Resolution-PC 93-69IMM~ r~ g~$OL~~ION N0. PC93~ ; A RESOI.UT~ON OF THE ANAHEIM CITY , PVINNINC3 COMMISSION APPROVINCi AN EXTENSION OF TIME FOR ~ CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 3289 j f WHEREAS, the Planning Commisafon ol the City ot Aneheim herotatore adopted Resdution No. ~ PC90•155 on June 18, 1990, approving Condfttonal lJse Permit No. 3289 to permR a sYne9c9ue In an exlsttny Industrbi building wKh walver of minimum numi~r of perk(nq apeces on property Iocated on the south side of La Paima Avenua, havin~ a maximum depth of approximately 858 feet, being lacated approximately 3,b80 feet east of the centa~line of Lakevlauv Avenu~ end lurth~ dascrlbed as 6100 Eeat La Palma Avenue, Sultes 104 and 105; and ' WHEREAS, CondRlore No. 12 of CondRlonal Uae PermR No. 3289 aa aet fonh In Resolutlon No. PC90•1S5 provkfes that aaid use shall exqire on June 18, 199:i; and WHEREAS, the permittee has horetolore fUod an eppl~cetlon tor en extension of seid tlme Ilmitatfon pursuant to the provlsions of 3ections 18.03.093 end 18.81.OW.614 ot the Anahelm Municipe~ Codo; and WHHREAS, the Ptanntng Comm(salon held a duly notlced publ~ hea~iny on seW appllcation on June 1~, 1993, at which hearinfl the Ptnnnin~ Commission did receNe and cunsider evidence, both orel nrd documentary, rolatinp ther~to; and WHEREAS, the Plannlnp Commission hereby tinda that said use Ia belnq exerolaed in a menr~r not detrimeMel to the particular area end aun~ourxilnp land uess, nor to tM. pubtic peece, heaRh, eafaty and ~eneral weltere. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planninq Co mlaalon of tha Clty of Anahalm thet 'afd application tor extenalon ot safd tirre I(mltatlon be, and the aa s hereby, approved and that said use is hereby e~nended to expire on June 10, 1998. ~ ~ , THE FOREGOINti RESOI.UT~ON was Juno 14, t9~l. meetmq of ~ ATTES7: `/ CRETARY, AN M FtANNING CONiMISS10N STAtE OF CAL~FORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORAN~E ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) 1. Jerwt L Js~n~ Secrottry ot the ~.naheim CRy PlannlnQ Comrt~i~ela~, do hereby cortMy ~het tho fcr~oinp nadutton was pa~d ard adopt~cl at a msetlrp d tha AnaMdm CRy PlanRin~ Commia~ton hMd on Jurw ~4, 1980~ bY tho tdlowinq vota d tho membrt~ theneot: AYE$: COMMI33tONERS: BOYOSTUN. C/-LDWEIL. HENNIN3ER. MAYER. ME3gE, PEM7A, TAIT NpEg; COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERB: NONE IN WIT~~E33 WHEREOF, I hsve horeunto wt my hsnd thia ~9~ dey of t 090. h"f11pY,ANAfi M IN3COMMI3SION CR1817MS.wp •t- POA3~