Resolution-PC 93-138RESOLU710N NO. PC93-138 A RESOL~JTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMtiiISS10N AMFNI~ING CERTAIN CONDITIQNS OF APPROVAL OF CONDITIONAL USE F'kRMIT N0. 3435 WHEREAS, on July 29, 1991 the Anaheim City Pianning Commission approved Conditional Uso Permft No. 3435 permittin~ e new and used truck sales lot and repafr facllfty with waivar of raqulred dedicatlon and requlred setback on properry located at the northwsst comer of Cerrkos Avenue and Lewla Street and funher described as 851 East Cerritos Avsnue; and WHEREAS, said 9esalutlon No. PC91-117 Includes the following candftlon of approval: "11. °~hat any proposed freestanding sign on subjact properry shall be a monumeni-type not exceeding eight (8) faet In height and shall be subject to the rAVlew And appraval of the Ciry 7~aHic arvJ Transportatfon Menager to determine adequate Iinos-of-slght." WHrREAS, the petftloner has requested to amend said condition of approvel to permR a 25- toot high pole sign. WHEREA8, the City Planning Commission dl~ hold a publlc hearing at the Clvic Center i~ the City of Anaheim on December 13, 1993, at 1:30 p.m., notice of sald publlc hsaNng having bsen duly given as requlred by iaw and In accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Munlclpal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evidence ior and againet said proposed amendment ~nd to Investigate eitid make findings and recommendations (n connectlon therewith; and WHEREAS, aald CAmmission, aker due lnspection, inveatigation and study made by Its~lf and in its beha~f, and aker dua consfderation of sll ev(dence and repor:a oHered at said hearfng, does find and determine the following facts: ~. That the proposad amendment to the conditlons of approval will not adveraely affect the adJoining land uses end the prowth and development of the area In which R is pr~posed to be located; 2, 7hat th~ size and sF~pe of the site for is adequate to allow the devAlopment of the proposed signage in a menner not detrimental to tho pQ;ticular area nor to the pAace, heelth, safety and generat welfc~re; 3, That epproving the proposed amendment to signage unr:er the condkions imposed will not be detrimental to the peace, health, safery and general wel(srA af tha• cftizens of the Ciry of Anahelm; 4. That no one indicated their presence at said public hea~inq in opposition; and that ro correspondence was receivod in opposition to Ihe subJect pelRi~m. ~`~ ORNIA ENVIR~IMENTAI~(p~LITY ACT FINQING: That the Aru~helm City Planning Commission has revfewed tho pro~osal to amend Condftion No. 11 of Reaolutlon No. PC91-117 to permit a 25•foot hiph pds siqn and doss hereby find that the Negatlve Doclaratlon previousiy epprove~l fn connectfon with Conditional Usa Permit No. 3435 fs adequate to serve as the required envfrc •-~antal dacumentat(on in cunnection with this request upon iinding that the declaratian reflects thg ~ndependent judgement of the lead agency and that ft has considered tho Negative Decleratlon together wfth any comrtients recefved during the public revfew proce~s and further findinA on the bes(s of the fnitiai atudy and any comments recefved that therv is no substantial evidance that the project wifl have a aignillcant eHect on the environment. , ~~~'- CR 196gMS.WP -1- PC93-S 38 I ~ ~ I NOW, TNEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaholm Cfty Plenning Commisslon does hereby amend Condftion -~~o. 11 of Resolution No. P1:91-117 to read as follaNS: "11. That the proposed twenry five (25) faat high pole sign fs hereby Apgroved ior a period of nine (9) years until December 13, 2Ci12; and that tfm~ extenslons may be sought in } connr~ction with duly noticed public hac~rings.' and, further, that the Planning Cornmission adds tho following new condkion: 18. That within a period of ono (1) year from the date of this resolutlon, the proposed p~le sipn for subject property shall be developed substantlally in accordance with plane and specNications submitted to thd Ciry of Anahelm by the petltloner and which plans ars on flla with tho Plenning Department merked Exhibft No. 2. Extenslons for further tlme to complote sald conrJitlons may be granted In accordence with Section 18.03.090 of the Anahelm Municipal Code. TWE FnREGGINQ RESOLUTfON was adoptod at tha Plenning Commisslon meeting of Decomber 13, 1993. CHAIt~MAN, AN EIM CITY P NNING COMMI3810N ~ A'fTEST: S RETARY, ANA CITY PWNNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANCiE ) ss. CIN OF ANNHEIM ) I, Janet ~. Jensen, Secretery ot the Anaheim Ciry Planr~ing Commisslon, do hereby certNy that the fore~oinq rePOlutlon was passed end adopted at a meeting af tha Anaheim City Planning Commission hsld ~n Dacember 13, 1993, by the followfng vote of -he members thereof: AY~S: COMMISSIONERS: BOYDSTUN, HENNINQER, MAYER, MESSE, PERAZA, TAIT ~ NO02Cs: COMMISSIONEFiS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: CAI.DWCU. IN WITIJESS WHEREOF, I heve hAreunto set my hand this(~~ : day cf 199~ y v I ; `~~. ~. CFiETARY, Af~{A CITf PLANNINCi COMMISSION i ,w"'^~o~,,~ -2. PC93•138