Resolution-PC 93-80,~ r ~ RESOL~'ION NO. PC93-80 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CI7Y PIANNING ~OMMISSIQN AMENDlNG C~RTAIN CONDITIONS OF APPFiOVAL OF CONDITIONAL U~E PERMIT N0. 3500 WNEREAS, cm June 2J, 1992, the Anahoim City Plan~ing Commisslon approved ConcJftlonal Uso Permit No. 3500 und0r Resolutisrn No. PC92•80 to retaln an IndustriAllyrelate~l offico building including a traln{ng oeminar facllfty on praperty locatecl at the nortFieast corner of i.a Palma Avenue an8 Vtan Buren ~treet tand fuKher descrfbed as 4001 East La Paima Avenue; and WFIEREAS, said Resolutfon No. PC9?-80 includea the foilowing conditlon of approval: "11 That subject use permit shail expire (1) one year from the date of thfs reaolution; provided, however, that tima extenslons may be requested In connactlon wfth a public hearing and, fi approved, the usa may continue for the addltir~al specifled time." WHEREAS, tt~e petitioner has requestdd to amend sr~id conditlon of approval partalning tn a one-yAar time IlmitaNon to rdtain tho existfng industrially-related office buliding and traintng seminar facllity and extond tt~e tim4 Iimit for at lea~t mnother two years. WHEREAS, the City Ptanning Cnmmission dId hdid a publfc hearing at the Civic CeMwr in the City oF Aneheim on Ji~ly 12, 1993, at 1:30 p.m., n~tice of 3ald public hearlnp having been duly glven ~I as requlred by law and in accordance with the provislons o`, the Anaheim Munlcipal Code, Chapter 18.03, ( to hsar and cons~der evldence for and agafnst sald proposed amendment and to Investfgate and make ~ findfngs and recommendations In connection therewith; and WHEREAS, said Commission, efter due inapectfon, investigation and swc~y made by ksetf ~ and in its behalf, and after tlue consideration of all evi~ence and reports uffered at said hearing, does tind and determins the tollowinp facts: ' ~ 1. That the proposed use Is properly one for which a condftlonal use permit is euthorized by ~ the ~or,ing Code; ~ 2. That Redevelopmant staN has tound the continued use at this buslness consistent with the ~ poals of Project Area Alpha; ~ ~ 3. 'hat a two year time extension will permN the current tenc-nt's teaso to oxpire; 4. That the patitioner has recorded a parking agreernent with the property to the west (across Van Buren Street) in order to provide additlonal ~arkfng fur the proposed use; and 5. That no one lnd(cated thetr presenca at said publlc hearlnq In opposltion; and that no corresp~ndence was recebed in npposftian to tho subjECt petition. C~ALFORhI ~':~IRONM~NTA~QUA IT'f A~FINDING: That the Anahe(m City Plannlnp Commfssion hus rovfowed the proposal to amend Conditfon No. i t of Rogdution No. PC92-80 peRe~n~np to a ane-year tirna Iimftatfon to retein the exfsting IndustriAllyrele4ed oHice building and tratning seminar faalllry And does hereby ffi~d that the Negative De~:laratlon prev(ously approved In connectlon wRh Conditfonal Use PeRnit No. 3500 is adequetN to serva es the requlred environmental documentation tn connectlon with this request upon ilnding that tho decleratlon rellects the (ndependent judgement ot the lead agency end that it has considereci the Negative Declaration topether with eny comments recelved during 4he publlc roview prxess and turther iindtng on the basis of the iritlal study end any commenta recelved that there Is no su~stantial evidence that the project wlli have e slgnHicant eHect on the ernironment. .'~ ~~ CR1838MS.wp '~' P~~ i-- ,r- NOW, 7H~REFORE, SE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim ~fty Planning Commisslon does horeby amend Condition No. 11 of Resoiutian No. PC52-SU to read ae follows: "11. That subJect use permft shall expire two (2) years from the date of thfs resolution on July 12, 1995; provided, however, that an addlNonal extonsfon of time mey ba roquasted In conJunctlon with a futura public hearing' THE FOREGOINQ RESOLliTION was adopted at tha Planning Commi~lon meetin~ c~f July 12, 1993. CHAIRMAN PRQ• EMPCjRE ANAHEIM CITY PIJ~NNING COMMISSION ATTEST: ~~--~ ~ S GRETARY, A H CITY PUINNINr COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFpR;JiA ) COUNTY OF ORA!~iGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAWEiFn ~ I I, Janot L. Jensen, Secretery of the Anahoim City Plann(ng Commisalon, d~~ hereby ce~tNy I that the torogoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meoting of ths Anaholm Cky Plannfng Car,ml3slon iield on July 12, 1993, by the following vote of the members thereot: AYE5: COMMISSIONERS: BOYDSTUN, CALDWELL, MAYEA, MESSE, PERAZA, TAIT NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: CUMMISSIONERS: HENNINGER IN WITNESS WHEREI~F, I I~ave hereunto aot my hand th(s J~, dey of ,,/,., _ , 1 ~393. -~•- ., _ . ~.~ ~ RETARY, ANAF~iU CITY PLANNIN(3 COMMI3SION l/ y.7,, •~ ~~ a .2. PC83-0Q I i ~ ,r C