Resolution-PC 93-34~ ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNINO COMMISSION THAT PE'TITION FOR CONDITIONAL U8E PERMIT N0. 3696 BE C4RANTED WMEREA3, the Anahvim City Planninp Commfaslon did rece-ve a veNlled Petiti<~n for Cnndltional Use Permit for certaln real properry altusted In the City of Anahetm, Counry of Orenge, 3tate of Cal(fomla, described as: PARCEL3 1 TO G INCIUSIVE, OF PARCEL MAP N0. 84•254, AS BHOWN ON A MAP FILED IN BOOK 202, PACiES 24 AfVD 25 OF PAFiCEL MAP3, IN THE OFFICE OF YHE COUNTY R~CORDER OF ORANf3E COUNTY, CALIFORMIA. ~ WHEREAS, tho City Pi~nnlnp Cnmmission did hold tt public hearinq at the Civic Centar i In tha Ciry of Anahelm on March 22, 1993 at 1:30 p.m., notice of aald public hea~i~g havinQ been duly givon as raqulred by I~w and In accorcla~ce with the provlafona oF the Anehelm lduniclpal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider svidence tor anci ~ga(nst sald proposed condltional uss purmh and to Irnrestfgnte and make itndings erd recommendatinns in connACtlon therewlth; and WHER~AS, sald Cnmmlaslon, after due tnapectlon, inveattfletlon and gtudy made by Itael( and In its behalf, and after due cona(deratlon of aU evidence and reports oHered at eaW hearinq, does flnd and determine the tollowin~ iacts: 1. That tho propossd use is properly one for which a condltlonal uso permk Is authorized by Anahoim Munictpal C~de 3action / to permit e 8,143 sq.R. church In an oxlating industrlelly related oHice aomplex wkh waNor oi the follawing under authority oi Code 3octlon 19.08.080: Sectlons - ~Inim~m n~mbeLQj cark ny s~ces. (¢~ nqulred; ,~,~ exlstlnp) 1~.45.~.031 end te.s4Q§8.050 2. That the parkir,a variance wlll not cause an Increase In traHlc con~estlon In the tmmedlate vlcir~ty nor edversely aHect arry edjoinfng land usos because it ts mtnimal, amountin~ to a devlatlon of less than 596 from tho Ccde•requfroment 3. Thet the grentinq o~ the perklnfl vartance under the condltfons Imposed wlll not be detrirt~ental to the peece, haaNh, snlety or generel welfere ot thA citizens oE the Clty of Anahelm; 4. That a lettor, dated February 2,19D3, Indlcates that the proposed churoh uaa Is teaching anci t~alninq peopte for mtselonary andeavore erxl wlll r,onslst oi 78 to 10b membere; 5. Th9t the proposed uae Is properly one tor which e conditlonal uso permit Is authorized by the Zontng Code; 6. That the proposod use will not ath~nely $Nect the adjofninp land uses nnd th@ prowth And development of the erea In which It fs proposed to be Ic;cated becauae the proponed church hou~s ot operatlon do not con0lct wRh the oxtatin~ sumoundinp olfk:e, church end ind~.~strls! uaes; 7. That thQ slze and sh~po of the eRe for tl~e proposad us~ is adeqtmte to altow the tull davelopmont ot the proposed use tn 0 menner not d~tr~merUl to the peRicular aroe nor to the paeae, health, safety, and ~eneral weltare; ',~ ~ '`~ CR1762MS.wp '~' P~'~ S~"~.` N'a ~ 8. That tlio t~aNic generated by the proposed use will not Impose an undue burden upon the etreets and highways designod and Improved to carry the treHic In the area; ~ 9. That the ~rantin8 of the condftlonal use permlt under the conditlons Imposed wlll not be i detrimental to the ~aeace, health, se(ery end generel watiere of the citizans of the Ciry of Anahelm; end , 10. That one person indicated hls presenca at 3sfd publlc hearln~ fn opposfttan; and that no I correspondence was recelved in oppositfon to the subJect ~etitfon. S _EALIFORNIA ENV__ I~ONMENTAL DUALITY AC'T FINDINQ: That the Anahetm City Pianning ~ Commission has ruviswed ths proposal to permR e 5,143 sq.R. church in sn existing Industriallyreleted ~ oHice complex wfth waiver of minimum numbar oi parking apaces on a rectangularlyshaped parcel of land ~ consl3t(nfl of approxlmateiy 9.33 acres located at the northea~t comer of La Aalma Avenue and Kellogn ~ Drive, having approximate lrontagos of 407 ieat on the north slde of La Patma Avenu~ end 926 teet on the east side of Keltogg Drlve end turther desc~ibed a3 510~ Eest Ls Palma Avenuo, 3uRe A; And does ~ heraby approve the Neqative Declaratlon upon findina that the declaration retlects the Independent Judgernent of the lead egency and that It hae considered the Negative Dc~claration together wkh any ~ comments receivod dur(np the puulic ravlew prxess and iuRher Mding on ths basls of the Initial atudy and any comments received that there Is no subatantlal evidence that tha praJect wtil have a algniticant ~ eHect on the environment. 1 MOW, 7HEREF4RE, BE IT NE80LVED that the Anaheim Ciry Planninp Commisston does hereby g~ant subJect Petitlon for Conditfonal Use Permit, upon the followln~ condkfona which ars hgraby iound to h~ a necessary prerequialte to tho ixoposed usu of the subject propetty In qrdor to preservo the safety and general weifare of the Citizens of the City of Anehelm: 1. That a treHic slpnal esseasment tee equaiir.g the dlHerence between th~ industrlal and church assessment Iees ahali be paid to the City of Anahetm In an emouM es eetabllahed bv Ciry Cauncll. 2. Thet plens sha!I be submittted to the Clry Traftlc and Trensportetion ~Aanagar tor hla revlew and approval ghowlnD coniormance with the latest rev(slons of En~lneerlnq Standatd Plen Nos. b38 and 802 pertetnina :o p~rkiny atandardo and drivoway Iocatlons. 8ubJact property ahali thereupon bo developed and ~r~+intatned In coniormancs with sald plans. 3. That tresh ato~qe areas ahall be provtded and ms~nta~ned In a ~xetion acceptablo to tho DepaRmont of Maintennnce anJ In accordance ~vith epprovod ptans on me with sald Department. 4. That a plan eheet for solid wasto storeqa and cdlection, and d plan tor recycllnfl ahell be eubmitted ro the Depgrtment of Mat~tenance tor reviaw end opprovat. 6. That an approved rnenual ftre alarm eyatem shall ba desipnscl, lnst~sllled and melnCalned In accordence with the UnHorm Ftre Code,1991 Edklon, with CelHomla 3t~te Amandmenta, to the sattsfaMton ot tha City Fire DepartmeM. 8. That eub~ect churoh tecllRy ahall be Iimited, as lollows, In eccordence wlth 3actlon 18.81.u50.8t4 of the Anehelm Municipei Code (pertatning to Iimhatlont for chu~ches In Induatrfal zones): (a) The chunch la Ilmlted to e maxlmum Initial throv (3) yean duratlon; (b) Twc (2) timo auten3fona (up to three [3~ yeArs aech) may ba perml~ad subJect to approvel by th~i Plennir-q Commlaalon or Clty CouncA at e noticed publlc hearlnp; end (c) Church actlvltles, other than churcli of8ce ateH, shall ~ b~ penr-Ittod prior to 8:00 p.m. Mondays through Fridays. .2. PC93~4 ~ ~~ 7 That any propased ireestanding sign on subJect property shell be a monument•rypo not exceeding elght (e) teet in hetght and shall be aubJect to the revlew and approval of the Cft~r TraHlc and Transportatlon Manager to verity adequate IIne4•oi•sight. 8. That subJect property ahall be developed substan!IQlly in accordance wRh plans and apeciflcatlons submitted to the City ot Anahelm by the petRloner and whlch plens are on flle with the Planning Department marked Exhibft Nos. 1 end 2. 9. That prlor to commoncoment of the ectiviry authorizsd by this rasolutlon or withln a per~od of one (1) yoar irom th0 date of thls resolutlon, whichuver occurs flrst, Condftlon Nos. t, 2, 3, ~, 5 and 8, above-mentloned, shall be complled with. Fxtenslons for turther tima to compiete sa~d conditlons may be grented in accordance wfth Sect(on 18.03.Ofl0 ot tha Anaheim Municipal Code. 10. That approval of t~'s appllcatlon constkutes Approval of the proposed request only to the extent that it complles with the Anaheim Municlpal Zoning Code and any other applicablo City, State and Federel regulations. Approval does not Includd any actlon or t,ndings as to compllance ar approval of thg request reqardfng any other applicable ordinance, reguletlon or requirement. BE {T FURTHER RESOWED that tho Maheim Clry Planninq Commisslon doos hereby Bnd and determine that adoptlon of this Resolutlon Is oxpresaly prodfcated upon appllcenYs compltanco with each and all ai the conditlons hersinebove set foRh. Should eny such condition, or any part thereot, be declared Irnalld or unentoraeable by the tinal Judgment ot eny court of competent Jurfadiction, than this Reaolutlon, and any approvals here(n contalned, shall be deemed null and vold. THE FCIREQOING RESOLUTION was adopted at the Planning Commlaslon meoting of March 22, 1993. . -~ CHAIRMAN PRO TEMPQRE ANAHEIM C17Y PUINNINa COMMI8810N ATTEST: ~ CRETAR~g CITY PLANNINd C ION / STATE OF CALJFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANdE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Janet L Janeen, Secratary of thd Anaholm City Planntnp Commlaaton, do hsreby ceRity thet the toreqoln~ rea~lution wes pessed and adopted at a meetlnQ ~f the Anahelm City Plnnnln~ Commisslon held on March 22, 1993, by the fdlowing vote at the membe~s therwt: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOYD8TUN, CAI.qWELI, MAYER, MES3E~ FERAlA, TAIT NOE3: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMI3SIONER3: HENNINOER IN WI'fNES3 VYHEREOF, I hnve hereunto t~ my hend this ~9~ day of , 199:. CRETARY, AH CITY PIANNINCi COMMISSION ~: "`~ ~~. ,g. Pq3~34