Resolution-PC 93-27~ ~ES_OLU710N N0. PC93-27, r A RESOLUTION OF TME ANAHEIM CITY PLANNINQ COMMISSION THAT PETITION FOR CONDITIQNAL USE PERMIT N0. 3589 BE GRANTED WHEREAS, he Anaheim City Ptannlnq Commtssion dld rocofve a varlilad Petitlon tor CondKlonal Use Permit lor esrteln roal property sRuated In the Clty of Anahalm, Cou~r of Orange, 3tate of Callfomia, descrlbed as: PARCEL 2, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, COUNTY OF ORANQE, STATE OF CAUFOHNIA, AS 3HOWN ON A PARCEL MAP FILED ~N BOOK 10, PAGE 35 OF PARCEL MAPS, IN THE OFF{CE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. WHEREAS, the Ciry Pla~ninfl Commission dld hotd a publlc haarinp at the Clvlc CeMer In the Clry qi Anaheim on February 22, 1993 at 1:30 p.m., notice of sald public hearing havinp been duly gNen as requlred by lew end In accordence with the provislons of the Anahetm Munlcipel CodO, Chapter 18.03, to heer and cons~er evidonce tor and apainst sald propoaed conditlonal use perm~t end to Irnestlpste and mako 1lndinys and recommendations In connectlon therewith; end WHEREAB, saW Commission, atter due Inspection, irnresti~ation and atudy made by Itself end fn Ita behalf, and aRer due consideration of all evfdence and repoRa oNerod et said heartng, doea 1lnd and determine tFie idlowing lects: 1. That the propo~ed use Is propo~fy one tor which a condRlonal use permft Is authoriza! by Anehelm Munictpel Code Sectlon to permlt an automotlve repalr and paRs inatallation incAity; 2, That the proposed us0 Is property one fur which a concfhlonal u~A permR ~a authorized by tlie Zoninp Cale; 3. Thet the propoaed usa wnl not adverea~y efle~t the ad~olnln~ land uoss and tho pro~Mh end dovolopme~t of tho ar~ In whlch h la proposed to be located because no nQw conatructlon is propoaed and tha exlatln~ butldinp wae orlginally conatructad for, and was prevlously occupled by. an automotNn a~Mce•rolatecl uee; 4, That tho clze end ahepa of the ~tte tor the propoaod u~e Is edoquet~ to allow the full devuloprr.ant of the proposed ube In ~ mannar not d~trimeMal to the perttcular eree nor to the peaco, health. aatety~ entf qoneral w~ltare; 6. That the trnMtc penarated bY the proposed use wiill not Imposa an undue burden upon lhe ~treets end hl~hwey: deslpnAd and Improvod to cerry the trsftfc in tha erv~; 8. Thet tha flreMtn~ of the c~ndR(onel use pormK urdor the condltbns Impoaed wNl not be dotrlmental to tho poece, hoalth~ safory and po^eral w~lfaro of the cMlzans ot tho CRy ot Mnholm; and 7. That no o~e ~ndte~ted their prnence at seid puW~ hoer(nq in opposltbn: and ihet no corroapondonce was rocuNad in opposhlon to tho :ubJect Potltlo~. `, ,1 ~. CR1748MS.wp '~' ~~~ ~ ~~ GALIFC~RIA EhVIRONMEh"!AL QllALITY ACT FINDIN(3: That the Anahelm Ctry Planning Commlaslon has reviowec! the proposal to rectassify subJect properry irom the CCi (Commorclal, Qansral) Zone to the CL (Commercial, Umited) Zone to pormk an automotivs repair and parta insta~iation iacilfty on a rectenflularlyshaped parcel of fand consistin~ of apoxim etfrontag s of 761 t ato n tt eenonh sldo comer of Uncoln AvenuO and Mulier 5t. eet, having app of Lincoln Avenue end 555 feet on tha ea fose the Negathre Declarat on pon fi dfng t acthe declaraUon West Lincoln Aven~~e; and does hereby app ' reAects the independent ~udgsment oF the tead ag~ncy and that It has considered the Negative Doclaration ofgha inltial s udy end anytcommen s tle^el ~d that there is o s bstantfat pvidence th tnthe p oJect wilal have a sfgnHicant eHact on t he ern ironme n t. NOW, THEHEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED ttiat the A,nahelm Clty Planning ~ommisston does heroby grant subject Petftion tor Condklonal Use Permir, upan the followin~ condRions which are hereby found to be e neceasary prerequfatte to the proposed use ~:i the subJect propeny In order to preserve the safety and gone~al weltaru of the Citizens of ihe Cicy ot Anahefm: t. That all existing un~ermittad signs shall be remavad or thet the proper permits for their retentlon shall be obtalned irom tha Plannin{10epartment. 2, (a) Thet there ahall be no ovemight atoraae of vohicles permitted outside the bullding; and (b) 7hat any used tires shall bp stored Inside the building only. 3 ~Ights-of•wa~r un esara Spectal E 9tnts Permf~ Is 1t s~sobtyatnad by che pecitio eayrs iacing any publlc 4. That damaped and/or hazardoua aldewniks elc;nQ Muller Street, Uncoln Avenue and Crascent Wey shall be repalred as requlred by thA City ~npineer, In accordance with atendard plans and speci~catlons on me in the Otlice oi tha Ciry Engineor. 5. That tregh s!oreqe areas shall be provided and maintalnad in a Ixetion eccept~ble to the Dopartmsnt ot Maintenoncu and In accordance wlth epprwed plana on ~le with aeid Dopartmern. Such Infom~atlon shall bu specNlcally ahovm on the plans submittad for building permks. 8~ ohthe pepaRmont of M MenancetforOevlow and epp~~e~ g~~~ ior recyclinp shell be aubmMed 7. That the approprlate t~aftic si~nal esaessmer~ tee ahall be pekf to tha City ot Anaheim In an amount eatabllahed by Ciry Council Resdutlon. p. That the Mro (2) exlatlnq most weate~ly driveways on Lfncdn Avenue and the one (t) ex~stinq most southerly d~ivowaY cn M~dler SKeet sha{I be romoved end repler,ed wNh atandard curb, qutter, eidawalk end landaceping In the event that tha use ls continued bayond Decembor 22, 1998• g, That plana shal! be submktad to the Cky TraMc er~d 7ranspoRetton Manayor ior hlo raview end epproval thowiny conionna~^.e wRh the most re~ent rovisl4ns of Enp~noering 8tanda a~l'I~the eupon 8~ ~p~ peRelning tu parktn~ atsndards and drlveway locations. Subject proFertY bo developad and malntelned in contormance wUh :aid plans. tU. Thet this CorxlNlonal Use PermR is pnaMad sub~ect to edoptlon ot a zontnq ordinence In connoction wkh RaclastNtcation No. 93•93-04. now Pandtn~. ,~~ -2- PC93•27 P\ /~ ~ ~ 11. Tnat subje~K proporty shall be develuped substantially in AcGOrclanca wfth plans and apeclilcatlona submitted to the Ciry oF Anehaim by tho petitinner end whlch pians ere on tlle with the Planninfl DopaKment markecl Exhibk Nos. t thr~ugh 3. 12. That prior to commonoement of thv activity authorized by thia resalutlon or wkhin a perloci oF one (t) yAar irom tho date of this resolutfon, whichaver occura ilrst, Cnndkiun Nos. 1, 4, &, 8, 7, 9, 10 and 1 t, abov9-montion~d, shall be complled with. ~xtenslons for iurther time to complete said co~ditions may bN granted in accorclance wlth 8ection 18.03.090 of tha Anahelm Municlpel Code. 13. That subjact use permlt Is horeby ~ranted tor a perlai of iiv~ (b) years and ten (10) montha, to expire on Decernber 22, 1J98, provide~, however, that time extenslons may be sougM in connectlon wlth Plenning Commisston publlc hearingo. 14. 7hat approval of this applicatlon constitutes approvul qf the propused roquest only to tha extsnt thet It complies with the Anahelm Munlcipal Zoning Code and ony ~ther appllcable Cfty, 3ts.~te and Federal repulations. Approval doss not Includa any actlon 4r flndings as to compllance or apNroval of the raquest rogarding any other appllcable ordinance, reQulatlon or requ~~.~ment. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Pianning Commlasion doe3 hereby Md end determine thnt adoption of thls Resoluti~n Ia exp~essly predicatod upnn eppllcanYs compl(anoe with each and alt ot the condltlons herelnabove set torth. Stiould any sy~'h condftfon, ~r any pan thereof, be declared Invalid or unsniorceabls by the tfnal Judgment of any cfSuR of competent Jurfsdictlon, then thla Resolutlon, and any approvals heratn contained, ahall be daen~d null arid v01d. TH~ FOREGOINQ RESOLU710N was edo ed t th Pla~/11ng Commlealon mestinp o1 february 22. 1993. ,~ , ~ ~ ATTEST: ~'I C~.o~ib SECR TA , ANAHEIM ClTY PIANNINO COMMISSION 3TATE OF CALIFORNIA y COUNTY OF ORAN(3E ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) CITY I, Morparlta Solorlo, 3ecretary of the Anahelm Cky Planning Commisslon, do hereby cenily that the taepo(n~ resoiutton was panaed end adopted at e meetin0 of tho Anahelm Clty Ptanning Commisalon held on February 22, 1993, by the tollowiny vote oi the membon~ thereot: AYES: COMMISSIONER3: BOYDSTUN, CALDWEIL, HENNINf3ER, MAYER, MES3E, PERA7A, TAIT NOE$: COMM~SSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE IN WITN~SS WHEREOF, I furve horeunto set my harxf thfs ~ day of , 1993. ~'Yl/).c ~/fl.t i.~' eltsl $ECRET~(RY,~iNAHE1M CITY PLANNIN(3 COMMIS310N `~~„~q~~. .3. PC93-27