Resolution-PC 93-134A iiESOLUTION t~F THE ANAHEIM CIIY PLANNI(VC3 COMNiISSION THAT PEl'ITION'•OR RECIASSIFICATION N0. 93•94-04 BE GRANTED. UNCONDITIONALLY WHEREA3, the Anaheim Ciry Planninq Commisslon did raceive a verHled petition for Reclassificat:~~n tor real p~operty sftuated ir the Cfry oi Anahaim, Co~nty oi Oranpe, State ot CalHornia, described as fdlows: PROPOSED TRAC? NO. t~f888, BElNQ A SUBD~VISION OF: A PORTION OF VINEYARU LOT E-1, A3 3HOWN ON A MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 4, PA(3E3 829 AND 630 OF D~ED3, RECGROS OF LOS AN(iEl.E3, CAUFORNIA, 70C3E?HER WITH PORTIONS OF THE LORFL~! TRACT, AS 5HOWN ON A MAP RECORDED IN ~OOK 29, P44E 24 OF MI3CEUANEOUS RECORDS OF L03 ANdE1.E3 COU(VT1f, CAl.IFORNIA. WHEREA3, the Cly F'lanning C.ommisaion did hold n pubilc heering at the Civ~ CeMer fn the City oi Ar.ahelm on December 1, 1993 at t:30 p.m., notlce of sefd puWic hea~ing havlrq been duly plven as rec~uired by lew and In accordance wUh the provislona oi the Mehelm Munkipel Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and ~conafder e~ldence for end apainst sekf pro~nsed reclusaHicatlon end to Investi~ate ar!d make 8ndinqs and rocommenCations in connectbn there4vlth: and y1MEqEAB. aek! Commtasion. efter due Inspectlon, tnveatl~etlon and nudy mnde by Rs~it and In Ks behaR, and aher due conalderatbn ot alt eMdenc~ and repoA: Nfered at ~ak1 hoarin0, do~ flnd and detarml~e the tdlowing facts: t. That the petKianer proposss redassl~c~tlon of sub~act prc,~rty irom the CH (Commorclal. Heevy) Zorw to tho CL {Comrtwrcfal, Umitod) 2ono. 2. That the Anahetm Cienera! Plen desfpnat~ gubjoct properry for C3enarat Commercial land usQS. 3. Thst the prc~posed ~nsrilkatla~ of wWect proponY la necossery srxf/or doelrable ta the orderty end pr~por devalopmern d the rnmmunity. 4. That tho pro~x+se0 raddx~tfon d wb~oct propertY doos propAdY telste to t' . zonos end tholr pormlttvd ufos IocaAy opeWislxd In do~o pna~dmltY to ~ubJ~ct proporty a~~d t~ tho zonos and tholr p~rmined usos porarslly astaWfshod throughout tho cotnrtwnKy. 6. Th~t no ono i~dkttod thoh prew~s et ~aid public h~~inp in np~o~ltbn; and that no corrsat~d~n~ wns re~ohrod In oppotlt~nn to wb~xt petltbn. ~!~ ~FORNIA ENVIRONMENT_~AL+?r ACT FlHDIN(i: 'fhat lho An~h01m qty Plan~lrq Commisskx~ has rw~w~d the propaN to rocteath wW~t ProP~Y from :tw CH (Comrt-orcisl~ Moovy) Zor~ to tM CL (Comnw~d~l. u~„noo~ zo~e «+ a~o~ra~+r~,eo«~ ve~c.~ a ~s~ con~kw a e~~,iy o.s~ ec-., n.~ q rro~m~ a.~ma~ar ~m -ooc «, ~n. oa~c .aQ a e~ab sa»oc. ~~~ v ma~ur~ ~~h a e~o~ar x~ a.~. ~w iocaceo ev~k,w.h+ aoo reo~ r,onh a ~n. conterllne of K~tMla :~ • o. end hiAhor doicrlbod 17~2 - 3~: SotXh Eudid Stnot, and do~s MnbY aPP-~ lf~ Ne~ativt Cindata upon IM~dMq lhot th~ dadar~tbn rollecb tha k~d~p~ndont ~udpomont d tM loed aq~nCy gnc thet R it~, COrnfdarocl th0 NE ~tlve DudaratfOn toQNhOr wlth any ~mmOnls n1ClWOd du-'.~p c+~ pub~ic rn-taw procos~ and furtN~r m~..~ on tha b~asb a the ;n~tal qudy and any c~onxneni~ roeowad that tt~a fs no aubWantk~l Mvidonos ttxu tM pro(eet wln heve s ~i~nNfcant oltect on thR erMrorxnmt. ~,`^ . CR1~13.WF' •1 • P09d•13+t NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOWED that the .4nahelm Cfry Flanning Commission doos hereby epprove the subJect Petftion fer qeclassiflcation to euthoriza an amendment to the Zoninp Map of the Anahelm Municipal Code to exclude the aboveilescribed prope-ty irom the CH (Comrnerclal, Neavyl Zone ~nd to inco-porate saW described property Into the ~' (Commercial, Limftecl) Zone, unconditionally. BE tT FURTHER RE30LVED that approva! of this appllcatlon constft~~tes approvat oi the proposed request only to the extent that It complies with the Anaheim Munlr,ipal Zoniny Ctide and any other applicab~e Ciry, State and Federal repulations. Approval doea nat include any actlon or Mdfnqa as to compllance or approvel oi the request regarcltng any other applicable orclinance, ragulatlon or requirement. BE IT FURTHER RESOWEO, that thts resalution ahall not aonstl;ute ~ rezonin~ of, or a commftmertt by the Clty to re=one, the sub~eM property; any such tezonlny shalt requlr9 en ordlnance of the Ciry Council whlch shall be u lapislativ9 act which may be epprovixl or deniod by the City Council at its sole discretton. tHE FOREQOIN(3 RESOLUTION was adopted at the Planntnp Commiasfan moetin~ ot December 1, 1983. ~ = C~~ ~ ~~-~ CHAI WOMAN PRO•TEMP RE ANAIIEIM CITY PLANNINCi COMMIS310iJ ATTEST: Gc",v~ - SECR.. , ANAHENbf CITY PI.ANNINQ COMMI3310N $'TATE OF CAUFORNIA ) ! COUNTY UF dRANQE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEINS ) j I, Marpd~tta Solorb, Sacretary d the Ar~ahefm Ciry Planning Commisalon, do hereby ~; carlHy thet tho faaaoirq ru~olutlon was peswd and gdoptod at a moatlnp of th~ ~Maheim Clty Planninfl i Commisaton hdd on Oocombar t, 1993, by the fdlowlnp vote ot the mombors thereof: ~ AYE8: ~:UMMISSION~.RB: BOYDSTUN, CALDYVELL. HENNINQER, MAYER, MESSE, TAIT ~ NOE3: COMMISSIONEAS: NONE ~ /tBSENT: COMM13310NER3: PERAtA, ~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hew harounto iet my hend this _,~ =!~"' day d ~ . 19~3. ~ ..,~44 SECRET . EIM CfTY PUWNINd COM!AISSION '~~ ,2. P081-134