Resolution-PC 93-21~ ~ R~SI~Ll~TION 0. PC93~, A RESOLUTION OF THE A~;r=.HEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION AMENDING PREVIOUSLY APPROVED EXHIBITS OF CnNDITIONAL USE PERMlT N0. 31d8 WHEREAS, nn July 17, 1989 tho Anahoim City Pisnning Commisslon granted Conditional Use Permit No. 3148 tor 3 yoars to parmit a bus storage terminal on property located on the east side of Lewis 5treat, approxlmately 3J5 feet north of the cente~ilne of Gene Autre Way and furthdr d~scribed as 1860 South Lewis Stroet and tha adjacent property to the south; and WHEREAS, on September 22, 1A92 the AnAhelm City Council upproved an extersion ef timo to oxplra on March t, 1995 and deleted certain conditlons of approval perteining to street dedlcation following denial by the Planninp Comm;sslon; a~d WHEREAS, the petltion6r h~s roquasted to amend previously approved exh~bits for Conditionai Use Permit Na. 3148 to delete A rectangutarlyshaped parcel c+f land conslstinp of apprnximately 1.0 acres having a irontage of approxfinetely 264 foet, having a m~ucimurn depth of approxlmeteiy 329 teet, being located approximately 3~5 feet nortti of the r,c~nterllne of Gene Autrd Way and further described as 1860 South Lewis Street trom tho oxhibits approved ior a bus stor~:ge terminal bec~use sald parcel wlll be developed with another use (n connectfon with Conditlonal Use Permit No. 3583; and WHEFIEAS, the ~ity Planning C~mmisslon did hold ~i puGiic hearin~ at tho Clvic Centor in the C(ry of Anahelm on January 2u, 1993, at 1:30 p.m., natlco of said publfc heAring having been duly gNen as requlred by law and fn accordance ~Nith thn provisicns ~ f~~e Anahefm Municlpal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and cons(der avfdence for and against said proposed amendment and to Investtgate Rnd mnke tlndings and recommendat(ons in connection therewith; and that safd hearing was continued to the Pianning Commiaslon hearings; and that sald publlc hearing was contlnued ta the February e, 1993 Plan~ing Commfssion meetin4; and WHEREAS, said Commission, after due fnspectlon, Investfgatton and study made by Itself and in Its bahalf, and aker due conalderation of ell evidence and reports oHered et said hearing, doos find and determine the tollowing tacts: t. That the Aneheim Pl~nn(ng Commiss(on considered and approved, in pert, Conditfonal llse Permft No, 3583 to permft the rer~al and outdonr storoge oi semf truck t~allors, minor malntenance/ro~+alr and uso ot a moduiar oNice bulldfng, with wafvers of mfnimum landscape requirements, required pArkinfl lot landsaaping, and required fmprovcment of autdoor storage and perkfng ereas on the abuve•described parcel at thelr January 25 and February 8, 1983 public meetfngs; end 2. That no one Indlcated their presence at said publ(c h~ering in opposltion; and that no corres~ondenc0 was recelved tn opposition to the subJect petitfon. C3ALIFORNIA Eh"lIRONti"FI~~TAL OUALITY ACT FINOIN : That the Anahelm City Planning Commisslon has revtewed the proposai to delete the rectangulsrlysi~eped parcel of fend consisting of approximately 1.8 acres located on the east afde of Lewis Street, .,aving a irontago of approximately 264 teet, tiaving a maximum depth o( approx(mately 32~J feet, being located approx(mately 395 teet north of the aenterline af Qene Autre Wa/ and fuRher described as 1060 South Lewis Street irom the approved extiibits and does hereby find that tiie Negatlve Declarat(on proviously approved fn aonnectlon with Conditfonal Use Permft No. 3148 ts adequate to servo as the required envlronmentei documentation In connectfon with this request. ' ~'~!,. CR 1732MS.wp -1- PC93-21 1 ~ ~ NCW, TWEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that tho Anahelm City Planning Commiss~on doos hereby amend the praviously approved exhibits of Conditional Use Permk No. 3148 by deletlnp tho ~~ rectengularlyshAped parcel of land conaisting oC approximately 1.8 aores located on the oast side of Lewls ~ Strset, having a frontage of approximately 254 feot, hsvfng a m mum depth of approximataly 329 fsat, being I~cated eppruximately 395 feet north of the centerlino of~na Autre Way and turthsr des~ribed as ! 1A60 South Lewia Street on the basla of the foregoing findin THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION was ado ed% t tP`e PI ning Commission meetln~; of Fobrueiy 8, 1993. J ! ' / ,1 , . _ ATfEST: ~~f~G SECR AF+.Y NAHEIM CITY PU4N~COM~JIISSION 3TATE OF CALIFORNIA ) CUUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Mar4arka Solorlo, Secretary of the Anahefm f:fry Plannfng Commiss(on, do heteby certity thet the ioregoing resolution was psssed and Adopte~! at a meeting of the Anahelm Cky Planning Commissian held on February 8, 1993, by the following vote of the members thereot: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOYL~STUN, CALDWELL, HENNINQER, MAYER, MESS~, PERAZl1, TAIT NOES; COMMI8SIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have heretmto set my hand thls ~ day of ~7.C/'1 , 1 fl92. /~ SECRET Y, HEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION .2„ PC93•21