Resolution-PC 93-64~ ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CI7Y PLAfVNINCi COMMISSION TERMINATINCi ALL PROCEEDINC3S IN CONNECTION WITH CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 3050 WHEREAS, on August 15, 1988, Condftl~nal Use Permlt tJo. 3050 was p~aMed under Resolutfon No. PCt)8-223 by the Anahelm City Plannin~ C~rnmission to permit a church ~n t~e ML Zone on property IocatRd north and east of the northeast aomer of Cetritos Avenue pnd Anaheim Boulevard, having approximate frontages oi 725 feet on the north slde af Cerrftos Avenua and 500 ieet on the eaat side of Anahelm Boulevard and further desc~ibed as 1440 South Aneheim 8oulevard; and WHEFiEAS, Lea Lederer, proparty owner, has submRted a lotter requestln~ termiruitlon o( Condltlonal Use Permit No. 3050 to comply wRh the condftiona ot approvel of Conditional Use Permit Nu. 34b0. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the , hereby terminate ail proceedings in connectlon with CondR~onat toregofng (indings. ~~~ June 2, 1893. THE FOREQOINt3 RESOLUTION was ATTEST: ~ 5ECRET RY, AHEIM CI PIANNINt3 COMMI3SION eim City PlanninQ Cort~mission doea Permit No. 3050 on the beals o~ the Commlaslon meetiny of STATE UF CAUFORNIA ) COUWIY OF OPANdE ) as. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Marparita Sdorto. BACretsry of tho Anaheim City F't~~ninp Camm~, do h~eby coKify that the loropoiny -esdutlon was pau~od snd adoptod at a meotinq ot the AnahAlm Cit~r Pl~mninp Commisalon held on JunA 2, 199Ci, by tho follovrtn~ vot~ d ihe membera thereof: AYE3: COMMI8810NER3: BOYDSTUN, CALDWELL. HENNINdEFi, MAYER, MESSE, PERAZA, TAIT NOES: COMMI8310NER3: NONE AB3ENT: COMMISSIONER3: NONE IN WITNE33 WNEREOF, i h8ve h~reuMO ~et mY hand thK ~* deY of ~ 1993. r SECRET Y, AHEIM CITY PLANNINd COMMIS510N ~y ~ CFi1809M3.wp .~.