Resolution-PC 93-120RESOLUTION NO, PCJ3-120 A~+ESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CIN PLf;NNING COMMISSION APPROVING MO~IFIC/~TION TO VARIANCE NO. 4053 (READVERTISED) WHEREAS, on June 4, 199U thA Anaheim Ciry Planning Commission approvod Varlance No. 4053 waivfng permitted buslnoss signs, maximum sidn hefpht, and maxfmum size of algn in tha parking- landscape area to oonstruat one 780-squAre foot, freestanding sign on properry located on the narth atde of Auto Ce~iter ~rive, approxim~tely 720 feet west of the centerline of Phoenix Club Dr(ve and further described as 1381 East Auto Center Orive; and WHEREAS, the petitioner currentiy requests waiv~r of maximum sfgn area to construct a 3~ sq.ft. addition to the existing 923 sq.ft. freestanding sign; and WHEREAS, the City Planninq Commisslon did hotd a pub~ic hearing at the Clvic C~~ter in the Ciry of Anahe(m on Novomber t, 1993, at 1:30 p.m„ notice ~f said public hearfng h~ving been duly given as requtred by law and In aacordance with tho provlsi~na of the Anahoim Municipal Code, Chapter 18,03, to hear and consider evldence for and against seid proposed madification to Variance N~. 4053 and to invostigate and make iindingo and recommendatlons in conneation therewith; and ~VHEP.EAS, said Commission, aft~r due inspection, investigatlon and study made by Itself end In !ts behalf, and after due consideratfon of all evldenco and reports oHered at said hearln~, does find and determine the following facts: 1. That the petftfoner ;~roposos w3lvers of thR tollowing to construct A 39 aq.ft. add(tion to an oxistfng 923 sq.N. Freestanding sign: S~ctions 18,05 98.011 - Maxfmurr,~,~jyp,~~ an~tB.Bi.q,~7 f100 s°•ft• permittgd in tront tandscaped setbeok; 780 sa,ft• previously approved; 962 sa,R• proposod) 2. That there are speclal circumstances appllcable to the properry such a~ s(ze, shepe, topogr~phy, location or surroundings, which do not apply to other idantically zoned properties In the vicfn(ty; 3. That strict applicatfor, of the Zoning Code deprivea the proporry of privileges enJoyed by oiher propertles under identlcal zoninp classiifcatfon fn the viclnfry; 4. 1'hat no ono indfcated thefr presence at sald public hearing in opposition; and that no correspondence was rece(ved In opposition to subject pstP;lon; and 5. That the proposed sign additfon is approved for two years until November 1, 1995, and that prior to said d~te the A~sociatfon shail address tlie Issue of signage for the ent(re auto mall (whfch advertises on subJect s(gn). CALIFOAJy~,Ej~ViROQ{~M~NTAL OUALITY AC~~INDING: That the An.~hefm City PlAnning ~ommission h~s revfewed the proposal for wafver of maximum s(gn area to construct ~, 39 sq.ft. addition to en oxlstfng 923 sq.ft. freestanding sign and does hereby ifnd that the Negative Declaration previously approved in conneatfon wfth Variance No. 4053 Is adeyuato to serve as the required envlronrrontal documentation fn connectlon with this reqi~est upon (inding that the decleration reflects the Independent ~udgemen+ of the load egency and that (t has consiciered the Negative Declaratfon together with eny comments recefved during the public revfew process end further (inding on the basls of the initfal study and any comments received that there ts no substantiat evidence thax the proJect wftt havQ a significent eHect on the environment. , ~y, ~4~. CR 1940MS.wp -1- t~C~3-120 ~ ~\ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT AESOI.VED that the Anahelm City Planning Commission dues hereby grant subJoct modfflcat~on to Var•iance No 4053, upon the following conditions which are hereby found to be a necessAry prerequlsite to the proposed use of the subJect property fn order to presorve ths safety and general welfare of the Cftizens ol the City of Anaheirn: t. That the existing i~flatable device (blimE~) advertising the Dodae dealership shall be permanc~ntly removed. It shall not be replaced wfth any other temporary signage (signs, blimps, balloons, banners, etc.) unless specific permfsslon is firat obtainad from the Planning Department. 2. That subJoct property ah~l{ be developed subatantlaliy In accordanco with plans and speclficatlons submltted to the Cfty of Araheim by tlie petitioner and whlch plans are on flle with the Planning Dopartment marked Euhibit No. 1 and Aevision No. 1 of cxhibit No. 2. 3. That prior to lssuance of a permit for the slgn modificatfan. or prior to commencement of the actlvity harein approved, or v~lthin a period otone (1) year from the date of this re:olutlon, whichever occurs flrst, Condltion No. t, above-mentioned, shall be complied ~vith. Exrensions for furthertime to comw~ete sald conditlons may be granted in accordnnce wlth 5eation 1 t3.03.090 of the Anahelm Municipal Caie. 4. That prlor to flnal building ar.d zoning Inspectians, Condition No. 2, above•mentlaned, shall be complied wfth. 5. That the uubJact thirty ntne (39) square foot additfon shall be removed withln two (2) years from the date af this resolutian, by Novembor 1, t995. 6, That approval of thls application conslitutes approval of the proposed request anly to th9 extent that it compiles with t~~~ Anaheim Municipal Zoning Code and any other applicrible City, Stflte end Federel regulatfons. Ap~oval does not include any actior, or findings as to compliance or approval oF the reyueat rogarclfng any ather applicable orciinance, regulatfon or requiremont. BE IT FURTHER RE ~O W8D that the Anahefm City Plenning Comm(sslon does horaby find and determinv that adoptlon of this Resoluflon is expressly predicated upon applicant's compllance wRh each and all of the condillons hereinabove set (orth. Should any such conditton, or any part thereof, be Resolin onn anld any approva s herein onlulned, sh•all be dee ed null and vo,d t~nt Jurisdictlon, thon this THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION was adoptod at the Planntng Commfssion meeting of November 1, 1993. ~ ~ ~ ~ ..-- CHAIRMAN, A AHEIM CITY NNING COMMISSION ATf EST: .. ~ 3ECRETA Y, ANAHEIM C' PIANNINd COMMISSIAN +' ~~~ , i ,2. PC93-120 ~ 8TATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANQE ) ss• CITY OF ANAHEIM ) 1, Edlth L FIaMe, 3ecretary ot the Anahelm Clry PlennMa Commisslon, do hereby certlh- that held orn~November 1, S9~l, bY the fdiowtnq vot~of the ~mbers thereaf:~im City Planninp Commisatcn AYE3: COMMISSIONER3: BOYDSTUN, CALDWEIL.. HENNINdER, MAYER, PEFtAZA, TAIT h0E3: CUMMiSS10WER3. NONE ABSENT: COMMIS$IONER8: MESSE IN WITNE33 WHEREOF, I have hereuMo set my hand this I~dey of ,~a~ ~ 1993. SECR ARY, ANAHEIM GT1f PIANN~Na C~ ~MM ggION ,~~ .3. ~ ~.,~ { . 1 ~ ,