Resolution-PC 93-19~ ~ A RESOLUTION 0~ THE ANAHEI1rl ~ITY PLANNIN(3 COMMIS310N 7HAT PETITION Ft'+R CONDITIONAL U~E PERMIT NO. 3579 BE ORANTED WHEREA3, the Anahefrn Ciry Pianning Commlasfon did receive a verNl¢d Potkfon for C~~ditional Use Pormh ior certai~~ roel proparty situatad In the City ot Anahalm, County ot Oranpe, State of CaIHomla, dessc~ibed as: LOT 11 OF TRACT N0. 7733, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, GOUIVTY OF ORANGE, 3TATE OF C•ALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP FiECORQED IN BOOK 374, PAGE3 12 TliFiOtJGH 15 INCLUSIVE, MISCELLANEOUS MAPE, IN THE AFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNT`f. WHEREA5, the City Planninp Commission did hald a pudlc hc+erinp at the Civic Cant~r in th0 Cky ot Anahelm on January t t, 1993 at 1:30 P•m., notice of sak! publlc haerin~ hevlnp bean duly gt~en as required by law artd In accordance vvith t~e provisioiia of tha Anahalm Mun~ipel Coda, Chaptar 18.03, to hear and consldor avidence tor and a~afn~a said proposed corditlonal uae permit and to Investi~ste and make tlndlnQs and recommendetlons In ccrn~ectfon tharewith; and that sald publl~ hearinp was continued to the January 25 and the Fab:vary 8, t993 Planninq Commlaslon meotlnfls; and WHEREAS, said Commisalon, a~or dus Inspectlon, frnestiflution end etudy rtu+de by Itec+tf end in fta bohalf, arx: aRer due conelda~aUon of alt evldence end reports oftored at aeid hoerlnq, does tind end detennine the fd!owing iacta: 1. That t~e propoaaf uae I~ prope~ly one tor which a conditlonsl uae perm!t Is Autho~tzod bY Anahelm Mun{clpnl Code S~.Klon to axpand en exlating boabinp and lodpinq hom0lor 30 depondent chAdren, Mcludln0 an 840 sq.R. addftion to an ex(sting bunkhouee end a proposad 4,499 sq.it. muttl•purpose bulWinp~ 2. That the praposed uw (a properly one for whtch e cond~ional uae permR la euthorlted by the Zoninp Codo; 3. 'Thut revised ~Isna lor the multl•purpose buhdin~ (for th~ on-s~o oducstlon oi res~dent chi{~ren) w~re aubmMed sfu~lnp the publw hearinp down•tfzln~ th~ bulldinp tn 4,49D sq.R. trom 8,4~D ~q•R., and th~t tho proposod o~ic~s ahatl bo for tho tQachh~ tmH, not for n~w adminbtratlw tteH; 4, That tho propos~d uto wq1 not advereely eN~ct tho ~d(dnin~ land uees and tha grovatr and devoloprt~nt nf the area In whkh h b pn~osod to be located: 5. Th~t tho ~o and thapo nf tho slto for thQ propo~od uso, as epprovod. b adoqunto to ~ ellow the full dovolop+~nent d tho proposod u~o fn a menner not detrlmontal to tho part~ular srea nor to tho peeco~ hoetth. aaf~h+. And ~onoral v+olfnte; 8. That tM treRFc qoneratod by ths pruposod us~. as approwd, willl not impoao en unduo -~. burden upon Ihe streotf end hlphway~ deslqnod and Improvad to c~rr1- Ihe trafrtc in the er~a; r "~., , 7. That the prentinq d tf~o conditbne! us~ p+mdt und~r th~. oondUtons impowd wIN not be ° dot~imontal w tM peao~. twatth. ~atoty end ~onona~ wataro ot ttw cu~zan W tho qry a1 Anahohn; and ~ 8. Thot tour (4) poopl~ Ir~dk~tod tholr pro~onCO tl t0id P~~bltc hoerin~ In opposRlon: thet one ~ phono cell was r~cehred In lavor; snu tlmt corrospond~ was ncoNod both in oppaltbn und In tavor ro iha wb~oM petRion• CA1731BMS.wp .t. PC~3-t~ ~ ~ ~ALIFORNIA ENVIRONi~„FNTAL ~UALITY ACT FINDING: That the Anahelm Clty Piannfng Commisslon hes revi0wed the proposal to oxpand en existinp boarding and lodqing hpme tor 30 depondent children, to include an 840 aq k. additlon to an oxisting bunkhouse and a proposed 4,48f1 sq.ft. multl•purpose bullding on an Irrepularlyshaped pa~cel af land conslsting ~f approximatety 4.6 a~res, t~nvinp a irontego of approximntely 185 feet on the weat side of a private access road irom ~utntana Roed and a maximum dQpth of approxfmately 48S feet, bsing lacatecl approximately 300 feet south of the cente~l~ne ot Arborotum Ruad and further descrlbsd as 233 3outh ~uintena Drive; and doba hereby approve the Negatlvo Declaratlon upon ilndinn that the declarat(on reflects the inclependent judgoment oT the tead ~gency and that it hes considered the Negative Doclaratfon together whh any commonts raceF~sd durfng the public review process and !urther Ifndln~ on the basis ot the initisl s~udy and any aon~ments rece(ved that thAre Is no substantial evidence that the proJect will have a sfgnHicant eHect on tho arnironmsnt. NOW, THERF_FORE, BE IT RESOWED that the Anaheim City Planning Commiss(on doos hereby I grant subJect Petition for Condit(onal Use Permit, upon the following condftions whtch ar9 hereby tound ~ to be a necessary praroqulsito tc the proposod use ut the eubject property tn order to pr~serve the aafsty end generoi weltaro of the Cltizens of the Ciry of Anahefm: t. That within a pariod ot thtrry (30) daya trom the date af occupency af the multl•purpose buildin~, al{ j tAmporary trailers shall bo ramovod from tha property. ~ 2. That wlthin a perind of sixty (60) days irom the date of thia resotution, the unpsnnlttAd oNico traller shall bQ romovad trom aubJec:t property. 3, That a five (5) toot wide easement lor trafl Impra~emer.ts ahall be Inevocabiy oNered to the Ciry ot ~ Anahelm. A bond shall be post~d whh the Cky quaronteeinp the tmprovement of sald trail In contotm0nco wlth ~tendard Dstail No. 603. The improvsments ehall be complated v~(thin a perlod ot one hundred twenty (120; deys tollowi-~~ completlon of the portton of subJect tran to be improved ~ In conJunctlon vWth Tant~tMe Tract Mep No. 14a29 to the aoutheast. ~ q. That ptana shall bo aubmltted to tho City Traific and Tranaportatlon Manager tor his r~iouv er.d approval ahowlnp coniormance wRh the letast veralon of Er~yln~~inp 8tsndard Plan iVog. 438, 602 end 8/0 portelninp to parklnp ~tendards and -:rh+oway locatlan. 8ubJect property shall thereupon be dev6lopad arxf malntalr!od tn contormance wfth aald plena. 6. Yhet thA ~cictinp Itre hydraM ahall be cepable of flowlnp at one thousand (1,000) pallons per minute at twenty (20) pai re4ldual. g. 7hat sut~ect propeny eha~l be developed s~batantially tn eccordanco wNh ~lans arxi epecflications ~ubmMod to the Clry of Anaholm by the pettlfoner end which Mant are on Ole with tti0 P{anninp DopeKment merksd Revl~ion No. 2 ot Exhibk No. 1 and Exhibk Nos. 2 thnwflh 5. 7. That the nonhem pa~clnp lot ohall not be usad by sta~ on the ovar•nipht ahiR ~ 1 9. Thet tho ~laAy houn d op~ratlon tor tho mWti•purpnae buRdinp shell bo ilmited to the tdlowlnp: i ~' ~~4 '"";. Flrst flaor. 7:W em to ~:00 pm ~ Socond: S:f10 am to 8:00 pm .2- PC93•18 F~' 9. Yhat the lagal owner of subJect property shall executo and record an unsubordlnatc+cJ covenant atipuleting that, for however long the proparty is used fls a residenttat faciilty for abused ~:hlidren, tF,o max(mum residantta~ and/or educattonai cepacity of the far,lllry shall not exceed thirry (~!0) chlidren; thet there ahall be no turther devolopment of sub~ect ptAperry beyond what has boen e.pproved In connactton with subJect cond(tional use permit (No. 3575); and ihat subject covenant a~hall not be amended o~ termtnated unlosa prfor approval Is Orst obtalned 9rom the Cfty of Anatirdrn. Prior to recordatinn, sald covenant shatt be submitted to the Cfry Attorney's ONice for revlew ,tnd appro~-al as to form, end to the Planning Comm(salon for revlew and approval es a"Ilwporta and Recommendotions" hpm. A copy of the reaoR~led covenant shall be submitteci to tia Planninq Departmant. 10. That the rnaximum on-slte staff at any glven tfine shall be Ilmited to thirty elqht (38). t t. That any "foster parentinp' actlvfties and :ratnfng ahall bu conductad oM•site. 12. Shat tho maxlmum hetqht oi all exlsting and proposed Iiphting tixtures In thA parkfny areas shal! not exceod three (3) feet abovn ~rade. 13. Tt~at prior to Issuance of a bulidinp permlt or wtt`;:. ~ perlod of one (1) year irom the date of this resolutton, whlchever xcura firat, Condftlon Nos. 3, 4, 5 and 9, above-mantlonod, shatl bo comptled wfth. Extenelona for further t(me to complete aald cnndittc+ns may bu yranted In accordance wlth Sectlon 18.03.090 of the Anahe(m Muntcipa! Cocle. 14. That prtor to flnal buflding and zoning fnapectlons, Conditlon ~Jas. E~nd 12, above•mentioned, ahall be comptled wfth. 18. That approvel ol this applicatton constittRea aparoval ot th~ pruposed raquest only to the a~ent thct R complles wkh the Anahefm Municipal Zonins Code end erry other applicable Clry, Stete end Fedoral r,3guletlons. Apprcvel daea not lnctucle eny actton or fbxlinga as to compllance or npprovet oi the requost repardfnp amr other appifceble ordinance, repulatton or r~ulremeM. B~ IT FURTHER RE30WE0 thet the AnAhelm Ciry Planning Commtaaton does herAby tlrxl end determine ~hat adoption of this Resolutfon Is expresaly predicetod upan ap~ltcant's compliance with aach and atl W~ha condNlone fi~relnabova sat iqrth. Should any such conditton, ot eny peK thereof, be dedered Irnrs~ld or unAnforceable by the tlnal ~udfla~ent of eny c n of computeM Judsdictlon, :hen this ResNution, an-i eny approvala hareln contelned, ahalt be dos RUI) A11ts VO . TyE FOREGOINO RESOI.UTI~N was edo ~ho lan Commisalon maetinq of Fobrut~ry 8, 14i93. ~r ~ ~ • ATTEST: ''/u~~~di~3'd~! SECR A Ah.4HEIM CITY PLANNINO COMMI3SION cinr ~~, L. y~ .3- PC93•19 ~ R'~ S?'ATE OF CAUFORNIA ) COUNTY OF nRANOE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Marparita Solorlo, Secretary ot the Aneholm City Plannlnp Comtnlaslon, do hereby certity that the foregoing resolutlon was pasaed ancJ adopted at a maeting of tha Anaheim Cfty Plannlns Commlaston hald on Fsbruary 8, 1993, h~ the totlowing vote of the members thareof: AYES: COMMIS310NERS: BOYDSTUN, CALDWEI.L, HENNINaCR, MAYER, ME3SC, PERAZA, TAIT NOE3: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto sot my hand thls ,~ dey ot , 1993. SECR RY,~ NAHEIM CI ~PL~~COMMI3SION ~.~ '~y~~ ,~ .a. PC93•19