Resolution-PC 93-111~ RESOLUTION_Nn. ,p~93_111 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAMEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSIOPJ THAT PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL U~E PERMIT NO. 3638 BE GRANTED, IN PART WHEREAS, the Anaheim Clty Planning Commission did recaive a verifled Petition for Conditlonal Use Permit for certain real property situated ir the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State ot Cali~ornia, described as: LOT 85 OF TRACT N0. 311i8 AS SHOWN ON A MAF RECORDED IN F300K 103, PAGES 1, 2 AND 3 UF MISCELWNEOUS MAPS, RE~ORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, WHEREAS, the City Planning Ccmmissfon did hold a publlc hearing at the Civic Center in thH City of An~heim on October 4, 1993 at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hoaring havin~ boon duly glven as required by law and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18,03, to hear and consider evidence tor and a4ainst aaid proposed conditional use permit and to Investiga:e and make findings and raaommendations in connection tFierewith; and WHEREAS, said CommissiZn, aker due inspection, investigation and study made by itself and in Its behalf, ar.~1 Afcer due consider~tion o~ all evidence and reports affered at said hearing, does find and determfne the lollowing tacts: 1. That the proposed use is properly one for which a cunditional use permit Is authorized by Anaheim Munfcipel Codo Section to permit a church with on•site caretaker's unit in an existing private recreational tecility with waiver of the following: ~lons 18,06.050.0266 - Minlmum number of p~nq snaces. 18.06•O8Q ~nd 18.21.0§~.QiQ ~ 2. That the pro~osod parking waiver is hereby denfed on the basis that It was withdrawn by the potitioner following public advercisement; 3. That the proposed use is properly one for which a conditional use permit is Authorizod by the 2oning Code; 4. That the proposed use, as granted, will not a:ivorsely affect tha adjolning land uses and the flrowth and development of the aroa !n whfch It ~s proposed to be located; 5. That the slzo and shape of the site for the proposed use, as granted, Is adequate to allow the full dovelopmert of the prop~sed use in a mnnner not detrfinen!al to thA particular area nor to the pear,e, health, safet;, and general welfare; 6. That the t-aHic generated by the proposed use, as granted, wili not impose an undue burden upon tlie streets and highways designed and improved to carry the traNfc in tho area; 7. That the grent(ng af the conditfonal use perm(t under the conditians Impos9d wlll noi be detrfinental to the peace, health, safety and general welfaro of the citizens of the City of Anahelm; end S. That two (2) people in favor and two (2) people in opposition Indicated thelr presence at the public hearinp; and that no correspondonce was recefved fn opposition to the subject petitfon. CR1916MS.WP -1 • PC93•111 I i I I ~ ~~ • t ~ ~ A I~ORNIA_FNVIRONMENTAL QUALI _9SrI.E!!l~Ld.Ca~ That the Anahelm Ciry Planri ,~ Commisalon I~as revieweil the proposal to ponnft a church with on-sfte caretake~'s unit in an exiatinp prNate recreational fac(Ifty on a rectcngularlysha~ed parcel ot lend consistiny of epproximately 1.99 acres iocated at the southerly terminus ot Pera~iso Street, having a trontage o~ approximate 282 teet on the south side of Paradise Street, having a maximum depth of 3a0 feet, being located approximate 37Q t¢et sauth ni the centertine of Dalsam Avernio, and ti~Kher describecl as 1100 North Panadise Stre9t Qsaac Walton Recreatlonal CeMer); and does hereby approva the Negative Declaretlon upon tlndinp that the declaration reeects the IncSependent ~udgement of the lead egency end that it has consklersd the Negative Doclaration together with any comments rec~eNed during the public review proceas arxf tuRher flnd(ny on tho basls of the initial study and any commeMa recefved that there is no substantia' ovidence that the pro~ect will have e oigniticant eftect on the ernironment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOWED that the Anahoim City Planning Comm(ssion does hereby grant subject Petition for Condftionei Use Permit, in part, upon the following conditiona which are peeserv thesaiety~and genera wel are of the Cftizens af h Ciry of A aheimbject propeRy in order to 1. That plans shall be subm~'ed to the Ciry TraHic end Transportation Manayer tor his revtew and approval shawlnq conformence wRh the latest revislons ot Enflinee~fn~ Standard Plan Nos. 436 urw gpt perta(nin~ to perkUp atandards and drlveway locatfons. Subject aroperty ahall thoroupon be developed and malMained In conformance with aald ptan~. 2. t e DepaRmetrKtofsMeM~na ce. rSuch tu-n-aroulnd area~(s~shall bemshowno the pla t'submitted fnr building permfts• 3. That trash atorape ereas thall be provfdtr~l and ~^~gnsdon tHe wf h aeklcDa~rtmuM. e DepartmeM ot MaiMenance end In accordar.ce riith approv d A. Thet e plen sheet tor adid wasto stnrege end cdlect~on, end e Plan for recyclinp ahall be submitted to tho Dupartment oF MalMensnce far revtew nnd cPProval• 5. That aub~ect church ahall bo Ifmitad to a n~aximum numbar d one hundred tw~ntY (t?0) Porbhlonen. g. Yhat wWoct prop~rty ef~sll be dovelope~J substamialty in eccordonca wlth plana arxl epecNfcationa u~bmittad to th~ Ctty of Anahefm by thd petitionar end which plens are on tN~ wMh the Plannfnp DepaKrtumt merked Exhlblt Ncs. 1 and 2; provfdad, howsver, that minfmum tlft~on (t5) foot wldo fully landscaped setbeck~ shall bo maintelned bstween a!I pa~kfnq lots arx! ed~acont resfdontiel zonirq. 7, That the walkways leadlrq irom waect proPertY to Ihe surroundinq cul~de•~ec streots (BanYsn Place. B~nyan CouR. Sendalwood Plsco. Sandalwoo0 ~•ouR. BNnwnt Place arxf Bohnont Court) ~haA be ma~ntalnod by che pKn~one-. 6. ~ re~ovad bY th~ p~tkb~~-lProPQrty y o~wr~a~ or on 1tw odiocent walkways to tho cul~do•sacs ~haD 9. TFu~t prior to oommQncemerd d the acllviry eusNoriz~d bY tMs ros~lutfon. or prbr to isu~nco d a buAdirq perndt, or ~vhf~~ e porbd d une (1) y~r Irom tha dato of Ihl~ r~esolutlon~ whkhawr occurs Iir~t. Cond'nlon Nos. 1. 2. 3. 4 snd e. eDovo•~r.antfoned` ~~~ wlt Sfctionet8.0:1.090 d ttw ttrtw to comp~eto ~eid oondRfons msY b~ O~a AnahNm Munlcip0t Cad'' .2, POBO•111 ~~F,~ ~ ~ 10. That approval of this applicatlon co~stitutes approval ot the proposed request only to the extent that ft complies wRh the Anaheim Municlpal Zoning Code and any other appticabie City, 3tato and Federai reyuletlons. Approval does not include eny action or findings aa to compliance or appr~vel of the request regardinq eny other applicable ordfnance, regulatlon or requiremsnt. BE IT FURTIiFR RESOLVED that the Anahelm Ciry Planning Commission does hereby Ilnd and determine that adoption of th(s Resotutlon Is expressly predicated upon eppiicant's compliance with each and all of the condftlons herelnabove set iorth. 5houtd any such conditlon, or any part thereof, be declared irnalid or unenforceable by the tinal Judgment of any couR of competent Jurladiction, then this Resdutlon, and any approvals heretn conteined, shali be cleemed null and void. TNE FOREGOINCi RESOLUTION was adopted at the Planninp Commission meeting of Octobar 4, 1993. V CHP.IRMAN A AHEIM CITY P NIi1~3 COMMI8310N ATTEST: CRET/IRY, AN CITY PLANNIN(3 COMMIS3IUN STATE OF CAWFQRNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edfth L Harris, Secretery of the Anahelm Ciry Piannln~ Commla+ston, do hAreby ceRify tl~at the toregoiny reaolutlon was pase~d and adoptad at a meeting of the Maheim Clry Planning Commisalon held on Octobar 4, 1993, by tha Idlowing vMe of the mombers theroot: AYE3: COMMISSIONERS: BVYDSTUN, CALDWELL. IaENNINCiER, MAYER, MESSE, PERAZA. TAIT NOES: CQMMI3SIONER3: NONE A88ENT: COMMI3SIONERS: N~NE IN WITNE83 WHEAEOF, I have hvreunto a~t my hand thla Lq„~ day d ~~~. ,~. e~,~ . CRETARY, ANA , GTY PLANNINa COMMISSION ,, .~+~ a~ ,3. PCfiO-111