Resolution-PC 93-122' t'", A RESOLUTION OF THE CIT! OF ANAHEIM PLANNIIVG COMMISSfON CHANGING THE BOUNDARIES OF THE COMMERClAL/INDUSTRIAL REDEVELOPMEN'T' PROJECT WHEREAS, the Clty of Anahelm Planning Commissiqn, at the d(roctlon of tho Anahelm City Councll, on Decomber 8, 1992, by Resolution No. PC92-148 approved the preliminary p1An tor the Commercial/Industrlal Hodevelopment ProJect by selectfn~ the boundaries of the project erea and by tormulating, appraving and adopting a Prellminary Plen tor the prolect areo; end WHEREAS, th~ City of Anaheim Redevelopment Commission, on OctobAr 5, 1993, adopted Resotution No. GRC 93.8 recommendinp that tho Redevelopment Agency raGuest ths Plsnning Commtaslnn to changa the bounda~les for the proJoct area; and WHEREA3, the City of Anaheim Redevelopment A~ency, on October 12, 1993, adppted Rssolution No. ARA 93.1g requestiny the Plenning Commiasion to change the boundaries of the project area end approving such chan~a; and WHEREAS, Sectlon 33328 oi the CammunRy R~development law (Heaith and Sa-ery Code Ssction 33000 et seq.) permits the Planning Commission to make such boundary changes, with the approval ot t?~e Redevelopment Agoncy. NOW, THEREFOPE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Ciry of Anahelm Planning Commiss(on as ioltows: t. Tl~e boundarles of the Commercial/Indust~la! Redevelopmont PmJect are hereby changecl to excludu certatn properry lrom the proJect area IdoMNfed in Attachment 'A" hereto. 2. In all other respects the boundaries of the project area, es selected on Oecembor 8, 199?, an weil as the Prelimfnary Plan adoptod at that time, shell remaln the same. 3. Ttie Plann(ng Dlrector (s hareby dfrectecl to transmh e copy oi thls rasolutlon the Clry of Anaheim Redevelopment Agency. THE FOFiEG01NCi RE80LUTION wa~t at the Plannln Gommisslon meetinp ot Novernber 1, 1993. ~ ~~ ~ CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY P NINCi COMhA13SI0N AT1'EST: 1 ~~ , . SECA A, ANA IM CITY PIANNINCi COMMISSION STATE OF CAI.tFORNIA ) COUtYTY OF ORANQE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) 1, M~•parlto Sdorto, 3xretary of the Annhelm Clty Plsnninp Commlaeion, do hereby c:estly that the (oregoinp reaolutlon wes pastec! and adopted et a maot(ng of ths Anahoim Cfty Plat~Mnp Commfsaton hald on November 1, 199:, by the fdlowir~ vote d the members theniot: AYES: COMMISSIONER3: CALDWEU.. HENNIN(3ER, MAY~R, TAIT NOES: CQMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: BOYD3TUN, MESSE, PERAZA IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ~~dey of ~1'1~, t993. 'YY~a~u"~tUu.~it, ~~(.~rur' SECREI~ARY~INAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION s•~.t. .,"+~. n. CR 1928MS.WF' -1 • PC93-S 22 W 1IVIIL.LIAIV~S~+; ~ SCw'NV'~ S CON{Y~tINd CIV1~ {401MIC~~ 4M0 ~awo ~u~vYrO~f 91168.26(A) 11-23•92 12evised OZ-25•93 OS-20-93 09-15-93 . E7~~IT "A-1" COM,WRCIAI.JINDUSTRIAL REDEVELOPMENT PROJECi' NOR'I'H CENTRAL INDUSTRIAL AREA Thac pordon of Secrion 34, Township 3 Souch, Range 10 West togecher with chat portton of Secdons 2~ 3 and '4, Township 4 South~ Range 10 West in tht Rancho Sain Juan Cajoa De Sanca Ana as shoan on the map recorded in Book 31. Page 10 of Miscellaneous Maps in the office of the Counry Recorder of Orange County. California described as follows: Beginntng ac che centerline intersoccion of Raymond Avenne and Romneya Drive as shown on Tracc No. 2022 recorded in Book 58. Paqes 24 and 25 of Miscelianeous Maps in the office of said Counry Recorder thence Nocth 00°41'ZO" W~xt 135.01 feet along said cencerline of Raymond Avenue to the Southerly line of said Tract No. 2022; thence East 201.77 feet along said Soucherly line to the Northwesterly corntr of Lot 8 of said Tracc No. 2022~ said corner being the TRLTE POINT OF SEGINNII~IC3; cl~ence South IOS.W feet along che Wescerly line of said Lc~t 8 co ehe Noaherly Yine of Romneya Drive (60.00 feec wide) as shown on Tracc I~o. 1825. recorded in Book 62. Pages 43~ 44 and 45 of MlsceUaneous Maps in the office of said Caunty Recorder. thence South 89°Sl'00" Easc 120.05 feec along said Norcherly line to ~he Norcherlyprolon$adon of t~e Ea3terly line of ~3riarwaod Streec (60.Q0 feet wide) as shewn on sald Tracc No, 1825; the'ce along said Northerly prolongation and said Eascerly line the following courses: South 00°32'3~" East 136.32 faet to the beg'~nning of a tangent curve concave Easterly havirg a radius of 450.00 fee~. Soucherly 116.37 feec along said curve chraugh a cencral angle of 14°49'00" and Sou~h 15°21'30" Easc 172.40 feec ~o che Eas~erly prolon~adon of the Northerly lint at i.oc 144 of said Tracc No. 182~; chence Soueh 74°38'30" Wesc 280.00 feec along said Easterly prolongadon and said Northerlv Une to the Eas~eTly line of East S~eec (70.00 fee~ wide) as shown on said Tracc No. 1$~S; ehence Souch 1S°21'30" F,ut 463.60 feet along 4aid Easterly line; chence South 9°10'49" Easc 92.92 feec to ehe E~sterly line of said East Street (60.Q0 feet wide) ss shawn on said 'Tract No. 1825; thence South 1S°Z1'30" Easc 143.44 feec glong aaid Fascerly~line co she Westerly Fro[ongaaon ot che Soucherly line of Loc 135 0~ said Tracc No. 1~25; chsnce South 89°SO 30" East 10.38 feet 'alang siud Wescerly pmlongadon to a line par~llel uv~ch and Easterly i0.00 fee- from uid laat mcntioned Easterly line; chence Souch i S°21'30" East 210.66 feet atong said panilai line to a line~ parallel wtch and 5oucherly 33.00 fe ~c fror~ ~he centerline of La Palma Avenue (6~.00 feec wide) as shown on said Tr~cc No. 1825; chence Wesc 241.6$ feec alona said last mencioned parallel itne to a line Qarailcl wich and Westerly 193.00 feet tmm the centerline of said Fas~ Saeec; chence Nonh 15°86'2S" Wesc 23.82 feet along antd lasc mentionai parallel line co a line pnralle! wich ar+d Svutherly 3~.00 feet from aaid centerline of I.a Falms~ Avenue; chence. Wes~ 297.25 feec along said laat menooned parallel line to a line psralt:l wicb and Wescerly 480.00 fea from said een~erline of Eaat Screec: thence Souch l5°06'25" ~ss~ 23.82 feec along said last meaaoned parillei line to a Iine paraltei wich and Soucherly 33.00 feet fmm said cen~erline of La P~lma Avenue; _2_ PC93-122 c~ee~.e. OMIs • 1510/ R~d Mtf Aanu~ • Twtln. Ca1ManU f2i~0 • 71~2S~~f00 • RAX 71N~A0l10 i ~ ~ I ~~ f rq 7 ~ S t z ~ ~~ IM~f~O ETp•~ OK~CS • 110t S~Ailhk~n Av~nW Sud~ d • QRtarn r~w~,.~..,~ a~ ~s. . oroac~.+oen . e.. n~nwe~ ~+~ S COrtY~A C~lNO/n„11~ •NO ~~MD ~Y11Y~ E}~IIBTT "B-1" 91168.26(A) COMMERCIAL/~1DUST'R1AL REDEVEL.OP~'~NT 11-23~92 PROJECT, NO1~TH CE~1'TRAL INDUSTRIAL AREA Reviscd LE~GAL DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT AREA 02-25-93 PAGE 2 OS-ZO-93 U9-15-93 thcnce West 878.67 feet along said last menaoned parallel line to the Easterly line of l.ot 9, Hlock D of Tract No. S92 as shown on the map recorded in Book l9~ Page 3 of Miscel~aneous Nlaps in che office of said Counry Recotder thenc~ Noith l5°22'30" West 21.64 feat along sa~d Easterly line to a line parallal with and Southerly 32.50 faec from said eeetecline of La Palma Avenue; thence North 89°37'S3" West 1100.22 feet along sald last menaoned parallel ~ine to a line par~11e1 with and Wescerly 30.00 feet from the cencerline of Olive Streec es showa on Parcel Map No. 81-267 filed in Book 167. Pages 8 and 9 of Parcel Maps in the office of said County Recorder thz~ce Norch 00°OS'OS" West 692.50 feec along s.a~d lasc mendoned par~llel l~ne to the Northcrly Une of Lot 28 of the Schaffer•Oswald Subdivision as shown on the map recorded in Boolc 7~ Page 41 of Miscellaneous Maps in the o~ce of said Councy Recorder thence West 396.65 feet along said lasc menaoned Northerly line and che Westerly prolongadon chercof to apoint on che Easterly line of Pacc Street as described in Parcel S of Resolua~n Na. 84R-158 of cha Cicy Cuuncil of che Ciry of Anaheirn recorded Aprll 27~ 1984 as Instrumenc No. 84-174377 of Official Records in che office of said Counry Recorder~ said Easterly line being a curve concave Noctherly having a radius af 59.50 fcet, a radialline to said point btars Souch 79°47'07" Easr thencc Southwestcrly and Northwesterly 165.71 fset along said curve through a central angle of 159°34'14" to the Northerly line of the GrersaeU Subdivision as shown on che map ncorded in Book 6~ Pa~e 47 of MisceUaneous Maps in the office of said Counry Recorder. thence Wesc 140.38 feet along said last mendonal Norcherly tine nnd che Wescerly pnolangaaon the~of to cht Easterly tine of Lot 23 oE said Gr.esswell Subdiv~sion; chence Souch 65.00 feec along sr~id last mendoned Eaccerly Sne and the Southerly prolongaaon chereof co the Nottl~erly line of Loc 21 of sgid GressweU Subdivision; thenca ~'lest 110.09 feet along aaid last mentioned Northerty line to the beginning of a non-cangenc curve concava Narthwescerly having a radias oE 42.50 fee~ a radial line to said curve bears South 58°02'03" £as~ said ~urve being ~ pordon of the SAUCheasterly line of Parcel 1 of said Resolucion No. 84R-15S; thence along said Southeasterly line~ the following courses: Sauthwesterly 10.44 feet along said cu:ve through a cenaal angle of Y4°04'48", Souch ~6°0~'45" We3t 1.17 feet to the beginnfn$ of a tangent cutve cancave Southeasterly having a t~dius of 54.38 feet. and Southwesterly 43 i2 fe~ec along said cu:ve through a cencral angle of 46°03'45" co the Westerly lisie of said Loc 21; thence Souch 00°O1'00" Easc 579.43 feet along said lasc mendoae~ Westaly line and the Soucherly prolongation ~hereof to thc Northerly line of Lot 10. Block D. . Tracc No. 422 as shown on che map recocded in Book 15. Page 48 of Misceitaneous Mgps in che offict of said Counry Recorder; therce North 89°37'S3" West 395.l9 feet along ssid lasc mendoned h'ortherly line and che Westerly prolongadon chereaf ~o the ce~terline of Anaheim Boulevard; chence Norch l5°'21'00" Wesc 2.6A foec alang said cencerline to the Eascerly pr~longadon of che Norcherly line of Loc 9. Blxk B. Tnec No. :43 as show~e on che map recorded in Book 11. Page 38 of Miscetlaneous Maps ia che o~ce of s~d Councy Recorder; chence Norch 89°37'S3" Wesc 606.75 feet along said Eascerly prolqnganon. said las~ mendoned Norcherly line and che Westerly prfliongadon cherr.of to the Northwestarly cocner of Lot 1, Block A of said Traicc No. 143; thence South 15°21'OQ" Easc Z.60 feet along ~he Wescerly line of said Loc 1 to the Eas~eriy pcolongaaon of the Norther;y line of Loc 23, Block A of Trac~ 1~'0. 374 as show~ on the map recorded _3_ Pc93-tz2 .-, S eowsu~r~wa e~v1` iro_ iM~i,~a s~o ~~ao su~vtvoes EJ~IIBTT "B-1" 91168.26~A) CAMMERCIAL/Il~IDUS'IRIAL REUEVELOPMENT 11-23-9Z PROJEC'Y', NORTH C'ENTR.AL INDUS'TRIAL AREA Ravisad LECAL DESCRIP'I'ION OF PROJECT AItEA 02-25-93 PAGE S OS-20-93 ' 09-15-93 radius c~f 1033.00 feet, and Norcherly 185.05 feet along said curve uu~ough a ccntral an~le of 10°).S'S1" to the Southerly line of Kenwood Avenue as described in Che Quitclaam Daed to the Ciry of Anaheim :ecorded in Book 7675, Page 519 of Ofticiat itecords in the office of said County Recorder. thence Nonh 89°37'S2" West 3.19 feet along sa3d laat mendonr.d Southerly Iine to che Easterly corner of che land descrit+ed in t~c dad tr~ the Cicy of anaheim r~corded in Book 9096, I~nge 18 of Official ~tecords ia tha oE~ice of said County ~tecorder, the Sautherly and Westerly line of said land fxing a curve cone~ve Northcasterly havin$ a radius of 40.q0 feet~ a radial lirie ta said corner bears South 56°15'S1" East; the,nce Wescerly snd Northaly 122.21 feet along said curve thmugh a crncral angle of I75°03'03" co the Westerly line of the laz-d dascribed in the deed w the Ciry of Anahe.im recvrded in Bool. 7516~ Page 117 of Ufficinl Records in the office o£ said Counry Recorder. tt~ence along said last mendoned land~ the following co~rsas: Nonh 00°14'40" East 22.'96 feec and South 89°37'S2" East 85.38 feet co the beginni~g of a non-tangent curve concave Southeasterly having a radius of ~1033.00 feet~ sa3d curv~ being che Westerly line of said Parce181-1209.01~ a radial line co said curve bears North 75°51'45" West; ehence condnuing along said last menrioned Westerly lin~. the followin~ courses: Noctheascerly 516.00 feec alang said curve chrough a central angle of 28°37'14 and North 42°45'29 East 56.87 feet to a linc parallel wict~ and Wesc~rly 45.00 feet from ehe centcrline of East Screet as shown oa the map filed in Book 11~ Page 12 of Parccl Maps in che office of said Counry Recorder, chence North 89°18'40" East 85.~0 feec to ~the Northerly prolongation of che Wescerly line of Lac 48 of said T'ract Nc,. 2022: thence Sou~h 5°54'30" East 97.29 feet to the Northcrly semninus of that ceetain course shewa as "Sou~h 7°43'00" West 99.3b feec" for a partion of che Souchecty line of said Riverside Fceeway (Incersta~e No. 91); thence Sou~h 7°43'00" West 161.75~ feec along said course and che Southerly pmlongadon chereof to che Southwe3terly corner of said Lot 48; thence Souch 00°41'20" East 284.16 fee~ along the Westerly line of Locs 43 through 47 uf said Tract Nn. 2022 to che beginning nE a tangent curve concave Nartheascerly having a eadtus of 15.OQ feet; thence Soucherty and Easteriy 23.38 feet along sa~d curva through a censal angle of 89° 18'40" to the Southerly line of said Lot d3; thence East 67.63 feet aloag said last mentioned Southerly line to the Northerly prolongadun af the Westerly line of Lot 10 of said Tracc No. 202Z; chence South 160.00 feec along said Northerty pralongadon and said Iasc mendonad Weste~ly line to the Soucherly line af said Lot lA; thence ~asc 81.25 feet along said last mendonctl Southerly line and the Eastaly prelongadon theteof iA the . eue point of beginning. ~ Concains an area of 405 acres. more or less. JAMES F. , GlllEk ~~'~97 r~. s5~~/_, -4- PC93-tz2 ~ ~ y~ . ~~ f~ J 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ l~EII ~ ~~ ~m ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~y ~ ~ ; ~. ~"'• --~ ~ - i . ~ ~. ~ _ t ~ r ~T:~ _ I , ~ ~ I i ~ ...: ---- ! ... _ ~~ ~F !f' ~ i ~~ - ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ' ; ~~~ ' Ei~ , r . ~j : ~~ , "'1 ' ~ ' -5- ; ~...1 ,14 r i ~~ ~II i ~i , ~~~ ~~ ~ii ;~ ~. 1~ ~ V ~ a O~ ~ ~ ~7 ~~ ~ u J ' PC93-122 ~ i i ,~~ ~ C6NlV~11N0 CIV}` ~NO~N{~p~ ANp ~ANp yY11V~ 91168.26(A) 11-24-92 Revised 12-15-92 02-25-5~3 OS-20-93 09-15-93 09-28-93 E7~IIBTT "A 2" COM,~RC1AI,.JIIVDUSTItIAL RIDBVEJ.APMENT PROJECT SOU'IH ANAI~tM BOULEVARD Cn12Ii~OR ,i ~~ESGRIPT[ON t)F ~R~.GT ARFA 'That ~ortion of Seedons 10. 11 ~ 14, 15, 22, 23 and 26~ Township 4 South, Range 10 West in the Rancho San Juan Cajon de Santa Ana as shown on the map recorded ir~ Book 51~ Page 10 of Miscellaneous Maps in the nffice of ~he Counry Recorder of ~taage County~ California, described as follows: Beginning at che intersecdon ~f the centerline of Ra~,l Road (of variable width) wi~`~ the centerline of Lemon Street (of variable width) as shown on the ma~ of Tract No. 209A recorded in Baok 61~ Pages 38 and 39 of MisceUaneous Maps iu~ the office of said Ccunry Recorder. rhence Norch 15°23'd5" West ~11.89 f~~c along said centerline nf L,cwoe 5eroet as shown on the map filed in Book 18~ Page 42 of Record of Surveys in th~ office of said Counry Rer.order co ehe Weseerly pralongadon of e.ye AJ~rtherly line of chat cectgin I.674 acre parcel shown on said Record of Survey; thenca North 74°2a'1S" East 227.22 feet along said pmlongation and No~therly line; thcnce North 15°~3'45" West 120.00 f~ec to the Soucheriy l~ne of Parcel 1 as showrt on che map filed in Boak 41, Page 21 of Parcel Msps in ~he office of said Cnunsy Iie,corder ehence Souch ?4° 19'00" Vl'esc 227.2~ feet alnng said Southerly line and the Wasterl~- prolongadon thereof to said cen~erline of L.emun S~eet as shown on said Parcet Map; thence North 15°25'00" West 368.66 feet along said centealine to rhe Westcrly prolonganon of che Souche:ly line of Tracc No. 322Z as chovm on the aaap rec:orded in book 97~ Page 19 and 20 of Miscellaneous Maps in che office of said Couney Recorder, thence Morch 74° 19'00" Easc 235.~0 feec along caid prolangadon and snid last mendoned Soucherly line to the East+~rly line of Loc 9 of said ?~ct No. 3222; thence North 15°25'00" West 635.02 feec along sa~ci Eascerly line, the Noccherly prolongadon thereef and che Westerly line of Locs 11 chrough 1$ of said Tcacc No.'2z"L to a line pera11e1 with and SouthGrly 11.00 feet from the Nor~herly line of said Tract No. 3222; theace South 74°27'4S" West 24.25 feet along said parallel line co chc Soucherly prolongadon of the ~asteTly line of Parcel 1 as shown on che map filed in Book 38~ Pa~e 19 of Pazcel Maps in the office of s.:id C~unry Recorder, thence North 15°25'00" West 41~3.23 feet along said prolongaaon~ said lasc mend~ned Eascerly line and che No~herly prolongadon ther~f co the Noctherly line of Vr.rmon~ Avenue (66.00 feet wide) as shown on che map of Tract No. 1 I94 recorded in Boek 38, Pages 1 and 2 uf Miscellar-eous Maps in che office of said Councy R~corder; thence North 74°21'15" East 67.00 feet ~tlong said last menaoned vortherly line to che Southerly prolongati~n of the Westerly line of said Tract No. 1194; chence rlaRh 15°S1'1~" West 2?9.40 feet along said prolangacion co the Southerty line of said Tracc No. 1194; chence Nonh 74°21'15" Eas~ 17~.02 feet along said last menaoned S~u~herly line to the Saucheriy ~mlongation of ~he Westerly line of Lo~ 22 of said Tract ;so. 1194; thence vorth 15°36'S5" W~sc 161.23 feec along said prolonEation to the -6- PC93-~22 Ce~t~ OHIa • 1S10t A~d HOI Avsnw • Tu~tln, GINenUa 92680 • 71U?Sa7900 • RAX 71U~0?IO InlanQ Hmp~~! ~Ca • t t0~ S A~itl~irpn Avnnun Cuh~ f: • nn.,~~ ~v~i...~., e•+e. . ono~oo.+uo., . e~v nneess.axfo ,.~ ,~ S COM~ULTIN6 CIV~~NQ~N~{11y.N0 l•yp ~U~V{~p~~ E}QLIBIT "8-2" 91158.~6(A) COMMFRCIAUIIJDUSTRIAL FtEDEVELOF'MEN'f 11-24-92 PROJEGT, SOLJ'I'F~I ANAHEIM BOULEVARD C~RRIDOR Revised LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROJECf AR~A 12-15-92 PAGE 2 02-25-93 OS-20-93 G9-15~93 09•28-93 Southwesc corner of said Lot Z2; thence along the 5oucherly line of said Lot 22 and the Southerly and Southeasterly lines of Lot 21 of said Tract No. 1194, the following courses; North 74°22'03" East 99.00 feet ca the begicu~ing of a tangent curve concave Norchwesterly having a radiu~ of 15.00 feec~ and Northeasterly 8.43 feet ~long said curve through a central a.ngle of 32°12'49" to a line para,llei with and Westarly 47.00 feet from the centetl~ne of Anaheim Boulevard (of variabte widch), formerly Los ~-ngeles S~eet, as shown on said nnap of Tract No. I 194; thence North 15°36'S5" West 479.38 feet a1on~ said parallel line to a po~nt on the rorthrasterly line of Lot 10 of said Tract No. 1194, sa~d Northeasttrly liae bein~ a curve concave Souchwesterly, having a radius of 15.00 feet, a r~a~dial line to said point bears North 16°36'S6" East; thence along said Norcheasterly line and the Northerly line of said I.oc 10~ the following courses: Westorly 8.44 feec along said cusve tlu~ough a cenval angle of 32° 14'S3" and South 74°22'03" West 42.00 feet to the Northwest cornex~ ~f said Lat 10, said corner being on the Southerly prolongadon of the Wescerly line of Lc~t 1 of said Tract No. 1194; thence D1orth 15°36'S5" West 151.52 feet along said prolangation and said lasc menaoned Westerly line co the Norcherly linc of said Tracc No. ~ 194; ehence Soutn 74°22'4S" West 249.34 feet along said lasc mendoned Northerly line and the Westerly prolongadon chereof ta the Eascerly line of Tract No. 11 as shown on the cnap ncorde.d in Book 9~ Page 11 of Miscellaneous Maps in the office of said Caunry Recorder; thence North 15°S1'14" West 325.00 feet alon~ said ~ast mentioned Easterly line and the NoRherly prolongadon thenof to the Southerly line of Lot 1, of Tract No. 11256 as shown on che map recordsd in Book 487~ Pages 41 and 42 of ~Liuellane~us Maps in the officc of said Councy Reeorder, said lasc mentioned Soucherly line being parallel wich and Northezly 32.00 feet from the cencerline of South Street (of variable width) as shown nn said map of Tract 1Vo. 11256; thence along said lest mentioned Soucherly line, che Easterly line of said Loc 1 and the Northerly prolongadon thereof, the following courses: North 74°22'00" East 146.18 feec and North 15°30'32" Wes: 186.90 feet to the Soucherly line of Lo~ 8 of the Stueckle Subdivision as showa on the map recorded in Book 8~ Page 43 of Miscellsneous !vlaps in the office of ~id Counry Recorder; thence along said las- mendoned Southerly U.ne and the Easterly line of said Loc S~ che following courses: Norcn 74°22'00" East 2.50 feet and North 15°30'00" Wesc 172.88 fe~t co che Southerty line of Saeckle Avenue (6U.00 feet wide) as shown on said map of the Stueckle Subdivision; the~ce South 74°22'QO" West 4d4.4S fecc along said last mandoned Southerly line and the Westerly prolongadon thereof to the Westerly line of said Lemon Stnet (56.00 feet wide). said Wescerly line being parallel wich and Wescarly 31.35 feet fmm che centerline of said Lemon Screec as shown on the mgp of Tract No. 212 recorded in Book 13. Page 1 of Miscellaneous Maps in the office of said County Recorder; chence Morth 1S°28'30" West 465.42 feec along s~id last mencioned Wes~erly line to a line parnllel wi~h and Noctherly 38.25 feec from the centerline of Wa~er Street 1.60.00 feet wide) as shown on said map af Tract No. 212; thence Nocth 74°2S'00" East 363.31 feec along stid las~ mendoned parallel line ~o the Soucheast camer of Lac 31 of said Tract No. 212; chence Norch 15°30'00" Wesc 274.25 fee~ along the Easterly line of said Loc 31 and che NoRherly prolongation thereof to the Northerty line of Lot Z4 of said Tract No. 212; chence along ~he boundary of said Tracc No. 212, the following _~_ PC93-~22 W ~YYIuL~Y~ivl` RwaiNCC~~V V~fu~v~V~.f' d7 EXHIBiT "B-2" 91168.2d(A) COMMEFtCLALlINDUSTF.IAL REDE~ELAPh~I~T 11-24-92 ~ROJECT. SdVY'H AN:~HEIM BOULEVARL' CORRIDOR RPvise~~ LEGAL DESC^~IPTION OF PROJECT AREA 12-15-92 FAG~ 3 02-25 ~93 OS-20.93 L19-1S-93 Q9-z8-93 courses: South 74°25'~00" WesY 2S.Q0 fG~t. Norch 15°30'aU" 1JVesc 148.00 feet~ Scuth 74°25'00" Wesr 86.OC1 feec and South IS°3R'00" Easc ~i8.Q0 fect t~ tY~c Easterly prolonggdon r~f the I3orcherly line of Lot'~ of said'Tract N~o. 212; ihence Sou;~ 74°2S'00" Wast 283,32 ieat along said prolangation, s~id lasc men2ioned Norcherly line and the Wescerly prolon$aaon chereof to :aid Westerly line ~f L:mon Street, saisi ~Jeseerty line being alsu the Eascerly line of Block A of Tract No. 365 as shown on ~he tt~ap recorded in Book 15, P~ge 14 of MisGallaneous 1V~aps in the office of said Counry Recorder; thence along said Isst mcncianed Easterly lin.~ and the Norcheriy line of said Block A~ thc followin~ c~urses: North 15°28'3Q" V~1est 184.73 fer;t and S~uth 74°24'45" West 2X3.15 feet; thence Nartherly $8.16 fe~t on n cl3reat line to a potnt on the Southerly lina of that cercain p~rcel of land shown on t~e r..,$~ filed i~'Ba~k 75, Page 32 of Recoxd oF Surveys in che office of sai~i Counry Rccordex, distanc South 74°25'18" West 212.95 feet from. ssud Westerly line of Lemon Sereec measur~d tllong said Southerly line; thcnce South 74°25'1~" Wesc 1.51 f~et alc~g said last m~:ndoned Southcrly line to the W~st~'rly line of said prar~cel of land; cyence Nor.h 15°28'~3" VVest 184.34 tc~:c along said lase menaoned w'pserly line and che Nartherly protongadun thereof co a l.ir,e pazallel u~ith and Northerly 34.7.5 ftxt fram Santa Ana Saraec (af +-anal~le wid:h) as shown on Lot Lino Adjustment Plae No. 101 recorded July Z9. 19b? as Instrumant No. 82-262399 of Official &ecords in the o~ee of said County Ytecorder. ~a::d ~.ot Line Adjustment Plat No. 10.1 betng a portion n: the M.ary Saobel Estace as shown c~~ ~hc rnap recoxded in Book 3~ pages ~ci and 77 of MiseeUen~oua Records in che office ~f the G4unry KecoYder of Los Angeles County, ~alifornia; thenc~o North 74°SG'15" Ezst 55.96 f~at along said parallel li,7e to the W~esterly linc of Pprctl2 of said Lc-c Line Ao~ustmen~ Plat No. 1~1; thet~ce ulang said las< <~,andon~;d Wescerly linc vnd che Soucherly line af said Pareel ~. the fotlowing courtas: iauch 15°~JO'00" East S.OQ fe:t, North 74°56'15" East GS.00 t:.et, So~th 15"00'00" East 3.OS feet. North 74°56'1S" F.ust 43.SQ feec, North 15°d0'00" West 0.41 feec~ Nor-.~ 74°56'15" ~ast 4~:.U0 feec, Nart'; 15°00'00" Wesc 1.67 feet and North 7a°56'15" £asc 6.t~U fe~c to said wescorl~- lin~; of I.emon Screec as shown on said Lot Line Adjustment I~lat 1V'o. 1G1. sa~3 VVasce~.y l~ne being Westerly 31.25 feec from said cr.nterline of Ler,~on S~reet; tt~ence North 15°00'00' Wes 215.36 feet atong said Westerly line to the Southerly .6ine uf L.ot 9 of s~id ;viar; Strobcl E,scace; chence Souch 74°56'15" West 93 5(1 feec along sa~d losc mendoned S~~uehezty iine to . che Eascerly line of Loc 11 of said Mary Strobel Fscace; ch~ne~ along sairl lasc mendonec~ • Easterly linc and the vonh~rly line of said Lat 11~ tt;c following cou:ses: Nor~h 1S°d(.''00" Wesc 14.~.24 fesc and South 74°S6'15" VVesc 30.80 feec to a line para.lle~. with and Westerly 155.55 feec from ssid centerline of Lemon Street; tNence Norch 15°Q(~'4A" West 102.90 fat along said parallel line ~o a line pa~ratlel with and IJortheriy 77.80 feec from the centerlina of Elm Sceet (50.00 feec wide); chence Norch 74°56'15" Easc 124.30 feac aiong said parallel line ~o che Wescerly line of sa~id Lemon Sareac. said Wes~erly line being Westerlp 31.23 fat f~m said cencerline of Lemon Stsee~; thence North 15°00'00" Wcsc 5.95 feec a~on~ said ,:rly line to a line parallel with arid Northerly 83.75 feet from tha centerline of said Elc~ ;c (49.50 feec wide): chence North 7a°56'15" Easc 116.75 feex along said parallel line; ~nence South 15°00'QO" Eas~ 59.00 feec co che Northerly line of said Elm Streec (49.50 feat -~- PC93-122 ~ eor~~u~r~wo e~vl` iNo- iwei~a.NO ~•wo ~u~vtro~~ EXH:BIT "B-2" 91168.26(A) COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL REDE'sV~I,OPMTNT' 11-24-92 PF.OJEGT, SOU'I'H ANA~IEIM BOUI..EVAF~D CORRIDAR Revised LEGAL DESCRIFITON OF PROJEC.C AREA 12-15-92 PAGE 4 G2-25-93 OS-ZO-S3 49-15•93 09-28-93 wide); thence Norch 74°56'15" ~:ast 118.37 feet along said last mentioned Northerly line to a line parallel wich and Easterly'~.12 feet from the Easterly line of Loc S6 vf the Oti gi'na1 Tawn I.~ts o~ Anaheim as shown on the map recorded in Book 4, Pa~;cs 629 and 630 of De~ds in the office cf said County Recorder of Los Angeles County; thence North 15°00'00" Wese 181:50 feec along said parallcl Iine to the Southerly line of Lot 51 of said Original Town Locs; thence Sou~h 74°56'15" Wast 70.12 feet along said last mendomed. Soacherly line to tha Westerly line uf said 1~t 51; thence 1Voith 15°QO'00" West 198.58 feet alang said last mentianed Wcsterly line and the Nartherly prolongatxon thcreof to the cencer!ine of Broadway (of variable width)~ said centerline being paralltl with and So::therly 33.00 feet fram the Sautt~erly line of Lot Q8 of said Original Town Lats. said cencerline being also shnwn on Parce! Map No. 90-224 filed in gook 256, Pages 3 tluough 11 of parcel Maps in the affice of said C~unry Rtcurder of Oran~c Counry; thence North 75°26'31" East 620.2~ f~et along said c;encerline to the Northerly prolangatioo of the 'JV~stcrly line of Loc 4. Block N of the Centcr Tracc as shnwn on the ~ap ncorded in Book 14, Pagc 13 of Miscellanecus ltecords in the office of said Counry Recordtr of Los Angeles Counr~; cheoce South 15°30'00" ~ast 156.75 feet along said prolong~tion and said last mentioned Westerly line to the Southerly line of said Lot 4; thence North 74°31'45" East 36.24 feet along said last mandoned Soucherly Iine to a lin~ ~ara11e1 with and Easterly ZQ,00 feet from the Lascerly line of Lat 1 of the Konig Subdiviston a.c shown on the map recorded in Book 6~ Page 20 of Miscellaneous Maps in the office of the Councy Recorcter of said Qrange County; thence South 15°30'00" East 170.~0 feet along said parallel line to che Northerly line of Loc 13 of said Konig Subdivisicn: thence Soath 7~°30'00" ~Vest 1.00 foot along the Westerly prolongadon of said lat menaoned Northerly line; thence South 15°30'00" East 200.00 feet to the Westerly prolongaaon of thc Norcherly line of Lot 1'7 of said K~nig Subdivisiun; thence North 74°30'00'~ East 218,96 feec along pmlon~adon. said last mentioriecl Nertherly line and tt~e Easterly pr~longadan thereof to a line parallel with and Eas-erly 2.00 feet fzom the Easter!y line of Cla~dina S~e~t (60.00 feec wide) as shown on the Amendad Map of the Cencer Tract recorded in Buok 1~ Page 9l. of Misc.cllaneaus htaps in the office of said (:ounry Recorder of Ora.nge Coun~y; thcncG Sauth 15°28'45" East SO.OG feec; thence Souch 74°30'OQ" Wesc 1.08 fooc co said Eascerly line of Claudina Srrr.er, chence South ~5°28'4S" Easc 69.50 feet aJong sa.;3 lnst mendoned Eas:erly line to the ~ tiortherly line of Lat 23~ Blxk M of said Ame--ded hiap of the Center Tract; thence North 7a°30'00" Easc 669.16 feec along said Northerly line and the iasterly prolongadon thereof to che Westerly line of Block A of che Laird Subclivision as shown ~n the map recoc+ded in B~~~k 6, ?age 12 of Mis~:ellaneous Maps in the officc of sa.id Councy Recorder of Orange Co~nry, said Wasterly line bcing peralltl with and Easterly 24.75 feet from the cencerline of Olive Sceec (58.50 f~ec wide); thence South 15°18'30" East 170.25 feec along said last mencioned Wescerly ~ine to the Southerly line af said Block A~ sai~ Southerly l~ne being parallel wi~h and No,Zherly 35.25 feet from said cen~erline of Sanca Ana Sceet (~0.00 ieet wide); thence N~nh 74°30'00" East 635.00 feet along said parallel line co che Easterly line of Blxk 8 of said Laird Subciivision; chence North 15° 18'30" Wesc 353.:2 fect along said lasc mencioned Easterly line co the Wescerly prolongacion af che Southerly line of Lot 37. ioR/ ~,;,~~~ _9_ P-.93-t22 S ~WI~WA.M..a~,~ ,~.~..~ EXNIBIT "B•2" 91168.26(A) COMMERCIAL/INDUS'IRIAL REDEYELOPi~NT 11-24-92 PROJECT. SOLTIT~i ANAF~Lvt BQLJLEVARD CORRIDOR Revisad LEGAL DESCRIFxION OF PROJECT ARFA 12-13-92 PAGE 7 02•25-93 OS-ZO-93 09•15-93 09-28•93 Fasc 106.73 feec co a line parallel wich und Southerly 32.00 feec from said centerline of Souch Saeec; chence Souch 74°38'00" Wesc 94.39 feec along said parallel line to a line paraUel wich and Easterly 47.Q0 feec f-om said centaline of Anahetm Boulevard: thence Souch 1S°30'00" Easc 1286.98 feec along said pnrallel line to the Norcherly llne of said Vermoet Avenue (of variable widch)~ fmmerly Broad Suee~ said Northerly line bdnB puallel with and Northerly 35.50 feec from said centerline of Vemion~ Avenue; thenve No:th 74°29'SO" Easc 162.00 fecc along said lasc mendoned Norchaly line co the Noetherly pmlonaation di the Wescerly line of Loc 16 of Tracc No. 1245 as ahown on the aoip recorded in Book 43. PaQes 26 and 27 oE Misceilaneous Mgps in the oEfice of said Counry Recorder ot s~id Orange Councy; chence Souch 1S°32'1S' Easc 135.50 ieet along ~atd prolongadan, sa~d last mendoned Wesceriy line and che Westerly line of Lo~ 15 of said ~I'ract No. 1245 co che Eucerly prolon~auon of the Yortherly lina of Lot 1 of said Teact No. 1245; chence South ~4°28'00" West 159.00 feet along said prolongacton and ssid lsst mendoned Norcherly line to said Essterly line oi Anoheim Boulevard. said F.atceriy lioe being parallel with and Easterly 50.00 feet from :aid centerline of Anahefm Bouleva~+d; chence alon s~td Esscerly line~ che fotlowing aourses: South 13°32'1S" Easc 169.50 fa~ Noreh 74°2~'00" Eas~ 3.00 feet~ Soueh lt°32'15" Easc 56.50 Eeec. Souch 74°Z8'06" Wac 3.00 Eeec. Souch iS°32'15" Enst 385.12 feec. Nonh 74°27'4S" Easc 3.00 feec and Soutb 1S°32'15" Eaic 37.23 feec co che Nonberi~y line o! Parcel 1 as ahown on ~e map Hle~d in Book 60. Page 3 of P~r~el Mops in che ofCce of s~td Councy Recorder of Oran~e County; chence Nonh 74°13'45" ~ast 160.SS feec nleng said lasc mendoned Kartherly line and the Easterly pr~~ongirion thenof co ch~ Westerly line oE Lot S oI Tcacc No. 1379 ~ shown on che map rccorded in Book 43~ Pages 6 and 7 oE Miscellaneous M~ps in the of'ttce of soid Gouncy Recosder oE Oronge Councy: thence South 1S°32'15" Ea=c 89.00 fat along said !eu men~ioned Waterly line and the Wascerly line of Lot 4 of ssid Tract No. 13'19 to she Southarly line of said Lot 4; ihence Nocth 74°27'4S" East 161.50 feet along sa~d tut menooned Souchedy line and the Esscaty proiona~aon ~hereof co ~he Wescerly ~ine oE Lot 22 of said Trocc No. 1379; chence Souch iS°32'13" Easc 152.2~ feec ~lon said lsst n~en~foned Westetly line, the Wescerly line oi Lot 41 of said Tracc No. 13~ end the Souchaly pcolonjadon ~hereot co ~he Souch~ly iine of satd Truc No. 1379; ihence Sou~h 74°27'4S" Wesc 28.00 feec alon~ utd Iasc meneioned Souchect lt~e; thence Soucbecly 99.73 ieec on s direcc line co 4po~n~ Souch i4°l3'4S" Wa~ 90.8~lac fiosr cl~e Sau~hw~st cnrner of Lot 42 of said'fracc No. 1379 eeuasured olon che Wescerly proloniatian ot the Soucherty line of sotd Loc ~2; chence NoRb 74°1~'4S" Euc 3.85 feet alan~ s~d prolon~adon td che cencerline o! sald Clsudina SQeec (60.00 leec wide) ~s shown on che ma~ o~'i ruc No. 3373 recorded In Sook 117. Pojes 1 and 2 ot Mtscellaneoua Maps in tha oEFce ot ssid Counry Raocder of Oronse Councy; ehence Sou~h t S°32'tS" Ease Z13.44 !at slon~ s~id cencedEne ond che So~icherly proton~scion checeof co ehe Noceherly ltne oI Lot 1 of Tracc No. 10013 as ah~wn on che cnap recorded tn Book 42~. Ps;es 37 and 38 of Miscetlaneous ~t~ps in che of~ice oE snid Councy Reco~+der. thence alon~ s~id tasc er.endoned A'oRherly 1ine. thc 1-leacerly. Souchwescerty and Sou~herly ltnes of said Lot l~ the foltowin~ courus: S~u~h 7s°l3'35" Wes~ 9.00 feec. Sou~h t5°32'15" Ea:c 140.54 feet. -10- P[93-122 S ~~~"~-~-!!°!,~,.~N,~ ,.~'~~,~ EXHIBIT "B-2'. 91168.26(A) COMMERCIA~J~ti'DUSTRIAL REDEVELOPI~NT 11-2492 PROJECT. SOU'i'~? ANAHEL~i BOUI.EVARD CORRIDOR Revised LEGAL DESCRIFYI'IOt~t OF PROJECT AREA 12-15•92 PAGE 8 02-25-93 OS-ZO-93 09-15•93 09•28•93 Sou~h 60°32'15" East 21.21 feet and North 74°27'45" East 167.00 feet to the Nonherly prolongacion of the Wesurly line of Claudina Piace (60.00 feec wide) as shown on the mip filed in Book 106. Page 4 of Parcel Maps in the office of said Counry Recorder of O~ange C'ouncy; chence Souch 0°d4'49" East 167.24 feet alor.g sa~d protonganon to a point of eusp with a tangent ~urve concave Southweaterly having a:adius of 57.00 feet, safd curve being the Nocihaly line and a portion o: the Easterly line of said Claudlna Place; thence along said lasc menaoned Northerly and Eascaly lines, the following cousses: Northerly. Easterly and Soucherly 246.43 feet along snid curvs chrough a cenasl angle of 247°42'32" co che beginning of a raveru curve concave Soctheasterly having a radius of 30.00 fe~c. Southwes~erly 35.45 feec atong said curve through a central angle of 67°42'32" and South 0°44'49" Easc 66.34 fee~ co the Soucherly line of Parcel 1 of said last meeaoned Par~el Map; chence Noeth 74°31'26" Easc 308.80 feec along said lasc menaoned Southaly tine m a line pacallei with and Eatcerly 328.42 feec &om che cencerline of said Claudina Plue; thence Souch (1°04'49" Easc 254.35 fe~c ~long ~aid parallel line to che Northerly Iine oC said Ball Road~ said Nor~herly Iine betn~ parallet wi~h and Notcherly 53.00 feet from said centerljne of Ba11 Road: chence Norch 89 SS'11" Bast 60.00 feet along said last mendone~ Noethetly line ~o the NoN-erly prolongadon of the Eascerly line of said Claudina Stree~ (60.00 fat wide) as shown on the map of Tracc No. 3351 ncorded {n Book 110. Pages S. 6 and 7 oi MisceUnneous biaps ~n che office oE said ~ounry Recorder oE Orangt Counry; thence Sousb 1 S°28'SO" Easc 23b.00 !ee• alona said prolon~anon and said lasc menaoned Eascerly tine ~ a line parallel wfch and Norcherty 58.53 feet fmm ~he Soueherly line of Loc 8 of said'Lr~c No. 3351; chence Souch 74°31'10" Wesc 3?0.02 i:ec alon said parallel line co che Wesoerly a line ot safd Lot 8; chence Souch 1S°28'SO" Easc 688.5 feet alon satd last mentioned Wescerly line end che Wescerly Ilnes of Lo~a 7~ 6 and 3 oi said ~racc Ne. 3351 co ~!-e Nonhwest corner of Lot 6 of Tcut No. 3313 as shown on che map reco~dod in Book 107. Pag~s 34 ehrough 37 of Miscellaneous Msps in che office of said Councy Reeocdu of Oran~e G mcy; ihence conanuing Souch 1S°28'SO" Easc 664.77 feet along ~~~e Wescaly lines of sa~d Loc 6 and Locs S and 4 0! said Truc No. 3313 co the Southwesc corner oi stld Loc 4; cheace Norch 89°56'32" Eut 310.00 fee~ ~long che Soucherly ltne of said Lnt 4 a~d ~he Euceriy pcolon~zdon chertol ~o che Northerly proiongat{on of the most Westerty line oi Lrc 9 0[ said Traec No. 3313; ehenee Soueh 0°03'28" Ease 41A.00 feec alon~ tatd prolon a~ion and said mosc Wesceriy line co che Soushwesc ~orner of said Loc 9; thence NoRh ~9°S6'32" Easc 617.46 feec alon~ che Southerly line of s~id Loc 9 and che Eaaculy proton adon chereof ce che Fascerly line o! the Souchern Pacifie Railroad Company ri ht o! w~y (~.00 lee~ wide) a: shown on sud map of Traet No. 3313; chence South i3°~8'SQ" Easc 3425 teec alon~ ssid tut mentio~-ed E.~sca~ly line to che Northaly line of Katell~ Avenue (120.00 feec wide) u shown ~n che ~p tiled in Book 88. Pa~e 23 of Pareel M~ps in che office of said Councy Ftaorder of Oran~e Councy; thence ~orth 89°S3'S8" East 7l 1. l6 feet alon said lasc euncioned Northerly lins co ehe Norcherly pcoton a~on ot the ~as~erly tine of ~racc No. SOB~ as shown on che map raArded in Book 184. ~a~a 38 er.d 39 of ~ttscellaneous titaps in ~he ottice of said Counry Recorder of Oran~e Counry; theaee Souch i°06'48" Easc 719.85 feec ~lona said prolongaaon ~nd s~id Wsc mencioned Eastaly _~~_ FC93-1z2 c eYVlu~~"i~IVft»o~~.Ne ~.~v~ro~~ ~~ EXHIBIT "B-2" 91168.26(A) COMMERCIAUtNDUSTRIAL REDEVEI.OPI~NY 11-24-92 PRO~'ECT. SOLJ'I'Ei ANAHEL~i BOU 'LEVARD CORRIDOR Reviud LEGAL DESCRIPTICN OF PROJECT AREA 12•15-92 PAGE 9 02-25•93 OS-20~93 09•15-93 09-2$-93 line to the Southeast corner of said Tract No. 5084~ said corner being also the Narthwest comGr of Pa:+cel Map ho. 79-230 as shown on the map filed in Book 134. Pages 40 and 41 of Parcei Maps in che office of said County Recorder of Orange County; thence Sot~di 1°17'03" Easc 614.97 feet along che Westerly line of said Panel Map No. 79-230 to the NortheTly line of Gana Autry Way (of vanable width). formerly F~acifico Avenue, as shown on said Pa~cel Map No. 79-230~ said Northerly Une being parallel ~Hi~h and Noctherly 43.00 feec frons tha centerline of said Gene Autry Way; thence South 89°S8'~S" Easc 193. iS feec along said last mendoned Northerly line to the N~rcherly prolongaaon of the Easterly line of Sanca Cruz Streec (64.00 feet wide} as shown on the map fi1M in Book 125~ Pages 32 chrough 35 of Parcel Maps in che office of said County Recorder of Ocange County; chence a!ong said prolonga!ion, said last mentioned Easterly line and the Nonhcasterly line of said Sama Cruz Sareec. the foliowing ~ourses: Souch 0°Ol'15" West 165.frt fee[ to the bcginning of a tangent curve cancave Noceheasterly having a radius ot 118.00 feec~ Soucheasterl~- 84.14 feec along aaid curve through a central angle oi 40°51'15". South 40°SO'00' Easc 11:4.55 feec to the b~g[nnin$ of a tangenc cusve concave Souutiwescecly havin~ a radius uf 182.d0 feet~ Soucheascarly 129.67 feet along aaid cu~ve chrough a cen~l ang e of 40'49'1S" and Souch 0°00'45" Ess~ 38.23 feet; thence condnuiAa Souch 0°00'45" Easc 136.00 feet co a line parailel wi~h and Soucherly 30.00 feet trom the centerline of Orangewoed Avenue (of variable widch) ss shown on the map filed in Book 128, Pages 4 snd S of parcel Maps in the office of said ~ounry Recorder of Oraage Counry, sa~d patallel line being also the boundary of che ~ty of Anaheim ~s estsblished by Annexadon No. 78 (Kace11~ Annexaaon); thence Souch 89°39'1S" Wesc 700 feet along sald parallel line and said boandary as cscablished by Said Annexadon No. 78 to an anale point m said boundary; chence leavina said boundary Wescerly 2S5 feec on a dtncc line co the Eucerly cecminus of che Noctl:erly Gne of Parcel No. 1 as shown on the map filed in Bootc 43. Page 1S of Parcel ~taps in the atftce of said Counry ttecorder of Oranae Counry. said Noctherly Iine being parallel wtch and Soucherly 40.00 feec from said cencerttne of Oirangewood Avenue; thertce Souch 89°SS'SO" Wesc 382.62 fac alon~ said po~llal line t+~ che Wes~erly Iine of che Soucheaac quarcer of said Sec~ion 26; thence Nocth 1°2A'00" West 4~.00 feet slona sald lasc monaoned Wester:y tine co che center of ssid Sec~on 26,~a showt~ on che map of Trac~ No. 3017 rccorded in Book 138, Pages 15 and 16 of Miscellaneous `ta~ps in che ot'~ce of said Counry Recoeder of Orange Counry; thence North 0°027A" E;st • 379.90 feec along che VVescerly li~e of the Northeas~ quarter of said Se¢con Z6; chence Sou~h S8°40'Z8" Easc 161.80 feec co a poinc on cha Souehwescerty tine of chac certain easecrenc !or ro~d and public utilic~y purposes co che Ciry nf Anahetm recorded July 31. 1987 as Inswcnenc No. 87-43G93a of Official Recorda in ~ha office of said Couery Recorder of Orsn~e Counry~ sAtd Souehwescerly liese bein` a curve concave Southweataly havin~ a r,~dius of 205.U0 feec. a rodial line co said point beus Nonb 69°SO'S8" East; chence along ssid iuc cnencioned Souchwescerly line. ehe followfn~ courus: Nor~westetly S2.18 feec alnna said curve chrough n cenQal angle of l4°35'04". tiorit~ 3d°44'06" West 90.87 Eeet to the be~inning of a anaene cucve concave Souchwes~erly hov[ng a radiua of 953.00 feec. Yocthwescerly 79.51 feec along said cune ehrough s central angle of 4°d6'13" -ix- Pc93-~2z S eo~~v~T~~e e~v~~ tso~rie~~.^o ~•we ~vnvu.os, EXHIBIT "R.2" 91168.Z6(A) COMI~RCiAL/I~'~USTRIAL REDEVELOPMENT 11-24-92 PROJEC'T, SOLJTH ANAF~IIVi BOULEVARD CURRIDOR Revised LEGAL DESCRIP'CION OF PROJEC'f AREA 12• 1 S-~2 PAGE 10 02-ZS-93 OS-70-93 09-15-93 09-28-93 and Norih 39°30'19" Wesc 172.4$ feec co che Soucherly line of Parcel2 as shown on the map filed in Book 62. Page S of Parcel MaQs in the office of sald Counry liecorder of Orange Councy; thence along said last menaoned Southerly line, the foUowing coutses: Nonh 88°4d'O1" Wssc 288.37 feec arid Souch 0°Ol'47" Wesc 21.93 feet to the Northecly line of said Tracc No: 301~; thence along said last aKndoned Noctherly line~ the following courses: NQrch 88°41'OS" Wesc 280.07 feec. Snuth 0°Ol'47" West 10.00 feet and Narth 88°41'QS" West 2¢:OQ feec to che Soi~cherly pmlongadon of the Westerly line ot said Iaat mendoned ParcellVia~; thence alor.g sald preiongadon~ said Wesurly line and the Nathecly line of saud lasc menaoned Parcel Map~ the following couraes: North 0°Ol'47" East 563.71 feec and Souch 88°44'Q1" Easc 161.07 feec co cha Eascerly cerminus of said lait mendoned Norcherly linc; chence concinuing 5outh 88°44'O1" East 143 ftet to the cencerline of the Santa Ana Freeway (Interscate 5); chence along said cencarline. the following cou~es: Nocch 41°02'03" Wesc 1002 feec~ North 40°SO'15" Wezc 1229 feet. Norch 39°55'S2" West 751.45 feet a~~d Nonh 40°52'20" Wcst 2343 feet ~o che Westerly prolon~ation of the Nor~herly line of Parcell as shown on che maQ filed in Book 131. Pages 1 and 2 of Parcel Maps in th~ office of said Councy Recorder of Orznge Councy; thence South 89°09'12" Easc 116Z fret alnng s~id Westerly prolongadon and sai~ last mendoned Northerty line w che Essc quarcer corner of said Secdon 22. said comer betng on a line parsllel with and Eascerly 29.00 fee~ fmm the Eastaly line ~f Blxk i oi Tracc No. 419 as shown on the map recorded in Book 16. Page 2 of Miscellaneous Maps in the office of satd County Recot+der of Orange Councy; chenee Nonh 0°06'00" Wesc 352.80 feec along said parallel Ilne co the Eascerly prolongadoa of che Sou~herly line of said Tracc No. 419; chence North 39°S4'30" West 321.60 feet atong caid protongaaon and said lasc mendoned Southarly 1in~ to the Easte~ty line of Block 2 of said ?ract No. 419: thence North 0°Q6'00" West 360.00 feet along a~id last mencioned Easterl~y line and che Norcherly prolongatfon chereof to the Norshaly line of Midway Drive (60.00 feec wide) az ahown oa che inap filed in Booic ~4. P4ge 21 of Record of Surveys in ~ha office of aaid Counry Recorder of Oran;e Counry. said Noetherly line being Norch:rly 32.00 feec trom che centaline of said Midway Drive; thence ~QUCh 89°S4'30" Easc 177 feec along said lasc mencioned No~erly ltne to L1e Westuly lins of chat cerc~in 1.326 acce pae+cel of land shown on said lasc enendoned Raoed of Survey; thence Nocth 6°48'30" West 313 fee~ alon said lasc mendoned Westaly ilae ~o che Eascerly prolongacion of che Soucherly line of ~racc No. 2495 as shown on che map recordcd in Boek 115. Pages 8 and 9 of Miscellaneous Maps in che oEfiae of aafd Counry Recorder of Orange Councy. chence Souch 89°SS'46" Weat 7~.17 feec along said prolungadon to che Easterly line of said Tract No. 2495; ehence tiocth 0° 13'36" West 334.08 feec along said lost mend~n~d £ascerly line eo che Souehedy lin~ of Tcact No. 2617 as shown on the map ncorded in t~ook 80. Paaes 1 snd 2 oE Miscetlaneous Mops in the otfice of said Counry Itecorder of O~an~e Coun~y; thence 5c+uth 49°59'46" Wat 4t~.85 feet along said lasc mencioned 5outherly line to che Eascerly line ot Loc 3 of uid Trut No. 2637: chence Noeth 0° 13'40" Wesc 161.00 leet ~lon~ s;~d las~ mcncioned Eascerly ttne and the Norcheriy prolon~acion chereof co che Souche:ty line of Tcacc No. 3203 as shown on the msp recocded in Book 96. Page 23 of Miscellaneous Maps in che office of said Counry -~3- Ptg3•~22 W WILLU~MSC)I~B ~ ~hN1~ S CON~YlT1N0 CIV1~ lMO~N{~~~ AND -~Mli ~YAY4tOA~ E7~IIBTT ~~~~2~~ COMMERCIALnNDUSTP.IAi. RED~EVELOPMENT 911G8.26(A) 11-24-92 SOU'TfT ANAHEIIV[ BOULEVARD CORRIDOR PROJECT Revised ~ LEGAL DESCItIP'PION OF PROJECT ARF.~1 0 2 PAG~ 11 5•93 2. OS-20-93 09-15-93 09-28-93 Recerder of Qrange Counry. thence North 89°39'46" East 24.25 feet along said last meadoned Southerly line co che Eascaly linc of Lot 10 of said'Tract No. 3203; ehence along said laat menaoncd Eascerly l~ne and the Southcrly line of Lot 8 of said Tracc No. 3203. thz following ed~rses: Norch 0°00'14" West 130.66 feec. Nocth 17°22'S5" West 26.b9 faet and North 72°37'OS'"•East 100.00 feet to the Eastedy line of said'i~act No. 3203; thence along said lasc mendoned Eastetly line and che Notthe:ly line ~f said ?ract No. 3203, the following caurses: ~lorth 17°2YSS" West 330.2Q feet and Souch 89°54'~4" West 385.Z6 feet to thc Southerl pmlongadon oF the Easterly line of Ids Saeec (54.00 feet wWe) es shown an said m~p of Tract No. 2090: tt+ence North 0°13'40" Wesc 610.30 fac along aaid prolongad~n and sa~d lasc mendoned ~ascerly line oo the Southerty line of said Ball ~toad. satd 5~utherly line bein~ paratlel wich and Southerly~ 50.00 feet from said cenoerline of ~3a11 Raad; thence aloeg sa~d lasc mendoned Southerly line. the following courses: South 89°35'35" West 187.A4 fac. 5outh 0°13'40" East 3.00 feet~ South 89°SS'33" Weat 66.00 feet. North 0°11'40" West 3.00 feec and South 89°SS'35" West 132.00 feec to the Northwesc corner of Lot 53 of satd'Tract No. 209A; thence condnuing South 89°55'35" Wesc 4.30 feec to che Southerly prolongadon of said centerline of Lemoa Scee~ thence Nurth 15°23'45" Wesc 51.84 fxt atong said prolangadon m che poinc of beginning. " JAMES F. ' q.IEN Fso.9/30/97 . No.5S57 , ,~r ~. -1N- PC93- 12 Contains an area of 477 acres~ mo~e or less. _t5_ PC93-t22 ~ ~~!! 1 '~_ i~i _'_! r~'_ - :.:: . ,... + •• . i :!. •. t^',,, •;. i _ • 'Y.~`'r,;"~-__:.--!~'- -7 •_L_-~'C.''t M'. ~ ~'i.~Iw i.~•~~'{~~~r' ~ Il _ i •l , ~1 / ~ ,'.. ~ F~ ~~... ' • F~I~ -..~. ~,~.~il ~:1~~ .'.','1 ' 'i .. .~ • !'. N~~ ~ + , ~ ~i: .' .fr-: _ ' Id. i . ~ ~ .. . y ~ , . ~ ~ y e P ~~ L ~.i 1 ~ p~~~j ~~ : , ~~~ ' •4, .~ . I ~ ~ +. . ( 1 1 1. ~ ~,. . 1 11, i ,'i.~' 1 ., } ~~~ ,. /~~~ I ~ ~~~Li. ~ ~~ .~ ~ ~, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Z ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ T IJ. ~ `~~~.~.i ~ ~ ','~~ ~ ~ a ..,~~ ~a,~ .,; 17f~. , . , -• ~ ~ ~ . ~`~ ~~ '~. ~: .~ ~ ~~'• '. . ;'i.'~'. ~ ~" ' ' „ ~ ~ ` -- ' - -- ..~ .~~:, ~~~~. ~ ' ~, ' ~~ ~tl~~ ~ i , ~I ~ ~.: i~ I j~ `' . ~ .. ; ,• -,~ %;i i^ ~ .;: ~ ~~~` -;:,~; - .~,,is "~„'C4~i ~~I ,I ~;l ~M ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~i ~~ ~ ~I I~~~'a~. -16- PC93-12'L