Resolution-PC 93-92.-. ~ ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CIN PWNNING COMMISSION THAT PETITI~N FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 3626 BE C~RANTED WHEREA3, the Anahelm City Planning Cnmmlaslon d!d reoeive a veritied Petklon lar Conditlonal Usa PermR for certa(n reel property s(tuated In the City of Aru~heim, County of Orange, Statd of CelHomla, described as: PARCEL A, AS SHOWN ON LOT LINE ADJU~TMENT F'U1T NO 2i2 RECnRD~D APRIL 30, 1990 AS INSTfiUMENT N0. 90•225911 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF ORANf3E COUNTY, CALIFOANIA. WHEFiEA~, the City Planning Commission did hotd a publia hearing at the Civic Center In the City of Anaheim on Auguat 9, 1993 et 1:30 p.m., notice of said publfc hearing having been duly given as required by law and In accorclance with tf~e provisfona of the Anehefm Munic(pel Code, Chcpter 18.03, to hear and consider evidence tor and agalnat said proposed condftional use permlt end to Investigate and make iindinga and recommendatlons in c~nnaction therewkh; and WHEAEAS, seid Commisslon, after due Inapection, fnvestigatfon end study mede by ftself er~d fn its behaSf, and atter due conslderatfon of all evldenco and repoKs oNered et sald hearing, does Md end determfno the idlowing facts: 1. That the proposed use Is propo~ly one for which a condftional use permft Is authorized by Anehefm Municipal Code 3ection 18.8t.050.606 to permit e 8,A63 sq.R. Indoor baseball school wRh batting cages; 2. That the proposed use, cansistinfl ot en Indoor basobnil scliool with ilve (5) onclosed batting capes and throe (3) p(tching mounds, lo prope~ly ~ne ior whlch e aonditlonal uae p~rm~C Is autho~ized by the Zoniny Code; 3. That aub~ect use is not an amusemeM factllty such es the bettfng cages at the Famlly Fun Center at 1041 Notth 3hupard Street; bui, rather, a private beseball instructfon iacliky; 4. Thet the proposod use wlll not advera~ly affect the adjoininp land u~es and the qrowth and d~evainpment ot the erea tn whtch k Ia proposed to be loceted because it wfll be competible wkh surroundin~ lend usea dua to th~ oH•set houre of operatlons ior the beseball schnol in compa~ison to the surroundin~ Industrfal businesaes; 5. ThBt th~ afzo end ahapo ot the ske (or the proposed uee la adequete to allow the iult development of the proposod uae In e mannAr not detrimeMal to the particular area r~ar to the peace, hoalth, s~tfery, end genernl welfare; e. That the tra~ic penarsted by the propu3ed use wel not impose an undue buMen on thF stroets end hlghwayg designed and tmproved to carry tl~e treflic In the area becauee tho petttioners perktnp dertwnd studY. aa reviewed by the City 1'raHic and TrenspoRatfon Menager, condudea thet the sxiating perkfng supp~y Is adoquete for eaki propoeal; 7. That the graMinp of the conditional use pormit under the condltlons Imposed wlll not be ; dat~tmentet to thc paece, health, aatery end fler.eral wollare of the cltizens oi ti~e City of Anaheim; end ! 8. That no one Indiceted thelr preaence et said publlc hearing in opposttton; and thet no i comespandence was -ecehred In oppAakfon te the eubJoct petRfon. ! CR1887MS.wp .~. PC89•S2 ~ V. ~,~ i ~ ~J ~ CA!_IFORNLA ENYIRONMENTA~,~UALITY ACT FINDINC: That the Anahelm Cfty Planning Commisslon has roviewed the proposal to permft a 9,883 sq.ft. indoor baseball school wfth batting cages on a Irreguleriyshaped parcel of land consisting of approxfmately 7 acres loc~ted at tho southeast comar af Menassera Street and landon Drive, havinp approxfmate fronteges of 516 feot on the oAat slde of Manassoro Street and 665 teet on the south sfda of Landon Drbe and turther described as 4930 East Landon Drive; and doea hsreby approv~ the NegatNe Deolaratlon upon iinding that the declaratlon reflACts the Indeperulent judgemoKi ot the lead egency and that it has considered the Nogative Daclaretion togetl~er with eny comments •ecelved during the publfc revlew process and further flndfng on the basis of the in!:lal atudy and any comments received that there Is no substantlal evfdence that the proJect will have s signlf(cant effect on the environment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anahalm City P~anning Commfasion does p i~ereby grant subJect Petklon for ~ondkionel Use Permft, upon the following candftlons which aro hereby p tcund to be e necessary preroqulsRe to the propossd use of the subjeat pronerty In orcior to pre3anr~ the ~ sa(ety and general weliare oi the Citliens of the City of Anahelm: ~ 1. Thet the use of sub~ect tacility shall be Ilmited to tha prhrate Instructlon of baseball by ap{wlntmeM I only; and that the facility shall not be available ta the generfll public on e"drop•In" basis. 2. That gone~al pubtlc vfewing areas may ~ be construated in conJunctlon with this facility. 3. That subJect property ahall be developed substantlally In accordance with plans and speci'rlcatlons submitted to the Ciry of Aneheim by the petitfoner and which plans are on ille wNh the Plenning DepertmeM marked ExhibR Nos. t and 2. 4. That prlor to commencement of the activky authorized by this resdutlon ~r wfthfn a perlod of one I (1) year irom the date of thls resolutlon, whichevAr xcu~s ffret, Conditfc ~ Nos. 2 and 3, ~ above-montioned, shdll b~ cornplled with. Extanslons tor iurther time to complate said condRlons f may be granted In accordance wfth 8ection 18.U3.090 of the Anehelm Municlpa! Code. , 6. Thet spproval of this opplicatlon constltutes approval of thA proposed request only to the extont thnt k complles wRh the Anaheim Municipal Zoning Code end any othor applicable City, Stata end Faderal reflulatlons. Approvai does not Include any action or flrxlings es to complfance or approvel oF the request reg.~rdinq any other applicabl0 ordfnance, reyulatfon or requirement. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED tt~et the Anahelm Cky Plannfnp Commisslon dooa heraby ilnd and dete-mfne that edoptlon of thls qesdutlon ta expreasly predicated upon appllcoM's compllanca with eech end all of the condltions hereinabuve aet lorth. Should eny such conditfon, a eny pan thereof, be declared irnalld or uneMorceable by the final Jtxlpment of any couR ot competent Ju~isdictlan, then this Resolut(on, and any approvals hereln contained, shall be deemed null and void. ~ I THE FOREd01N(~ RESOLUTION was adopted at the Plann(ng Commission meAting of ; Aupuat 9, 1993. -.l ,_.:~ CHAIRMAN ANAHEI ITY PLA IN COMMISSION ~ A'ITE8T: ~ ~ ~: • ~ 1r.:11J_~.•.-/ f ~~~~RY, ANAH M CITY PUINNINCi COMMISSION ; (~ .. ~ -2- PC93-92 ~ '~ s ~ ~. i. ~~,:. .Y~~ ~ ~ ~ Sl'ATE. OF CALIFORNIA ) CQUNTY OF ORANCiE ) ss. CITY GF ANAHEIM ) I, Edlth L Herris, Secretary of the Anahalm City Planning Commisaion, do hareby csrtiFy that the forogoing resolution was passed and ~doptad at a mbeting of the Anaheim Cfry Plannlnp Commission held on August 9, t993, by the followlnp vote oi the members thereoi: AYE3: COMMISSIONERS: BOYDSTUN, HENNINGER, MAYER, MFSSE, PERAZA, 7AIT hIOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: CALDWELL itJ WITNESS WHEREOF, I have I~ereunto set my hand this,,~~ dey of ,Qf1G~ f.11l~~ 19~33. o ~ ~.~~RETARY,~ANAHEI ITY PI.ANNINCi COMMI3310N ~~- f JY' ~~ -3- PC93-92 ,