Resolution-PC 93-115~. ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNINC3 COMMISSION RECOMMENDIPIG THAT THE CITY GOUNCII. APPROVE AN AMENDMENT TO THE SAN'fA ANA CANYON ROAD ACCESS POINT S7UDY, EXHfBIT NO. 7 WHEREAS, on Ja~uary 11, 1966, the Ciry Councll adopted Exhibit No. 7 of the Santa Ana Canyon Access Point Study approving access points along Santa Ana Canyon Road between the Rlverslde - Newport Freeway Interchenge and Weir Canyon Road. 7he exhibft was approved as a logfcal means of providing access to properties ironting on Santa Ana Cfanyon Road at such time as seid properties cieveloped with uses other than thoso far w.hich they were zonad and developod In 1966; and WWEREAS, on Auflust 18, 1981, the Cfry Council emended Exhibft No: 7 allowing en additianal access polnt (9b) for the Hughds Shopping Center imm9diately to the east of the subJect property. Tho staff report for the Hughes Center Indicated that piuvislons had been made to integrat6 the subject properry wfth thd cor~mercial centar so that patrons wauld not have to drlve betwaen sites. When the Hughes site was mass graded, no provision was made tor access tn the subJect property since there Is a substantial grade dHferentlal between the two sites. Further, when the dacoleratlon lano In Santa Ana Canyon Road wae constructed adJac~nt to the Hughes Center, the driveway to ths subject propeKy was reconstructed; and WHEREAS, RubJect property is currently vacant and zoned RS•A-43,000 (SC) and was annexacf into the Ctry of Anahe(m In Fabruary, 1973 as paR of the Mohler Drive Anner.ation; and WHEREAS, the petltioner cunently requests amondment to Exhibit No. 7 of the Santa And Canyon Road Accesa Polnt Study in arder to retafn the existfng access to the subJect property and reclassHlcation of subject property trom ihe RS•A~43,OOG (SC) (Residentfal, Agrlcultural - Scenlc CorrWor Overlay) Zone to the CL(SC) (Commerclal, Limfted • Scenic CoRidor, Overlay) Zone; end WHEREAS, ths City Plennlr ~ Commis~ion did hold a public hearfng at the Civic C~nter in the City af Anat~eim on October 18, 1993, at .:30 p.m., notice of said public hearin~ having boen duly given as requlred by law and in accordance wfth the provlslons d the AnahQim Municlpal Code Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evfdenca for and again5~ :;aid proposed amendment and to invos:igats and make findings and recammondatians In connectior therewith; and WHEREAS, sald Commission, aker c~u¢ Ineportlon, investigatlon and study made by itsslf ~ and in Its behalf, and atter due conslderation of all evidence and reparts offerecl at said hear{ng, does iind ~ and determine the following facts: ~ ~ 1. That tho Clty Trai~~ Engineerfng DNision has reviewed the proposed access for the ~ subject property and has no objectlons to retaining sub~ect axlstinQ acceas to Santa Ana Cenyon Road , provide~ that vehicufar movements are restricted to right tums (in and out) only. , 2, That the Anaheim City Plannfng Commfssion C m e clal, Lfin ed pSca.~ c ,` t~~?,~` Reclassification No. 93•94-03 to reclassHy subJect properry to the CL(Sc:) ( Corridor, Ovorlay) Zone at :ho October 18, 1993 Plannfng Commission meeting. 3. Tnat no one tndicated their presence in ~ppositfon at safd publfc heertng; that thrae (3) concemed pe~sons were present; and that no correspondonce was recefved In opposftlon to the subject proposal. CR t 925JJ.WP •1- PC93-115 ~AI ~FOah11A NVIR~I~"F,N~~(1~+AL~TY AGT FINDIN~~', ~. That the Anahsim Cfry Planning Commisslon has reviewed thA pro~~osal to amend Exhibtt No. 7 of the Senta Ana Canyor RoAd Acceas Point Study In ordo~~ to retain the oxlating access to the subJeci property and to reclassify subJect property from the RS•A-43,000 (SC) (Residsntlal, Agricultural - Scenlc Conidor Averiay) ZonO ta the CL(SC) (Cammercial, Lirnfted - Scenic Corririor, Ovarlay) Zano on proQerty located on an irregula~lysh~ped parcol of land of apprcximately .14 acre, having a irontage of approxlmataly 170 teAt on the south aida of Sante Ana C~~~yon Road, having a rnaximam depth of 550 feet, ~oing Incated 330 teet wes: of Fairmont Boulevard, and (s further described as a portion of land prsvlously designated for S.A.V.I. Canal use; and does hereby approve the Negatlve Declaration upon finding that th~ declaretlon re0ects tr~e Independent Jud;4ment oi the lead agency and that k has consldered the Negat~~e Qaclaration toflather wkh any commenta recelved during the public ravlew proceas and further finding on the basis of the inftial study end any comments recelved that there is no substnntlal evidence that the proJect wlll have a signi8cant eftect on the envirc+nment. NOW, TWEREFOP.E, BE IT RESOWEd that the Anaheim Ciry Planning Commiesicn doea heroby recommond that the Ciry Council approve an amendment to the Santa Ana Canyon Road Accesa Pbfnt Study, Exhibit No. 7 to allow an addftlonal acc~ss polnt'to Santa Ana Canyon Road west of Fairmont Boulo~rard, THE FOREGOINCi RESOLUTION was adopted at the Plannirifl Commisalon moeting of Octaber t 8, 1593. ~ CHAIRMAN, A A EIM CI LANNINQ CQMMISSION ATTEST: U~41LG(t SECR AR , ANAH IM CITY PWNNINQ COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFQRNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE )ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, hlargarita Solorfo, Secrotary of the Anaholm City Planning Commission, do heroby ceRHy that the foregoing resduNon was passeci and adopted at a meeting of the Anahelm Cky Planning Commisslon held on Ootober 18, 1993, by the iollowing vote oi the membe~s therecf: AYES: COMMIS310NERS: BQYDSTUN, CALDWELL, HENNINGER, MAYEt~, ME8SE, PERAZA NOES: COMMI3SIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: TAIT IN WlTNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hend this.~day of ~f)'-~-. 1993, ~~ '' , I l.~.0 SECf~ET RY NAHEIM CI7Y PLA,MNINf3 COMMISSION '' , _,,,,,~~ -2- PC93-115