Resolution-PC 94-104RESQL~IT!ON NO. PC9A-1Q~1 A RESOLUTION OF T'~~ AlVAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION THAT PETiTi(~N FOR qtCLAS5IFICA710N NQ. 94-~J5-O1 BE GRANtEO WH~Z~AS, tfit~ Anaheim City Plannfn~ Commission did recotre a verifieti petition for Reclassi(ication tor real property s;.uateci in tlie rity ot Anatie(m, County of Orange, State o( Califomia, described as follow~: LOTS 2 IN BLOCK A OF 7RACT NO. 13, AS SHO~VN ON A MAP RECURDtD IN BOOK ~J, PAGF_ 12 OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, RECOR~S OF QRANGE COUNN, CALIFORNIA. EXCEPTINr THEREFROM THE tJORTH 436.00 FEET. TH~ NORTH a36.0o FEET Of~ LOT 2 IN BLOrK A Qh TRACT NO. 13, AS SHOWN UN A MAP RECORDcD IN 80dK 9, PAGE 12 OF MISCEUIINEOUS MAPS, RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFURNIA. EKCEPTIN3 THEREFROM THAT POATION DESCRIBEO IN THE f)EEU TQ THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA RECOfiDED AUGUST 12, 1955 IN BOOK 3171, PAGE 575 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS ~F SAIO COUNTY. PARCEI 1, AS Sh10WN ON A MAP FILED IN 900K 4, PAGE 4~ OF PARCEL MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY REGOfiDER OF OiiANGE CdUNTY, CAUFORNIA. PAfiCEL 2. AS SHOWN ON A MAP FILED IN B'JnK 107. PAGF 37 OF PARCEL MAPB, HJ THE OFFICE OF THF COUNTY RECURDER OF ~JRANGE COUN7Y. CALIFOFiNIA. EXCEf'TING 7HEREFROM 7HE EASTERLY 20.00 FEET OF THE M7ST NORTHER~Y 280.34 FEET. WHEREAS, tho City Planning Commission did hold a puWic he,~rfnp at the Civic Centor in Ihe City ol Anaholm on August 8. 1S1i?4 at 1:30 p.m., notice of said publlc haaring having deen duly gNen as reyuire~ by law and in ~ccordance with the nrorisions o~ the Anaheim hlunir,ipnl Coc1e, Chapter 18.03, to hear ~nJ consicfer mricl~nc^ fvr arrJ atiainat saicl proposed reclassification and tn invUStigato and make tinctinps arxl recumrt~nclati~ns In connecti~n iherewith; and WHEREAS, said Comrr.fssion, nfter due inspection, irnQ:tigation and atudy madcr by itsell ancl in its behAl(. 2!xl aiter due c~nsklerat-~n ot alt evicence and rQports ottered ~1 sakl I~earing, does lincf arxt d~Ncrmir~c iho Idlowing facls~ 1 71-at tha ~:itlancr proposes redassiiicaUon of aubject properiy fr~m Iha CL (Comcnorttal, l'nnrt~xf) Zone arxl tl~e PD•~ (Parking Oist;ict•Comr»orciat) Zona to ttv~ R1A•3000 (Aesider~ttal, AAultiple Family) or 3 Ic~a intense zona. 2 That tho Ar~haim 4ener~l Plan desi~nates subJACt pra~~srty(or Low-Medium Reaidenti~l land uses 3 7h~at the prn~s~cf rc+claresNication of suWect pr~~rty is necc~ssnry nr-d/~~ desiraWe for th~ orJc~rly arxl proper d~!vctopmorn cn Ihe con+munity. CA,21t1;Rf~A3 WP • 1 • PC~A~104 4. That the proposocJ reclassification of subject property doos prope~ly rdlate to tho zones antl thoir permfttec! uses lo~ally ost[~blfshecl in close proximity to suSJect property and to the zones and thelr permitted uses generaily establishecf throughout the community. 5 That two (2) paopie indicated their pres~nce at said pubiic hear(ny in lavor; and that no corrc~spondenca was rsueived in oppasitfon to subject petition. C~ALIF FtNIA ~NVIRONMENTA~ OUA I~._TY A~T FIN I~ : That the Anaheim City Planning Commission has reviowec! the proposal to reclassify subigct property irom ttio Cl. (Commercial, Umitod) and f~0-C (Parking Dist~ict•Commerclal) Zonos to the RM-3000 (Resid~:niial, Multiplo Family) or a less intenso xone to permit a 6Q•unii, RM•300U, detached condominfum development with waivbr of required ~ot fronta~e, maximum strucWral height and minimum interior seiback requfrements, and to e~tabllsh a 60-lot (including 4 letterod lots) RM•3000 subdivision on an irre{~ularly-shaped percel of land conslsting c1 approximataly 6.47 acres having a frontage e`. approxirnateiy a32 Icet on the south sfde of Lincoln Av~nue, havlhg a maximum doptli of appro~c~mately 600 ieet, being Iccated a~pproximately 102 teet west of the conterline of Empire Street and further doscribed as 2144 West Lincoln Avenue; and does hereby approvo a Mitigated Negative Ueclaration and aclopt the Mitigatlon Monftorlnfl Progrnm pursuant to Sect!on 210at.6 oi the Public Resourcos Ccde on the basis that thQ doclaralion reflects the independent judgem~rnt of the toad agency anc' that the Planning Comrni,sion has cansidered th~ (~roposal with tltie mltlgatad Neg~cive Declaratlon and A~onitoring Program, togQther with an~ comrnents rocefved dur(ng the public ruview process an~i fu~ther findin~, on the basls ot tho Initial Study, that there is no substantial evldence that the proJect will tu~vu a signiticart oNect on the environment. NOW, THEREFOP.E, HE IT RESOLVED that ttieAnahefm City Plann{ng Commisslondoes hereby appruve tha subject Patition for Raclassilicatlon t~ authorize an bmendment to the Zoniny Map ol the Anaheim Municfpal Ccde to exclude tho above~lescrfbed property from the CL (Commerclat, Umiteri) and PO•C (Parking District ~CqmrtsgrcEal) Zon~s brxl to incorporate ~.~kf doscribecl proparty into the FiiN-3000 (Residenlial, hlulUp~e Family) Zone u~un t~ e following conriitlons whlch are hereby lound 4o be e necessary pterequlsite to the prop~sed use o! subject property In order to preseNg the r,~fQty and general welfare ~t the Citizens ot the City of Anaheim: 1. 7hat in the event the twenty (20) taot wkfo access easGment to Lincoln Avenue (locatec! on Ihe northeast corner of the prop~rt;) Is deteted from tho pro~ect, a revised logal doscription excluding saW area shall be submitted to the Zonfnq OF~islon. 2. That Ihe uwner of subje~t property shafl submit a!etter requosting torminatfon ot Concfitional Use Permit No. 34Ei3 (peimitt~ng ~ S08•urit, 3-story reslctential condnmiriium complex) to the toning Division. 3. That an uns~borclfnatecl ccrvRnant shall be recordecl wfih tha Ollice at tho Oranqe Co~mty Recorder agrneing to provicle thQ buyer ol each dwelling unit whh w-itlen fnforma:inn obt2inecl trom ttio sthool ~istrict(s) pertaininp to posaiWe rnercrowclcd conclRtons oncf busing status ~f the schools serving thQ dwelling un~t. A copy of the covenant shall be subntiqdd to arxf ap~~rov~cl by the City Attorney prior to records~tfon. A 4opy of the :ecorded covunant shall bo submktod to the ZoninQ Divfsfon. 4, That prior to p~acemem ot an nr<lir~nce retoning subject prupNAy on an ager~da 1or C~ry Cuuncil cor,sicfer~tion. Conditiun Nos t. ?. arxl 3, abovo•mentionecl. sha~l be com~letal. ~ he City Cou:~cil may a{',p-o~+e or d~sa~prove a r.oninfl ordinance at its dlscrellon. II the oroinanco fs disa~xoved. Iho procecturr± seC foAh in Anaheim Municipal Coda Soction 18.03.Uf:5 shall apply. The provlsions cr rights grr~nted by ihia rasolulion ahaU betome null a~-J voicl hy aGt(on of the Plannina Cumm-sston unlcas sakl r.onclitia~s are com~l~ed wit~i withln ann (t) yenr rrom the date ol thls readu~iAn, ar auch tunh~+r time as the Plannfn4 Commis.lfon may qrant. ,2, PC94-t0~1 5. That ~pproval ot this npplication constftutes approvnl oi tho proposed request only to the oxtent thet it complles witt~ the Anahelm Municipal Zoninfl Code and arn~ other applicable City, Slato nnd Federal rogulations. App~~~al does not include any sction or tEndings as to com~llance or approvai of the request regardini> >ny other applicable ordinarice, regulatlon or requlroment. BE IT FURTHER R~50WE~ that the r.nahe(m Cfty PlAnning C;ommi3sion ~+oes heraby find and determine that adoption of this Resolution is expressly predicat~d upon applicant's compliance with each and all of tl~e conditions hereinTbove set forth. Should any such conditions, or any part thereof, bo declared Invalicl or unonforceable by tho finat ~udgrr~ent of any court af campetent Jurisdiction, thon thls Resolution, and any approvals herein contained, shall be deemoct null and void. B~ IT FURTFIER RESULVED, that t~ds resolutlon shall not constit~tla a rezoning of, or a commitment by t.he City to rezone, ttio sub~ect property; any such rezoning shall require an ordfnance of the City Council whfch shall be a la~islative act which may be approvad or danied by the Cfty Council at its sole di :cretian. TI~IE FOR~GOING RESOLUTION was adoptHd at tt~e Planning Commisslon meetfng of August 8, 19y4. -- y/ ~~~-^ c~{~a~C~~~ % r ~~ / ~„ ~..1~ -1--"_'_' C AIRWOMAN, P.NAHEIM CITY' PLANNING COMMISSION ATTE.~iT: '' ' d.&=' ,~ ~^ SE ETARY, ANAHEI CITY PIANNING COMI~~IISSIGN ~ 'STA~TE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY AF aNAHEIM ) I, Janoi L. Jensen, Secretary of tho Anaheim l:tty Planninq Commisalon, do hereby cortfly that the toregoing resolution was passnd and adopted et a meetinq oi the Ana~efm City Ptanniny Comm(ssion held on August e, t934, by the lollowing vote of the members thoreol: AYES: CQNMISSIONERS: BOYDSTUN, CALOWELL, HENNiNGER, MAYFR, PERA7A, TAIT NOES: C4MMISSIONENS: NONE A9SENT: COMMISSIONERS: MESS.~'. IN WlTNESS :YHEHCOF,1 have hur~r~nto set my hand thi~j~ay ol ~.~~~, f 19~4• ..~~C `r~-~=°~~~-L'~'~-L L•o ~t - d S~CFi[TARY, AVAHE1I1yCITY PLANNINQ CAMh113SION ~ ~ ~ .~. PC94-10A