Resolution-PC 93-121r'~ t gESOLUTIQN NO. PC93-121 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHFIM CITY PLANNINQ COMMISSION AMENDING CERTAIN CQNDITIONS OF APPROVAL OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMI7 N0. 3101 WHEREAS, on December 18, 19@8 the Anahefm City Piannfng Commiss(on approved Conditionat Use Permft No. 3101 under Rosdution No. PC98~ to retafn a truck sales and service agency wfth walvers oi required improvement oi outdoor storage areas, minimum numbRr of parkinp spaces, ma~cimum fence height and requlred enclosure of outdoor uaes on prope-ty loceted on the south akie of Katelia Avenue, approximately 590 feet west of the centertine oi Lowis Street and turther descrlbRd as 820 East Katella Avenug: and WHEpEAg, sald Rosolutfon No. PC88-34a Includ¢s the totlowiny condftlon ot approval: '5. Thet inla permit is granted for e pericxf of itve (5) yea~s, to exptre December 19, 1993' WHEREA~, the petftioner has requested amendment to snid condit~on of epprov~l perteining to the time limitation oi the previously approved truck sales a~~d servic,e agency; end WHEqEAS, the Ciry Planning Commtsslon dicf hold a public hearing at the CNic Cei~ter In the City of Anahelrn on l~ovember 1, t993, et 1:30 p.m., not(ce of said public hen~tnp h&ving been duly pNen ~-s requlred by lew and in eccorclanCe wfth the provisfons of thA Anahelm Municipel Code, Chepter 18.03, to hear and consider evidence for and agsinst aeid propos~ amendmsnt and to imiestigate and make flndtnga and recommendations tn connectbn therewhh; and WHEREA3, said Commisalon, aPter due tnapeMion, trniestigatior~ and atudy made by ftaelf arx! In ita behalf, er~ a(ter due conaVlAretkm of all evldence ard reports oHarscl at aald haaring, doea tind and aetorm~ne me ta~ow~no tacts: 1. That thls use permft la being exorclsed in a manner not detrimente! to the peRicular aroe ~nd surroundinp lend uses, nor to tho publir, p~ace, heaith, eaiety and ~eneral w~llar~e. 2. That Code EnfurcemQM Divlabn recorda d4 not indfcate any prfor (alnce thls use permtt was approved) or exfatinp Code vidatlo-~a for this proporty. 3. That no one indicatec: their presence at seld pudic hea~ing ln oppoaltlon; and that no correspondence wss receh-e~ in c~pOSition ro tho sub~cd pethion. nw~ ~eneu~s G~(~ONMENTAL ~U~R~ FlNDIN(i: That the Anehelm Clty Plennfnp yT,~;. ~..._.r Commitsion he~ revtewed the proposal !~ nnand Conditbn No. S oi Resotutlon No. PC88-344 pertaln nq to tln~ Ilmhation d a prevfou~ly approvacl truck salea end service e~ency vrfth walvera and doos hereby find that the Ne~atNo DQdaratfon prevtou~ly approvod ~n ca+nection with Condltlonal Uau Perm~ No. 3101 fa adQquate to ~w as tho r~quired anvlronmaMN documeMstbn In connection wlth th:s raqi~st upon tirxftr~ thst the dedarndon mflect~ the ~ndepsnde~ I~~e~^~ a the leed a~tnr.y and thet It hes considered the NoflatlvQ Dede~atMn topether wlth eny commerna recaivod durtnq the publ~ revtew process nnd furtfror flnd!ng on the basia M the InK(el studY and arry commeMS recehrod that there is no aubstontlN errklonc~ that ttw proJect ~~ill hsve e afgnHicant effect on the ernhonmem. NOW,1'HEREFOP.E, BE IT RFJ30LVF.D thet the Mahoim '..Ry Plannfng Comrrdss~a- dooa hereby amend Cond~fon Na 5 ot Resolutton No. PC83~3a4 to read as fdtows: "5. That this pormft Is gronted a tirt~a axtencton tor a perfocl of Itve (5) yasn, to exptre ~ecsmhet 19. 1996.' CHt94t MQ.wp •t • PC93-t 2t ~ ~ THE FORECi0lNC3 RESOLUTION was adopted at the Planning Commission meet(ng of November 1, 1993. ~ CHAIRN~AN, ANAH IM'CI NNI OMMI3SI~JN ATf EBTJ~~~~' SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNINC3 COAr1MIS810N STATE OF CAUFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) sa. CITY OF ANAHElM ) I, Cdhh L HaMs, Secretary of the Anahelm City Pla~~ninq C•ommisaton, do hereby ceKNy thai tho forepafn~ roadution was paased and adopted ett a meetfna of the Anaheim Ciry Plannl~p Commisalon held or. ~c+v~mber 1, 1993, by the foltowing voto ot thA members thereoi: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOYDSTUN, CALDWELL, HENNING~R, MAYER, PERAZA, TAIT l NOE3: COMMI3310NERS: NONE ~ I A8~3ENT: COMMISSIQNER3: MESSE i {N WITNE3$ WHEFiEOF, I have hereunto set sny hand thle ~,.~-deY ot ~~ ~ I 1993. , .~,,Q ~ ~.J~ ~ SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLJ-NNINt3 COMMIS310N ~~. .2, p('.8;;-121