Resolution-PC 93-11~ ~ A RESOLU7~ON OF THE ANAHEIM CITY P6ANNINa COMMIS310N TH/4T PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL U8E PERMIT N0. 3583 BE DENIED WHEREAS, the Anaheim Ciry Planning Commisalon did recAlve a varNied PatRlon ior Condltional Use PermR for certaln real properry okuatsd fn the Cky of Anahelm, County o( Orange, Stete of CalHomio, descrlbed as: A POR710N OF LOT TWIRTX-TWO OF ANANEIM EXfEN310N, A3 3HOWN ON A MAP OF SURVEY MADE BY WILLIAM HAMEL AND FILED FOR AECORD IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF L03 ANQELE3 ~OUMY, CALIFORNIA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED A3 FOLLOWS: BEOINNINQ AT THE INTER8EC1'fON OF THE EAST LlNE OF WAWUT STREET WITH 7HE SOUTHERLY LIN~ ~NNTA APIA 3TREET AS 3AID 3TREETS ARE gHOWN OW 3KID MAP; THENCE NORTWEASTERI.Y 83.01 FEET ALONa THE N6RTHERLY UNE OF 3AID LOT 32 TO THE INTEii8ECTI0N WRH THE 80UTHWESTERLY UNE OF MANCHE3TER BOULHVARD FORh1ERLY THE 100 FOOT RIt3FR OF WAY OF 7HE SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY; THENCE 80UTHEASTEALY ALONQ 3AID BOULEVARD 432,44 FFET TO A a~01NT; THENCE SOllTkWE3TEHLY 378.18 FEET aN A LINE PARALLEL WITH THE NORTHERIY UNE OF LOT 32 TO A POItJf IN TFiE WEST UNE OF 3AID LOT WHICN IS 404.98 FEET SOUTH OF 7{iE POINT OF BEGINNINd; THENCE NQRTH ALONCi THE WE3T LINE OF 3AID LOT 32 TO THE PQIM' AF BEOINNINQ. EXCEPTING THEREFROM THE WEST 8.25 FEEf AS CONVE1fED TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM FOR THE PURP03E OF WIDEN~NCi THE FJ48T ONE-HALF OF WAWUT 3TREET BY DEED RECORDEO FEBRUARY 1 ST,1910 IN BOOK 177, PAt3E 35 OF DEED3. AL30 EXCEPT THAT PORTIQN THEREOF LYING NORTHERLY OF A UNE PARALLEL WITH AND DISTAPf~ 34 FEET SOUI'HERLY FROM THE MONUMENTED CENTER UNE OF WEST SANTa ANA 3TFEEf CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, FQR'HE WIDENINa OF WEST SANTA ANA STREET, F3Y OEED RECORDED APRIL 14,1939, IN BOOK 986, PAC~E 48s OF OFFICIAL RECGRDS. WHEREAS, the Cky Planninp Commissicm dk! hoid e publ(c hearln~ et the Clvlc C~nter In the City af Anehotm on Januery 25,1993 nt 1:30 p.m., notke of eald publlc h~ring havlnp been dWy gNen as requlred by'aw and in accutdancu with th0 provlelons ol'the Aneh~lm iNuntcip~l Caie, Chaptor 18.~3, to heer end cor.~tder evld~ 1or arxi epbintt ~ekl proposed condRfo-~e~ ua~ Parmk erW tn Irn~atlqate and mako Itndlnqs and recommendatlorn In connactitm thorawith; end WHCREAS, eak! C~rnmleelon, eRer dus In4pectlon, Invostlyetion and atudy mede by Itaelt and In fts bshalf, erxi aRer due con~idoratlon ot all evlde~ and reporta oHerad et eald hea-In~, does flnd erttt determine the idlowlnp facts: 1. Thst tho propoe~d ute le properly o~a for wh~h a cotdkbnal tlse petmK le euthori~ed by Anehelm Mun~tpei Code Sbctfor~t, 18.81.Ob0.070,, and t8.81.060.b18 to rataln en eut~ -epalr, towlrp arxf dlamanUin~ facBhy, inaudir,a tne aoraaa and re~en anie of used auto perU, s propoaed 768 eq.R oRk:o buNding and three strop catwptAS (et 1.250 sq.R,1,380 eq. it. and 2,2b0 eq. R. eeCh) wlth wehret d th~ idlo~wlnp: CI~! 723~IS.wp .1. PC93•11 ~~ (A) 3ectloos 18.OB.Q,~Q ~ (Full r~avg~,@~ requlred; ccmo~c:te~d crushetl rock troatmont proF+osad) (B) Sectlons - MAYim~r~atru~llL~LbB(aht adla~M end 18.fl1.083.02Q rASide tlal zone~. (S teet pertnlttet! ior iQdoct setback; ~tQ9S P~nPo~) (C) ,;Zectinn i - Minlm~m atrucl~(~~. ({~Q~ irom Wl~ncheeter Avanue and ~/alnut 3tru6t raqulrsd; ,pQt141 to 6 feAt oxlatlnp end propos~d) (0) ,~j(ona_18.81.063.~tt - J nm rrn-emGnt of rea~ired setbflcl~a_reas. 18,81.083.d40 (~;~dsc°~Ina_of a9t -k qr ~+e required to ,~@,Oa•08o.010 Include at teast one 15 galton tree per 20 fest end of street trontage; ,-~,@ proposed) (E) 3ectlon 18,Bt.OB4 • ~permktad sncroachments imn reaui ~~~s'~ setbeck areas; $G~~,p~ ancroaching) 2. That tho weNors are harsby denied on the basis that thera are no ap~cial circumstances appllcable to tho proparty such as sizr., shepa, topogrephy, locetion or surroundinga, which do not appty to other identically zonsd propertlea In t`~ vicinity; 3. Th+~t tha exlsting sita deveivpmsnt already dAVlates subatanttelly irom Cod~ requirements and that autaTObUes are atackad In exceas of e ieet hi9h evsn though tha petitloner stlpulated (In conJunction wKh tha approval oi pravlaus Canditlonal Use Permk No. 1052) that such etacking would not occur; 4. Thet st~ict eppitcatlar cr~' tht Zonlnp Cade doea not doprlve the pmperty of p~lvpeges anJoyed by othor propaRlae In Idontic.el zonlr,fl clasal~catlon in the viclnky; b. Thet aevarat of tho p-~oposecl uses are prope~fy ones for which a conditfonal use pertnlt Is euthorized by the Zoninp Code erxf tltiat seW~ral +are not Ilated therofn as batnp condklonally parmhted uans In ths Ml'Umked Industrial" Zane; 6. Thnt the aubmlttsd plr.ns ere Incorrect and incomp~ste becauea they do nnt dopict th0 accurate locatlo• ~f an on•slta busineag (W & W Mechanf~ 3hap), that aeverat axtstfnp canopias erxf IrKe~lor iencea (which not IdontlRed on the aubm!Ked plens) ~revent the d~r+~lopment ot the alto In the mannar shown on thE , nlttad plana, and thet aubm~te~ plane do not ehow thet thg only eccess to one bualnees (J & D Auto) fs irom Manchaeter Avenuo; ~, n,ac cne ~issi„~ nnd pro~,ed u8•e wui eafvore~y enecc cn~ ed~anin~ iend uees and che growth and davalopment o1 the eres in wh~h they ere propc~s¢d bacsuge the edjecAnt usea to the south ere sinple•tamqy reaidanc~ end the uae to west ts an ~tementary echool; 8. That tfie siza end ahepa of the e~e for the proposad uae Is nat edequate to allow the tull developmeM ot the propoead use In a menner nat detrtmental to the perticutar eree nor to the peaco. h~lth, sefety and paneral welfare because the elta, as deveioped. Is already ovecutpized thereby precluding erry Intonsificatlon ot usoa wh~h Intenelflcetlon could Increasa d~rnand dn the alreedy ItmRed pe~kinq aupply end site ecoeselbAlty; ~Y';~ L~ .2. PC93-11 f"`r" f''""~, 9. That th0 traNic gsnereted by the proposed uae wlll Irmposo an undue burden on the streets ~nd hlghways designod and Impraved to carry tha treHic In thA area because tha axlsting businesaes currently uso and allow parking In the unimprovad public ripht-of•way elung Mancheatsr Avanue; 10. That the Qrenting of the conditinnsl use permk would b~ detrimental to the peace, hoalth, safety end genaral welfare of tho cklzens of the Ctry of Anahaim; and i t. That no ona Indlcated thelr presonce at aeld public hearing In apposklon; ar~d that no coRespondsnce was racoNed tn oppositfon to the aubJact petition. ~A~.IFORNI _ ENVIROCVMEMAL DUALITY ACT FIRDIt~O: 7het thA i~naholm Cky Planning Commisalon has rsviswod thA pfoposal to retafn an auto repalr, towinp and dlamantltng f~cilk~r, Including the storape and rateil sal~ oi ussd auto parts, a proposed 788 sq.it. olfica bullding and thrso ahop canopleo (at 1,250 eq.k., 1,380 sq, R, and 2,250 sq. ft, oach) wkh walvs~s of requlred Improvement oi perking ~nd autdoor storepa erea, maximum atructur~l helgM adJacent to residentlal zanss, minimum structural setback, ImprovemAnt of requlred sotbeak areas and pertnitted ancroecl~ments imo required yerds on an (rregutarly- shapod parcel of tand conalstlnq oi approxlmately 2.1 acres located on the south ald0 of Sante Ana 8treet betwean Walnut Street and Menchester Avenue, having approximata ircntagas oi 420 toet on 4he wsst side of Manchaoter Avenue, 90 fe~t on the south stde of Santa Ant~ Straot and 390 tsat on tha eaat alde of Walnut Street, and further deacribed as 511-520 South Manchester Avenue and b00•b20 3outh Walnut 3treet; and does horeby dany th~ mltigatsd Negative Deciaraticn o~ the besls that the ~odaratton reflects the Indepond~nt Judpement ai the lead egAncy and that the Planning Commisslon has coneldered the proposal with tha mltigated Negative Daclaratlon and Monkorinp Program, togsther wkh any commenta recoivad durtng the publla rsvisw proceas and turther tlndlnQ, on ths basle oi the Inklal Study, that there la substantlal evidence that the proJsct wlll have s slgnii(cant aHect on tha envlronrylant. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anahal ~ Plannln,~ C misaion doea hereby deny subJect Pstkion for Candklondl Uae Permlt, on tha basis th ai~rementl ed flndings. THE FORE(301N(i RESOLUTION was ado thoplannf Commission meetin0 of January 26, 1993. % . CHAIRMAN, ANAHE~M CITY PLANNINCi MMI3310N ATTE8T: . ~ ,~ ' SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNINCi COMMISSION 3TATE OF CAUFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANCiE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ; I, Edkh L Hartls, Secretary of the Anahefm Cky Pianning Commiaslon, do hereby ceRNy tf ~at tho Forepolnp ~adutlon was paseed and adopted et a meeting of tha Anehelm Clty PlannlnD ~ommisalon t~uld on January 25, t993, by the followfng vote of the membe-s thereoi: AYES: COMM{S31dNER34B0YDS7UN, HENNIN4ER, MAYER, ME8SE, PERAZA, TAIT NOES: COMMIS310NERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMI3SIONER3: NONE VACANCY: ONE BF.AT IN WITNE33 WHE~~OF, I havd hereunto aet my harxi this~day of ~~q~,Q~ , 1993. _ - r - D ~~ ~ SECRETAR , ANAWElM CITY PLAN INl3 COMMI3310N ,,_ ;~`~n ~3• PCBCi-11