Resolution-PC 93-33i ~ ~ ~ RESOLI~TION NO. PGfl3;i3 A RESOlUTION OF THE ANAWEIM CiTY PIANNING COMMI3SION I 7HAT PE7ITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PEAMIT NA. 3595 BE QRANTED ~ WWEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commisslon dId recelve a veritied Petitlon for I Conditlonal Use Permit for certaln raal properry situsted In tha City of Anaholm, County of Orange, Stats of CaUforNa, described as: ~ THE WEST 100.00 FEET, MEASURED ALOPIG TWE NOR7H LINE OP THE ~+ST i 242.00 FEET, ALSO MEASURED ALONG THE NORTH L{NE OF THE NORTH 310.00 FEET, MEASURED ALONG THE EAST LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST DUARTER UF TWE NORTWEAS7 QUAt~TER OF TWE NORTWWEST ~UAR7ER OF SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 4 SOUTH, RANGE 10 WEST, IN THE ~iANCHO SAN JUAN CAJON DE SANTA ANA, AS PER MAP RECORDED !N BOOK 61, PAOE 10 f OF f~fISCELI~4NE0U5 MAPS IN TWE OFFICE OFTHE COUNTY RECORDER OF I SAID COUNTY. ' WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission dltl hold a public rioaring at the Civlc Center In tho City of Anahelm on A4arch 22, 1993 at 1:30 p.m.. notlce of said publfc hoaring having been duly given as requlred by law and In eccardance with the provislone of the Anahelm Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evldenco for and agatnst sald proposed conditlonal use permit and to InvAStigate and make f(ndings and recommendations in connectton therewlth; and WHEREAS, sald Commisslon, aker due tnspocllon, investiflatlan and study made by Itaelf and In its behalf, and aker due consideration of all evldence end reports offered at sald hearing, does tind and determine the following facts: 1. That the proposed use Is properly onE for whlch a condkfonal use permit Is auihorized by Anaheim b~unictpal Code Sectlon to expand an 9xist(ng pr(vate educatlanal institutlon with waiver of the following under authority of Codo Soctfon 18,OQ,080: ,~@,~,t~gns 18.06.050,Q~ - ,~11nim~~jn number of ~ar ~nQ ~ces. ' ~d t8.5i.268,05q ~@QZ required; ,$$ proposed) I 2, i hat, although the required parking catculatlon Is based on one space per 70 sq. ft. ot ail j classroems and nther school faciPties, the school wilt hava a maximum of 600 students, alementary i through high school aged; ~ 3. Thet tho parking varianco far this speciflo echool will not cause an increase In traffic conpestlon In the Immediate vic~r" ~r adversely affect any adjoin(ng land uses; ~ 4. That tho grentlr . the parking variance under tha condltlons imposed wili not be I detrlmental to the poace, health, .~ry or general welfare nf lhe ciNzens oi the City of Anaholm; I 5. That the proposeci use, to expand a prNnla educational inatitutlon by converting en ~ ~~`~° industr(al buildfng to high school ciassrooms, Is properly one for whtch n conditlonal use permit fs ; ~,, authorized by the Zoning Code; ~ B. That the proposed use, as conditfoned hereln, wfll not adversely affect the adjoining land ~ uses and the growlh and development of the eroa In which It is proposed to be locatecl; I 7. That the size end shape of ihe slte for the proposed use is adequate to allow the iull I development of the proposed use In a munner not detrimental to the partlcular area nor to the peaae, I health, safety, and ~enerai welfare; ~ i CR1761 MS.wp -1- PC93~33 ~ ~ 8. That th~s treHic genoratod by the propoaed use will not ImposA an undua burdon upan the streets end hlqhweys desiqn~d and Improvqd to carry tho t~aNic In the eree because tha TreHlc and Parkin~ Plan 1or the proposed future Master Plan for subJect property, ea revlawed by the City TrafOc and Transportatlon Manaper, substentlates that the proposal would not create a pa-kinfl dsllclency on subJect property; 9. That th0 pr~ntinp of the conditlonal use permh under the conditlons lrt~poaed wIA not be detrimental to the pa~ce, hqalth, safety and general walfere of th0 citizena ot the City of Mahelm; and . t0 . Thet rw one IndlcBted thbir presence ct eald pud~C hearinp in opposnfon; nnd that no correspoc~Ance wss recolved In opposRlon to the subjACt potRicn. CALIFORNIA EU1/IRON ENTAI. DUALITY ACT FlNDIhd: That the Mahelm Cky Ptanntng Commiasion hes revlawad tha proposat to expend an existlnp prh~ate aducaUonal tnatiltrtton wlth welvor of minimum number ot parkinp tpaces on a re~.~tanpularly shapod percel of lerx~ consi~tinp of approxirnetely 0.64 acre hav(n~ e irontapa of epproximatoly 100 teat on the naRh akla of Mabla 8treet, havinp a maximum depth of epproximately 280 fe~t, beln~ located epproxlmately 418 feet east of the centerllne ol Loara 8treat and further ldentl~ed as 1685 West MaWe 8treet; end daea hareby approve the NeqatNe Oeclaretlon upon flndinp that the dedaratlon reflects tho irxiependent Judflement of the teed aqency and that ft has cons~iderad the f~ ~getNa Declaretb~ toqether wtlh arry comments raceived du~in9 tho publ-c rmdew procesa end lurthor flnding on tho basla of the InRlal ttudy and arry comment~ recoMed that ther~e !a no eubateMlal evidonce that the proJect w!0 herve e~IqnHicant eHect on the envlronmant. NOW, i'HEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that tlre Anahalm City Plenninp Commts~ton does hereby qrern aubje:t PetRton for Cond~bnal Use Portnh, upon the followtnp condkl„ns whkh are hareby found to be s nocaseary prorequlsRo to the proqosad uaa ot ths sub~ect proportl- In order to p-esvrve the saf~ty and paneral wolfere ot the Cftit~ns ot ttte City o( Anah~lm: 1. That trash ataaprr areat shall be provldod and maiMalnod In a tocatlon ecceptabla to the DapaKrrent of Melmanenco and In nccordanca wlth approved pisn~ on iDe wlth ~ald Dopertmarn. 3uch Inforn~atbn shall be specNkally ehown on the p~ana tubmMed ior buAdlnp portnMa. 2. That a plan a~wat for ~olfd waato storaqo and coNocdon. and a plan for rocy~.'~y sh~r'! be whmMed to tl~ DepaRment ot MalMOnance ior reviow and approvel. 3. Thet an on•she tresh truCk tum~rour~d arot+ ~thall bv provfdad end malntelnod W the setlafacdon c~t the DepaAmsnt ot MalMOnnnco. ~. That plara shoN bs submh~ed to tho Clty TroMicc a~d Trur~portetlon Manaqer tor hb rovlow end approval shoNrlnq coMorrnena wlth ~ho lotat ro~rl~bna dt Enpirworln~ Starxl~rd Plan N~s. 438 end 802 patalnhq to parlcln~ standard: and drlwwey locatbna. 8ub~eat pe~oporty ohaU thoreupon b~ dorroloped and mafntak~d In conformanc~ with :etd pla~. 6. That tho dtivorv~y on MablO Stnot ~IteN ba rrCOnttn~ctad b~ccommoclat~ hn (10) foot rodiu~ ~utb ntums In coM ~m~enca wNh Enpk~eerinp D~pa~ 8tand~d No. 137. 8. That a conte~utbn shod bo pdd eo the CRy a AnahNm ~o iund Imprownant~ to Broedwey and ~oo~a 8trooc tor tho ir~llaua~ a odvanco ~oops, U.n emoune a eppno~dma+tay nin4 ~nou~and donan (yD.ooo.oo). sa~d oo~trlbunon ~han bs wbjocc a sd u~m.nc In acoardanco wnn cNo En~lnwrlrq Nawt Record~;on~tnu~on Coit Ind~x tor th~ I.o~ ~rqoles Aroa. This cont~lbutlon tt bA~d YpOfl MO P~OjOft~f i+fGpOKI0f1~1 t~19f~ d COfKf1bUI0d tti11~C t0 pJfTM~BSIV~ ~MIC VdUrt10f 8t lh0 I~~ra.ct~on a eroaawey snd ~oem scn~ot. 7. That 6 tntfllC WOnd o~tssrtNM i~ ~qt181'rp tht dMfOrrtrn:o b~tvwon th4 kWttsttld itxt ~Cho01 au~o~nwnt i~os shen bo patd ta ~'~ Cay ot Ar~hNm In an tmount ~s ~stat~bhod by C~Y Cound Resdut~on. .~. P000~33 ~ ~ 8. That subject propert~r shall be served by underqround utilltlos. g, That the water bar,Mtow equlpment and any other Iarpe weter system equlpment e~all bc Installed to the sat(siactton of the Water UtnKy ONision In olther: (a under~round vautta, or (b) behlnd the atreet setback area in a manner tutly screened (rom ali public atreets and aiteys. 10. That the leflal owner oi the Aubject property shell IrrevocaWy oNer to dedlcate to !hs Ciry oi Anahelm an easement twonty (20) teet In width along the proposed weter service malns and/or an A~sAmsnt tor large metera ar firelines, as required by the Water Enqlneertnp Divialon. 1 t. That p-lor to commencement of ftaminp,ltre hydrants ahatl be inatatled end charqod ~s requirecf and approved by the Flre DapARmaM. t 2. That ell lockable padestrlan end/or vehicular acceas gatos ahall be ~qulppsd wlth'knox boX devlces as required and npproved by the Flre Depanmont. 13. That 8re spriniders shali be tnstalled as n~quind by the Flre OepaRment. t4. That all extsttng bu8dlnfls ahall compty wlth Fire DopeKmsM and 8uild(np ONislon permit requirements, and that Flre DApanment ecceas shall be provided to the satisfaction o( the Fire DepertmaM. 15. That an uns~~boMinated access and perkinq agreemerK vrlth ths properxy to the northeast (the parkln~ area ahown on Exhibit No. t). In a fo-m aatistectory to the Cfty Attomoy-~ ahall be record~d whh the 0lflr.R of the O~enqe Couny Racorder. A copy ot tha rocordAd aflrooment sheit bo submitted to the Zoniny Ufvict~n. 16. Thet the total r-+~tmum enrollment ot the hiph school, aa proposed In Phat@ 1 ot the compnhensNe master plan to e~cpand Falrmont Prlvete School, ahall not oxcesd ono hundre0 aevonty (t 70) etudvMs. t7. Thet a!! elr condftlonlnq facN~fos erx! other root and ground mouMed equipmant shall be properly ahtelded from vlew. 3uch Intormatlon ahal! be ~pecitically thown on thv plans submMed tor buAdirp pormlU. 18. That e pe~tCtr~y menegement ProOr~m st~all bo tubrnRtnd to the TrafNc and Ttanspartatton Maneqer for his revlew and approvet :howinp tho mothod for Wliztn0 aU p~rMrro for the Falm~wnt P~Ivate SchoN. Tho method shall ba In plaa~ prfor to Isauance d tho buAdinp pormR tor wbject proposel. In the evont that luture parkin~ problems oc:ctx, th~ Traflic end TranspoAation Mar~por meY roquire the owner d subjoct propoRy, at no c~t to the City of Anaholm. to wbmR a parldrq ~udy report idoMHyin~ fldutlorn to ~01d prodemt. 8eid ~olutbns. as acc~ptod by the Tr~MiC end TrAntpoRetbn Mana~, ~hsll bo ImplomQntod, at no cost to tho Clty d Maholm, wtthhin a timo poclod ~pocNtod bY the Tt~lffc and Tr~nsportation ManeOer. t9. Th9t any troo plamad on-~ICO ~hatl bo np~irad In a timoly menrar In the evant tt~st R Is removod, demaqod, dbo~od and/or dosd. 20. n,ac .ub~oct prowRY snan be dwaoped evbatsrnlany In aroordenco wnn pera and sp.cmcariorn submktrd to the Clry of Maholm by tha pethkx~or and whtch plans ero on fAO wbh tho Plamlrp popa~tm~nt metked E~d~iblt No:. 'i en0 2 21. Thet prfa to commencomont o1 ttw aaNhy outhdrfzod b~ 1hb rasoiutlon, or prlor to Issuana of o buNdirp pormk. or wlthM s porbd d ont (1) y~r fnxn tho doto ot thb rs~olWion, whkhov~r occun 8n~ Condltbn No~. t~ 2. 4. 8. 7, 10, t6. t7 end 18, ot~ovo~m~ntlonod~ shdl b~ comPlf~! w~h. E~cten~o~ ior Wrth~r qmo co complata iaa condltbrn mey bo prsncod In accordann wlth 8octton t8.03.090 W th~ Maholm Munk~pd Codo. .3. PC03~33 ~ ~ 22. ThAt p~lor to the commencement of the activlty,autho~ized by this resolution, or prior ta tinal bundtnp and zonlnp Inspectlona, whtchever occurs 8rst, CondNlon Noe. 3, S, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14 and 20, above•mdnttoned, ahell be compllRd with. 23. Thet approval of this epplication conetkutea epprovel of tha proPoaed roqueat only to thA axtent thet it compltes with the Anahaim Municipal Zoninq Cade and any other applicable City, State end Foderal requlations. Aparovel doea not Inalude any actlon or tindings es to compllanca ar epproval ot the requsst ra~arding any othor epplicnbla orclinan~o, repulatien or requlrement. BE {T FURTHER RESOWED that the Anahelm City Planninp Commisaion doos haraby find and ddtermine that adoption oi this Rosol~~tlon is expressly predicated upon epplfcant's compllance wRh 9ach and all ot tha conditions haretnnbove set forth. Shoutd any such cand~lon, or arry part thereof, ba declared irnalld or uneMorceable by the final Judqmert of any couR of comp~tont ju-txllctlon, then this Reselutlon, and any epprovals hereln contalned, shall be deemed nuil and vold. THE FOREGOiNC3 RESOLUTION wes adopted at the Planning Commisalon meatlny ot March 22, 1993. SG~E'L"" -- CHAIRM PH TEM E ANAHEIM CITY PIANNIN(3 COMMIS310N ATTE87: ~- S FtETARY, ANA CITr PIANNINQ COMMISSION STATH OF CA~IFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANC3E ) ss. CITY OF RNAHEIM ) 1. JanM L Jenaan, 3ecretary ot the Aneheim Clty Plannin~ Commisalon, do h~-oby certity that the torepolnq nsalutlon w~fs passad and edoptad at e meetlnq of ths Anahelm City Planninp Commisaton held on Merch 22, 19DC~, by tho lollowlnp vuto ot tho members U~ereot: AYEB: COMMIS310NERS: BOYDSTUN, CALDWELL. MA1rEA, MESSE, PERAZ~A, TAIT NOE3: COMMISSIONER3: NONE ABSENY: COMMI8SIONERS: HENNIN(3L~R IN WITNESS WHCREOF. I i~avo horeuMo ~a my hend thls ~~ day ot 1993. ETARY, ANAH G PLANNINQ COMMI3SION ~:.,~~a .,4. PCq3~33