Resolution-PC 93-66~ r+ RESOLUTION NO. PC93~88 A RESOI.UTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNIN(3 COMMI3SION ~ THAT PETffION FOR RECLASSIFICATION N0. 92-93-08 BE GRANTED ~ WHEREAS, the Anaiielm Cfty Plannfnp Commission dld recelve a vertfied petftlon for ; Reciassification for real property sltuated in the Cky oi Anaheim, County of Orange, 3tete uf CetHomiA, ! described as follows: ~ PARCEL 2: THE WESTERLY 67.UU F~ET OF THAT PORTIODJ pF LOT 10 OF THE , MILES RANCHO, IN THE CITl OF ANAHElM, /i8 PER MAP RECORDEO IN B00lC , 4, PAC3E 76 OF MI3CELLANEOUS MAPS, IN 7HE OFFICE OF THE COU~JTY ~ RECORDER OF 3AID COUNTY, DESCRIBED AS FOlLOW3: ~~ BE4INNIN~ A1' A POINT ON THE SOUTH UNE OF SAID LOT ~0, NORTH 89 DECi. 42' 00' EAST 163.00 FEET FROM THE SOUTHWE3T C~RNER OF SAIC LOT 10; 7HENCE NORTH 0 QECi. 29' 10" WES7160.00 FEET PARALLEL WITH TWE WE3T LINE OF SAID LOT 10; THENCE NOFITH 89 OEt3. 42' q0` EAST 174.19 FEET PAFtALLEL WITH THE SOUTH LINE OF 3AID LOT 10; THElVCE SOUTH 0 DECi. 24' 00' EA37 i60.00 FEET TO THE 80UTH UNE OF SAID LOT 10; THENCE SOUTH 89 OE(3. 42' 00" WEST 173.95 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEOINNINO. FQR THE PURPOSE OF TMIIS DESCRIPTION THE SOUTH JNE OF LOT 161S THE CENTER LINE OF A 80.00 FOOT STFiEE7 COMMONLY KNOWN AS LA PALMA AVENUE AND THE WE$T LINE OF LOT 10 IS THE CENTER LINE OF A d0.00 FOOT STREET COMMONLY KNOWN AS WEST STREFf. SAID LAND {S INCLUDED WITHIN THE AREA SHOWN ON A MAP FlL.ED IN BOOK 26, PAC~C 5 OF RECORD OF SURVEY3, IN THE OFFIC~ OF THE COUhITY RECORDER OF SAID COUfJTY. PARC~L 3: THAT PORTION OF ~OT 10 OF THE MILES RRNCHO, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BQOK 4, PAQE 7 OF MISCELLANEOUS MAP3, IN THE OFFlCE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY, DF3CRIBED AS FQLLOW3: BEGINNINti AT THE SOUTHEASTERLY CURNER OF 1 r1E LANC DE3CRIBED iN A DEED TO DAVID CORDEAMAN RECORDED JUI.Y 29, 1942, IN DOOK 1156, PAOE 18 OF UFFlCIAL RECORDS OF 3AIb COUMY; THENCE SOUTH 83 DEd. 42' 00' WE3T 25.00 FEEf ALONCi Tli~ 30UTHERLY UNE OF SAiD LAND TQ THE SQUTHEAST CORNER OF THE LAND DE3CRIBED IN A DEED TO CiEORCiE C. SCHOI.L RECOFiOED OCTOBER 2~, 1959 IN BOOiC 4947, PAQE 449 OF vAID OFFICIAL RECORDS; THENCE ALON(i TFiE EA37ERLY UN~ OF BAID LANp OF SCHOLL, NORTH 9 OE(i. 2~' 00' WE3T tH0.00 FEET THE NORTHEASTERLY CORNER THEREOF, BEINa THE TRUE PO~NT OF BECiINNiN(3; THENCE ALONa THE PJORTHERLY lJNE OF SAID LAND OF SCHOI.L IU~D 7HE NORTHERLY UNE OF THE U1ND UESCRIBED IN A DEE~ TO JAME6 M. DUFFY, RECORDED APRIL 21,1980 IN BOOK 5205, PAQE 4310F SAID OFFIGAL RECORDS, SOUTH 09 OEQ. a?' ~0' WE37187.19 FEEr TO THE 30UTF~EASTERLY CORNER OF THE U-ND DESCRIBED IN A DEED TO JESS LE03 RECORDED JUNE 21, 1954 IN BOOK 2763, PAGE 108 OF 3AID OFFlGAL RECORD3; 7HENCE ALONCi THF_ EASTERLY UNE OF SAID LAND uF LEn3 NORTH 0 DECi. 29' 10' WEST 83.00 FEET TO THE NORTHEASTERLY CORNER THEREOF; ?HENCE ALONd THE EASTERLY PROLONGATION OF THE NORTHERLY UNC OF SAID LAND 4F LEOS AND PAHALLEL WiTH THE SOUfHERLY UNE OF SAIO LOT NOFTH 89 DEO. 42' 00' ., yb~, CR t 818MS.wp -1- PC94~66 ~. i r- EAST TO THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID LAND GF CORDARMANK THENCE ALONa SAID LAST MENTIONED EASTERL'/ UNE 80UTH 0 DE(3. 24' 00" EAST 63.00 FcET l TOTHE EASTERLY PROLONGATION OF SAID NORTHERLY LINE OF7WE LANO OF ,~ S~HOLL THENCE WESTERLY ALONG ~AID LAST MENTIONED EASTERLY ~; PROLONGAT{ON OF THE TRUE p01NT OF 8EC31NNIN(3. ; ti EkCEPTING THEREFROM THE WESTERLY 8.82 FEET THEAEOF. ~ i WHEREAS, the Clty Plenning Commisslon did hold e public hearing et the Cfvic Center In the City ot Anahelm on May 17, 1993 at 1:30 p.m., n~tlce of safd publlc hesring havina been duly given as required by law and tn accordancs wkh the provisions of the Anahelm Muni~ipal Code, Chapter 18.0:+, to hear and consider evidence for and agAinst seid proposed reclasaNicatlon rand to Irneatl~ate and make tindings and recommenciatlons fn connectlon therowfth; and that said public hoa~lny was contlnued to the ~ June 2 and June 14, 1993 Planning Commisslon meetings; and ' WHEREAS, sald Commisalon, atter due Inspectlon, investigatlon and atudy made by kself and ;n Its bah~lf, and aker due cona(deration of all evtdence and repoRs oHered at satd hearinp, does tlnd ~nd determine the fallowing facts: t. That the petkioner proposes reclassificatfon of sub~ect property irom the RS•A~43,000 (Residentfal/ Agricultural) Zono end the CL (Commercial, Llmited) Zone to the CO (Cort,mercial OHice and Pro(essional) Zone. 2. That the Anaheim Ceneral Plen desipnates sub~ect property tor Commsrr,lal Professional land use~. 3. That the proposed reclassmcatlon of subject property i~ necessary and/or de~irable for the orderiy and proper devolopmeM ot tha community. 4. That the proposed reclesaNlcation of sub~ect ~roparry daea prope~ly relate to tne zones and thelr permitted uBes localty escabl:shed In cloae praxlmiy to sub~sct property snd to the zones and their permftted usoe genarelly establiahed throughout the communky. 5. 7hat eipht (8) peopl@ Indicated thelr presence at sald publir, hearinp in opposftlon to the res4dentlal recovory home proposed In conjunctlon with this reclassHication; and thet correcpondence was recelved in opposklon to sub;ect petRlon. ,CAJF(~g-JIA ENVIRONMEPITAL QUALITY AC7' FINDINd: Thet the Anahefm City Planninp Cornmisalon has reviewed the proposal to reclassHy subJect proporty from the RS•A~43,000 (Fioafdentinl/ AOricultur~l) Zane and the CL (Commerclal, limRed) Zone to the CO (Commerclal, Oflice and Profesafonal) Zone and to parmk e 2,648 sq.k., 24hour, residentlel recovsry home In en uxtatlnq offlce bufldln~ In conjunctlon with a previouaty approved remedlel educatlonal and vocatlonal tacllky on propeKy conelstinp ot three percels and deKC~ibed as idlaws: Parcel t fa a rectenpularlyshaped percel of larxl conalstinp of approximetely .27 ecre tocated on the northwost comer of Le Palme Avanue and Lelaure Caurt, heving appraximate lrontepes of t 15 feet on the north alde ot La Patma Avenue and 105 feet en the west side of Lefsure Cc~urt; and Parcels 2 and 3 are en IrrequlaAyshaped percel of land conatetinq of epproxfinetely .39 ~acrR loceted nonh and weat of the northwoat come~ ot ta Palme Avenue and Lelsure Court, havinp approximete frorKeyes vt 55 feet on the north alde of Le PeJn~a Avenue end 70 IeM on the weat slde ot Lefsure CouR; aM does hereby approve the NeqetNo Decleratlon upon 8ndir~g that ths daclaretion reAe~ta the IrxJependent JudDemerK uf the teed apancy and that h hae considered the Ne~etive Dedaratbn topether with eny comments recRNmd durinp tha publlc revlew process and iurthar ftndinfl on th8 besla of the In~ial study and any comments nacolved that thore fs no subatantfel avidenr,e thet the proJect will heve a alflnilicant etfect un the environment. .2. PC9.'+~'i6 ~ ~ ~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the 4nahelm Clry Planning Commisafon does hereby approve the subJact Potit(an for ReclassHicstlon to authorize an emendment to the Zoning Map of the Anaheim Municipal Code to exclude tha ebove-described parcets irom ihe RS-A-43,OQ0 (Residentlel/ Agricultural) and the CL (Commsrcial, Limlted) Zonaa and to Incarporate sald described parcals inta the CO (Commerclal, Office and Pro(esalonal) Zane upon the following condkions whlch aro hereby found to bo a necessary prarequlshe to the praposed use of subJect properry In order to pres~ru0 the sefety and ~enerai weltere of tha Citizens of the City of Anahelm; That the appropriate water main tees sh311 bo paid to thQ Weter Servicos Division. That prior to placement of an ordinance rezoning $ubJect propeny on an agonda for Clty Council aonsideratlon, Condition No.1, ~bove-mentloned, shalt be complesed. The Ciry Counc!I may approve or disapprove a zoning ordlnance at fts dfscration. If tha ordinance Is disapproved, tha procsdure set fonh fn Anaheim Munlcipal Code Section 18.03.085 shall apply The provislons or ri8hta g~aMOd by thls resolutlon shall become null and vold by action of the Planning Commisslon unleas safd conditions are campited with w(th(n nne (t ) year irom the date oF thia resdutlon, or such fuRhsr tlme as the Planning Commisslon may grant. Thnt approval ot this application constitutes approvel of the pmpoaed requs9t only to the extent that It complles with the AnahAim Muniaipal Zaning Qodo ar~d arry other appliceble Ciry, State ar~d Federel regulatlons. Approval does not include any action or iinc3ings as to compllance or approvai of the request regsrding eny other applfcabie ordinance, reguletlon or raquirement. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Anahelm Ciry Planning Commission daas hereby ilnd arvJ determine that adoptlor~ of thls Resolution is expresaly prodicated upon applicant's compllancd with each and all of ti~e conditions herolnebove set torth. Should any such conditlona, cr any part thereai, be declared invalid or unenforceable by the final judgmdr~t of any court of compatent jurtadiction, then this Resotution, and pny approvals herein conte(ned, shall be deemed null and void. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, thet thls rosolution ahall no commltment by the Cfty to rezone, the subJect property; eny such onf the City Councll which ahail be a IeQislatlve act which may be a royed fts sole dlscretion. / June 14, 19~3. THE FOREGOING RE30UJ'1'ION was CHAf RMAN, ATTEST: ~ ~S, REl'ARY, ANAFiE ITY PLANNINCi COMMIS310N V` ~ t constitute a rAZOning o~, or e ng shall require an ordinence ot or deniod by the City Councll at meeting of PLANNINQ ~; ,r,,~~. .g. PtI93~68 ~1 ~ _ 1 STA7E VF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Janet L Jensen, Secretary of the Anahsim Ciry Planning Commisslon, do hersby certify that the foregoinp resoiution was passed and adopted at a mdeting oF ihe Anahelm Ciry Planning Commissfon held on June 14, 1993, by the following vote of the members therAOf: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOYDSTUN, CALDWELL, HENNINGER, MAYER, ME3SE, TAIT NOES: COMMISSIONERS: PERAZA ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hava hereunto set my hancl this ~~ deY of , 1993. ~~ {~~J S pETARY, ANAHE ,'ITY PLANNINa COMMIS310N ; ~Y~ a~~ } ~ 1 ~4- PC93-66 ~ ~ ~ i` { I I