Resolution-PC 93-20~ ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLP,NNINO COMMISSION THA7 PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERM~T N~J. 3583 B~ G-~ANTED, IN PAR7 WHEREAS, the Anahelm Clry Planning Commisslon did receive a veriiled Patiti~in for Conditional I Jse Permft (or certein real property situated in the Cfty of Anahaim, County o( Orango, State of Calliomla, describad es: THE NORTH 26A.c10 FEE7 OF THE WEST aNE•HP+LF OF 1'HE SOU?HWEST OUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST ~UARTER OF THE NOR7WEAST ~IJARTER OF SECTION 26, IN TOWNSHIP 4 SOUTH, RANGE 10 WES'~, IN THE RANCHO SAN JUAN CAJON DE SANTA ANA, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, AS SHOV1'N ON A MAP 7HEREOF RECORDED IN BOOK 51, PAGE 11, MISCELLl.NEOUS MAPS, RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY. WHEREAS, the City Planning Cammission did hold a public hsaring at the Civic Contor In the Ciry of /1n~he(m on January 25, 1993 at 1:30 p.m., notiae of sald p~blic hearing havfn~ boen duly given as rAqulred by !aw and In accordance with the pro~islon3 of the Anaheim Municlpal Code, Chapter 18.03, ta hear and corisfder evldence for and apsfnst sald proposed ^.onditlonal use pannit and to investigate and make ffndfr!gs and recommendations In connoctlon thdrewfth; and thet seid public hearing was continued ta the Fobruary 8, 1993 Plenning Commissfon meetfng; and WH~REAS, said Commission, after due Inspectfon, Inveotipation and study made by ftaelf and fn fts behalf, and after due consideratfun of ail evidence and reports oHered at sald hearing, does Find and determine the tollowin~ facts: 1. That the pro~osod use is pruperly one for which a conditlonal use permft is authorized by Anaheim Municipat C~de Section~,18.B1.A50.070, t 8.81.050.b03 and to permk the rental and outdoor storage of semi truck trailers, minor rtialntennnce/ropafr and uae of a moduler ottice bullding with walver of the tollowing: (A) Sectiona 18,Oa.0~ - ,~l)nimum Iandsc~Q,QJ$9~jr°ments. ~nd f~~ trees In iQioot landacaoed frortt setback requlred (basod on 1 tree per 20 feet of frontags); none ~ropos~d) (B) Sections 18 ft4.OB~.J50 • Qeas oarkinq lot lanclsca~ina. ~.08.U30.040 (1 tree in 4~,~g.ft. olanter~ar 3.000 sa.R. ot and t8.61.Q~ .0~30 arkina area requlred; ,~~ proposed) (C) ,$g~ions 18. 8.030 - ReQyJrec' tmnrovement of utdoor storaa~and end 1.068.030 ~~rkina areas. (Full oavement requfred; ,g[LLsh rock propoged) 2. That this usd permk is hereby ~ranted icr ftve (5) ysars, to expire on February 8, 1998, therAby pormittinp reasonable use oi aubJect propeRy In anElcipation of ceRaln, currentty unknown, tuture impacts by the Celtrans I•5/Santa Ane Freoway wldening pio~ect and evaluetton of the Aneheim Stadfum Buslness Center by the Clty of Anehelm; 3. That vvt-iver (A) ts heroby grantad, In part, requirfnp a minimum 5•toot vy(de landscaped setback elong Lewis Street on the tx~s~a that thore are speclal circumstances applfcabie to the propoRy consfstfnq ot ka locat~~n which mey be Irnpacted by the !~6/3ama !• ~e Freeway wkionlnp project and ovaluatlon ot the An~hotm Stadium Busineas CerKer by the Clry of Ar~ahetm, both of which do not apply to other ldentlcally zoned propertles tn the viciniry; ,, ° t~~,,~. CR1739MS.wp '~' P~~20 ~ t^'. 4. ThAt wafvers (B) and (C) are horeby granted on the ba~ls that there are apociHl circumstances opplic~able to the propeKy 3uch as size shape, topography, locatfon or surroundings, which do not apply to other ldentically zoned properties In the vicinity; b. That strict applicatlon of the Zoninp Code deprivea tho propeKy of privileges enjoyed by other propertfes under identlcal zoning classHfcation in the vicinity; 6. That porHons of the proposal (rental and storego ot semi-traflers and malntenance thereo~ are uses for which a conditfonal use permit la authorizecl by the Zoning Code and that the other portion (the modular bulldfng) is not Ilsted thereln as being a permftted use; 7. Thet tha proposed use, as granted, wHl not adversely aHact the adJolning land uses and the growth and devolopment of the area (n which ft Is proposed to be locatdd; 8. That the alze and shape of the site for the proposed use, es granted, Is adequate to altow the iull dovelopment of the proposocl use in a marmer nut detrfinental to the particular area nor to tlie peaco, health, s~ tety, and genoral weltare; 9. That the traNlc generated by the proposed use, as gr~nteci, wlll not impose an undue burden upon tho atreets and highways designed and fmproved to carry the traHic In the areo; 10. That the grantinp of the condttionai use permlt under the condltions imposed wlll not be detrimental to the poace, health, safery and qoneml welfare of the cittzena oi the Ciry of Anahelm; and 11. That no one Indicated thelr prssenco at sald public hea~ing En opposition; and ttsat nc correspondence was rsceived In opposit(~~n t~ che subject petitfon. ~ALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL DUALITY ACT FINDING: That the Ana~elm Ciry Planning Rommiselon has revifnved the oroposal to permit tho rental and outdoor storage of semi truck traners, minor malntenance/repalr and use ot a modular ~Hice bulldtng, wfth weivers ot minlmum tandscape roquirements, requlrod pa~king (ot landacaping and requlred Improvement of outdoor storaqe and perking ~reas on a rectengul~riyahaped parcel of land consisting of approximatoty 1.8 acres loceted on tha east side of Lawfs Street, hawny a irontape of epproximately 2(fl ioet, {~avlnp e max(mum deptn ot appr~<:lmntely 329 teet, being loceteci approximately 395 ieet north of the aente~line of Gene Autre Way nnd turther descrlbed ~a 18H0 South L.ewis Street; and does horeby approve the NegetNe Dectaration upon ilnding thet the declaration reflects the f~depondent judgement of the leed ayency ~nc1 that ft has conatdered the Negative Declaratfon toqether wfth Any commarns recolved durln~ the pubilc rov(ew process end iuRher ifndfng on the basis ~f the Inftial atudy and any commenta recelved that there is no substantfel evidence that the proJdct wfll haw a slgnHicant oKect on the onvironmont. NOW, THEREFORE, 8E IT R~SOLVED that the Anahofm City Plenninp Commisai~n does hereby ~ grant sub~ect Petttlon for Conditional Use Permft, fn paR, upon the followin~ ccmditlons which are hereby y found to be a neceasery prerequlsite to th0 proposed use of the subJect property tn order to preserve the ~ satory and peneral wetiare ot the Cltizens of the Ciry ot Anahelm: t. That the existing slatt~d chaln Ilnk lence shall be repafred and all exist(ng slats shail bo replaced with t `~ ~``~., new reciwood stats. ~ ~ 2. That the existinp'awing arm" accoss gate:t~ll b~ reptaced by a rolllnp access gata. Sald gate siiall i be equlpped wRh e"knox bo~' device approved by the Fire Gepartment. , 3. That the epproprlate traNfr, signai assossment toe shell be paid to the City of Anaheim tn en amount esteblishod by Ciry CouncU Resolutton. -2- PC83•2Q ~ ~ 4. That plans ahall bs aubmltted to the City TraHic and Transportatlon Mansger for his review and approval ahowing conformance wlth the I~test ve~slon of Engineering Standard Plen Nos, 436 and 802 pertalning to parking atandards and driveway locatlon. SubJoct proporty shalf theroupon be developed and maintainod in contormance with sald plans. 5. That ell driveways shatl be reconstructed with ten (10) toot radius curb returns ea requtred by the Cfry Enginoer and in coniarmancs wfth Engineering Standard No. 137. 8. That a site plan ahail be submitted to the Ciry Traffic and Transportatlon Managor showin5 subJect properry and the ~,d~acent stree4 wfth existing improvements. 7. That trash atorage aroas shall be provided and malntained In a locat(on accapteble to the Department of Malntenance and !n accordance w(th approved plans on file with sald Dopartmsnt. Suah information shall be s~eciffcally shown on the plans submitted for build(ng permits. 8. 7hat a ptan shset ior aolid waste atnraga and collectlon, and e plan tor recyclfnD shall be submkted to the Departmont of Malntonance tor roview ,and approval. 9. That tha legal owner(s) of subJect property sheli oxecute and ~ecord an unsubordinated covenant In a form epproved by the Cfty Attorney's ONice wheroln such owner(s) ngroe not to conteat the ta:mation of eny assessment dlstrict(s) which may hereatter be tormad pursuant to tha provislons of Developmont Aprsement No. 83-01 behveen the City oi Anahelm and Anehefm Stadium Assxiates, which district(s) could include such legal property ownor's propArty. A copy of the recorded covenant shall then be submitted to the Zoning Divlsian. 10. That subject propany shall be developed substantially in accor8ance with plans and sFecificatfons submitted to the City of Anahelm by the petitioner and which plans are on flle with tho Planning Ddpartment marked Exhibit Nos. 1 through 3; provided, h~wever, that: (a) A minimum tivo (5) toot w,de Isndscaped setback shail be Installec! alonp Lewis Street; (b) 8aid landacapod sdtback ~hall, minfmaliy, contefn a fast growinQ hedqo with an Irrlgatlon system; end (c) Satd landscaping and IrriQatlon system shall be permanently melnta(ned followlnp installetlon. 11, (a) Yhat there shall be no oil chenges on-slta; (b) Thet there shall be no over•night truck parking on•sito; and (c) That trallers ahall not be washed on-sfty uniess a systom to collect and purify run-aff water Is pmvidod. 12. That prfor to commenc9ment of the acthrRy author{zed by th~s resolutlon or wfthin a perlod ot ane (t ) yoar irom the date of tnis resolutton, whichever xcurs first, Conditlon Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 7, 8, 9 and 10, obov9•mentloned, shall be complied wfth. Extenalons tor further time to complete satd condftlons may be granted fn accordanco with Sectlon 18.03.090 of ihe Anahefm Municfpal Code. 13. That approval ot this applicatlon constitutes epproval ot the proposed request a+~ly to the extent that ft complles wfth ths Anahelm Municlpai Zoning f;ode and any other applicabie Ciry, Stete end Federal regutetlons. Approval does not include any action or findinps as to complfance or aporoval of the request regardinp any other applfcable ordtnance, regulatfon or requ(rement. BE IT FURTHER RESOIVED thet the Anahafm City Planning Commisslon doss hereby iind ond determine that adopttor. nf this R=:;calution Is exprossly predicated upon appl(cant's complfance wlth each anc! ali ot the conditlon's ~;erolnj:aove set torth. Should any such condltlor~, or any part th9reof, be declared Irnalid or unenfdreeable by the (fnal JudgmeM of any court of competont Jurisdfction, then this Resolutfon, and any approvals herein conta(ned, shall be deemed null and vo(d. -3- PC93•20 ~ ~ TW~ FOREd01NQ RESOLl1TI0N was ado ed t tt~ Pla ng Commission mosting of Fobruary 8, 1993. ~ 1 //,s~.-~.,-~t~ CWAI~MAN, ANAHEIM CITY A1'rEST: a~, c~~ SECRETA Y, AHEIM CiTY PI.ANNINCi CAMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss• CITY OF ANAWEIM ) I, Margarita Solorfo, 5ecretery aE the Anaheim City Planning Comml~;slon, do hereby certify that the tore~aing resolutlon was passed and adopted at a moeting of the Anahelm City Planning Commisslon heid on Feb~uary e, 1993, by the follc~ving vote of the members tharuai: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOYDSTUN, CALDWELL, HENNINGER, MAYER, Ml.SSE, PERAZA, 7AIT NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NON~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this a~ day of / , 1993. a.fu~v CD~ ~ SECRET Y, AHEIM CITY PLANNINQ COMMISSION ~. FC93-20