Resolution-PC 93-68~ ~. A RE30LUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CIYY PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVINQ AN EXTENSION OF TIME FOR CONDITIONAL U3E PERMIT N0. 3285 WHEREAS, the Plannfnp Cc~mmisobR ot ths Cky of Anahgim heretotore adopted Resoiutlon No. PC90-88 on Aprll fi, 1990, approvinp Condkional Use Permit No. ~285 to permk s chu~ch In an axleting fndustrlal bulldt.ip with walver of minimum number of perkinp epaces on propoRY locatsd on tha eaat side of Red Qum Streot, having a ma~cimum dspth of epproximateiy 296 ieet, beinq located approxlmetely 600 feet south of the cerriarline of Miraloma Avenue and iurther described as 1250 North Red f3~~rn Street; and WHEREA3, Conclftlon No. 10 as set (orth In Readutlon No. PC90-88 provfdes that eakl uae shall expire on Aprll 9, 1993; end WHEREA3, the pennlttee has heretotors tlled an epplicadon tor en cnctenalon of eeid tlme Iimitation purauar~ to the provisions of 3ectbns t8.03.093 end / of the ~lnaheim Munlcipel Code; and WHERFA8, the Plannlnp Commisston hald e duty noticed puNl~ heerirW on aaid appik~tbn on June 14, 1993, et which hsarlnfl tha Plannin~ Commisslon dld rec6Ne and considar evidence, both oral and dxumentary, releting thereto; erxl WHEREAS, the Plenning Commission heroby Nnds that ~ald uee Ia balnp exerciaed in a manner not detrlmental to the peKlcular aree and ~urround(np lend uses, nor to thc ~ubllc peace, heeRh. ~afery end fleneral weltare. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE30lVE0 by the Plannin Cammisslon d th0 Clty oi Anslrelm thet oakl appllcation tor axtensbn of euid tlmo Ilmhation be, and tha ~na le hereby, appravod end that ~ald use ls hereby extendod to e'xptre on AprN 9. 1986. ~ THE FOREQOINa RE30LUTtON was ed tha ~lan~ Commisston mootinq d June 14, 1993. ~ • A1TE3T: CNETARY, IM CITY PWNNING COMMISSION STATE OF CAUFORNIA ~ COUNTY QF dRANdE ) rt. CITY AF ANAHEIIa ) I, Jatwt L Jora~n, S~aotery ol tha Anah~im Clty PlennMp Commi~Won, do hornby cvRMy thet tht forpolrp raolutlon was pes~ed and ~dop~~d at • m~ednp d Me AneMim CaY Pia~^0 COmmittlon Mld ort June t4. 1993, bY th~ iollvwlrq vOte of th0 rttomb~r~t then0ol: AYES: COMMISSIO(~ERB: BOYDSTUN, CM.DwEI.L, HENNINOER, MAYER. ME88E. PERAZI~ TJUT NpE$; COMMI88IONERS: NONE AB$ENT: COMMISSIONEFiB: NONE IN VYITNE88 WHEFtE0F.1 hevr M~unto at my head thk,,,,~'/~, deYL~ ~, 19al. ~ S ETARY. CITY PIANfVING COMMISSION i~ CR1etsMS.wp -1- P08cs~B ,.,,~