Resolution-PC 94-118,g~_Q~yfION NO.,ps;94-118 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNINC3 COMMISSIQN THAT PETITION FOH VARIANCt NO. 4256 BE GRANTED WHEREAS, the Anahelm City Planning Commission d~i receive o verHi9d Petltlon for Verlance for certain real property situateci In the City nf Anahaim, C~unly of ~range, State of Ca~d~rnia described as: THE 1NESTE7LY 210 FEE7 OF 7HE EAS7ERlY RECTANGULAR HALF OF VINEYAAD LOT I~-1, IN TNE CIIY OF ANAHEIM, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 4, PAGES 629 AND 630, DEEDS, RECORDS OF LOS ANGEL~S COUN7`; , CAUFORNIA. SAlD lANO IS Sl10WN ON A MAP qF SURVEY, RECORDED MARCH 13, 1953, IN BOOK 26, PAGE 10 REf;OFiD OF SURVEYS, IN 1'HE OFFICE OF TNE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID ORANGC COUNTY. WHER[AS, the City Plennin fl Commisslon dkf hdd a public hoaring ai the CNic Canter In tho City of Anahelm on July 25, 1954, at 1:30 p.m., notice of aaid public hearfng havliig been duly givon as required by law and in accordance wiih the provisiona of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear rarxi considor evidence !or and against said praposeci variance anci to Investigate and make flndinge and recommendatlone in connection tharewith; and that subject publlc hearinq was continurad to the Septembsr 7, 1994 PlAnning Commfasiun meeting; ancf Wt1EREAS, Tentatlve Percel Map tVu. 91-1&l, to cr9ate a 2•lot Su~dNislon was approvecf by the City Council on May t0, 19A4; WHCRFAS, epproval ot :ald map inclucles the tdlowinq two conditions: '1. That the legal prope-ry owner shall frrevocably oNer to ded~ate to the Chy of Anaheim the tdlowing easement on the tinal parcel map, as requtred by tt~e Clty Engineer: a comer cut~ff at the northvrest corner of South Streot and Roso Street. 2. Thet en Improve~ ~em cortlficate shalf be aacecf on the !Inel parcd map to acknowladg~ that strcwt fmprovements alonp Fiose Street and South Struet arxl aley ImprovemeMS alung th~ north propr~rty li~o (or the proposecf Parce{ No. ? shall be reyui-ed prior to further dovelopmerit o( the pr~purty." WH~REAS, the ~,titbner requeats d~ie~~on of the decfication arx! (mprovement requirements speci0ed In Cordhfon Nos. 1 and 2 al Tentative Percel Map Wo. 9t-164; WHEREA3, tho Plenninq Commissbn, after due inspec:tbn, irr~esti~atbn end stucfy n~do yy itsell end in {ts behalf, arxl eher dus consWeratbn d ell evklonco and report~ offered At sak! hea~fn~, d;fes find and determin4 the tdlo~winq facta: t. That Iha petfltoner proposes walver d the folic~wU~: Sectf4n~ 1~yQ$,~Q • ~Ilred d' t q end imnrovomoittr iur TontatNa Percel 17.08.860 f~ tlo. 91 •1 B4. an~, 18.04.080 080 unQV~61e oMer c~l ded~a~t~(o- canar c off at nnrthweat comer d South StreM and Ro~e Streat requlred, ~Q proposed; lmntovetronLcertlticate for at~@~j~D~p~ aiony South 5treet a~d Ro:e Stroel requirod or~ 8nel parc~l ~-ep, ~g propoaed: arxf ImQrovume certNicate tor al~@y Imorovomants elong north propeny Iine of Parcel No. 2 req~irod on lu-al µarcel map, ~ proposed) CR218~MS.WP -t • PC9d-t 18 2. 71iat, in accordance wlth Sectfon of the Anaheim Munic(pal Cocie, thore Is no reas~nable relAtionship betweon the need for tF~ requlred dedication and improvements and tha dovolopment prnposai on which ~uch requlrements wor~ Imposed (a 2-lot tontative parc~l mAp with no further develo~ment of the underlying propert,y being proposed than that which currontly exists) and that the cost of the raqulred dExilcation and fmprov~ments unre~sonably axceeds the burden or impaci creatc~d by sald dovelopment pro~act. 3. That, by Plann(ng Cc~mmission's approval of thls varlance, Condition Nos.1 and 2 contained (n Tentative Parcel Map ~o. 91-164 aro deferred and that the dedication and improvemonts required in connectfon with those conditions bo pt~ced on the f inal parcel map to acl<nawledge that, as rvquired by the C(ty Engineer, street dedfcation and improvements ~long South Street end Rose Street an~J alley improvements along the north proporty Ifne for tho proposed Parcel No. 2 may be ret~uired prior t~ any turther dovelopmont of the subject proparty. 4. That no one Indicated their presence at said public hearing in opposltion; and that no corrospondenco was racoived in opposit(on tu subject petition. CALIFORNIA ENVIHQ,P(„MENTPL QUALITY ACT FIfVDING: That tho Anahoim City F'Ianning C~mrnission has reviewed the proposal for w~iver ot requirecl de~!lcation and Imprnvements for Tentative Parcel Map No. 91-164 on a rectangularlyshaped parcel oi land consistfng ol approxlmAtely 3.6 acres locatecl at the nortl~west corner of South Street and Rose Street, having approxfmate irontages of 200 feet on tlie nort~i side ot South Street and 797 feet on the west side of Fiose Street and further dascribad as 919 East South Stroot and doos hereby approve tho Nogative Doclaratfon upon f(nding ttiat the declaration reflects the fndependent ~udgement oi tha lead ugency ar~d that it has consldered the Negative C~ciaratiun tugothar with any comments received during the public review process and further ifnding on tha basis of tho Inltfa! study and ~ny comments received th.~t there is no subs4antial evidonce that the proJect wiil huve a signi(icant eHer,t on the envfronment. NQW, 7HEHEFORE, BE IT RESOWED that the Anal~elm City Planning Comrr(ssion does hereby grant subject PetNion (or Variance. THE F~)REGOIN~ HESOLU'TION was ted at the PI fng missi meeting of Septsmber 7, t994. ~ CHAIRMAN PRO-TEMPORE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: 1c~'~~ CRETARY, ANA =1M CIT'Y PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CAUFORNIA ) COIiNTY OF ORANCiE ) ss. CITY OF ANPHEIM ~ I, Jnnet L. Jenson, Secretary ot the Anahaim City PlAnning Commission, do hereby coriily that tho foregoing re3oliAion was passod end adoptod at a meetinp of the Anaholm City Plannfng Comm(ssfon held on Septemk,er 7, 1994 by ihe (ollowing vote of thR mombors thcreot: AYra: CAMMISSIONERS: CALDWELL, HENNINGER, MAYER, PFRAZA, TAIT NOEG: C4MMI$SIONERS: NOME ABSENT: COMMiSSIONERS: ElOYUSTUN, MESSE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hern~~nto sM my har-d this ~_ day of ~~~~~ 9~J4 -~:-~~~ '^ 'O ~' ,~. „RE'TARY, A EIM CIT~ PLANNING CVMMiSSfOfV ~~ .p. PC9~I• t t 8