Resolution-PC 93-98~ A RESOLUTION OF THE A~IAHEii" CITY PLANNING COMMISSION THAT PETITION FOR RECLASSIFICATION N0. 93•9d-01 BE GRANTED, UNCONDITIONALLY WHEREAS, the Anaheim Cfty Planning l'ommission clfd inftiate a petftion ior Recl~ssificatfon of real property situated In the Cfty of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described as tollows: PARCEL A: PARCEL 3, AS SHOWN ON A MA' FILED IN Fi00K 32, PAGE 50 OF PARCEL MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF ORANGE CaUNN, CALIFORPJIA. PARCEL B: PARCELS 1 AND 2, AS SHOVVN ON A MAP FILED IN s00K 75, PAOE 43 OF PARCEL MAFS, IN THE UFFICE O~ THE COUNTY RECORDER OF ORANGE COUNTY, CAUFORNIA. WHEREAS, the Clry Planning Commissfon dld hold a public hearing at the Cfvlc Center In the City of Anahelm on August 23, 1993 at 1:30 p.m., notice of said publia hearing having been duly given as required by law and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hAar and cons(der evldence for end agafnst safd proposed reclassffication and to investi~ate and make findin~s and recommondatfons !n conrectlon therewith; and WHEREAS, snid Commisslon, after duo inspectlon, investigetion end atudy made by ftaelf and In fts beheli, and aiter duo consideration of all evldenca and reporta offered at said haaring, does find and determfne the tollowing facts: 1. That subJect property Is proposod to be reclassNfecl from the ML ~limfted Industrial) to the PR (Public Recreattenal) Zone. 2. That the Anaheim Genaral Plan deslgnates subject prQperty for Business OHice/Service Industrlal land uses. 3. That the proposed reclassification ot sub~eat property is necASSary end desirable tor the orderly and praper developmont of the communiry. 4. That the proposed reclaaslticatinn of subJect p-openy does properly rel~te to the zones and thefr permittod uses locally estabtished In clo3e proxlmity to subJect properry and to the zonQS and their permltted uses genernliy aatabi(shed throughout the community. 5. 7hat no one ind(cated tholr presence et eakl publfc hea~ing in oRpositlon; and that no ~orrespondence was recelvod in opposftlon to subject petition. Cq,l IFORNIA ENVIRONMENT~~OUALITY ACT FIIVOING: That the Anahefm City Planning Commfsafon has revfewed the proposal to roclassNy subject property irom the Ml (Limiteci Industrial) to the PR (Public Recreational) Zons on an irregula~ly-ahap~d parcel of land consisttng of epproximately 3.15 acres I~cetecl at the nr~Rheast corner ~f Katella Avenu~ and Douglass R~ad, having ironta~es ot appra~cfmat~ly 350 fedt on tho nor~h ~ide ot Katella Avenue end ?45 teet on the oast skle ot Dauqlaes Road; and does hereby find thst the Mftipeted Neqative Decleratlon previously approved In connection with the Katella/Dougless Park(ng Facility is adequate to seroe es the required envlronmRmal documentation In connectian with thfs request upcm tindfng that tha declaratlon reflects the Irufependen! Judaement of thd lead egPncy end that ft has considered the Negatlve Declaratlon together with any comrnents receNed during the publlc review process end funher ilnding on the basfs of the initial study and eny comments received that there la no substantial evklAnce that the proJect will have a signi(icant eHect on the environrnont. . ~ i CR1877MS.wp -S. PC93-98 ~~~' ~ i NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FiESOLVED that the Anaheim Clry Planning Commission does hereby approve the subject Petftion for ReclassH(ctition to authorize an amendment to the Zoning Map of the Anaheim Munlcipal Code to excludo tho nbove-dascribed property from the ML (Limfted Industrial) Zone ae~d to incorporate said described property Into the PR (Public Recreational) Zone, uncondltionblly. BE IT FURTHER RESOLV~D, that approval of thia applfcatlon constftutba epproval of the proposed roquest only to the extent thet ft complles with tha Aneheim Municipal Zonfng Code and any other applicable City, State and Fod9ral regulatlon~. Approval doas not include any action or findings es tn comFlfance or apprAVa! of tha re~~1~s! !~~ ~!^a a~sy athei~ appiic;abie ordinance, reguiatlon or requlrement. BE IT FClRTHER RESOLVED, that this resdutlan shall not constitute a rezoning of, or a commftment by the City to rezone, the subject property; ~ny such rexoning sl~all r~qulre an ordinenc~ of tt~e City Councll which shall be a Iegislative ect which may be approvod or denied by the Clty Council at Its solo discretlcn, TH~ FOREGOINd RES4LUTIQN was adopted at the Planning Commisslon moeting of August 23, 1953. /.~ , ( %~ CHAIRMAN, ANAHEI CITY P NNING CCIMMISSION ATTEST: .o7t.~~~ d~~~vs~ RETARY, ANAG~~CITY PLANNINQ COMMISSION l STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANCiC ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Jenet L Jensen, Secretary of the Anaheim City Plannin~ Commisslon, do hereby certHy that the foregoing resoluti~n was passsd end adopted ~t a meeting of the Anahoim Ciry Planning Cammission held on August 23, 1993, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISS~ONERS: BOYDSTUFI, CALDWELL, HENNINGER, MAYER, MESSE, PERAZA, TAIT NOES: GOMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: GOMMISSIONERS: NONE IN WI7NESS WWEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand thfs ~~ day of~~~i~~ 1993. 5 RETARY, ANAHEI CITY PLANNING COMMISSION , .<'~A. -2- PC93-98