, shall bo deemed null and void. THE FOREGOIf~a HESOLUTION was adopted at tha Planning Commisslan meeting of October 4, 1993. ~ ~ _ ~~/ / CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY PLANN f3 COMMISSION ATTEST: SE ETARY, ANA EI TY PIANNING COMMIS510N STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ~s. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edith L. Harris. Secretary of the Anahalm City Planning Commisslon, do hereby certify that the toregoinq resolutiqn was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Aneheim Ciry Planning Commission held on October 4, 1993, by the following vote of the members thoreof: AYES: CUMMISSIONERS: BOYDSTUN, CAI.GWELL, HENNINGER, MAYER, MESSE, PERAZA, TAIT NOES: COMMISSIO~IERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONC ~_~-~ IN WITNE38 WHEAEOF, I have hereunto set my hand this f~ day ~f ~~GCl~l~ ~ 1993. CRETARY, ANAHE ITY PLANNING COMMISSION : ~. M~~ 1 .g. PC93•109