Resolution-PC 93-112~ ~F_SA1 IITInN NQ PC93-112 ~ A NUNC PRO TUNC RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNINCi COMMISSION AMENDING RE50LUTION N0. PC93-3.z (~RANTED IN CONJUNCTION WITH CONDfrIOPJAI. USE PERMIT N0. 3596 WHEREAS, the Anahelm City Plann(ng Commfsslon granted Conditlonal Use Permit No. ~ 3596 by Hgsolution No. PC93-33 on March 22, 1993, tc+ expand an existing privata educat(onal inatitutlon with waNer ot minimum ~umber oi parking sp~ces. ~ V+ME:REAS, the findin~ sttpulated on pege 1, item no. 2 of Fiesolutlon No. PC03-33 i incorrectly identKied the maximum numb~r of elementary throuc~h high school egad students, and shall be amended in Its entiraty to read es tollows: "2. That, elthouflh the requlred parkiny calculetlon Is based on one apace per 70 sq. ft, of all classrooms and other achool facillties, the school ahall have a maximum o( sbc hundred ninety five !895) students, elementery through hfgh school aged.' THE FOREQOINCi RESOI.UTIAN wAS adopted at the Planninp Cammfsalon meeting of ~` October 4, 1993. ~ / ~ f r AIRMA~y ANAH iM CI PLAN~~~O MM ISSION CH ATTEST: ECHETARY, AN CITY PLANNINa COMMI8SION S7ATE OF CAUFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANCiE ) es. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edith L Harris, $ecretary o0 the Anahetm Ciry Plannir p Commidelon, do horeby certffy that tl~e (uresolny re~tdutbn wef pasa~d nnd edopted at a meetin~ of the Anahekn Ciry Planninp Commission held on dctober 4, 1993, by the fdlowinq vote ot tho memben thereot: AYE8: COMMISSIONERB: ~AIDWELL. Fl~NNINQER, 1AAYER, MES3E, PERA7A, TAIT NOE3: COMMISSIONER3: NONE A83ENT: COMMISSIONER4: BOYDSTUN IN vVITNESS WHCREOF, i hnve horeurno tet my hand this~i dey o( . , ^~,j, , s~. ~ ~""~i~ ECRETARY, A CITY PLANNINd COMMISSION ~ ~ ~ CR1690JJ.WP .1. PC93-112