Resolution-PC 93-110~ ~ RESOLUTION~~ry~-114 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF RE~UEST TO AMEND (1) THE DEVELO~MENT PLAN MAP (EXHIBIT 14 OF SPECIFIC PLAN N0, 87-1) AND (2) SUE3SECTION 18.70.OG0.050 OF THE ANAHEIM MUNICIPAL CODE, PERTAINING TQ AREA 7 OF SP~CIFIC PIAN N0. 87-1 (THE HIGMLANQS AT ANAHEIM HILI.S) WHEREAS, on June 23, 1987 tlie Cfty Council approved Specific Plan No. 87-1, and on August 25, 1987 adopted Ordinance No. 4860 establish(ng Chapter 18.70 (the Zoning and Development Standards for seid specific plan) and adopted Ordlnance No. 4881 conteining a Development Plen (ExhlbR 14 of the Specific Plan) showing the maximum number of dwetling units in each residentlal development araa. Speciffc Plan No. 87-1 provides for the devolopment of a total of 616 acres consfating of up to 2,1b7 residential units, S acres of commercial u~e~, a park sfte, an 8-ecre elementary school site, nnd appraximately 292 acres of open space; WNEREAS, the petitioner has appliecl for snd received approvai on this d~ta of e resldential density transfer to DevAlopment Area 7 under Density Trensfer No. 93-05; and WHEREAS, the petitioner roquests emendment to Exhlbit 14 of The Highlands at Anaheim Hllls Specifia Plan to provlde ior a 414-unit residentfal condominium complex fn Development Area 7 Instead of 39t apartments as previously approved; WHEREAS, the petitionar also requests amendmont to Subsection t8.70.060.050 to provfdo for development of att~ched residential condominfums under the RM•2400(SC) Zone standards Instead ot development of apartments under tho 9M•1200(SC) Zone standerds, as prevlousty approved, but w;th the followfng exceptions from the HM-240G!SC) standards: (a) Pe~mNted Buildinga, Usas a:~d Structuros. Residential attached one•family condominfums to be a perm(tted primary use instead of a conditionel use. (b) Building and Structurat Height Llmitationa. Mt~cimum structural he(ght to be 35 feet es measured from the ground tloor to the highest portion of the atructure instead of (f) 2 stor~ea when located more then 150 f9et irom singio-iarnlly residential zoning and (II) 1-story when located within t50 feet of single•femlly resident(al xoning. private i terAlokst ees t~odbegen (10) tuet fully lan dscaped excoptlo glareges elcing said1sttleets I s~ad oF t 5 teet. (d) Flscreetton-t.oisure Aroea. Mlnimum recreation-lefsure area for each dwelling unit to be 925 square feet Instead ot 750 squere feet. (e) Location and Ori~ntetion of Buildinga. Minlmum dlstance between facfng building walls with no mafn entrances in efther wall to be 10 feet and that any such walls contalning window(s) Into habftable roam(s) be obscured in a manner which mainlains privacy, instead o( t0 }oet or more deponding on whether the buf!ding walls have windows, the number of storles in ihe huitdfngs and the length of the facin~ building WAIIS. (~ ON-stre~t Parking qequirements. Meximum 33% of the minimum required numL~er of covered parking spaces rnay be In tandem garages instead of a maximum 25°b. ,^~`~. CR~9~aMS.WP •~- PC93•~ ~0 _. ,r+~, WHEREAS, tho City Planning Commission did hold a pubiic hearing at the CNIc Centor in the City of Anaheim on October 4, 1993, at 1:30 p.m„ notica of said public hearing having been duly given as required by law and In accordance with the provisions of the Anahelrn Municipai Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider eviddnce for and agalnst s~id proposed amendments to the Specific Plan c~nd to investigate ~nd make findings and recommendations in connection th~rowith; and WHEREAS, said Commisston, aker due inspection, investlgation and study made by itself and In its behalf, and after due consideratlon of all evfdence and reports offered at sald hearing, does find and determine the follawing facts: 1. Thet the property covered by the specific pian has unique afte characterlstlcs including topography, I~cation and surroundings which will be enhanced by the special Iand use and developmont standards of 4ho specific plan; 2. ThAt the plan, including the propoood amendments, Is consistent with the goals and policles of the General Plan and wlth the purposes, standards and land use guidelines theroin; 3. That the specific plan, including the proposed amendments, wlll rosult in devolopment of a desirable charRCter which will be compatible with existing and proposed development in the surrounding area; ~. That the specific plan, includfng thg proposed amendments, contributes to a balance of land uses; 5. That tl~e specific plan, including the proposed amendmonts, respects environmontal and aosthetic rosources consfstent of eoonomlc reatltie~; 6. Thet the proposed amandmenta, as approvod, are consistent wlth the goals and obJectives of The Highlands at Anaheim Hflis Specfffc Plan and the Anaheim General Plan; 7. That resfdentfal attached one-femtly condominlums shall be a permitted primery use in ~ Development Area 7 rather than a conditinnally permitted use; ; 8. That the standards of tha RM-2400(SC) Zone shall apply to DevAlopment Are~ 7 with the I exception of aertain ~tanderds pertaining to Increasing the maxfmum permitted structural height, reducing ~ tha minimum required dlstance between building walls, and amending the stAndards pertalning to permitted tandem parkfng spaces (the requost to increase the ~~aximum permitted percentege of tandem parking ~ spaces is hereby denfed); ~ 9. That the request to reduce the minfmum bulldin~ setback to prNate interior streets was found I to be unnecessary bocauso it was determfned that said request was covered by another one ot the requested arnendmenta (to reduce the minfmum requlred dfstence between buliding walls); and 10. That the request to reduoe the mfnfmum requlrad rucreatlon•lefsure area tar each dwelling unit ~~~.~w ~ was withdrawn by the petitioner. , 11. 7hat the petitioner will be submitting updated copios to ihe Planning Department of Speci(ic Plan No. 87•1 "The Highlands at Anahefm Hllls," Including all exhibfts and documenting all approved amendments, to date. 12. That no one indfcatad thelr presonce at said public hea~ng in opposition; and that no correspondonce was recefved ~n opposition to the subJect petitlon. ,2_ PC93•110 ~1 ~ ~ALIFO,~NIA ~.NVIRONM~NTAL ~UALITY,~(;T FINDINC: That the Anaheim Clty Planning Commisslon has reviewed the proposal to amend Exhibit 14 of the Speciffc Plrn and to amend Subaection 18.7Q.060,050 af the Anaheim Municipel Code pertaining to the dev9lopment standards for Development Area 7 of The Nighlands at Anaheim Hllls Speclfic Pian to provide far the development of a 414•unit condominlum complex Instead of 391 apnrtments on an Irregularly-shaped parcel of land consisting of approximately 28.7 ecres located at the no-thwest corner of Horizon Vlew Drlve end Sunset Ridga Road, having approxirnate frontages of 475 feet on the west side of Horizon Vlew Driva and 1500 feet on the norih side of Sunset Ridga Road; end does heroby a~prove the Negative Declaratlon upon findinp that the deciaratfon reilects the independent judgement of the lead agancy and that it has considerod the Negatlve Declaration together with any camments recaived durfng tha public review process and turther finding on the basis of the initial study and any comments received that ther9 fs no substantial evidenco that the project wlll havo a sfgnificant effect on the environment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim Clty Planning Commisston does hereby recommend approval of amendment to Specific Plan No. SP87-1 as follows: t. That Deveiopment Area 7(shown on Exhibit 14, tho Development Plan Map of Spoctfic Plan No. 87-1 adopted in connectlon with Ordinance No. 4881) bo emendoti to permit a maximum tour hundred tourteen (414) unit residential condominfum c~mplex; 2. That Subsection of Section 18,70,064 of Chapter 18.70 ot the Anaheim Municipal Code be amended in its entirety to read: ".050 Devalopment Area 7. Area to be developed with attached one-family condominlum dwellings. All standards of the RM•2400(SC) Zone (Chapter 18.32) shall apply exaopt as proe~ided below: (a) Maximum Structural Hetght. (f) Within fiRy (50) teet from a development srea designn:ed for single-family residencoe: one (1 j story. (II) Between fifty ona (51) And ona hundred fifry (150) feet from a devoiopment area designated ior single•family residences: one (1) to throe (3) stori9s and not to oxceed thirty five (35) ieet as measured from the ground floor to the highest portion of the structure; providod, however, thet prior to issuance of building ~errr.its, Ifne•of-sight drawinqa shall be submittad to the Planning Commisslon for review and apprnvai showing that any two (2) and/or (3) story units wlll not have an adverso Impact on nearby existing or approved single-family resldences. (III) More than one hundred fiky (15Q) feet from a development erea designated for s(ngle- { tamity residences: maximum three (3) stories not to exceed thirty five (35) teet as measured from the ~ ground floor to the hlghest portion oF the structure. i (b) Mfntmum Diatances Between Bulidings. ThA minimum dlstanoa betweon fac(np buildfnp walls with no main entrances (n efthor wall ahall be tan (10) feet; provided, however, that any such '~~' y,~.F walls containtng wfndow(s) to habitable room(s) shall be obscured in e manner which malntelns '~,p prfvacy. (c) Tendem Parktng Spaces. Tandem parkine spaces, not to exceed twonty tive percent (259G) of the required number of covored parkinq spaces, may be located on oppasite sfdes of a driveway if approved by the City Tra~fic and Transportatlon Manager and basai on the determinatiqn that safe vehicie turning movements cAn be made." .g. PC93-110 ~ TWE FOREGOING RESOI:UTION was adopted a~ the Planning Gammisslon meetfng of October 4, 1993. ~, ~ CHAIRMAN, AN~C TY PLANNI GOMMISSION ATf EST: r1D.~s~Q _ .~-~-~ ~y, C TF1RY, ANAH I PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CAI.IFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edith L. Harris, Socretary of the Annheim City Planning Commisalon, do herery ceKHy thet the foregaing resolutfon was passed and adapted at a meeting of tha Anahelm Ciry Planning Commisslon held on Gctober 4, 1993, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIOMERS: BOYDSTUN, CALDWELL, HENNINGER, MAYER, MESSE, PERAZA NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSEN7: COMb~ISSIONERS: TAI1' IN WITNESS WMIEREOF, I have hereunto aet my hand this f,~, day of ~~,~, 1993. CRETARY, ANI~HFI~C~TY PLANNING COMMIS310N ~ i i , , ... ~4_v', _ . r•, ~, i ~ 1l .q. PC93•110 ~ i ~! 3