Resolution-PC 93-50~ A RESOLUTION OF THE ANaHEIM CITY PLANNINQ COMMISSION THAT FETITION FOR RECLASSIFICATION NO. 92•D3-06 BE t3RANTED, UNCONDITIONALLY WHEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commisslon did InRlate a petitlon for Reclassiflcation of real properry situetod in the Clry of Anahelm, Counry ~f Orange, State of Californla, descrlbed as folloN~s: THE SOUTW 223.00 FEET OF TWE SOlJTH 5 ACRES OF THE FJ~ST OfVE HAI.F OF THE SOUTHEAST ONE ~UARTER OF THE SnUTHEA31' QNE ~UARTER OF SECTION 12, TOWNSHIP 4, SOUTW, RANGE 11 WEST IN THE RANCHO LOS COYOTES, IN THE CITY OF ANAWEIM, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFOFiNIA AS SHOWN QN A MAP RECORDED IN BOOK b1, PAGE 1 t OF MISCELII~INEOU3 MAPS, RECORDS OF QRANGE COUN'TY, CAL.IFORNIA. EXCEFTING THEREFRdM THE EASTERLY 400.00 FEEf. ALSO F,~CCEPTING THEAEFROM THE SOUTHERLY 40.00 FEET. ALSO EXCEPTINC3 THEREFROM, THAT PORTION OF SAID 1~1ND THAT LIE3 NORTHWESTERLY QF A LINE THAT IS PARALLEL AIVD CONCENTRIC WITH, AMD DISTANT 30.50 FEET SOUTHEASTERLY OF A UNE nESCRIBED AS FOLLOWB: COMMENCINC3 AT THE CENTERUNE INTERSECT'ION OF LINCOIN AND MACiNOIIA AVCNUES IN THE COUNTY OF ORANGE, S7ATE OF CAUFORNIA, A~ SAID INTERSEC710N IS SHO~NN IN COIiNTY SURVEYOR'S TRANSI7 BOOK 108, PA(3E 49 ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY SURVEYOR8 OF SAID COUN7Y Oy NOVEMBER 13, 1957; THENCE SOUTH 89 DEG. 25' 10" WEST qLANC3 SAID UNCOLN AVENUE CENTERUNE 678.84 FEET TO TWE TRUE POINT OF BECiINNINd O~ TEIE UNE TO BE DESCRIBED (SAID TRUE PQINT OF BEaINNING ALSO BEINCi DISTANT THEREON NARTH 89 DEC3. 25' ta" EAST, 1981.09 FEET FROM THE CENTERLINE OF DALE STREET AS SHOWN IN SAID TRANSIT BQOK 108, PAGE 49 ON NOV[MBER 13, 1957); THENCE FROM SAID TRUE POINT OF BEGINNINQ NORTH 13 DEG. 25' 10" EAST 61.60 FEET TO THE BE(31NNING OF A CURVE TANCiENT, CONCAVE SOUTHEASTERLY AND HAVINa A RADIUS OF 1000.00 FEET; THENCE ALONQ 8AID CURVE TWFlOUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 36 DEG. 27' 1T AN ARC DISTANC,E OF 636.2b FEET TO A LINE TANQEN7; THENCE NORTH 49 DECi. 62' 2T E4ST 4.30.49 FEE'T TO A POINT IN THE CENTERLINE OF MAf3NOLIA AVENUE AS SAID CENTERLINE IS SHOWN IN COUNTY SURVEYOR'S TRANSIT BOOK 108, PAGE b4 01J FILE IN TN~ UFFICE OF TWE GOUNTY SURVEYORS OF 3AID COUNTY ON NOVEMBER 14,19b7; SAID POINT BEING DISTANT TFIEREON NORTH 0 DEG. 29' 10' WEST, 853.35 FEE'r FROM THE CENTERLINE OF UNCOW AVENUE A3 SHOWN IN SAID TRANSIT BOOK 108, PAGE 54 ON NOVEME3ER t4, 1957, l,ND ALSO BEIN(3 DISTANT THEREON SOUTH 0 DEG. 29' 10' FJ1ST 1803,07 FEET FROM THE CEN7ERUNE OF CRESCFNT AVENUE AND SHOWN IN SAID TRANSIT BOOK 108, PAGE 64 ON NOVEMBER 14, 1957, AS t~RANTED TO TFIE ORANOE COUNTY FLOOD CONTHOL DIS?RICT BY DEED RECORDED OCTOBER 30, 1959 IN BOOK 4952, PAGE 291, OF OFFICIAL RECORGS. ,~ *irS, CR1783MS.Wf' -1- PC93•50 WHIEREAS, the City Planning Commisston dld hold a publlc hearing at the Civlo Center In the City of Anahelm on Aprli 19, 1993 at 1:30 p.m., notlce of sald public hearing havfng beon duly glven as requlred by law and In accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Codc~, Chapter 18,03, to hear and consider avldence for and agalnst sald propas~ci reclassfflcetlon and to investlgato and make flndings and recommendations In connectlon therewith; and WWEREAS, said Commission, aker ~ue inspectlon, investipatton and study made by Itaelf and fn its behalf, and aker due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said hearinp, does flnd and detormin~ the foltowing facts: 1. That aubJect property Is proposed to be reclassHled from the CQ (Commerr,lal, Gsneral) Zone to the CL (Commerclal, Llmitad) Zone. 2. That the Anaheim Cieneral Plan designates subJect proporry for f3eneral Commerclal land uses. 3. That tl~e prApoced reclssaiflcation of subJoct property Ia necessary and deslreble for the orderly and proper development of the community. 4. That the proposed reclassltication of subJect property does proporly ralate tn tho zones and their permittod usas locally established In cloae proximiry to subJect property and to the zonea and thelr permittced usds generally established throughout the communiry. 5. That no one Indicated their prasence at satd pubitc hoarin~ in oppositfan; end that no correspondence was recelved In oppositlon to subJect petltion. ~,~OANIA ENVI80NMENT,Q L OUALITY ACT FINDINQ: That tho Anahelm Clry Ptannlnfl Commfssion has revlewed the Aropcsal to reclassHy aubJect propert,y irom the C0 (Commerclal, t3enerel) Zone to th¢ CI. (Commsrclal, Umfted) Zone on an Irregularly-shapad parcel of land aonsisting of Approximately 0,85 acre, havtng a irontage of approximately 230 feet c+n the norti~ slde of Lincoln Avenue. having a meximum d~pth of approximately 183 feet, being located approximately 395 feet west of the centerline of {1~~gnolla Avenue an~ further described a~ 2825 West Llncoln Avenuo; and does hereby approve the Negative Declaratlon upon flnd(ng that thd declaratlon reflects the Independent judgement of the I~ad agency and that It has conslderad the Negative Deciaration togethar with any comments reaelved during the pubilc revfow procass and (urtfier f(nding on ihe basis of the initlal study and any comments received that thera is no substantlal ev(dence that the proJect will have a sipni8cant effect on the environment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim Clty Plenning Commtsslon does liereby approve the subject Petftlon for ReclassHication to authorfze en amendmont to the Zonfng Map of the Anaheim Municl~.~al Cod4 to bxclude ths abovo-described property trom tha CG (Commerclal, Oenarelj ~one and to tnaomorate said dasc~lbed property Into the CL (Commerclal, Limltsd) Zone, uncondltionaliy. BE IT FURTHER RESOLV~D, :hat approval of this appllcatlon constitutes approval of the proposed requost only to the oxtent that k complies with the Anahelm Munlctpai Zonln~ Code And any other applicable Ciry, State end Federal rogulations. Approval doas not Include any actlon or tind(ngs as to compllanco or approval of the request regarding any other appllcah-4 ordinance, regulatlon or requirement. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVEO, that this resolution stwll not constitute a rezoning of, or a commitment by the Ciry to rezone, the subJeat properry; any such rezonfng shall requlr0 an ordinance of tho City Council whiah shall bo e logtslative act whlch may be approvad or denied by the Clty Council at its sole discretloi~. ' ~~`~+i~ -?- !'C99•50 ~--. Aprll 19, 1993. THE FQREGOINQ RESOLUTION was ~ ATTEST: 1~ar~ scK~ ~ ~- ~/~~E?ARY, ANAWE N~C~IANNINC3 COh9MlSSION r'` a; r~eet~np of CITY PLANNINCi STA7E OF CALIFQRNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) as. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Janet L Jensen, Secretary of tF~e Anahelm Cfty Plannin~ Commisslon, do horeby cortiFy that the foragoing resof~nlon was pasaed and adopted at a meeting of the Anahelm Clry Planning Commisslon held -~n Aprll 19, 1993, by the lollowing vote of the mombara thareof: AYES: COMMISSIUNERS: BOYDSTUN, CALDWELL, HENNINaER, MAYER, ME33~, PERAZA, TAIT NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE IN WITNESS WHEREaF, I heve harour~o set my hand thls ~, day of , 1993. C~ S RETARY, ANAWEI PLANNINC3 CORAMISSION -3- PC93•50 _ .... _... ., . ~-r~Y,•.,,_,;,,.:.