Resolution-PC 93-74~ ~~~ RESOLLmON N0. PC~•74 A R. iOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMIS$ION THAT FEfITiON FOR RECLASSIFICATION N0. 92-93-10 BC aRANTED WHEREAS, the Anahefm City Planning Commission dW receNo a veriiled petftlon tor Reclessitication tor real prnperty situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orenge, 3tate of CalNcu~la, descri~ed as fdlwvs: LOT3 7 AND 8 OF TRACT NO. 2217, A3 PEF{ IySAP RECORDEO IN BOOK 81, PAOE3 30 AND ~t OF MI8CEWWEOU3 MAP3, IN THE QFFIGE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER U~ SAID COUNTY• YrFIERFA3, th~ City Planning Commisalon dld hdd e publlc heerinp at the Clvlc Center In thA Ciry oi Anaheim or~ June 28, t993 at 1:30 R.m.. notlce of seid puWic heerinfl h+avlnfl been dufy gh-en as required by lew end in accordance wkh the pravfalons ot the Anahelm Municlpel Cale, Chepter 18.03, to hear and conskfar evklenca for erxl aqalnst sald propoaed reclassNicatlon and to Inveetipete e:xi mak~~ findings end recommendations tn connection therewith; and WHEpEqg, geid Cammisafon, aRor dua Intpectlon, (rnestiqatbn and atudy msde by Itaeif arxi 1n ita beheM, and aftar due conskle-atlon of aq evldenca end reports oHared at sakl hearlnp, does flnd and determine the idlawing tacts: t. That tha potitfaner propoaea reclauMk;ation ot aub~~c:t proparty irom the RS•7200 (Reaidential, Single Famlly) to CL (Commerclal, LlmRed). That the Anahetm Gene~l Plan dosignetes subJect proparty lor Qerwral Commarclel land uses. g. ThAt the proposed rec~aswMic~tton of eub~ect property b!n conlormenco wRh the ~eno-al commerclet land usa dealpnetlon ol the aenorN P~an. ~. That the propoaed recleuNksetbn wnl not edvo~y affect tho adjolnlnfl land u~ ard the yrowth end devalopment d the area bscaueu ed~acenc propartles elap Eudld Stroet are xoned end doveloped commorcleqy. s. nu~- comma~cia~ use or uw exlstkw r~Monuel nn,eturea wAt requ~ro pcio~ approva~ d a corxfalonat use pormlt or. M the ewnt thM the nsidencns aro demolfshed. raw commArclel con~ructlon wAI bo suWact to epvclNc heiOM and a~tbeck IM~Itatiora due to the pro..ImRy to ~chtinp ~Inda'1sm1Y resfOences. e. That tho proposed redasiNk~tlon d waea prr~portY Is rnceaery and/or d~skedo for the orderly end prop~r develoQmor~t d ltw community. 7. Thet it~ propoi~d ndas~catbn of wbl'~ P~nf dOA+ P~Y -~~e to tM zona and thek pormRted u~t locany e~taal~ fn dow proxlmNY ro oubl~ P-oportY .nd to th~ ~o~s end Mrir purrr~itted usos ~oc~ellY ~ablbl+od tlxou~uic ctw commur~lty. e. ThOt ttw propixad roclasiNwCation Cf wb~o~t ProP~rtY roc~l~°~ c~w ImprorNn~rK d 8lwttbtp Nroets In accordanco wlth ths Chrulatfon Q~rtant d t!a (~n~a~ Pl~n, due to ths entldpetc: Incrsa~ In traMic whlC~ vrAl h~ glrNtatod by tM IntotaMicstlon d larxf ut~. CR1628M$,wP •~ • PCAO-74 ~. ~ 9. That one (t) person In fevor end two (2) people in opposftlon indicated thelr presence at ' said publfc hearing; and thAt no correspondence wa. reaehred in oppos(tion to subJect petition. i GAUFORhIA EhVIROI~ti"Ef~~TAL ~I~ALTY ACT FIfV~a: That the Anaheim City ~lanninp Commission has reviewed the pra~wsa~ to roclasaHy subject props-ty from the RS•72Q0 (Resldontisl, 3lnqle Family) Zone to the CL (Commercial, Llmlted) Zone on a rectan~ulariy ahoped percet ot lancl conslsting of approximately 0.22 acre, hav~ns a front~~a of approximat~ly 144 teet ~n the no~th skfe of 3allie Lane, he~-UO e mtucimum depth of approximat~ly 132 leet, being located approx~ma~elY »n feet west of the centerllne , uc of Euclid Stroet and funher descrlbed a8 1707 and 1713 West Sallle Lsno; and dces hereby epprove the l Negative Oeclaration upon finding that the declaration -eflects the indepe-xient Judy~emAnt of the lead egoncy I and that k has conaidared the Nepative Declaration tot;ather with any commenta received during the pubtlc { revlew process and further tinding on the besis ot the Inftial study and arry oommonts receNed that there ~ is no sub3tantl~l evtdence that the pro~ect wil{ heve a siflniticant etiect on the ernironment. f ~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE50LVF_U thet the Anal~elm Clry Planninp Commisglon does j hereby approve the subject Petklon tor ReclassHication to authorize an amendment to the Zoninp Map et i the Anaheim Municipel Code to exclude the above~desc~ib~d p~oPertY iro~n the Rg•~200 ~Re~~dam~t, Single Femily) Zone and t~ ~ Incorporete seid described proporry Into the CL (Commorcial, Umlteci) Zone upon the ; followinq conditiona which ere hereby tuund to be a necuseary prerequlsite to the propaeocl uee ot subJsct ! propeRy In order to preseNO the aaiery and yenerai weltare ot the Cltlzens ot the Clty of Anahetm: ; t. That prlor to Introduction of an ordinance rezoning subJect property, a{dewalke ehali ba instelled ancl 1 the dr~vewaya shall be reconstructod on 3aU~e Lane, In eccoMance with standard plane and ~ speciflcatfona on file in the OHice of the City Enqineer. 2. 7hat prlor to placement oi an ordinance rezonlnp aub~ACt prope~ty on an egende tor City Councll ~ consideretton, Condttion No. 1, sbove-monc~onsd, ahell be cc~mpleted. The Ciry Counctl may appro~-e or dlsapprove a zoniny ordinance at Rs diecretion. If tho ordinance Is tl~appro~-ed. tho Procedure ~avt ~ foRh In Ar~heim Munlcipel Code 3ACt(on 18.03.035 ehall epp~Y. The pranrislc-na or rl~hts qranted bY ~ this resdutlon aheu become nult and void by actlan ot the Planninq Commts~tlon untess safd condRiona ere compliud whh within one (t) yeer trom the dat~ of thi~ resolutbn, or such Pdnher tlme as tho i Planning Commi~elon msy 4reM. 3. Tt~et appro~val d thb appllaatbn conatNutor epproval of the proposod -eciuoat only to the ~nfteM that ~i It compliea with the Anahoim Municipnl ZonMg Code and arry othsr applfcablo Clty, 8~et9 and Federat requl~tbn~. Appraval does not include any actlon or Mdinpt at to compllance or apPmva~ of thA request re~erdlnq Any othor epplicablo ordir~nnce. reflu~etbn or requl~amAnt. ~E I7 FUR7HER fiE30LVED that tho Aiwhelm Ciry PlennMfl Commistion doas herebY f~nd and delarmirte thut ttdoptlon of thls Resdutlon fa expre~ly Procllcatad upon appllcant's compliance wlth each and elt d the conditfa~s herolnebove aet brth. Slwukf arry wch cadnbns. or sny pert thoreof~ be Resol~on~ and eny epprovelsaherel~n ~corueinad, eh~alt be d aeomed nuU ~~ ~~nladi~tbn, then thb BE IT FURTHER RESOWED, chac Ihb ra~duUon ahop not con~tltu!Q a rezonlnp ~F, or e t~hQ C CourbcN which~~hnll bo s Iopl~atlve sct~~rtatYmbe spprovadla denled~by the GrydCounc~l at fts wle discratlon. ,2, PC80-74 ~"'' ~ TF~E FOREC301NG RESOLU710N was ado ed ~4 th~Plennir~ommlaslon meAt(ng at June 28, 1993. ~ ~J • CHAIRMAN, ANAHEIM CITY PL ,NNINCi MMI851oN ATTES7: ...~ E • ARY, ANAH I ITY PIANNINQ COMMI8310N 1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) I COUNTY uF ORANOE ) as. ~ CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Jenet L Jensen, Secrdtery of the Anahelm City Plennlnp Commiaslon, do hereby c6nMy that the toreyofng resdutlon wes pasaed end adopted at a meeting of the Anahelm City Plenning Commission h~ld on June 28, 19fl3, by the idlowing vote ut the members Ihereol: AYES: COMMI3510NER8: BOYDSTUN, CALDWELL, HENNINQER, MAYER, PERAZA, TAIT j NOES: COMMIBSIONER3: NONE I AB3EN'f: COMMIRSIONERS: MES$~ iy WITPVESS WHEREOF, I heve Nereuntn sat my hend thta ~ day ot , ta93. RkTARY, AWAFiE ITY PLANNINO COMMISStON ~~v. ~ ~~,~ ~ ! .3- PCA3'74 ~ ~ ~