Resolution-PC 93-36~ ~ A RESOLUTION OF TWE ANPhIEIM CITY PIANNINQ Ci~MM18310N AMENDING CERTAIN CONOITIONS OF APPROVAL Or RESOLUTION N0. PC81-8 ADOPTED IN CONNECTION WITH CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 2160 WHERF~IS, on Januery 12, 1981, the Anehetm City Planning Gomrr,Ission approved Conditional Use permit No. 2160 for three yea~s under Resolution No, FC81-8 to permit a recyclinp center on property locatod nn the nnrtheast side of Anahelm Boulevard approxlmately 690 feet northwest of the centerline of Qene Autry Way and lurther described as 1874 South Anahelm Boulevard; and WHEREAS, on Aprll 19,1983 the Planning Commisslon approved the recycling of both ferrous and non•ferr4us motels provided that no crane wlth a magnet be us~d on subJect proporty; and WHEREAS, on Janu~ry J,1984 the Planning Commisslon approved a 3•year sxtenslon of time to exp'~e on January t2, 1987; and WHEREAS, on January 21, 1y85 the Pl~nning Commission epproved a 10-foot hlgh fence to ericlose the storage yard prev(ously enclosed by a 6•toot high fence; and i WHERE~4S, on March 30,1~87 the Plann(ng Comm(sslan epproved a 90-dey extensfon of tfine I to E~xpire on June 22, 1987, tn order to allow the applicant ample tlme to take care of the probloms outllned ~ in the March 30, 1987 ataff report to the PlanRing Commission and Items dlscuased at the Msrch 30, 1987 Publ:c H~aring for subJect Item; and ~ WHEREJ•~S, on June 22, 1987 th~ Planning Commisslon approved s 3-year extenslun of tlme to exp~re on June 22, 1990; and WHEREAS, on October 27, 1987 the Clry Council aftlrmc~d Planning Commfsslon's June 22 ~ctfon subJect to the t':anning Commissfon's revlew ot poss(ble extens6~ns of tfine beyond June 22, 1990; and WHEHEAS, on July 30, 1990 the Planning Commfsslon approvad a 3•year extenslon of :l:ne under Resolutlon No. PC9p-197 to expfre on January 22,1993, even though tha petitfoner indlcatad hls lease would expire In April 1998; and I WHEREA3, seld Rosolutlon No. PC81-S, as amended, Includos the fnllowing condition of ; approvc-I: ' "15. That the proposed use Is granted for a perfod of tim~ expl~(ng January 22, 1~93, subJect to ~ revlew for possible exten3lons of timo by tho Plann(ng Commissbn upon wrftten requeat by ~ ;;~ the petitloner.` '"~~n,.~ '~; WHEREAS, tho petitioner has requosted to umand sald condftlon of approvat In order to retaln a recycifng cunter. WHEREAS, the City Planning Comm(ssfon did hold a publlc hearfng at the Clvic Canter tn tho Clty af Anaheim on Merch 22, 1993, at 1:30 p.m., notlce of said public hc~ering havfn~ been duly given ~ as requlred b~- law and In accordance with the provfsfons ot the Anahefm Munlcfpal Code, Chaptar 16.Q3, ~ to hoar end considor evictence for and agalnst sald proposed amendment and to Investiaete and make tindings and rscommendatlons In connectlon therewith; and CR17641~1S.wp -t • PC93-36 t ~ 1 ', ~ ~ WHEREAS, sald Commisslon, after due inspection, Investigatlon and study made by ftself and In Its beh9lf, and aiter due considoration of ail evfdence end r~porta offered at seld hearing, does ffnd i and determine the foll~wing iacts: 1. That off-street parking Is Ilmited to the fronf af the proporry and the parkfnp aree Is amall ' and doterlorated; 2. That loading and unloading Is Iimited due to the small parking area and poor houseke~ping of the yerd which Is full oI trash, recyclables and vAhicle parts saturated with waste oll and locatod on the ground, and that miscellanoous items are strawn thraughout the yard; 3. That st~rage proJect~ abovo the exlgting fence height; 4. 7hat the bt+ler Is not easilv accesaible, and thera are mountafns of cardboard and trash surrounding ~t; 5. That landscaping fs minimal, consisting of overgrown vegetation, and (s generally ~ unmalntalned; ~ 6. That no one Indicated thefr presence at said publlc hearing in opposttfon; ~+nd that no cnnespondence wns recelvad In oppositlon to th~ subJect petition. ~ALIFORN,~{,ENVIRONME,NTAL gUALLTy, FINDIfy,Q: That the Anaheim Cih~ Plar~ning Commission hes revfewed the propossl to amend Condition No. 16 of Reaoiutlon No. PC,~ ~-t3 in ordor tn retain a rocyoling center and does hereby find thnt the NagatNe Declaration prevlously Approved In connectlon with CondRtonal Use Pormlt No. 2160 Is adequate to aerve as the requlred environmental documentation in connectlon with this request. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESCWED that the AneheiRi City Planning Commtsslon does hereby amend Condition No. 1b of Resolutlon No. PC81-8 to read as tollows: "15. Tliet the praposed use Is granted tor a porlod of alx (6) month~ untll SeptemLar 22, 1993, subJect to review tor possible e~enslons of tfine by the PlannlnA Commission upon written request by the petitioner." ond, further, that the Plannfng Commisslon adds the following thrae (3) new cond(tiors: 1. That at the end of the alx month perlod (September 22, 1993) thls Rem shell cume back to the Planning Commtssion as a publlc hoar(na, if the petitioner wishes to coMinue the use. ~,~, ~, 2. That Cod~ Entorcement staff will conduct bl•munthly inspectlons tor the six (8) month periocf, and ~q.~ that the petftioner shall ba responsible for paylnp the cost of each inspection ~n accordancv with the i fees In effect at the tlmo the inspectlons are made. ~ I ~. That efther (a) a banler preventing eccess between the drlveway to the north and subJect property ! or (b) asphelt crnering for the north driveway accass, shall be provtded to the satlsfactlon of tha City TraHic: and Trar.sportatlon Manager. .2. PC93a6 Pa~°' ~ THC FAREGOING RESOLUTION was adoptsd at the Planning Commlasion meeting of March 22, 1993. C:i>~~M'/ ~ ~ ~ CHAIRMAN PRO TEMPORE ~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING CQMMiSSION ATTtST: REfARY, AN M CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFQRNIA ) COUNTY vF URANf3E ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) 1, Janet L. Jensen, Secretary oF the <.. ~ahslm Clty Planning Commlasion, do hereby aertlfy that the foregoing resolutlon was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anahelm Ciry Plannlnp Commission held on March 22, 1993, by the fallowing vote of the mombers thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOYDSTUN, CALQWEI.L, MAYER, MESSE, PERAZA, TAI1' NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMI8SIONERS: WENNINOER I~J WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand thls Z 9~{- day of ~ 1993. ~ ~RETARY, aNAFJE , CITY PIANNING COMMISSION . l/ ~, PC93-38