Resolution-PC 93-55~' ~ RESOLUj~Ojyf.~0. PC93-55 ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAWEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ~ THAT PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 3602 8E DENIED ~ WHEREAS, the Anahoim Clry Planninp f;ammission did roceive a verifled Potitlon for ~ Conditional Uso Permlt for certaln rvat property sltuated In the Ciry of Anaholm, County of Orange, State of I Califomia, described as: LOT 6 OF TRACT N0. 254, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, COUNTY QF ORANGE, STA7E OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 13, PAGE 35, MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, IN THE OFFIGE OF THE COUNN RECORDER OF SAID couNr~r. WWEREAS, the City Planning Commisslon dfd hold s publlc hearin~ at the Civic Center in the Clty of Anahelm on May 17, 19J3 at 1:30 p.m., notice of said publlc hearing having been duiy gNen as requirod by law and in accordanco with the provislons of the An~heim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evidence for and agalnst sald proposed con~!itional use permi3 and to investfqate and make iindings and recommendatfons In connection therewith; and WEIEREAS, sa(d Commisslon, after due fnspection, investigation and study mede by itself and in Its behalf, and after due consideratlon of all evidence and reports offerod at said hearfng, does ilnd and determine the Iollowing facts: 1. That the proposed uso Is properiy one tor which a conditlonel use permlt Is suthorized by Anahe(m Municipal Code Sectian to permit an automotive repair (aaillty; 2. That the proposed use wlll adver~ely aNect the adjolning land uses and the ~rowth and development of tho area fn which k is prop~sed to be located because tl~e use will have adverse noise and visual fmpacts on area residences and the restaurant to the eash 3. That the size and shape of the site for the proposed use is not adequate to allow the full development of tl~o proposed uso in a manner not detrfrrentai to the particular area nor to the peace, haaltti, safety, and ganeral weliare; 4. That the traHic generatod by the proposed use will imposo an unduo burden upon the atreets and hi~hways deslgned und Improved to carry the traffic In the area; 5. 7hat the granting oi tha conditfonAl use permlt wouid be detr(mentel to tho peace, health, safety end general welfare of the citizens of the City oi A.nahelm; and B. That one (1) porson indicated his presence et said public hearing in oppasitfon; and that no correspondenco was received In oppositlon to the sub~ect petitlon. GALIFORI~IA F,~yVIRONMEf~j~L DUALI7Y AGT FINpIN~: That the Anaheim City Planning Commissi~n has reviewed the proposal to reclassify subJect property from the CG (Commerclat, Cieneral) to the CL (Commerclal, Llmfted) Zone ~nd to permit an automative repair taclliry on a rectangulerf ~r-shaped parcel of lend cor.sistfng of approxfmatoly Q.14 acre havfng a troM,~ge o~ approxfmately GO feet an the north sido of Lincoln Avenue, having a maxfmum depth of approximatoly 140 feet, being located approxfmately 2E8 feet east of the centerline of 1Nost Streat, end turther desaribed as 1007 West Lfncotn Avenue; and does horeby approve the Negaiive Decla~ation upon i(nding that the doclaratfon reflects the independent judgemont oF thd tead agency and that It has considered the NegativA Declaration togethar with any somments recelved during iha hob'e is no subs antfal ev den~e that hIe p oJe t will ha of ~hsignf(IcantueHect o th envi ~nment Ce~ed that ~ ~,, ,,M,~ ~ CR1798MS.wp -1- PC93•55 I yT.. rt'ri '.'~I:'. . . ~~.~~I'j.%~~ ~,1 NOW, 7HEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Ane Im City Pisnning Commisaion does hereby deny subJect Petitlon for Conditional Use Permit, on the basi af the aforementloned flndings. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION was adopte At e PI nning ommission moeting of M4y 17, 1993. ~, CWAIRMAN, ~1NAI~IEI CITY PLANNIN(3 CC~ ISSION ATfEST: CRrTAAY, E~M CITY PI.ANNING COMMISSION STA7E OF CAI.IFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Janet L. Jensen, Secrotary of the Anaholm City Planning Commfssion, do horeby certify that the foregaing resolution was passed and adopied at a meeting of the Anaheim City P{enning Commiseion held on May 17, 1993, by tha following vote of the members thereof; AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOYDSTUN, CALDWELL, HENNINGEFl, MAYER, MESSE, PERAZ4, TAIT NOES: COMMISSI~NF,RS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hevo hareunto set my hond this~ day of ,~~ , 1993. ~ RETARY, ANA ~ CITY PLANNINC3 COMMiSSION .~. PC93-65 ~ ,:: , ~`•;~ ; :;,,,. , ~:;, ,,'; ~ i :;~ ,;:",:,. ~ ~ .5: ~;7-~ ~ ti' .~r! ~ ~::~~.~1~~4', (,.