Resolution-PC 94-111RESOLU7I~N NO. nC94-111 A RF_SQLUTlUN OF'fHE ANAHEIMI CITY PL.ANNING COMMISSION AMENGING CERTAIN CONDI710NS OF APPROVAL QF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 1890 WHEREAS, Conditlonal Use Fermit No. 1890 (to permit on-premise sale and consumption of beer and wine in conjunction with an existing rastaurant at 2610 West La Palma Avenue (Peking China fiowl RestaurantJ) was approved by the Plann(ng Commi~sion under Resolutlon No. PC78-227 on September 25, 1978 for a parlAd c~ two (2) years to expire on Soptomber ?.5, 1980, SubJect property Is located south and west of the southwost corner of La Palma Avenue and Magnalla Avenue, having approximate irontages of 105 feet on the south side of La Palma P,vonu~~ and 457 feet on tho wesi side of Magnolla Avenue, ~nd furtlier described as 2610 West La Palma Avenue; and WHER[A5, sald Resalution No, PC78•227 includes the fnllowing condition of approval: "2. That the proposed use Is grantod for a two (2) year period of time to dotermine whether the use has had an adverse eKoct on the area ~and tl~at extensions of time may be granted by the Planning Commission, upon written request by ihe potition, followinfl a determination that the use has nat had an adverse impact." WHcREAS, +he petitloner has requested mcxilflcation or deletion of sald Conditlon No. 2 pertaining to the tirt~e limitation; end WHEREAS, throe subsequent time en~tenslons v~~ore granted hy the Planning Commission, the last ono expiririg on September 15, 1989. WFIEREAS, the Cfty Planning Comm(ssion did hoid e public hearing at the Civic Center in t1~e City of Anaheim on August 22, 1994, at t:~0 ~.m., notice cf sa(d public hearing having boen duly given as requireci by law and (n acr.orciance with the provisions of the Anahefm Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear end consider evidence for and against said proposed amendment and to investigate and make findings and recommondattons in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, said Commission, after due Inspection, investiflatian and study made by ftself and fn its behalf, and after ~ue consfderation of ali evidence and reports offered at said hearing, dues find and determine tho followin~ facts: 1. That subJect corditional uso permit (s bein~ exercised in a manner not detrimental to the narticular area and surround(ng land uses, nor to the publ(c peace, health, sAfety and genoral welFera; 2. That tl~e salo of beer and wlne at this restaurant has not had a detrimental effect on the area; 3. That, in connoction with requesting amendment to subJect use permit, the property owner submitted a letter requesting terminatiun of Conditional Use Pormft Nos. 1109 and 1181 pertaining to Fo~ocy's (now closed), and tliat sald termination request Is scheduled for the Septombe~ 7, 1994 Planning Commission agenda; and 4. That no ona indicated their prasence at said publia hearing fn opposition; and that no correspondence was received in opposftion to the subject petition. CR2174MS.WP -1- PC94-'I 11 ~ CALIFQ,RNIA,~,{~jVIRONMENTAL ~UALITY ACT FINDING; That the Anahelm City Plannin~ Comrnission has revfewed the propaeal to delete Condltion No. 2 of Resolution No. PC78-227 and doea hereby flnd that the Negatlve Declaratlon prov(ously approved In connection with Conditional Use Perm(t Na. t 890 fs adequate to serve as tho r~auired environmental documentation in connection with this request upon findinc~ that tho declaratfon retlects the indepondent ~udgement of tho lead agency and that it has considored the Nogative Declaration together with any comments roceivod during the publfc review procoss and furthor finding on the bASis of the initial study ancl any comments received that there is no substantial evidsnce that the proJect will ha.ve a significant efFecf on the environmont, NOVJ, 1'HEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that tho Anaheim City Planning Commissfon does horeby delete Condition No. 2 of Resolution No. PC78•227, in its ontfrety: THE FOREGOING f~E50LUTI0N was adopted ~f the Planning Commisslon meeting of August 22, 1994. _~ ~i~ ~/ c. GC/~~[.~.J CHAI-~N~ At~AI-IGIM CITY L.ANhING COMMISSION ATTEST: r i CHETARY, AAJ' EIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSIQN ~TATE OF ~ALIFORNIA ) GQUNIY OF QRARGE ) ss. CI7`( OF ANAHEIM ) I, .fanet L. Jensen, Socretar,~ oi the Anaheim City Planning Con~mission, do hereby oertify that the foregoin~ rF~solution wa~ passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anahoim Clty Planning Commissian held or August 22, 199~3, b~/ the following vote ~f tho membors thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOti'DSTUN, CALDWELL, hIENNINGER, MAYER, TAIT NOES: CC7MM1$510NERS: NONE AF3uENT: CQMMISSIONERS: MESSF_, PERAZA, IN V'JITNESS VUHERL=OF, I havo hereunto sot my hand th(s „~~ day of ~~~,,~°~,,, t 99~1. ~S CRETAH~ IM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION i~~ -Z- i'C94-111