Resolution-PC 93-119,~,~SOLUTiQN NO. PC93-119 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNINa COMMISSION THAT PETITION FQR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 3840 BE GRANTED, IN PART WHEREAS, the Anahefm City Planning Commisalon dfd recsivA a veriffed Petitlon for Candftional Use Permft for certaln real property situated in the City of Anahofm, County of Orange, ~tate of Calitornia, doscribad as: PARCEL 1, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CAIIFORNIA, AS SNOWN ON A MAP FILED IN BOOK 215, PAGES 10 AND 11 OF PARCEL MAPS, IN THE OFFICE ~JF TME COU~~TY RECORCIER OF ORANGE CQUNTY, CALIFORNIA. WHEREA3, the City Planning Commission did hold a public hearing at the Civic Center In the Cfty of Anaheim on November 1, 1993 et 1:30 p.m., notice of sald public hearfng havlnp been duly givan as required by lew end In accordance with tho provis:ons of the Anaheim Municipal Cade, Chapter 58.03, to hear and concider evidence for end ageinst sald propoaed conditfonel use pe~mR and to Investigato and make 1lndings and recommendations in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, saW Commission, aker due Inspc~ction, lnvestipation nncf study made by Rseif and In its behalf, and after due consideratlon of all evicience and reports oHered at sald hearing, does find and determine the tollowing facts: t. That the proposed use Is properly one tor which a candftional use pormft is authoriz~d by Anahefm Municipa! Code Sectfon t~ permit a 16-unft (18-bed) expansion to an existing 179- unit (208•bAd) senior oltizens' retiroment (acility with walver of the iNlow(ng: a. ~ectlons 18 04.060.050 • Beauir ~rkina lat landscaolna. a~ ~g,~q,~g3,~q (minimum 22 treas w(~,h 22 landsce~, p~p~@~ requlred; Ilone existing or proposE~, b. e tions ~,Q(i.050.0[69 - Min(murn numbec o1 oarkl~ snac~,g. 18.08,080 (LZ$ requlred; 1Z~ proposed) 4.L:tiC,J.S[:-~~ ~, 05p 2. That the above•manilnnod waiver (a) Is hereby denied on the basis that it was withdrawn by the applfcant at the publlc hearing; 3. 7hat the above•mentloned wafver (b) is hereby approvecl, fn part, allowing e minfmum ~f one hurxlred and sixty ilve (165) parking spaces for the propos~d uae which was radefinod by ~~aff at the put~ic hearing es congregate care heving a parking requirament of 0.8 spaces por bed; 4. That the perking varfance, as granted, !:, minimal amountfnp to only 13 spaces (approxlmetety 796) less thnn requlrod by Code; and will, there(ore, not cause an Increase in traHic congestion In the immedlat~ vicinNy nor edvarsely aHect any adJolnin~ larxl uses; 5. That the granting ot the parking varlancA under the conditlons Im~osed wlll not be detrfinental to th9 peace, health, safety or general weltare of tha citizens uf the Ciry of Anaheim; ,,. -,;,,,`'"~, CR+939fNS.wp -1- PC93-1 t9 ,..., ,,,~ ~~ ~ 4 6. That the proposed use, a congregate care facility, will not adversely affect the adJoining ;~ land uses and the growth and development of the aroa in whfch it Is proposed to be located; ;~ 7. That the size and shape of the site tor the proposed use, as granted, is adequate to allow tha tull development of the praposed use In a manner not detrimental to the particular area nor to the peace, health, safety, and general welfare; 8. That the traffic generated by tha proposed use, as grnnted, will nnt Impose an undue burden upon the streets and hlghways designed and Improved to carry the trafflc In the area; 9. That the granting of the condftional u~e permit under the canditions impoaed will not be detrlmontal to tha poace, hea.lth, safsry And peneral weifare of the citizens of the Ciry of Anaheim; and 10. That no ene IndicatAd the(r presence At said public hearfng in o~position; and that no correspondonce was received in oppositian to the subJect petftion, CALIFOR~~~A ENVIRONMENTAL OUALITY AGT FINDING: That the Anahelm Cihr Pianning Commtssion has reviewed the proposal to pormit a 16-unit (16•bed) expanslon to an exiating 178-unft (208- bed) senior c(tizens' retirement taciliry wfth walvers of requirod parking lot landscapinq and minimum numbor of parking spaces on a rectangularlyshaped parcel of I~nd conolsting of approximately 7.0 acres, having A iront~ge oi approximately 480 feet on the north slde of Medica! Center Drive, having a maximum dApth of approximat9ly 685 teet, being located approximately 585 feet west of the cante~tlrie of Euc{id Street and further described ao 1701 Weat Medical Center Drfve (Emerald Court Congregate Care Facility); and does hereby epprovo the Negativa Declaration upan iinding that the doclaratlon re0ects the independent judgement of the lead agoncy end that it has considered the No~ative Deciai~tion together with any commonts recefved during the public roview process and further finding on the basis of the initial study end any comments recefved that there is no substantlal avidence 'hat the proJect will have a signiftcant eHect on the environment. NOW, TWEREFORE, BE IT R~SOLVED that the Anahelm Ciry Plannfng Commisalon does hereby grant subject Petitlon for Conditlonal Use Permlt, in part, upon the fo~lowfnp conditlons which are hereby found ta ba a nacessery prerequlsite to the proposed use of the subject properry tn order to preserve the safety and general weliare of the Cftizera of the City of Anahelm: 1. That ptana ohall be submitted to tho Cky TraNfc and Transpc+rt~tion Manager ior hiQ review and apprcrvpl showing coniormance wfth tho latest revislons ot Enpfneering Standard Ple iJos, 438 and 601 pertafning to parkfng standards and drivoway locatfons. SubJect property shall thereupon be deveioped and malnteined in contormance wlth sald plens. 2. That a plan sheet for soiid waste storago and collectfon, and a ptan for recycling shall be submittod ta the Departrnent of Malntenance for rev(ew and epproval. 3. That subject propeKy shell be developed substantially in accordance with plans and specifications ~ submitted to the Clry of Anaheim by the petitfaner and ~.~hich plans ere on (Ile with the Pianning Department marked Exhit,d Nas. 1 through 3. ~ 3 4. That prior to Isauance of a building permft or withtn R period ot one (1) year irom thb dato of thle resotution, whichever occurs fir~t, Condition Nos. 1 end 2, aoove•mentlonai, shali be complied with. ,~ Extens~ons far further ttme to camplete aeid condRions may be granted in accordence wfth 8ectlon '~ 18.03: '~:yJ of the Anaheim Municipal Code. ::~ , ~. That ~prfor to (inal buNdfng and zoning fnspoctions, Condition No. 3, above•mentloned, she~l be `~ complfed with. -2- PC93-119 ~~ 6. That appraval of this appifcatlon constitutes approval of the proposecl request only to the extent that ft compllos wfth the Anaheim Municipal Zoning Code ~nd any other applicable Ctty, State and Federal regulations. Rpproval d~eu izot incl~ide any action ot findings as to compiiance or Approval of the request regarcling any other appiicable ordinanco, regulatlon or requirement. BE IT FURTHEH RE50LVED thet the Anaheim Clry Planninp Commission does hereby find and determine that edoption ot this Resolution is axpressly predicated upon applicant's compllance wfth each and all of the conditlons herels~above set forth. Should any auch condition, or any part thereof, be doclared mvelid or unen(orceable by tho final Judgment of any court of competent Juriscilctian, then thls Resolutfon, and eny opprovats hereln conWined, shall be deemed null and void. THE FOREGOINCi RESOlUTION was adopted at the Planning Comm!sslon meeting of November 1, 1993. ~ ---~~~=z CHAIRMAN AN~AHEI CITY P ING COMMISSION A7TEST: ~ , ~ SECR AAY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNINd COMMISSION STATE OF GALIFORNIA ) COUNTY pF ORANGE ) ss• CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary oi tls Anahefm CM~r Planning Commisslon, do hereby certify I that the foregofng resolution was passed and adopted At a meeting of the Anehelm Ciry planning Commission held on Nrn~ember 1, 1993, by the followinp vota of the members theieof: AYES: COMMIS~IONERS: BOYDSTUN, GAL~WELL, FiENNINGER, MAYtR, PERAZA, TAIT NOES: CUMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: MESSE IN WITNE~E WHEREOF, I have horeunto set my hand this /~.(.~+~ day of -~--r - , 1993. _ ~i I I , ~ 7 ~. PC93-119 ~ ~ SECR RY, ANAHEIM CI PLA NING COMMI8SION :,;~ri.. ~~~