Resolution-PC 93-131A RESOLUTION OF TME ANAHEIM CITY PLANNIN(3 COMMI3SION THAT PETITION FOR CONUITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 3647 BE (3RAf+1TED WHEREAS, tlio Anaheim City Planning Commission dkJ receNe a verified Petftlon ior Conditlonel Uae Permlt inr certain real property situated in the City of Anahetm, County ot Orange, State of Calffornis, described as: PARCEL 10 OF PARCEL MAP NO. 84-233, IfV THE CI1Y OF ANAHEIM, COUNTY OF ORANQi', STATE OF CAUFORNIA, AS PER MAP FILED IN BOOK 202, PA~E3 41 'f0 44, INCLU8IVE OF PARCEL MAPS IN THE OFFICE OF 7HE COUIYTY RECORDEFi OF 3AID COUNTY. WHEREA3, the Ciry Planning Commisaton did hdd a publia hearing at the C!~tc Center in the City of Anahefm on December t, t993 at 1:30 p.m., natice oS said public hearing havinp been duty given as requlred by law end in accordance with the provisions of the Aneheim Munlcipel Cc~de, Chapter t 8.0.3, to hear end consider evidence for and apainst said proposed condittonal use ponnR and to investi~nte and meke Nndin~s and recommendatlona in connectlon therewith; end WHEREA3, aeld Commtsalon, efter dus inspectlon, Investl~etion arxl atudy mede by itself end In tts behalf, and aher due conaideration of eli ovidence and reporta oHored at seld hearlnp, does flnd end determino the idlowing tacts: t. That the proposal uae Is properly one t~r wh~h a conditional usa permk IR autho-Ized by Aru-heim Municipal Code 3ectbna t8.4~1.050.080 and 18.41.05t1.150 to permit a chAd day care facflity end private elemantary achool wMh waMe~s of the tdtowing: a. 3BCtI0t118.41.Q~3.030 - (~.Q f~et raqutred; .~feet Proposedl b. s loes te.o4.Od3. - p~rmktod encroachmsrR into raa~.,vero nroos. ~,q~g (Playprounds ~ pemdttad to encroech IMo end t8. _.082.010.012 mtnlm 60-loot aolback elorq h8lskfe eocondary hlphwsye; pt~ypround propo~od to encraach 30 f Into wtbeck don~ MoMe Vleta Re~ c, ,$g~{lor~ t8.06.034 0283 - Min mum numbor ot oarkina_s~S~. ~,g,;~} (~ rec;ulred: ~$ r~quf-ad by perklnp ~tudY: 1l.~4!!~ ,44 P~~) and.18.4L11Q8A~ 2 Thet tho~o sre speciel c~cumstencos e{~plkado to tho prup4riy, co~thq d lu Irro~ul~r ahape and tho b0•foot wfdo uUiry ~emeM alonp tho w~st propeAy IInQ. wtdch do rat ap~ly to othrtt (dontic~711y =pnod propMM~ M the vic~l and wMch ckcumstances maln odh~ronce to roqufred dsvNopmerK ~tarxlards dMllc~~t; 3. Thst strkt epp~k~tbn o~ tho zon~rw Cod~ dopr~v~s ttw ~xopaty e~ wwws~es eMoyod bY othor prop~rtlos undAr ld~mlcal zoninQ dassl0cstlon In thu v~k~ity; 4. Thet Iho uN d vrroupht iton wlth stucco pYastor fonckp Ad~ac.~nt to MoMO Vf~W Avonus and Old SprNqs Rosd wAI er~hence the aeschet~ app~aranc~ d tf~a fenc~ ondne~ae and wtq provkle a batrlor ~~ vnhiculor trafDc; CR1959M8.WP .1. P0~1 ~1~1 ! # ! f ,~ 6. That the parktng variance, anatyzsd In the perkinfl demand study dated Qctuber 7, 9993 ~ end epproved es to adequecy Gy the City Tmffic end Transponetien Manager, wlll not cause en incroaoe ~ in tralfic con~estion In the inimadiate vlclniry nor adveraely aHect any adJoinlnp land uses; ~ 8. Thet the grenttng oi the parking varience undar the canditions imposed wfll not be '~ detrimental to the peace, health, safety or g0neral w~lfare of the cftlzens of the City ot Anaheim; ~ 7. That the proposed use, conaisting of chlid day care and a prlvate elementary sr.hpol for r~ children trom two years dd throu~h sbAh grada, Is properly one for whtch a condkional use pennk Is ~ aulhorized by the ZoMny Code; ~ t 8. Thatt tha proposed use will n~ advaraely eHoct the adjoining lend uees and the growth and j development oi tho eroa In whlch R Is proposod to be located, and wNl bervo a publtc need in the I surrounding communky; ~ 9. That the a(ze enci ahepe ot the sfte tor the proposed use ts adequate to ellow the full development M the proposed usg fn a manner not detrlmental to the perticular area nor to tha peace, henlth, satery and ganeral welfare; t0. Thet the traHlc gene~ated hy the proposed use wllt not tmpose sn undue buMen on the streets and hiqhweys desi{~ned and improved to carry the traHic in the area; 1 t. That the prenllna ot the condklonel use permR under thg condRlons Impoaed wNl not be detrimernai to tha pence, hesith, safaty and general wel(are ot tho dttzens oi tMa City ot Anahelm; and 12. Thet one person tndk~ted his presence at sald public hsnrlnp in opposltion; and thet no correspondence was recaived In oppoaltbn to thA subJect aetttion. ~ALlF RNIA ~NYJ80NMENTAL allAL~?!~ AG7 FINQ~g: That the Maheim City PlAnning Cnmmtsslon has revlowod the proposal to pennit n chAd day care iecpky ar~ prlvate atementary schnd wlth weNero ot mtnimum setbeck irom IMerlor lot Itne, permkted ancroechmont Into requlred ysrd er~s, and minimum number ot partcinp spar,os on an fneyWarlyshaped parc~l of land con~iatinp ot apprwcimataty 1.42 acro~ located at tho noAhwest comer of 61oMe Vleta Roed enci Old 3prlnqa Roed, hevinq approxlmete irontaqea uf 273 ieet on the nath eide of Monte Vbtu Rosd and 241 ieet on the west sida oi Old Sprlnpa Raed and brther described es 181 South Old Sp~ir~ys Road; end doee h~reby approve tho N~gatbs Docleratbn upon Mding that th~ dQClaration roAocts the IrxfoperxlaM ~~dq~ment of the loed eqency end that h has conaldorod tho NepatNa D~daratbn toqAthor wkh erry comments recelved durtnp the public revtew procoss erKf furthor Rndinp on the basls of the inklal study end eny commema rQC~Nad that there I~ no substantiel ovldance thet the pro~ect v-11 heve s slgnMicsM eNact on the onvironmtnt. NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT FiESOLVEO tliet the Aneh~im Chy Planninp Commiasion does ' horoby prent subJ~ct PetRlon tor Cor~cfitional Uee PQrmR, uaon the Idlw~lnp conditbns whlch are lieroby (ound to be a necostery Pr~requtsi~o to the propostd use of the subJact qoperty In ord~r to pne~rvR tho ,,..,y,:. saloty end ~enerel welfaro at tho Cltixons ot tha dry ot Anah~fm: t. That any exl~tlnp trao~ whbh are romorred shall bo roploced on e lwato~one (2:1) rmb wlth minlmum twenry four (2a) b~ch box trs~s. 2. Th~t a wrou~M Iron hnco whh stucxo pAaster= ~hall be conatru~ted adjacenc to Monto Vbta Avonu4 end Old Sprinp~ Aoed Inatosd d the chaM Ilnk fenclrq sho~m on tha app-wed slto end conceptuel devolopmeM Plarn (Exhiblt Nos. 1 and ~. 3. That the onrolirtarn of wb(acc facAfty shsll be IlmRed to a ma~chnum d two hundrad (?OD1 students QMaMa throuph 8th gn~do). y -2- PC9C3•191 '. 4. That tho owner of suC~ect property stu~ll submlt a letter requesting terminatlon o( Conditlonal Use Permk No. 3085 (pe-r~~:ttfng a day care centor for 318 children with waiver of minimum bullding setback) to the Zoning Dlvislon. 5. That plens shall be submitted to the Ciry Traiiic and Transportatl~n Manuger ior hls review and approval showing coMormance wfth the lateat revislona of Englneering Standard Plan Nos. 436 and 602 pertain(ng to Farking standards ~nd driveway tocatlons. 8ubJect property shall thereupon be developed and maintalned In coMormance wfth sald plans. 6. That the drNeway on Old 3p-ings Roed ahall be constructed with ten (10) foot radiua curb returns as r~yufred by the Ciry Engineer In coniormance wkh Engineering Standards. 7. That trash sto~ago araas shall be provlded and malntalned In a locatlon +~cceptabie to the Depenment of Malntenance and In acco~dance wftti approved plens on Ille with said Department. Such intormatlon ahall be spscHically shown on the plans submktod for bulldtng permRs. e. That a plan sheet tor solld waste storage and collection, ~nd e plan for recycllnp ahall be submitteci to the DopartmeM of Malnt¢nance for revieuv and epproval. 9. That an on•site trash truck tum•aroi'nd aroa ahnll be provlded and malntelned to the satissiactlon of the Depertmont of Mafntenence. Sak1 tum•around area ahell be specl~cally ghown on plens aubmitted for buflding permRs. t0. That subJect property shall be devoloped eubstantielly In accordance with plans end specHlcetiona aubmitted to the Ciry oi Anaheim by the petkioner (nxcept as otherwfse requlred by other conditlona hereln) ar.d wh(ch piana are on filo with the Plannin~ Depettment marked Exhibk Nos. 1 throuqh 8; provld¢d, however, that the ct~culatton syatem aheil be reviasd to: (a) Provido a two (2) car wfde d~lvo atsle In th0 drop-off zona; gnd (~~ Ramove the two (2) peukinfl specea locatsd In the drop-off zone between the bulidinp and the IandQCape plenter, end r~loca:e thoso two (2) epecea to the wsst end of the park(n~ bay. 3atd reviasd ctrculatlon plan shatl be revlewed end approved by the City TraNtc and TranspoRatlon Maneqer prior to Isauance of a bu(Idinp permR. t t. Thet a sl~n shall be pasted in tho drop~oN zone prohibkinp perking for the pickinp-up of atudents. t 2. Thet the ptckln~•up of atudents ehell be stag~ered throuphout the dey to provunt ~~klnp and clrculatlon problems. 13. Thet prbr to leeuenc.~e of tt buNdirp permlt or withln a pe-iod ot one (1) yeer trom the date vf this reaolutbn, which~ occur~ flnt, CondMion Nos. a, 6, 7, 8, 9 end 10, abov9-meMtonod, ~hall be compliod wkh. Extgnalons tor tuAhor tlme to complete eaid conclttlons may be 9-ented In eccordance whh 8ection 18.03.090 of the Anaheim Mun~ipat Code. t4. Thot prbr tu Rna~ bupdtnp ond zoMnQ inspectlont, Condltfon Nos. 1, 2, 8, ~0 and 1t, Above•m~--tloned~ shell be c:ompllad whh. ~6. ~~pl~ h tha Arre~hellm~Munic(pel Zonin ~Code and eny ~ aP ~b~e CkYyStete and Faderst reputatfonr-. Approva~ does net indude any action or flndinp: as to compience or approval of the req~~esc ropsr~irp uny aher eppltcade adinance, -o~ulatbn or requlrement. ,'!, ; ~~ ,3. PC93-131 SE IT FURTHER RESOWED that the Anaheim Clry Planning Commisalon daes hereby ilnd ~ and determ(ne that adoptfon of this Resolution Is exproesly predicated upon opplicant's compliance with each and all of the condftluna hereinabove aet torth. 3hould eny such condkion, or any part thereof, ba declared irnalid or unenforceable by the tinal Judgment of any court oi competent Jurisdictlon, then this Resolutfon, end eny approvals herein contalnod, shall be deemed null and void. THE FOREGOIN(i RESQLUTION was adopted at the Planning Commissian meetlnQ ot Oecember 1, 1993. ~ „ /' ~~~~..~ ~~'~~ CHAIRWt~MAN PRO TEMPOR ANAHEIM CITY PLANNINC COMMISSIQN ( ~ ATTEST: ~ ~ ~ 8ECRE1'A ~, AMEI CiTY PLANNINCi COMMISSION STATE OF CAUFORNIA ) COUNTY OF OqAN(3E ) as. CITY OF A~lAHEIM ) I, P~Aargaritaa Solorlo, Secretery ot tha Anahefm City ?IanninQ Cnmmission, do hereby certMy that the toregoing resdutlon wes pesaed and adopted at a moetln~ of the Anatieim Clry Planntnfl Commiaslor~ held on D¢cember t, 1993, by the tollowing vote ot th~ membe-s thereot: AYES: COMMIS510NER3: BOYDSTUN, CALDWELL, HENNINfaER, MAYER, MESSE, TAIT NOES: COMMI3SIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: PERAZA /'~ ~"~ IN WlTNE33 WHEREOF, 1 have h~reunto eet my hand thle ~~ day of L ~(L1'1'~j,v~ - . 1993. _ _ . . ,. , , 3EC~ R~AR~ , NAH IM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ,~~ ,~ e ,,~ PC93-131