Resolution-PC 93-70r'""'^• ~• A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNINQ COMMISSION THAT PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 3606 BE GRANTED WHEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commission did receive a verified Petition for Conditional Use Permit for certain real property situeted in the City ot Anahelm, County of O~ange, State of CalNomfe, described es: THAT POR?ION OF THE SOUTHWEST ~UARTER OF THE NORTHWEST ~UARTeR OF SEC710N 23, TOWN$HIP 4 SOUTH, RANCiE 10 WE3T, IN THt RANCNO SAIJ JUAN CAJON DE SANTA ANA, AS 3HOWfV ON A MAP AECORDEO IN 800K 51, PAGE 10 OF MISCELLANEOUS MAP3, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTI' RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY, DESGRIBEQ A3 FOLLOWS: B~GINNING AT 7HE IP'TERSECTION OF THE NORtHEASTERLY RI(3HT OF WAY UN~ OF A 60 FOGT 3TATE HIQHWAY, AS DES' AIBED iN A DEED RECORDED JULY tQ, 1914 IN BOOK 258, PAt3E BR QF DEEDS, WITH THE NOR7HERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF CLRRITOS AVENUE 40.00 FEET IN WIDTH, SAI~ POINT BEIN(3 ON A CURVE IN 8AID NORTHEA$TERLY RIt3HT OF WAY U(-1~ CONCAVE SOtJTHWE3TERLY HAVINC3 A RADIUS OF 830.00 FEET, A RADIAL IJNE THROUCiH SAID P01~'T BEARS NORTH 82 DEQ. 54' 41' FART; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONCi SAID ~URVE THROUC3H A CENTRAI M1CiLE OF 4 DECi. 37' 14', A DI3TANCE OF b0.81 FEET; 'fHENCE NOR7H 8 DEf3. 55' 00' W~ST ALONt3 THE F113TERlY LINE OF LAND DE3CRIBED IN A DEED TO THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA HECORDED APRIL 13, 1929 IN 800K 257, PAOE 482 OF OFI~ICIAL RECORD3, TO THE SOUTHNIEST CORNER OF TRACT 3313, A3 SHOWN ON A MAP RECORDED IN BOOK t07, PAGE3 34 70 37 INCLUSIVE OF MISCEU.ANEOUS MAPS, RECORDS OF ORANOE COUNTY, CAUFORNIA; THENCE NORTH 89 DE(3. 58' 31' EAST 1161.91 FEET ALON(3 THE SAUTHERLY UNE OF 3AID TfiACT NO. 3313, TO THE WE3TEiiLY IINE OF THE SOUTHERN PACIFlC RAILROAD RICiHT OF WAY, AS DE3CRIBED IN A DE~D R~CORDED P.Uf3UST 18, 1899 IN BOOK 4A, PAQE 228 OF DEED3; THENCE 30UTH 15 DEd. 25' d3' EAST 78.t35 FEET ALONQ SAID WESTERLY LINE TO THE EASTERLY UNE OF THE 30UTHVUEST ~UARTER OF THE iVORTHNIEBT QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 23; THENCE 30UTFi U DEC3. 10' 18' EAST 640.48 FFEf ALON(# $AID EAS'ERLY LINE TO'fHE SOUTHERLY UNE OF THE NORTHWEST OUARTER TO 3AID S~CTI~N 23; TH~NCE WE3T ALONQ SAID 3nUTHERLY UNE 'f0 THE NORTHEAiiTERLY RICiHT OF WAY UNE OF SAID 60.00 FOOT STATE HIdHWAY; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONQ SAID NORTHEASTERLY UNE TO THE POINT OF BEQINNINa. WHEREIIS, th~ City Planninp Commisalon did hdd e pubfla hen-Ing at the CNIc Conter ~n the Clty of Aneheim on June 14, 1993 et t:30 p.m., notice ot aafd pudfa hearln~ hav(np been duly Qiven at roqulrod by taw end In accordance wlth the pruvtabns ot tho Aneheim Munlclpel Aode, Chepter 18.03, to hear e~xf consWer evfdence for end epelnst esld propoaad condRbnal uso portnR end to Irnrestl~ats and make Ifndtn~: and rac:ommendatlorar In connectbn therewlth; and WHEREAS, aeld Commia~bn, alter due Inapactlon, Investipatlon end atudy made by Itaelf arxl In Ks behelf, end aner due consldoratlon ot atl evktence end repoKS otlored at said hearinp, doea flnd and detarmine the fc~llowinp tecta: ',~ ~~ CR1620MS.wp .1. PC93-70 t. That t~e proposod use (s properly one for which a condR~onal usa pormft la suthorized by Anahelm Munlafpal Code Sectlon 18.44.U50.010 to permit the on•premise sate and consumption o( beer and wine in conJunctfon with a proposod reataurant In nn (ndaor swap meet (Anahalm Indoor Markatplaco); 2. Th~t the praposed use, as approv¢d, wlll not adversely aHect the adj~inin~ land uees and the qrowth ancl development of the area In which It Is proposed to ba ~oceted because the consumptlon of beer and wine is complimentary to meal ser~fce; that subject restaurent Is the anly ona oHering such service in subject indoor swep mset; and that a sdld barrler wltl be ma~ntained arour~ the eating eroa to restrict the transpoK ot alcoholic beverages outside the proposed restaurartt prem~ees; 3. That the size and shapn o! :he sfte tor tho proposed use is adequate to allow the full development of the proposed uso In a mannor not detrimental to the peniculnr area nor to the pseca, health, safety, and general welfare; b. Thet tha traHic generateci by tha propoaed use, ea opproved, wlll not impoae an unduo burclon upon the streets and hfghways desiqned and fmpraved to ceRY the trailic in tha area; 5. That the g~an:ing at tho conditionel use permit under the condRtona ~mPos~ ~II not be detrfmontal to the peace, health, sa(sty and gener~l welfare of the cftixens of the Cityl of Anaheim; 6. That no one fndicetod thelr presence at said public hearing in oppoahion; and that no correspo~dence wes recelved In o(~posftlon to the subJect petition. GALlFORhIA ENVIRONM~NTA~. QUALIIY ACT FIN~~ That the Anahe~m City Plannlnp Commission has reviewQd the proposal to pe-mit the on•premise sale and consumptlon of b~r and wine In conjunction wfth a praposed restaurem on an Irregula~lyshepad parcN ot ~end consletlnq o~ approximately t4.74 acres loceted noRh anci oest of the nonheaat comvr ot Cer~ltos Ave~ue and Anaheim Boulevar~l, havlnp approxfmate iroMapes ai 725 f~t on the noKh side ot CerrRoa Avenue and 485 teet on the eaet side oi Maheim Boulevard ancl fuRher desc-Ibad as 1440 South Anaheim 8~t ~he d~~arati n Irxloor Ma~kotplece); and does hereby epprove the Ne~tive Decteretlon upon findinp rellects the independent Judgement of tho lead apency and that it haa consldered the Ne~tlve Dedaretlon topether with nrry comments recelvsd durinp tt~e public revlaw prxess and fuRher Il~ding on thQ basie ot thv Initlal atudy end any commenta recefved that there is no subatential evldence thet the prcject ~vlll have a alflnfflcent eHect on the ernironment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE8UWED thet the Aneheim Clty Planninq Commlaebn does hereby preM subJect Petttlon tor Condltlonal Usa PormR, t~pon the td~ow~np condnlons which ..re hereby tound to be e nec~sary prerequfsha to the propoa~d uas M the subJact property In order to presen-e the sefery end yeneral weliare of the Cltlzena ot the Clry of Anahaim: 1. 1'hat the reatsurant oparator shall post af9n~ In the resteu-eM ~ating area, in both Englieh and ; Spenl~h, IMorminq petrons chet elcohdfc beverefles shell na ~-~~@d irom seld aeet~n0 aree• 2. 7hat subJect property ehe~~ bo developed wbstanttelly in accordance wlth plens and apaciftcetiorro aubmhted t4 the Clty oi Maheim by the petRloner and which er~ e+ flle wlth the P~annlnQ DspaRment ~'~r,, 4 marked Exhibit Nos. t nnd 2: Provfded, however, 3het a:olid bnrhor she~l bo Instelled and malntulned to tha Chy's aettMactbn to prevent the transport ot alcohd~C bsvora~9s outside aubJoct propoeed rostaurent premises. 3. Thsch eree she~l hsve~penna emly In'statted berrlera urroundinp a oso conffne c~ omers to eafd aree. ,2. PC93-70 ~ ~-, ~ 4. That the ant~ance/exit to the food service area shall be adjacent to the service countsr o} subJect ~ Alcoholic Baverage Control (A.B.C.) Iicensod business so thet p~raons enta~ing and teaving the food ~ servlce area (, confined area") w111 be clearly vlslble to emptoyees of the license~ buslnsss. 5. That no sele, conaumption or possession of alcohdic beveragas by customers, seilers or employe9s ~ shall be allowed outside the continod area Ilcensed by A.B.C. ~ 6. That tha sales and c~nsumption of elcoholic beverages ahell bs fn conJunatlon wfth iaod salos. 7. That all alcoholic beverages ahall bA sold In distinctive contalnars avaiia6le at the ~-.B.C. Iicensad premises only. These contelners shall not ba takon out of the Ilcanaed ar~a. 8. That alcoholic beverages ahell bo aold In contalners no larger then sbdeen (18) Auld ouncea. g. That not more than nn~ (t) serving of an alcoholic bev~~~ge may be sold to a customer et any tfine. 10. That thera shall be no sales or consumptlon of 'non-alcohdic bee~' at subJect ~~r~mlass. 11. That this conditional use permit shall expire ane (1) year trom the date of this resnlutl~m on June 14, 1994. 12. That prior to cammencement ot the actNky authorizod by thts resolution, or prlor to ilnal buildinfl and zoning Inspsctions, or within a period of one (1) year from the dete of thts roadution, whichever occurs ilrst, Condition Nos. 1 and 2, ahove~meMlonad, shall be complled wlth. Extenalons ior fuRher time to comp~ate seld condkions may be graMed In accorclance wlth 8octlon t8.03.090 oi the Anahetm Muntcipnl Code. 13. That approva! of this applicatlon constitutes approval of the propoaed roqusst only to the vxtant that ft compliea wlth tho Anaheim Municipel Zoning Coda and eny other epplicable Cfty, 3tete and Fsderai repulations. Appraval does not tnclude any actlon or tindlnps as to complfance or approval 01 the request regerdlny any other epplicabl~ ordinance, reguletlon or requlremsnt. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Anahelm Ciry Ptennlnq Commisaion does hereby Ond and determtne that adoption of thia Rsaolutlon is expressly predicute.~ upon appllcant's complianca wfth aach arx! ell ot the condklons haretnebove set io-th. 8hould any such condklon, or eny part thereof, be declarecf Invalid or unentorceeble by the 8nal ~udpment of any c rt of competant jurisdictlon, then thig Resotution, and any epprovets heroin coMained, ohall be deem null and vold THE FOFIEQOINQ RE30LUTION wes adop ~ a tho~an Commlesion meetinp of June 14, 1993. ` _ ~ CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY PLANNINa C MI3310N ' . ,~,~ ATTEST: ., RETARY, AN H ITY PLANNIN(3 COMMISSION i i l .3- P~'~ ~ r ~~ ~ ~"~`' ~"~, ~ STATE UF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) 1, Janot L. Jens~n, Secret~iry of the Anahelm Ciry Plannin~ Commlasion, do hereby cenHy that the toregoing resolutlon was passed end adoptecl at a rtieettng of the Anahaim Clry Piannin~ Commisalon held on June 14, 1993, by the following vote ot the members thoreof: AYE8: COMMISSIONERS: CALDWELL, HE~ININC3ER, MEaS~, PERAZA NOES: CC~MMISSIONEH8: BOYOSTUN, MAYER, TAIT RBSENT: COMMISSIONER3: NONE IN WI7NES8 WHEREOF, I havo hereunto sec my I~and thls 2?~~L day of , 19A3. g ETARY, AN IM CITY PLANNIN(3 COMMISSION , ~~ s ~. PC90-70