Resolution-PC 93-140~,$Q~ION ,~,Q. PC93-L4Q A RESOLUTIQN OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNINCi COMMISSION AM~NDINCi CERTAIN CONDITIONS OF APPROVAI.OF RESOLUTION NO. PC83-175, ADOPTED IN CONNEC~ ION WITH CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2484 WH~REAS, on Oatober 3, 1983 the Anehelm CRy Plenning Commfasion grented Condhional Use Permft No. 2484 uncler Re~solution No. PC83-175 to permft commerclai use of a residential atructvre with waiver of minimum number ot perking spaces on property located on the weat side of Euclid Sireet, approx(mately 31S feet soulh of the ceM3rlfne of Broadway and further deacrii~ed a3 4Q1 Souih Euclid Street; and WHEREAS, safd Resolution Nn. PC83-175 fncludes the idlawlnp oondkion of approvel: `2. That th~ use ni ~ubJect property ahall be Ifmited to an o~ice for word procesainq servlcea only.' WHEREAS, the petftioner hae~ submltted a letter deted October 29, 1993 requestinfl amendment to Condklon No. 2 ot Plannfng Commiaslon Resc~lution No. PC83-t76 to include the followinp Ii~t of uses to enhance marketablliry ot the sub;ect property: 1. Business sarvice flrms including architoctural, engineerfng, drekin{~ seroices, market resoerch ancl other stmilar tirms. 2. Busfnoasagenr,les includinp edvertislnQ, travcl, cradk, finence, employmentand otherslmNeragoncles. 3. Buslness oNices Includinq accounting, bookkeepinq, insurence, law or tepsl servicea, r~l sstate, public utltRiea, conuultants end other afmilar oHices. 4. Financlal atfices and instltutlons Includiny banka, trust companles, savlnps and loen ~~socletiona aecurity and commodiry exchanyes and other simUar Irnestment companles. b. Medical/dental oNtcas. 6. Medlcai and/or donW letwratory. 7. Presccription pharmacy. 8. Secretarlal aervfcea. 9. TNephone answerinp services. WHEREIIS, the ebove-Iisted buslness Noa. 1 throuqh 5 are pe-mlttod 'prlmarY ueee whian ostebllshed In commercial buAdinpa In the und~~lyinp CO'Commerclal, Olfico end Professionel' Zone and Noa. 6 throuqh 9 aro permRt~tl 'accessor~ usos; WHEREAS, the Cfty Plnnning Commlt~ion did hdd e publ~ hearinp at the CNIc Center In the Ciry of MeFwim on December 13, 1993, at 1:30 p.m., r~otfce of said publlc hoaring hevlnp boen duly qh-sn aa required by law snd In eccordsnce wlth the provlalona oi the An~helm iWunfctpal Cale, Chepter 18.03, to heer and con~fder evldence for and apafnat sald proposed emsndmeM and to invaatipete and meke Mdinya and recommendatlons in connectlon therewith; and '~'~Y4 '~Yr. CR1970MS.WP •t. PC9Ci•14f1 WHEREAS, safd Cammission, eRer due Inspectfon, investigatlan and study made by Itself ancl In fts beF~alf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at sald hearing, does flnd and determino the following facts: 1. That the proposed uses are properly ones fo• which a conditional use permk Is authorized by Sectians of the Anahelm Municipal Code; 2. That the proposed uses wlll not Adversely aHect the adjoinfng lend uses and the growth and development of the eraa In whiah they are proposed to be located; 3. That the size and shape of the sita for the proposed uses is adequate tn allow the full devalopmont of the proposal in a manner not detrimental to the particular srea nor to the peace, heaith, safery and general welfare be~.suse the ~~se of the exfsting four hundred ten (410) squars foot office orea (converted from a garage) fs Iimited to spociflc uses whfch generate minimal cuaromor end employee p~rking and da not exceed the parking requiroment of four (4) spaces par one thousand (1000) square feot of gross floor area; 4. That the traffic generoted by the proposed use will not impose an undue burden on the streets and highways deslyned and fmprovod to carry the traH(c tn the erea because aubJact epproval peKefns only to the existing four hundred ten (410) square feet of office ar3a In the converted gerage and that any proposec! Increase In the oHice ~rea, axceeding sald four hundred ten (410) square ieAt, wlll nncesaitate obtaining approval of a new parking waNAr; 5. Thet tho amendment of the condftlonal use ~ermit undor the condltions imposed wlll not ba detrimental to the peace, hoalth, safety and general weltare of the citizans of the Cky of Anahelm; and 6. That no one fndicated thofr presence at safd public hearing in opposition; and that nu correspondence was rece(ved In opposhlon to the sub~ect petition. ~ALIFORNIA Et~VIRONMENTAL ~UALlTY ACT FINDIN(3: That the Anahefm City Plenning Commisslon has revfewed the proposal to amend Conditfon No. 2 oF Reaolutfon No. PC83•17S to extend the Iist of permitYsd uses and does hereby find that the Negative Dectaretlon previqusly epproved In connection wfth CorxlR~onal Use Permft No. 24AA Is edequate to aerve as the requlred ernironmer-tal documentatlon (n connectfon wkh thla requeat upon finding that the decla~tlon reliocts the Indepondent judgement of the tead agency and that R has considered the Negetlve Declaratlon together wfth any comments recclvad during the public revlew process end further tindin~ on the basls of the initfal study and eny commeMs rec~ived that there is no aubstantlal ev(dence that the proJar.t wlll heve e stgnHicant etlect on the snvironment. NOW, TH~REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim Cky Planninp Commiselon does hereby amend Condft~on No. 2 of Re~aolutl~n No. PC83-176 to read es idlow• 2. Thnt tlie uso of aubJect property shall be Ilmlted to tho idlowing commercial uses: e. Busineas aervfce ftrma {nclucling erchftecturai, enptnesrinp, dratting services, merk~t reaeerch and other simflar tfrms. b. Bustness afficea Incluclfng accountfng, bookkeepfnp, (naurance, law or legal services, real estate, publtc utilitles~, consuttants and other aimilar ofllces. c. Secretarfal servlces. d. Telephone answertng sen+ices. ,~ .2. PC93•1 AO and, further, that the Plannin~ Commisslon adds the following new conditions: 7. That the c~mrierclal uso(sy on subJect property shall be Iimfted to the tour hundrod and ten (410) squara foot ~onverted garege. 8. That the operator of any commercial actfvfry on the alte muat be the resident of the residentlal atructure on the sfte. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION was adopted at thd Plennin~ Commisalon meeting of Decomber 13, 1993. CHAIRMAN, A M CITY LANlVING COMMIS810N ATTE3T: EC AriY, ANAHEI ITY PLANNING COMMISSIO~J STATE OF CAUFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CI1Y OF ANAHEIM ) I, Janet L Jensen, Secrewry ot the Anahelm City Planntnp Commisalon, do hereby ceKify thet the foregoing resalutlon was passed and adopted at a meetin~ oF tha Anehelm Clty Plenning Commisslon held on December 13, 1993, by the following vo~e of the memGers thereoi: AYES: COMMfS310NERS: BOYDSTUN, HENNINfiER, MAYER, MESSE, PERAZA, TAIT NOES: COMM{S810NERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMlSSIONERS: CALDWELL y IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereun4o set my hand this,(1~ dey ot 199~. RET4RY, ANAH ITY PLANNINd COM1.~13SION V i. Y~ ~~i ~ .3. Pf.'93-140