Resolution-PC 93-88~~., r\ ~ RESO~.~~oN Mo. pr,93-88 A RESOLUTION OF ~ HE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION THAT P'ErITION FUR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 3616 6E GRANTED WHEREAS, the Anahelm City Planning Commisslon did recelve a verfffed PetRion for Conditional Use Parmit for certafn real property skuated In the Ciry of Anaholm, County of OrAnpe, State of CalNarntu, described as: PARCEL 1 OF PARCEL MAP N0. 92-201, AS SHOWN ON A MAP FILEG IN BOOK 275, F'AGES 8 AND 9 OF PARCEL N1APS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNYY RECORDER Or ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. WHEREAS, the City Planning Comrnlas!on did hold a public hoaring ai the Civic Centsr in the City of Anahefm on July 26, 1933 at 1:30 p.m., notice of safd public hearing havtng been duly gfven as required by law and fn accordance with the provislons of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evl~ence tor and a~alnst said praposed condittonel use permit and to investiflate and make ifndinga and recommendatlans (n connectlon thers+vRh; and WHERi:AS, said Comrnlssion, atter due inspectlon, Invostigatfon and study made by Itaeif and fn ks behAlf, erxl after due consfdoratlon of all evldencs end reports oHered at ~ald hearing, dooa find And determine the iollowing facts: 1. That the proposed usa Is properly one tor which a conditfonai use permit is authorized by Anahalm Municfpal Code Sectlon to permft tho retafl sales of marine vehlcles, trailers, parts and acceasories In aon~unctfon with e marfne product manufacturing faoility; 2. That the proposed use is properly one tor which a condftional use pe-mft is euthorized by the Zoninp Code; 3. Thet the proposed use wfll not edversely aftect the adjoinfnp land uses and the growth end developmont of the area in which ft Is proposed to be located because the proposed retall sales area wlll be .~cceasory to the permittod manufacturtnp use of thA proparty; 4. That the aize and shepe ot tho slte -or th0 proposed use is adequato to allow the iull ~ development of the proposed use in a manner not detrimantal to the panicular aree rior to the peace, i hoalth, sateq, end general weltare becauso all exlsting and propased uses will be enclased In a buliding, ~ and no Code vv~+ivera are reqttired, end perkinp requirementa Are satisnsd; ~ ! 5. That the treHfc genereted by the proposed use wlll not impose an undue burden on the I atreeta and hi~hways desi~ned end improved to carry the traHic n the area becausa the propoaed ~etan ; actNity wflt be Ifmited to 1,689 aq.R. of (loor erea and because of the spocfal(zed neture of the marine ,~ N products proposecf to be sold; 8. Thet the yraMfnq of the cond(tional use pertnit under the condit(ons fmposed will not be ~+ detrlmental to the peace, heal!h, satety and general waliare of the citizena ~I the City of Anahefm; end 7. That no one Indicated their prasence at said public hearing in opposftion; and that no correspandenco was receN~d in oppositlon to the aubject petition. i CR1855MS.wp .1. PC93•88 } 9 r ~ , r_ ~'^ f ,~ALIFORNIA ENViR9NMENTAL QUALITY ACT FIN~,INQ: That the Anaheim City Planning Co~~:mission has reviowed the proposal to permit the retail saios of marine vehicles, trailers, parts and acces~orles in conjunctlon with a marine product manufacturing tacility on an irregularly shaped parcal of land consisting of approxlmately 1.94 acres locatad at tMe southoast corner of Coronado Street and Kraemer Boulovard, having approxfmate frontages of 310 feet on the a~uth side of Coronado Str~et and 215 foet on the east slde of Kraemor F3oulevard and further described es 1190 North Kraemer Boulevard; and does hereby approve the Negatlve Declaretion upon iinding that the daclaretlon ratlacts the Indep4ndent Judgoment of the lead apency and that ft hsa considered the Negative Declaratian togethor with any comments received during the publfc revlew process and iurther flnding on the basis of the Inftial otudy and any comments recelvecl that thore is no substantlal evidenco that the projeat wlll have a si~ni(icant effect an the environment. NOW, TH~REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does ~ hereby grant subjoct Petf?lon for Conditlonai Use Permlt, upon the following conditions whlch are hereby found to be a necsssary prerequislto to the proposed use of the subject property in order to preserve the safery and general weliare of the Citizens of the Ciry of Anaheim: 1. Thet the retall sales ectivitlos essxfet9d with subJect use shali be Incidental to the manutacturing of marina voh(cle accessorles, and the saie of marine vehicles ahall be Ifmitsd to "jet skf" type vohfclos only and shall ~ includo boats. 2. That there shall be no outdoor display of marine vehiclos and/or ecaessories st any time unless such Items aro under a rooi; and, Ii so-disptayed under a roof, not more than two (2) vehictea sholl be displayed unless the Zon(ng Code Is amended to specHicaliy permft othervvise. ~ 3, That the atorage, use or dispensin~ oi hazardous materials In quantities in excess of th~se specHied ~ In Unfiorm Building Cade, Tebles 9-A and 9B, shall comply wlth Unfiorm Fire Code, Anfcle 80. M shail be develo ed substantlall In eccorclanco with lans and apecltlcations ~ 4. That subject property p Y P ~ submfttad to the C{ty ot Anaheim by the petkioner and which plens are cn t(le with the Planning Department marked Exhibk Nos. 1 through 3. 5. That prior to cort~mencement oi th~ actNity authorized by thls resolutio~, or prior to flnal buildinp and zonfng fnspectlons, or wfthin a pe~lod of one (1) year irom the date of this rgsolut(on, whichever occurs first, Condition No. 4, above-mentfoned, shall bo compifed with. E~ctenslons for iurther time to comptete said con~iftlons may be g~anted In acconJance wfth Soctlon 1a.03.090 of the Anaheim ~ Munlcipal Code. 6, That approval of this appllcation constitutos approval ot thu proposed request only to the extent thet ~ k aomplies with the Anahefm Mun(cfpal Zoning Code and any other applicable Ciry, SWte and Fsderal f regulatlons. Approval does not Include any actlon or iindfngs as to compllance ~r approval oi the ; request regarding any other appllcable ordinance, regulatfon or requirement. ! BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Anohelm Ciry Plannfng Commisslon does NereSy ilnd and determine that adoptlon of thl~ Resdutton is exprassly predicated upon appl(cant's compilanc0 with ~" ~ each and alt of the conditions herelnebove set foRh. Should eny auch condition, or any peK thereof, be declaroci irnalid or unenfarceable by the final Judgmant of any court o( competent Jurlsdictlon, then this i Resdution, artd eny approvals hereln contained, shall be deomed nutl and vofd. i .z. PC93-88 ~^ THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION was July 26, 1993. ~~ the ~(ann Commission meeting of ~ . CFfAIRMAN ANAF1EIfv{ CITY PLANNINGl S'iQMM13SION ATrEST: ~~ RETARY, ANA , CITY PLANNINQ COMMISSION $TATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) as. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Jenet L. Jansen, Secrotary of the Anahelm City Plannin~ Commission, d~ hereby certify thot the toregoln~ resoiutlon was pasaed and adopted at a meetlnp of the Anaheim City Planninp Comm(ssion I~eld on July 28, 1993, by the following vote of t~~e membera thareof: AYES: COMMiS310NERS: BOYDSTUN, HENNINaER, MESSE, TAIT NOE3: COMMISSIQNERS: MAYFR, PERAZA ABSTAINED: COMMISSIONERS: CALDW~LL ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE IN WITNES3 WH[REOF, I have hereunto aet my hand this/Qa~1, day of , 1993. RETARY, A A CI PLA NING COMMISSION 'r,~' ~s: ~ , .3. PC83-88 ,