Resolution-PC 93-12~ ~ A RE30LUTION OF 7HE ANAWEIM CITY PUINNING COMMISSION THAT PETI710N FOR GONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 3584 BE QRAN7ED WHER~A3, tho Anehelm Cfty Planning Commisslon dld recsive a vsri(led Petftlon for Condltlonal Usa Parmh 4or certaln real properry ekuated In the Cky ot Anahatm, County of O~angA, State of CelNomla, descrlbed as: PARCEL A: PARCEL 1, AS 8WOWN ON A MAt~ FILED IN BOOK 181, PAOES 38 TO 40, INGLUSIVE, OF PARCEL MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF TWE COUNTY RECQRDER OF ORANC~E COUNTY, CAWFORNIA. PARCEL D: THOSE PORTIONS OF PARCEL 13 OF FARCEL MAP N0. 81•228, AS SHOWN ON THC MAP FII.ED IN BOOK 181, PACiE3 38 7HROUGH 40 ~OF PA9CEL MAP IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNIY R~CORDER OF SAID COUNTY. WHFREAS, the City Planning Commlaslon did hdd a public hearing at tha Clvic Center in the Ciry of Anahefm on January 2G, 1593 at 1:30 p.m., notica of sald public hearing havlnp been duly given es requirod by taw and In acconiance wkh the provlslons o- the Anahaim Munlcipal Cods, Chmptar 18.03, to hoar and conalder evidencs for and agalnst sakl proposad condkional usa permk ~nd to investlgata and make flndingg and rscommendatfona In connuction therewlth; and WWEREA3, aeid Commiseta~, akar due inspection, InvAStigetlon end study made by kself and in ks behalf, ~nd aRer du~ coneldoretion ot ali evldenc~ and reporta oHered at seld hearing, doea flnd and detennin0 the fdlowing facta: 1. That the propoaod use Is propa~ly ona tor which a conditfonal use pormk fa autharizad by Anaheim Municipal Cods Soctlon to permk an InduatrtallyrelatAd oiffce uae (commercial Inaurence and bonding company) with walver ot the tdiowing: ,Sgctions ~ • ,~nlm~m num{~ of aarklna anacae. t8.o6.050.031_ (~@ requlrad; ~1, ex(atlnp and proposed) 18.08.080 a 18.81.068•O6U 2. That the perking walver will not cause an Incraase in treHic con~estlon in tho immsdiate viclnity nor adve~sely affect any adJoining Iand usss, and that the Q-~ntinp of the walvar under the condkions imposed wlll not ba d~t~imental to the peece, heelth, eafaty or qenaral weliara of tha ckizans of the Clry of Anahsim; 3. That the parking weNer has baen reviewad by the Clry TraNtc and Tmngportetton Mana~ger tn t~rms of tho proposed uses and su4mkted ptans, end he concura that the proposal wlll not create a parking deilclancy on the subJact propsrty; 4. That the propos+~d use Is properly one tor whlch a a~rxlkional use partnR Ia autho~izsd by the Zoninp Code; 5. Thet tho proposad use wlll not adversely aHect tha edJoining lar~d usos arb th0 growth end development of the area In whlch k is propcssd to be located because the proposal wnt p~imarlly seNe commerctal and induatrial businesees; ,'~~.~R 1 CR172aMS.wp -1- PC9~3-12 ~ ~ e. That the size and shape of tha site for tho propoaed use fs adequate to aliow tho tull development of tho proposed use In a manner not detrimental td the partlcular area nor to the peace, health, satery Rnd general weltara; 7. That the traffic generated by the proposed uss will not Impoas an undue burden on the streets and highways designed and Impraved to carry tho traffic in the area; 8. 7hat the granting of the canditional use permft under the condkions fmposed will not be detrimental to the paaca, health, sefety an-i general weifare of the ckizens ot the C~ty of Anahelm; and 9. 7hat no one indicated their presence at said public hearing in oppositfon; and that no correspondence wes recelved in opposltion to the subJect petitlon. C~I IFORf~IA ~NyIROhh"E~,TAL OUALITY ACT FINDINQ: That tha Anahelm Ciry Planning Commisslon has rovlewed the proposal to permit an industriallyrelated affice use (commerclal Insurance and bondin~ company) wfth waivor of minimum number of parking spacos on a ractangulariy shaped parcel of land conslsting of approximately 4,33 acres located at the aoutheast corner of La Palma Avenuo and Richfield Road, hav(ng approximate frontages of 350 feet on the south side of La Palm~ Avanue and ,530 feet on the east side of Rlchfleid Road and further described as 4228 Eost l8 Palma Avanue; and does heraby approve the Negativo Declaratfon upon findfng that the declaratlon reflscts the independent ~udgemont of the lead agency and that it has considered the Negative Declaratlon together wlth any commenta received during the publfc review process end fuKher tlnding on the basls of the Initlal atudy ~nd any comments recelved that there Is no substantfal evidence that the proJect will have a slgnificant effect on the environment. NAW, THEREFORE, FiE IT RESOLVED that the Anahelm ~fty Plenning Commisslon daes hereby grant subJeot Petition for Conditfonal Use Pormit, upan the toliowing conditlons wh(ch arA hereby found to be a necessary prerequlsitA to the proposed use of the subject property in order to preserve the safety and general welfere of the Cftizens ot the Clty of Anahelm: 1. 7hat a traffic slgnal assessment fee equaling the diHerence betweon the industrial and oHlce assessmerit fees shall ba pafd to the t;ity of Anehelm In a amount establfshed by City Councll. 2. That a pien sheet for solid waste storage and cotlection, and s plen far recycling sh~ll be submitted ia the Department of Malntenance for review and c~pproval. 3. That subJect property shall be developed substantlally In accordance with plans and specificatlans submltted to the City of Anahefm by the petitfonor and which plens are on flle with the Planning Department marked Exhibft Nos. 1 throu~h 3. 4. That Conditlon Nos. 1, 2 and 3, abuve•mentlo~ed, shall be completed within a perlod of thlAy (30) days from the date oi this resolution. 5. That approval of 4his appliaatlon constitutes approval of the proposed request only to the extent that ft complles with the Anahelm Municipel Zoning Code and any other applicable City, State end Federel rogulations. Approvat does not Include any actfon or iindings ~s ~o complfence or appreval of the roquest regarciing any other applfcable ordinance, regulation or requlrement. BE IT FURTHER RESOWED that the Anaheim City Plenning Commiss(on does hereby tind and determfne thai adoption of this Resolutfon is exprASSly predlcAted upon eppllcant's compllance wfth each and all of the conditfons herelnabove set forth. Should any such condition, nr any part thereoF, be declared invalid ar unentorceable by the tinal judgment of any couR of competant Ju-fsdictfon, then thls Resolutlon, and any approvels horein conteined, shall be deemed null and votd. •~i~,.... Th; _2. PC93•12 ~ /. ~~ TWE FOREOOINC3 RESOLUTION wes January 25, 1993. A7TE3T;~ SECRETl+RY, ANAHEIM CITY PLA fdINQ GOMMI5310N Commlasior mostUg of i . I STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY 0~ ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edkh L Harris, 8ecretary of the Anahelm Clty Ptanning Commisslon, do hereby cenHy that tha foregoing rssdution w+~a passed and adopted at a msating of tha Anahetm Cky Plsnning Commisslon held on Jenusry 2b, t993, by tlra fallowinp vote of the membere ~thereoP: AYE8: COMMI8SIONEFI$: BOYDSTUN, h1ENNINOER, MAYER, ME3SE, PERAZA, TAIT NOES; COMMI3SIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONER3: NnNE VACANCY: ONE SFJ~-T IN WITNE33 WHEREOF, I have hareuMo aet my hand thls ~ day of , 1993. ~ ~ . , SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY P NNIN(3 COMMISSION ;;3gk ~a,, ~ i ~- PC93-12