Resolution-PC 93-18~ ~ ,~~SOLUTIQ~ N0. PC93-18 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAWEIFA CIN PLANNING COMMISSION MUDIFYING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 2809 WHEREAS, Conditional Use Permit No. 2809 to permit a 2 and 3-story,125-u~~it aonlor cltizens ~partment complex wilh walvers ot (a) minimum structura~ setbeck, (b) requited building Iocotion, (c) requlred recreation-I~isure area, (d) requlred site boundary screaninp, and (e) requlrad number of offordable units) was approvetl, in part, by the Pianning Commissfon under Resolutlon No. PC86-189 on July 21, 1986, perrr~lttinp 118 unita and denying ail waivers on property located on tho nor~h side of Nohl 9anch Road betweon Hlllcrest Stroet on the west and Anahelm Hills Road un tha east, and further desorlbed as 435 South Anehelrt~ Hills ~foad; and WWEREAB, the proposal was cons(dered hy the Planning Commisslon at three publlc meetings: June 9, June 23, and July 21, 19A6; and WHEREAS, according to the minutes of the me~tings, landscaping of the ap~roximateiy 1 acre westorly porNon of sub~ect proporty was dfscussed at two of the meettngs, as follows: (a) P,t the June 9, 1fl6E Planning Commisslon meeting, "Molvin Wunt, 273 S. Illllcrest, stated he agrees with the opposltion rep~rdlnfl tho hlgh density. He r9fened to the area along Nohl Ranch Raad bordered by Hlllcrest Street on the west and Anahelm Hllls Road on the east and stated that is a weed•iilled, dry, uncared•tor strip of land which fs really an eys sore and a hozard to pedastrlans with weeds growtng over the sidewalks, etc. He askad that if approved, the Qommissfon should include a requirement to maintatn a landscaped greenbelt elong the Nohl Ranch Road portlon, in koeptng with the standards ofAnaheim HIIIs...Mr. Ryan (eger~t) stated thoywould be happyto provtdethegreenbQlt as auggasted " (b) At tho July 21,1906 Plenning Commisslon meeting, "Commissloner Herbat asked if the slopo abutting Hlllorest will be I~ndscapeci and malnta(nod permaneniiy. Mr. Schwartze (statod) that all the area fnctuding the flet ~lateau wlll be landacaped. We stated there Ia t/2-acre Iandlockod parcel whtch they are attempttng to acqufre whlch wlll also be landscaped." WHEREAB, Resolutfon No. PC86-189 fnadvertently d!d,p,Qi contain e aonditlon requirinp said area be landscaped as dlscussed during the public hearfng, and neither does tho approved sfte plan exhibit show sald area; a.nd WHEREAS, on November 16, 1992, the Plann(ng Commisslon consldered as a fioports and Recomm9ndatlon Item, a request by Alan Trider for an interpretatlan of landscaplnp requtremdnfa pursuant to Conditlonal Use Pormit No. 2809; and the Planning Commtsslon telt It app~opriate for the doveloper to landscape and in(gate eU that area loceted along Nohl Ranch Road bordered by Hilicrest St: eet on the west and Anaholm Hills Road on the eaFt, Including the slope and flat plateau abutting Hillcrest Streeh and WHEREA3, the petftloner does not want ta landscape the approxfmate one (t ) acro area locatod on the north~~a~t side of Nohl Ranch Road between Hlllcrsst Street and Anehelm Hills Road and requests further negotlatlon of stipulatfo~s made by the original petitloner (Anshefm Hllis Aecgust Club) at the Planning Cemmisslon meetings of June 9, 1986, and Juty 2t, 1986; and WHEREA3, petkioner has (ndfcated the tollowing reasons and justlflcation far eliminating the requfrement for landacaping the aroa: ( t. That the approved and stampad landscap~ng plans describe a temporary irrigatlon syatem ~ with spsciffc hydroseed materlal; i CR 1731 MS.wp -1. PCJ3•18 ~ i ~ ~. ,~~~r ~~. . ~"''t 1. That Resdutlon No. PC86•189 does ~.Qt contain a condftlon requlrtng sald erea be landscaped; and 3. That this Is e Cfty bond project which ^.annot eHord any addittonal expendhures not specllied In thelr requtrementa. WHEREA3, the Ciry Plannin~ Comrt~~ssion did hold a public hea~in~ et the Civic Center In tha Cfty ot Anaholm on February 8, 1993, at t:30 p.m., notfce of sai~ pubtic hearinp havtnp bAen duly ~Nen as raqutred by law and in accordence with thA provtslons ot the Anahaim Munlclpel Code, Chapter 18.0.'~, to hear and conaider ~Je-~co for end apalnst sakf proposRd amendmont and to tmestlpata and make flndtnys and recommendatlo~ : In connectlon therewtth; and WrIEREA3, oaid Commiaalon, aker due Inapectlon, trnestipatlon end study mede by Its~lf and in fta ~,ehalf, sr~ aRer due conside~etion of nll widenca and reports oNerod at sald hoarlnp, dops Md and detsrmine the idlowin~ lects: 1. That tha mtnutea ot the June and July 1988 puWic meetinps Indicate it was the appllcaM's stlpWated intentlon, as well es the Commisalan's and nelphbors' expectatton, that the aree In question bo ~andacaped. 2. Thnt three Hillcrest 3treet homeowners testiflad a2 th0 FAbruary 8, 19~1 public maotinp (n favar of the eub~ect arqa belrp landaceped end m&tntainod in connection w~th tha eenlar citizena' apartrr~nt compisx. 3. That approval ot Condltlo~l Use Permit No. 2809, and arry stlputetlons rtmdo thonlo, are euxl8ted whh the sub~ect property end not with the o~fylnal cwner/eppllcarK at the Ume M epprwal: and, theroloro, h Is tl~e currem property ownero reoponstblllty to Instell and rt-alntaM the tendscaplnp. 4. That the proposod uae, as orlqfnally approvad arw! baaod on otlputMbna mndo et tho pubilc hsa~lnp, would not edversoly aHect the adJointnp land us~a and Ihe praMh and devNopmont o~ the areo In which R Is propo~ad to be Ic+cated; end that the sfze and :hapa of the aho tor the proposAd uso Is edaqueta to etlcw tf re tull davotopmont ot tho propoa~d uso tn a mennor not dot~lmont~l to N~c Darllculer anM nor to tha poeco, health, eafety end yeneret wellaro N th~ property is devAlopod a~ a:~ ~~'ed to et the puWic hea~inp; but thot tho pertnh ~rnM~f Is beinp exorcfsod cornrary to the tortn~ or c-~~d~bne oi ~uch approval b~causo the atlp~latiorss madt at tt~ publi~ f~aertnp re9ardinp land~capnp d tho watody poRk~ st~Minp Hilcrost Stroet hnvo not, to data. boon adhorod to. b. Thet tM use for whlch the approvel ~vas prantod Mu not boon complatoly ~cordiad. to deto. 6. Th9t throo C~) P~P~o Indk~IOd tMlr p-6sonoA at feld public h~e~irp In oppo~ltlon to tho req~QSt; and that no cor~apcndm~ce was rtc~MMd In opposhtat to tho tub~oct nqu~st. ~FOANIA ENVIROHMENTAL OUALlYY ACT' FIN INQ: Thnt tho Aneholm Chy Pla~n~np Commisslon nsa rovlew~d tho propo~el to mall(y or em~nd condttbn~ of epprovs~ ond/or stlpulatlau pMalninp W lendtqpo ncN~~MS and doos horoby lind that tha Nopatlw D~cloratfon prevYtosnly apprav~d in connoction wltlt Cond~lonal Ua P~rr~h No. 280~ I~ sd~quat~ to sorw as tho roqulnd onvironmentd da~timcrKathn In oonnoction wAh tMs requost. ``°-- .2. P08~•18 ~ ~ NOW, THEREF ~HE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim ~ity Fsenninq Commieslon doos hereby m~dity CondRional U4e PermR by addinp the fotlowi~y new condhlo~~g: t. 7hat prlor to final bufldinD end zoninq inapections tar subJect senior citizens' apartmont complex, the erea located alonp the north aide oi Nohl Rench Roed between Hnlcrest Street and Anaheim Hpls Fload ahall be hydroseeded and e pormenent IRIQntton aystem ahell be Instelied. Addltlonalty, twenty (20) 15~ailon treeg ahall bo planted In thls aree and that e;l larxlsrapinp shall be permanoMly maiMalned. 2. ?hat the apacllic landscape and Irrlpation plans for the subj'ct araa etonQ Hilicreat Street ahell be aubmitted to tho Zoninfl Division for revfe~v and approval p or to Instatlatlo . THE FOREd01N(3 RESOLUTION waa edo the ptan Commisalon maettnp ot Febtuary e, 19413. ' ~ • ATTEST: SECRET Y, AHEIM CITY PUANNINQ COMMISSION 3TAYE OF CAUFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANQE ) ea. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) 1, Marqarite~e 8dmlo, Socr~tsry cf the Armh~im G'ty Plannlnp C~nmisslon, do h~xoby cMHy thnt the fora~olnp readutbn wa~ pasaod end adoptod at a mestlnp of the Pnah~Im Chy Plsnnln0 Commiselon haW on February 8, t993, by tho ldlowln~ voto of the membors thor~ot: AYE$: COMMI8SIONEA3: 80YDSTUN, CALDWELL. HENNINdER, MAYER, ME59E. PERI1Z/1, TAIT NOES: CAMMI3310NER3: NONE N38ENT: COMMI$SIONERS: NONE IN WITNE3S WHEP.EOF, t have hareuMO ~ot my hend thlt !J~ daY of , 1~'D3. gE ANAHEIM CITY P~ ANMNCi COMM18SION Mr t~, ~. p(~-18