Resolution-PC 93-83r^ A RESOLUTION OF TFiE ANAHEIM GITY PIANMINt3 COMMI8310N TERMINATING ALL PROCEEDINl3S IN CONNECTiON WITH CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 1664 WHEREAS, on November 8, t976 Conditional Use Permit No. 1664 was granted under Resolution No. PC7&230 by t~~e Anaheim Plsnnf~g Commisston to permk a truck repalr shop on property locnted at the nonhoast come- of Katella Avenue and Dou~iasa Roed, havinp ironteqas of eppror~mat~ly 350 tset on the north slde oi Katella Avenue and 345 teet on the aast slde oP Douqleas Road; and VIMEREAS, the Ptannfn~ Department requests termination ot Cor~~uor~ Use PermR No. 1664 hecause the buildiny7 containing subJect use hes been de~nolished. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVtD that the l-nahelm Cfty Plennir~p Commisslon does hereby torminato all proceedings in connectfon with Condftlonel Use Permit No. 1864 on th~ bas1~ ~f the f4regofng ifndtnps. THE FOREGOIN(i RESOLUTION was adopted at the Planning Commission meetfn~ ot July 12, 1993. i , CHAIRMAN P - PO ~T ^ ANAHEIM CITY PLA~NINQ COMId13: ION ATTE8T: ..-,~~ ca~do~x~,~ S~ETARY, AN M CITY PiANNINCi COMMISSION 3TATE OF CAUFOFiNIA ) CAUNTY OF ORANQE ) as. CITY OF ANANEIM ) I, Jan Jonsen, Secretary of the Anahelm Cly Planntnp Commisalon, do hnreby ceKNy tt~at the toreqcNnq resdution was paaaed arxl edoptsd at a meetinp oi the Anahetm City Planntnp Commla~ion held on July 12, 19~3, by the Mtlowin~ vote of the me~nbers thereot: AYES: COMMI8310NERS: BOYDSYUN, CALDWELL, MAYER, ME33E, PERAZA, TAIT NOE8: COMM18810NER3: NONE ABS~NT: COMMt$310NER3: FIENNINCiER IN WIfNE3S WHEREOF, I have heraunto s~t my h~nd thit ~,day ot , ! 1993. ;:r '~' ~"' ~. S ETARY, ANAH PIJWNIN3 COMMISSION ~ CR184tMS.wp •1• PC93-83