Resolution-PC 93-130A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNINCa COMMISSION THAT PEfITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 3644 BE DENIEQ WHEREAS, the Anaheim Cfty Planninti Commission d!d receive a verified Petition for ConditlonAl Uso Permit for certaln real properry sltuatod In the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described as: 7HE NORTH 190 FEET OF THE WEST 220 FEET OF THE NORTHWES7 ~UARTER OF TWE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 27, TOWNSWIP 4 SOUTH, RANGE 10 WEST, IN THE RANCHO SAN JUAN CAJON D~ SANTA ANA, IN THE COUNTY OF ORAN(3E, STATE OF CALIFORN!A, AS SAIp SECTION IS SHOWN ON A MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 51, PAGE 10 OF MISCE~WNEOUS MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNN, WHEREAS, tha Ciry Planning Commisslon did hold a public hearing ~t the Civic COnter fn the City oF Ansheim on November 15, 1993 at 1:30 p.m., notice of said publfc hearing having bean duly given as required by law and In accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evldence for and aflalnst said proposed conditlonal use permft and to Investigate and make findings and recommendatians In connection therewfth; and that safd public hearin~ was continued to the December 1, 1993 Planning Commission meeting; and WHEREAS, sald Commisslon, aRer due inspection, investigation and study made by itself and (n its behalf, and after due consideration uf all evidence end reports offered at sald hoaring, doea flnd and determin~ the following far,ts: 1. That the petftioner requests approval of a conditional use permit under authurity of Code Section 18.A8.Ob0.08~ to permit full•seNice tow truclc opecatfons (n conjunction with an existing automobfle service station; 2. That the proposed use is a speciflcally prohibited use when associated with a service statfon In the Commerclal Recreation Zone (Subsection .0604 "tow truck operatlons" o~ Code 5ection 18,48,050.~u"0); 3. That the praposed use would advorsely affsct the adJolning land uses and tho growth and development of the aroa in whioh R Is proposed to be loceted; 4. That ihe size and shape of the sfte for tho proposed use Is not adoquate to allow the full development of the proposed u3e fn a mannor not detrimental to the particular area nor to the peace, health, safety and general welfare; 6. That the trafffc generated b;~ the proposed use would impose an undue burden on the atreets and hlghways designsd anJ improved to carry the treHfc fn the area; and 6. That granting of the condftfonal use permk would be detrfinental to the peace, health, safety and general welfare of the cit(zens of tho City of Anaheim. ,.', ~v ~, CR 1958MS.WP -1- PC93-130 s',,AU~ORNIA ENVIRONMENS'AL ~UAL77Y ACT FI DN INQ: That the Anahelm Ciry Ptanning ~ Commission has -eviewed the proposel to permR full•se-vlco tow truck uperationa In conJunctlon with an ~ exiating automobile aervica etatlo~ti on a rectanyulariy-shaped parcel ai land conaisting o~ approximately O.a7 ecre, ic~cated et th0 southeaat cotner M Katella Avenue end Harbor Baulevard, heving epproxlRSte (ronteyes ~ of 160 feet on tha south atde oi Katella Avenue and 130 feet on tha east side of Harbor Boulevard, and turthur desc~ibed aa 1800 South Harbor Bouievard (Mobfl On); and does horeby deny the Negative ~ Declaration upon Mding thet the declaration -ellects tfie Indepencient judyement ot the lead a~ency end that ~ ft hea conaidersd the Negotlve Dada~tlon topathor wtth Any comments receNed du~ing the public revlew process and iurthor flrtding on the basts of the InR(al study and any comments received that there is subataMial evidsnce thet the proJect wpl have a afgnHicaM ~tfect on the environmeM. P NOW, 7HERFFORE, BE fT RESnLVED that tha Aiaheim City Planniny Commisalon does ~ hereby deny subJect Petitlon ior Condblonal Uae P~nit, on the beaia ot the aforertreMloned 8ndinps. i 7liE FOREQOINO RFSOLUTION was aclopted et thn Plannlnp Commlaslon meeting of December 1, 1993. J _ .rr.. CHAi MAN PRV TEMPORE i ANAHEIM CITY PU4NNINa COMMI331UN I ATTEST: ~~ SECRET , ANAHEIM CITY PUINN~Na COMMISSION STATE OF CAUFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANOE ) ~+. GTY vF MIANEIi~I 1 I, Marpertta Salab. Socrotery of the Anehotm City P~annin~ Commiselon. do hereby certKy ! that the tonpdnp rosdutbn wat pa~tl and aloptod at e rneetirq d tho Anehoiim Clty Plannlnq I Commiset~n hold on D~oe~nbor 1. 1~D0, by tho idlowlny vote ot tho mambore t!~rod: ~ AYE3: COMMISSIONERS: BOYOSTUN, CALDVVELL. HENNIN3ER. MAYER, MESSE NOES: COMMI$310NEFi3: NONE ABSENT: COMM19910NER3: PERATJ- ABSTAINEO: COMMISFIONER3: TAI1' ~N WITNF:SS WHEHEOF, I hsve horaunto sat my hand thls ~ day d I , 1993. j ~ SECRET Y, EIM PLANNINd COMMISSION ~"+~+~ .2. PODO• 130