Resolution-PC 93-87~ ~_ !+ R~SqLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PIANNINQ COMMISSION APPROVING REVISEO PLANS (REVISION NO. i) IN CONNECTION WITH CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 3550 (READVERTIS~D) WHEREAS, on October 5, 1992, the Anaheim City Planning Commisalon approved Conditfonal Usa Permit No. 3550 under Resolutlon No. PC92-120 (p~rmltting a 6-unk commerctal reteil cortter with buflding hetphts In excess o`. 36 feet and Includinp 2 drlve-throuph restauratns, one ireestanding restaurant wRh on•premise s~le and consumptMn of elcohdic beverefles, an automotive repalr caMer and an outdoor garden center, and with weivors of minimum number of parking spacc~~ss, requlr¢d ske scresniny, requirad larxfsceped eetback and permkted roof mounted equlpmant) was approved, In pert, de~ying that poRton af the request pertalninq to the on•premise sale and consumption of alcohol~ beve-apes because e apecllic tenant for the restauram pe~i had not been IdentMied; anrl WHEREAS, the petitioner cuRentty roquests approval of revfsed plana Qabeled Revlsion No. 1) ior CondRlonal Use Permft No. 3.55G to pennR a 172,231 sguare toat K-maR "super store' whfch trtdudes grocery, general retaB satos, an automotive repair center, an outdoor garclan csntor, a trea-stendinp aet~ll~e diah end with waivers of required ake acreenUp, requfred larxiscaped setback end penniKed roof mourKed equlpment; and Vr'~iEREA3, the Ciry Plannln~ Commissfon dfd hdd a publ~ hee-Ing at tho CMc Centar In the Cfty of Anaheim o~ July 28, 1993 ~t 1:30 p.m., notice ot aeld public hee~infl hevinfl been duly ~Iven aa requlred by law and In accordence witt~ the provielons of the Rnaheim Municlpat Cods, Chepfor 18.03, to hear and consfder evldence for and apafnat aald propoead rev~sed ptana ior Conditle-+at Uae Perrr.k No. 355C and to Irnastipete and make 1lndlnps and recommandatbns in connectlon therevvlth; etxl WHEREA3, aald Commiselon, attor due inspoctbn, Irnrestipatlon e~d etudy mede by Nsel( end in ita behal(, end aR9r due corutideratton of ell BvfdoncQ arx! reports oNared at seid hearlny, does Md and determina tho idlow(ng facts: 1. That the proposed revlsbn to Condkbnal Use Pormit Nn. 3550 to pennft a 17~,231 squore tovt K-maR 'tup~r store' whkh Includas grocory, Oanarai rotae ~al~s. en automatve npalr cantar~ an outdoor perdAn ceMer. arn1 a iree~standin~ eetollltA dlah b properly one tor whlch a condRbnel use pennlt Ia authorized by Mah~lm Munklpnl Codo Soctlons 18.44.050.OB5 and tA 34.062.033, w~th wairrw d the Idlowlnp: z. Th9t there aro ~ d~cur~no~ app~ao co en. ~ro~ey c«nu~nna ~r .~++~.. topoprsphy, Iocatla~ and ~urraxnf~np~~ whlch do not epply tA dher idoMk,elty Zonad Propertlos M tF4 vklnityy; CR1854MS.wp .1. P0o3~87 3. That thc~ inogular shape of the properry and the iarge slope area adJacent to the frenway are physical hardships that warrant approval oE the requestad Code waNer3; 4. That strfct epplicetlon of the Zoning Code dep~ivea the propeity oi privlleges enJoyed by other properties under identicai zoning clasafiication in the vlclnKy; 5. That the revision is authorized by the Zoning Code subJect to the approval of a conditlonal use permit and tlie waiver of park(ng requestod in cannection with the origfnal proposal has been de~eted; 6. That tho proposed use wlll not advereely et(ect the ad~olning land uaes snd the growth and development o( the area (n which it Is proposed to be located; That subJect praposal wfN be compatible wkh and aomplimentsry to auROUndin~ larx! uses; 8. That the revision resulta In a 2,524-square foet redw:tlon in the overall project bullding area; 9. That the slze and ahnpo ot t for the proposed use is adequate to allow the tull development of the proposed use In c manner not detrimental to the partfcular area nor to the peace, health, safery, and general weliare; 10. That the traN(c generat~d by the propused use wfll not Impose an undue burden upon the streets and hfghways destgned snd improved to ca-ry the traNic fn the area; 11. That the qran!tnp of the C~nditional uso pem-ft under th0 condkions Impoeed wllt not be detrimental to the peace, health, safgty and genoral weNare of the ckizena of the City o1 Anaheim; and 12. That one pei8on indicated his preserx~3 at snid public hea~inq in oppositlon; and that no correspondence was recetved in opposkbn to the subJsct petitlon. F RNIA ENVIRQ~I~E~[iAL DUALITY ACT FINDING: Thet tho Anehoim City Planninq Commisslon has rav(ewed the pn~poeal to approve revised plans (Reviston No. 1) tor Condhlonat Uae Permit No. 3550 to pe-mit a 172,::31 squa-e foot K•maR "super store' which includes flrocery, qenerel rot~i8 sales, en automotNe repair c~anter, en outdoor garden center, e tree•standln~ eateilite dl.sh, and with wehre-s ot requfred aRe ecreening, requlred landecaped eetbeck end pe-mi~ed roof mounted equlpment on en IRe~ulartysl~aped percel of land constst(np of epproxlmately t8.69 acres locatad wo~t of the southwest aom¢r of O!d Cennl Roe~ end Welr Canyon Road, havinp en epproximate Ircx~tape W 823 toet on the wost ttde of Pullmen gtreet, hevin~ a maximum depth ot approxlmately 1,240 teet end fuRher daacrlbec! as 1001 to 1100 Pullrr~n Straet: and efta conslderin9 the prevlously eppro~+pd Addandum No. 2 to Flnel EIR No. 289 doea hereby Ond tlmt R is adequate to earve as the envlronmental documantatlon tor Revlsion No. t to CUP No. 3550 ond edopt the revlaed Mitlpatbn Monltoring Plan Mo. 0055. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOWED that tho Aneheim Gty Planninq ~ommitsbn do~e hereby qraM eubJeci nevleal plana (Revfsfon No. t) for Condltlonel Use Permh No. 3550, uGan the follawinp corx'Itbns whk:h are hareby found to bo a nacetaary prerequlsite tn the proposed uAO of the sub~~t prop4rty In order to prasarvo the salety and poneral weifare d the Cktzem N the City ot Anehelm and whtch amend in tholr entlrory the condltlone contatr~d In Readutlon No. PC92•120: t. That th~ devdop~- shell bo r~ponsiWe tor compllance snd eny diroet ~wsta ettoclewd wlth Mitlp~tlon Monlto-fnp Plan No. 55 (es revlaed et tfw July ZQ, 1990 Plsnninp Commiselon put~~ hoarlnp) as aav,bllahod by che Cky end si requtrsd by Sectton 2~o8t.6 ot the Publlc Resourcos Codo to e~uure Implementatton of tho~ mitlqatbn maawn~~ fn aafd plan. 2. Thnt tho proposad eat~llks dlsh ~hell be acraoned in complfancQ with Sectlon 18.8~.082.0:l3 ot tM Anahelm Munlclpol Code. ~,~ ~ .2. PG90-87 3. That outdoor storape of t(res, batterfes or othar automative accessories shall be prohibitod. 4. That the outdoor garden center shall uniy be used tor tho storeqe and display of landscape nursery rotatod itema. 5. That no bannera or other advertisfng shall be displayed within tho automottve serviae bays tacinp any publfc right-of-way unleas a apecial events pertnft Is firat obtalned irom the Plannln~ Department. 6. That any tree planted on•site shall be replacod in a timeiy manner In the evettt that it is removod, damaged, diseased arxi/or dead. The trees ahall be maintefnad by a ceKiflod arborist. ?. That the owner of subjoct property shall submit a letter requesting terminatfon of Condftional Use PormR No. 9208 (approved in 19J0 to pormh a commerclal center witl~ walve~s) to the Zoning Dlvision. 0. That subJect properry shell be developed substantially in eccordnnce with plnns and specHicattvns submttted to the City of Anaheim by ~he petltioner and which plans are on file vWth tha Plannin~ Depertment marked Revision No. t of Exhibit Noa. 1 throuph 4. 9. That prior ta Issuance of a bt!fldlnq permk or within e perlod oi one (t) year trom the date of thts resolutlon, whichever occure tirst, Condftlon No. 7, above•mentloned, atwll be complied wkh. Extensions for tuRher time to complote safd conditlona may bo grenteci in accoMance wBh $ectlon t8.03.090 of the Anaheim Munic(pal Code. 10. That prior to tinal buliding end zoning Inspecttons, Condkion N~. 8, ebove•mentbned, shell be comptted with. 11. That st~na ahell be posted both Inside anci outsidA the a~domodve repatr buildiny prohibRiny patrons trom workinp on cars Ir~ the parking lot 12. That approval oi thta appllcetion canstRutes approvel of the proposad requast only t~ the extant that It comptles wfth the Anaheim Municipal Zoninp Code and any other applicable Cily, State and Federa! repulattona. Approval do~s not tndude eny actlon or ifndinfls aa to compliance or epproval of tho requeat reqarding any other apalcabte ordlnance, re~uladon ~r requiremeM. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Anaheim Cky Plenntnp Commissfon daoa hareby ftncl ~ end determ~ne thet adoptlon of thit RAaolution Is ~xprosfly prod(cat upon appltcant's compllerx~e with eeAlt And Ali ot thd Corxifl~ons hereln8bove set foAh. Should any ch corriition, or arry pert thareof, l+a ' declarad invelid or unenlor~0abte by the lfnal (udgment of eny u of compotent ~urladictlon, then thla ; Roaolutlon, end arry approvale herein contelneci, af~alt be dee tdl and vokJ THE FOREQOINCi REROLUTION wes ed t at t Pla~ Commhalon maettnp ot July 28, 19~i. • '/ ~//~~~~~ - _ _/ V ~ .~~4 CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM GTY PLANNIN(3 A1TE8T: ~ / .C~~py M CISY PU1~~ INCi COMMI3810N v ~3• PC93~87 ~ ~ STATE OF CAUFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANQE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Janet L. Jensen, 3ecretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commlaslon, do heraby csrtHy that tha 4ore~oln~ resolutlon was pessed and adoptad at a meeting of the Anahelm Cfty Planninp Commission h~ld on July 28, 1893, by the tollowing vAte of the membens thoreoi: pYES: COMMI3SION~R3: CALDWELL, HENNINGER, MAYER, MESSE, PERAZA NOES: COMMIS810NERS: BOYDSTUN ABSENT: COMMI3SIONERS: TAIT IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hava hereuMo set my hartd thls ~~f~ day ot , 1993. RETARY, ANAH CITY PLANNINO COMMI3310N ~4- PG93~87 ,