Resolution-PC 93-49~ ~ ~ g~4QLlJTION NQ._~$ ~ i A RESOLUTION OF THE ANANEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION r THAT PETITION FOR CONDITIONA4 USE PERMII' N0. 3621 BE (3RANTED I WHEFlEAS, the Anehelm Clty~ Plannino Commisalon did rscaiva a verHiad Petltlon f~r ~ Conditional Usa Parmit for certain real property slluated in ths Cky ~f Anaheim, Counry of Oranpo, 8t~te of Calffomla, desc-ibed as: PARCEL 1 OF PARCE~. MAP N0. 8d•229, AS SHOWN ON A MAP FILED IN ~t00K ~ 184, PACiES 22 AND 23 OF PARCEL MAP3, IN TWE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY i RECORDER OF SAlD COUNTY. ~ WWEREA3, the Cfty PianninA Commlaslon dld hold a public hearing at the Civlo Centsr In tha City of Anshelm on Aprll 19,199~ at 1:3~ p,m., notfaa of seld public hearing having been duly givon as raqulred by law and In accordance with the provislons of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear end conalder evidsnce for and agalnst sald propooed condftionel use permk and to Irnrostlgate and make ~Indings and recommsndatlons In conr~ecllon therewith; and WHEREAS, sald Commiselon, attar dua Inspectlon, Investigetlon and study made by kself and in Ita behelf, en~ aRer due consideratlon of all eviclence and repons oNered at sald hearing, does flnd and det~rmine the following tacts: 1. That tho proposed use Is properly one ior whlch a condltlonai use permk is authorizec~ by Anahelm Municipal Cada Sectlons 18,41,OS0.160 and 18.4t.OG0.170 t~ pa~h a prlvate educational computer tralning center with walver ot the f~ctlowing under the auttiority of Coda Section iS.OS.080: ,ggctfons 18.OB.050.02i2 - h~Jf_nlmum n~sn~~f tx~rklna soacez. 18~py~g§~, (~,~,~ requlr~ed; ~48 Coda cootormir.a soaces n 18,44,p .050 axisting) 2. That the park~ng varlancs wlti nat cause an Increase In traHic congeatlon in tho ImmAdlate vicinlty nor adveraeiy aNect any adjoininp la~d uses; 3. That the grantfng of tha parkinp vartance under tha condftlona Impoaed wlll not be detrimentai to the psnce, heAtth, safery or g~naral welfara of the cftlzens of the Ciry of Anahelm; 4. That the parking study tor subJect proposal, revlewed by the Ciry Trafilc and Tr~nsportatfqn Manager, substantlates that the proposed use woutd not create a parking deflciancy on the proporty; 5. That tha proposed privata e~ci~ •Attonat computer training center, as conditloned, wUl not adversely aHect the adJolning lend uses, nor be detrlmeMal to the peace, health, safety or ~enoral waifare of the surrounclinp sree, nor would sald tsse Impose an undus burden on tho atraets and highways deslgnod to carry traHic wlthin the Immadla=e viclnlry; 6. That the size and ehaps o~ the sfte 1or the proposed use is adequato to sllow the fult development ot the proposed uae In a meesnar not det~lmental to the peRlcular area nor to the peace, health, satety, and general wEl(aro; end >~,~. ;~ CR1782MS.wp •1- PC93-49 ;; ~ 7. That one person Indfcated his presonce at sald publlc hearing In opposition; and that no corrospondence was recelvoti in oppositlon to the aubJect petklon. ~ S~LIF~~,~,~ F~ "~'on~uaFn~e~ n~ iei ~N ACT FINDING: 7hat the Anaheim Clry Pl~nning ~ Commisslon has reviewed tho proposal to permft a prlvate aducational computer training center wkh walver ` oE minimum ~umber of parking spaces on an inaguta~ly shaped Paresl oi land consisting of approximately ` 0.83 acre located at the narthaast cam0r of Broadway and Harbor 9oulevard, having approximato , irontages of 182 taat on tho north side of Broadway and 224 feet on the aas~ o~tl e Ne ative Declaratlon snd turther deacrlbad as 222 South Harbor Boulevctrd; and doas hereby app 9 u~on ifnding that the declaration reflects the Independent Judgement of the load agancy and that k has consldered tho Ne~atlve peclar~tlon together wfth any comments recelved during tho public review process and turther finding on the basis of the Inltial study and any comments received that ther0 Is no substant~al avidence that the project wiil hava a aigniflcant eNect on the environment. NOW, TNEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anahelm City Plannln~ Commlaslon does hereby grant subJoct Petftion tor Conditional Use Pormlt, upon the toilowing condltlons which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequlsita to the proposed use of the subJect properry in orcior to preaerve the safery and gensral weltare of the Cftizens of the Ciry of Anaheim: 1. That the houra of oparatlon shall be Ilm~tAd to 9 a.m. to 10 p.m., Mondey through Friday, with c~assas running irom 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. end 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. 2, That the ma~cimum student enrollment shall not exceed twn hundrecl and tifty (260) students per sesslon. 3. That each empioyee and student sha~l be is3ued a parking permR and shail park on the upper tevel of the parking structure until It Is full and then, and only then, shnll they paric on othar levels of sald parking structure. Enforcement of this condition shall be the responsibliiql ot the appiic~nt. 4. That the Interior striping oi the parkin~ structure shedl be renovated and si0ns poste~ to safely direct traitic. 5 buuer,~ etc.) aeihall be gsubmlKed toe he PlaenningtlCommis~slonin(o~r-evlaw ~as aubReportrrand Recommsndatlon's' Item. g, That aub~ect property ehall be devoloped substaMially In accordance with plans and specMicatlons submltted to the Ciry of Anahelm by the potitionor and whlch pians are on flle wilh tha Planning Department marked Exhibh Nos. i through 4. 7. 7hat prior to commencement ot the activlry herein app-oved or prlor to tlnal building and zoninp fnspectiona, whichever occurs tirst, CondRlon Nos. 4, 5 end 6, above•mentloned, shall bo complled whh. p, That approval of this applicatlan constRutes epprovai o! ti~o proposod requeat only to th~ exteM that ft complies with the Anahelm Munic~pa~ Zoning Code end eny oth~r applicable Clry, 5tate and Foderal reQulatlons. Approval does not Inciude eny action or t(ndfnps as to complfance or approval of the request regarding any other applicabie ordinance, reflulation nr requlrement. ~E IT FURTH~R RESOWED that the Ant+helm Clry Pienning Commisston does hereby find and determine that adoption of this Resolutlon is expresslY P~i~ted upan applicant's complianca wlth esch and all of the condltions herelnabove set tarth. Should any euch condft~on, or any part thereof, ba declered imraltd or unenior~ceg he elntoonta ned~shal be deemed nui end vofdeM Ju~~iction, then thts Resolutl9n, end arry app .Z. PCfl3~9 ~ S T, ! ,.. , ~~ ~ ~ THE FORE301NG RESOLUTI~N was adon~eJd~t 4h, Ple ng Comrnission meating of Aprll 19, 1993. ~ / . CHA~IRMAN ANAHEIM CITY PUINNIN OMMISSION ~ AITEST: S RETARY, ANA E TY PLANNItJa COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) I COUNTY OF ORANCiE ) as. CITIr' OF ANAHEIM ) I, Janet L Jansen, Secretary of the Anahefm Cfry Planning Commiss(on, do hereby ceni~yr i that the forotioing rosolutlon was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anahelm Ciry Planning ` Commiselon held on Aprfl 19, 1993, by the tollowing vota of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOYDSTUN, CALDWELL, HENNINC3ER, MAYER, MESSE, PER.~ZA, TAIT NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIOiVERS: NONE IN WIYNE83 WHEREOF, I have hsreunto s0t my hand thls ~-~ day ot ~i~~~_, 1993. S ETARY, ANAHEI P4ANNINd COMMISSION I I ~ ; ~ 1 PC93-49 ~ -3- ,~c~ :.-`fa ~. ` ~.