Resolution-PC 94-124qF L,I~TION NO• PC~4-124 A R~SOLUTION OF THE /1NAHEIM CITY PWNNING COMMISSIOPJ TNA7 PETITION FOR VAiiIANCE NO. 1262 BE GHANTED WM[REAS, the Anaheim City Planninp Comrnlasion did recoive a verilled Potftion for Varia~ce for certaln real proparty situated !n tt~o City oi Ar,ahefm, Counry ri Orange, State o! CAlifornia described as: PARCEL 1: ALL LOTS 18. 1~, 2U, 21, 22, 23, ?.4, 30 AND TNO$E PORTIONS 0~ LOTS 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 1G, 17 AND 29 IN BIOC;K F AF THE HA7~L DEL CAMPO TRACT, IN THE CI fY OF ANAHEIM, COUNTI' OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALI~ORNlA, AS PER MAP RECOADED IN ~OOK l4, PAGE~ 69 AND 70 OF MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS OF LOS ANGELES CQUNTY, CIILIFORNIA, LYING NORTHWESTERLY OF THE FOLLCWING DESCfiIBED LINE: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE EASTERLY LINE OF BLOC{< F, SOUtH 15 OEG. 25' 30' ~AST 1i8.51 FEET FROM THE NORTHEA.riTERLY CORNER OF SAID I.OT 24; ?'HENCE SOUTH 18 DEG. 19' 3U' tiYEST 70.ti9 FEET TO THE E3EGINNING OF A iANGENT CURVE CONCAVt NORTHWE~TERLY ANO HAVING A RADIUS OF 721.58 FEET; '6MENCE SOUTHWESTCRLY 147.00 FEE7 ALONG SAIO CURVE- 7HROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF t t DEG. 40' 2~' TO A POINT ON THF. S~JUTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 29, D15TANT NORTH 74 DEG. 29' 13" EAST 116.y3 FEET FROM THE SOUTHWES7ERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT 29. EXCEPTING TFIEREFAOM THOSE PORTIONS OF LOTS 12 TO 24 BOTH INCLUSIVE IN BLOCK F OF THE WOTEL DEL CAMPO TRACT, AS SHOWN ON A ~dAP HECORDED IN BUOK 24, PAGES 69 AND 70 OF MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS ~F L05 ANGELES COUN7Y, CALIFORNIA, HEING A POHTION OF THE lANO DESCRIBED AS PARCEL t IN DEEO FiECORDEO JUNE 26, 1958 fN BOOK 3557, PAGE 273 0~ OFFICI.4L RECORDS AND DESCFi18ED AS f'ARCEL i IN DEED RECORD~D APRIL 27, 1~56 IN 800K 3489, PAGF 410 OF OFFICIAL RECOHOS MORE PARTICUTARLY DESCRIBED !~ i FOLLOWS: CQ1A~11ENCIN(3 AT A POINT IN THE SUUfHERI.Y LINE ~OF LOT 2fl OF SAIO BLOCK F, 5AID POINT B~ING DIS7AN1' NORTN 74 DEG. 2J' 13' EAST 116.93 FEF7 MEASUREO r~LON(3 SAID SOUTHERLY LINE FROM THE SOUTHWES7EfiLY CORNER OF SAID LOT 29; THENCE NON~HERLY A~ONG THF. AHC OF A C:URVE OESCfiIBED IN AHUVF MENT~ONED DEED5 AS BEING CONCAVE NOaTHWES7ERl.Y RN~ AS HAViNC~ A AAf31US QF 7?.1.58 FEET, AN ARC, DI.~iTANC~ 0~ 45.fi1. FEET ?U THE TRUE POINT OF ElECi1NNI1V(3: '-HENCE CON7(NUING NOR7HEALY !,'.ONf3 THE AHC OF SAID CU~VE, HAVINCi A fiADIUS OF 721.58 F[ET. A DISTANCE OF t01.38 FEE? TO A Pt71N7 DESCRItIEU IN AOUVE MENTIONEO DE[DS AS A POIYT TANQ~NCY, A RAaIAL UNE FROM SAIO CURVE A7 tJ~~7 SA~O POIPJ7 DEAHS NORTH 7t DE(3. 40' 30' WEST TO 7HE CENTER OF SAID CURVE; THEMCE C~JN7INUING ALONG THE GAS'fER41' UNE OF THE IAND OESCRIBED IN PMCEL t ~N SAIO DEEOS, NOR1H t8 DEG. 19' :!b' EAST 7d.69 F~ET TO A POINT IN TFiE CJ-STEHLY LINE OF SAIO LOT t 7; TF',ENrE NORTH t5 DECi. 25' ~0"NEST ALONG THE EA~TERt.Y L~NE OF LOYS 17, tg, ig, ~0, 21. 22, 2:! AND 2A A UISTl,NCE OF 170.51 fFET TO THE NORTHEA5TCRLY CORNEfi OF ~AID LOT 24; THENCE SOUTF! 74 DEG. 34' 30' WEST ALON(a THt NOA7M LI~~E OF 3AID LOT ?~, A D13TANCE OF i8.46 FEET CR21 t39MS.WP • t • PC94-1 ~4 TO A POINT IN A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND OISTANT WE°,TEqLY 19.40 FEET TO A POIN7 IN A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND DISTANT WESTERLY 18.4U FEET NIHEN MEASUHED A7 RIGHT ANGLES FROM THE EASTEHLY i.INE OF SNID LQTS 17 THROUGH ?4; THENCE SOUTH 15 DEG. 75' 30' EAST ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE 100.07 FEET TO THE BEGINNING AF A CURVE CONCAVF WESTERLY AN~ TANGENT TO THE PRECEDING ~OUR~E, HAVING A RAUIUS OF 326.36 FEET AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 4t DEG.1fl'; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAIO CURVE 238.10 FEE~ TO THE TRUE POINT OF E3EGINNING, (A RADIAL LINE FROM SAID CURV~ AT LAST SAID POINT BEARS NORTH ti3 DFC3. ~7' 30" WES7 TO THE CENT~R OF SAID CURVE.) PARCEL 2: THJSE PORTIONS OF LOTS 1, 2, 3, AND 4 IN SUJCK F OF THE I-IUTEL DEL CAMPO TRACT, IN THE CITY UF ANAHEIM, COUNTY OF OHANGE, STATE OF CAUFORNIA, AS PEH MAP RECORDED IN BqOK 24, PAGES 6S ANQ 70 OF MISCE~,lANEOU.~'i RECORDS OF LOS ANGELES COUN7Y, CALIFOHNIN, DESCFiID~D AS FOU.OWS: BEGINNING AT THE NOFiTHWESTEFiIY CORNEH UF SAID LOT 1; THENCE AI.ONG THE NUyTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOTS 1, 2, 3 ANU 4 NORTH 74 DEG. 29' 13' EAST 95.tl8 FEET: THENCE SOUTH 38 DEG. 07' a5" WEST 1i9.i7 FEET TO A POINl' IN 7HE W~S7ERLY I.INE OF SAID LOT 1, DI,~i7AhT ALUNG SAID VVE.~,TEHLY UP~E SOUTN 'i5 DEG. 2G' 09" EAST 70.65 FEET FROM THE NORTHWESTERLY CORNER OF SAIf~ LOT 1; Th1EfJCE ALONG SAID WES7ERLY LINE NCF'iTH 15 DEG. 25' 09' WEST 70.65 FEE? TO i HE POINT OF BECINNING. PAR~EL 3: LOTS 31 TO 34 INCLIJSIV~ IN 6LOCK F OF THE HOTL.. DEL CAMPO TRAC~, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, COUNIY Or OHAPlGE, STATF. OF CAl.IFURNIA, AS SHOWN ON A MAP HECORDED IfV BOOK 24, PAGFS K9 ANn 70 OF NISCELLANEOUS RE~,ORDS OF LOS ANGELES (:OUNTY, CALI~OiiNIA. PARCEl~ a: ALI. THAT ~ORTION OF L~TS 25, 26, 27 AND 28 iN BLOCK F OF THE H07EL DEL CAMPO TRAC7, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, COUNTY t7F ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFQRNIA, AS SHOWN ON A MAP RECORDED IN BOOK ZA, PA.GES 89 AND 70 OF MISCELLANEOUS 9ECORDS OF LOS ANC.7ELES COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, LYING WESTERLY OF A LINE PARALIEL TO AND DI5TANT 18.40 FEET WESTERLY, MEASURED AT RlGHT ANGLES FROM THE EASTERLY LIh1E OF SAID LOTS. PARCEI. 5: THA7 PORTION OF THE 20 F00T ALLEY WlTNIN BLOCK F OF THE HOTEL DEL CAMPQ TRACT, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, COUNTY qF OfiANf3E. STATE OF CAUFARNIA, AS SHOWN ON A MAF OF SAIQ TR4CT RECORDED IN BOVK 24, PACiES 69 ANU 70 OF MlSCCLLANEQUS RECOROS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. AS VACATEO BY RE50LU'I'ION NU. 5! 10 RECOAD[D APRIL 0, 14359 IN BOOK 4E363, PAGE 500 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, THAT WOULO PASS WITH A CONV~YANCE OF THOSE PORTIONS Or IOTS 1 TO b INCIUSIVE AND LOT 29 IN SAID BIOCK F HEREINBEFORE DFSCRIB~O. Wl1EFiEAS, the City Planninfl Commfssion did hold a puWic hearir-g at the Civic Ceinvr in Ihcr Ciiy oi Anaheim on S~ptemher 7. 19JA. at 1:30 p.m., notice o~ said pubiir. hearing having F~en duly ~iven as require~d by law and fn acaord~nca v~ith the provisions W the Anaheim Municipal Cod~, Chapter t 9 0z, In hear arxf con3ider ~vkienca for nr-d ~yainst safd prr,posecf varienco arxl to frrvas~lgate and makcs lirxt;ngs ancl recommendations M cenno.ctlon thantwith; a~xf ,2, PC94•124 WHEFiEaS, said Commission, after due Inspection, investigation and study made by itsoif and in its behalf, and ~fter due consideration of all evldence and reports offered at said hearing, does flnd and detormine the following iacts: t. That the petitlonor proposos walvers of the foilowing to construct e 30,000 sq.it. rosoarch and deve~opment build(ng~ (~) $~~~ 4:Q~R`~ •0 0212 18.06.U5Q.031 .~:~~:Q.$4 n 1 _CZ1.G(i6.050 (b) Soctlon 18.61 •02011 Minim Sumber of ~rkinuspaces. (~14 required; ~Q existing, proposed and c~ncurred w(th by the City Trattic and Transpoitation Manager) Mg.ximum halpht and minimum setback w~i hf_rL4Q iQ~Y of o residential ~qne bo n~arv. (Maximum 7. (OUt building height permitted, 30 feet proposed; and min(mum foo sotback required, 15 lea~ oroposed) 2. That the requosteci parkinfl waiver has been substantiated by a parkin~ study and revislon letter, anr,1 tho City TrafTic and Transportation Manager has reviewed and concurred with both Justification documen4s lor this specitic build(nfl and use; 3. Yhat tho parking varlance will not cause an (ncrease in traHic congestiun in the immeci!ate viciiiity nor adversely a(lect any adjuining i~nd uses; 4. That She granting ot the parking variance undor ;he conditions imposod wil! not be datrimental to the peace, healih, safety ur goneral wel(are of tho citizens of the Ciry of Anaheim; 5. That there aro apsc(s~i circumstancos epplicobie to tho property cunsist(ng of lacatinn And surround(ngs because the proposed buflding Is designed to Iimit the number ot door and window op~nfngs on thd west ele~ratfon facin~ residontfal zon(ng in order to redur,e vi~r intrusion and that visibNity wf~l be lurther reducect by trde screen(ng in tho 151oot setback area, as conrJitionec: heroin, which circumstances do not apply to other identically zoned properties in the vlcinity; 6. ?'hat strict app!ic~tion of the Zoning GQdo depr~ves the proporty ot privileges onJoyed by other properties under idantical zoning classiifcatlon In the vicfnity because exlstirtg industrla! buildings to the south have approxirtiately five (5) toot setbacks irom RN1•12Q0 zoned proporties to the wost; and 7. That no one lixlicated thefr presence at sAkl public hoaring fn cpposition; and that no corr~spondenco was received in oppositton to subje~t petition. ,~p~,IfQRNIA ENVIRONM~~lTAI,~~.ty AC.'T FINDI 0: That tl~e Anaheim City Planning Cornmission has reviE,wed the pr~posal t~r w~aivers of minimum number ~f parking spnceo and maximum height and minimum setback w{thin ~!0 feet of a reskfentfal zone boundary on an irregularly shapecl parcel ol land conslsting of approximat~ly 5.54 acres, locatecl tx~twoen Broadway arxl ~anta Ana Str9et, and Krceger Street and thr~ Atchison, Topokn, and Santa FQ Railroad ritiht•of wAy, wtth ~approximate irontages of t25 leet on the south sk~e of Broadway. 43Q feet on tl~e north siclo ot Santa Aru~ 5treet and ;30U loet un It~u east sido of KroeQer Street, and further doscrib~l as A24 South Atchfson Stroet; ancf does hnroby approvo tho Neqative Declaration upon prtding that thu ~:eclr•etion retlects tho irxiependont Jud~ement of tha :~ad a}~oncy and that ft has consWsred tho Neflative Qc~ctarat(un togottier wfth any comments roceived durfnp the pudic revfew process and tuNhor flnding on tho basfs c~ 4he (nftial study end any commont$ receivad that tliere fs no substantial evidonr,e llu~t tho proJect wfll have e a(pnilicant et(ect on the environmunt. .~. PC9a•~ 2a NOW, THERE~ORE, BE IT RESOI.VED that the Anahelm City Piannfng Commission do~s lier~by grant subJect Petitlon tor Variance, a~on t'ia following conditions which Are horoby found to be a nocessary prorequisite to tha proposed use o! the subJect property in order to preserve th~ safety and qenoral welfare of the Gtlzens of the City of Anaheim: 1. 7hat the wincJow open(ngs on the west elevation of the buildinq shall consist of glass blocks. 2. That all requir~d landscaptid areas ~hall bo fully (rri~atecJ with a pormanently install~d irric~atiort systom. 3. That the existln~ chain Iink fencing and gates on the north side of the site shall be replaced with securlty wrought iron fencfn~ and c~ates and that ail razor wire fencing shall be removod. 4. That a landscape plan ~howing eHoctive landscape screening betweon subjoct buildinc~ and ttie residanr.~s to the west she~i bo submtttod to the Zonfng Divtsion tor epproval. Said plen sliall tal<e into Consider~tion landscaping treatment ~f th~ west facing wall oF the building to elim(nate graHiti opportunities. Prlor to iinal buildfng and zoning fnspect(ons, sub~oct Iandscaping shall be installed and sfiail thereaRer be maintained. 6. That trash storac~e aroas shall be providad and malntalne~' ~n a location acceptable to the Department ~f Maintenance and in accordance with appr~ved plans on (ilo with said Department. Such information shall be spacifically shown on the plans submittsd for bulldirg permits. 6. That a~;lan sheet for solid wasto atorage and cdlectfon, and a plan (or recycling shal! be submitied to the Department of Ma(ntAnanco (or review and approval. 7. That an on-s(te trash truck turn-around a•ea ~hall be prnvlded and malntAinod to the satisfaction of the DepartmQnt of MaintNnance. Salr~ turn-Hround area shail be specifically shown on plans submfttod tor building parmits. 8. That •^ pr(vate wator sysi~m with separate water servfce tor (fre protection and domostic, water shall bo provided. 9. That the water bacMlow eq~ipment arui any uthor large wator system equipmAnt shail be Instalied to the satisfaction of the Watar Utitity Divisfon in either underflround vflults or behind the stroet aetback araa in a mannar fully ~crooned irom a11 public streets and alleys. 10. 7hat tho legal propert,y owner slwll frrevocably oHer to ded{cate to thA City ot Ar-aheim a twenty (20) foot wide Qasement for water servicd malns and an easament o( ton (10) feet by olqhtHen (t8) (eet tor large rt~oters or ifrelinea, as rnyuired by ihe Water Engfnoering Divisfon. i 1. Tha4 a new wAtor main ext ~~lon ahAll be instnlled to the satisfact(on of the Weter Englnoering Divfsion. t2. Ttiat the legal propeny cwner shall prov(de the City ol Anahelm with public utility easement:t for ~lectrical purposes as raquired by the Ele~trfcal Engineering C(visian. t3. That a Lut Lin2 Adju~tment plat to combfne b min(mum of five (5) existfng lots such that tl~e new buf!dfng Iles completely within ane (t) parcel shall be submitted to tl~e Subdivision Sectfon tor revfew ond npproval by ihe Cfty Enflin9er. Fdlowing approval, k shatl be rocordoci In the ONice of iho Oranpe County Racorder. 14. That a lee in the amount of livo hundracl filtoen dotlArs (S515j par ono thuusand (1,000) sq.(t. of building arPa shall be paid to ihp Cfty c~t Anaheim for sewer capacity mitipation. ..q. PC°4•124 15. That the developer shall submit a water quality managemont p~an (W(~MP) specfiically identifying best managernont practices that will ba used on site to contrcl predictable pollutants from stormwater runoff. The WQMP shall bn submitted to the Public Works Department, Developmont Services D(vision, ior reviow and approval. 16. That plans shall be submitted to the City 1'raftic and Transportatlon Managor for hfs revl9w and approval in conformanco with the curront versions of EngineHring Standard F'I~n Nos. 436 and 602 pertainin,y to parkinfl siandards and driveway location. ~ubJ~ct property shall thereupon be developeci and maintained 4n contormance wfth said plans. 17. That tho two (2) driveways that wlll remain along Krooger Street shall not be used more than five (5) tlm~s a month. If thdy are used more than five (5) times a month, they siiall be reconstructeci with ten (10) toot radfus curb returns as required by the City Engineor in conformance with the Enyinoering Standard No. 137 and any gates shall comply wfth gate construction standards in conformance with EnginQering Standard P~en No. 609. 1E~. That, as roqulred by the City' Traffic and Transportat(on Manager, all driveways on Kroeger Streot excopt two (2) shall be reinoved and repla~ed with standard curb, gutter, sidewalk and landscaping. 19. 1'hat a plan shall be submitted to tfie City TraHic and Transportatfon Managor tor his revlew and apprav~l showing that tnick toading spaces coniorm with Cocfe Sectfon 18.06.06Q.0101 (truck loadlnfl requfrements for industrial s(tes), 20. That no advort(sing signaye of any type shall ba placed on ttie wvst facing wall of the buflding. ?.t. 7hat a fee for streat tree purposes shali be pafo to tti~ City af AnTheim basacJ on tho length of the straat irontac~as along Broadway, Santa kna Street and Kroe~er Street in an amount as established by City Council resolution. 22. That no mFChanical equipment shall be placed in the yard aren between the proposed building and the west property I(ne unless the property to tho wost i~ rezonod to a non-cesidential zo~e and the residences are removed. Said yard area shall remaln fully landsc~ped until such time, with no outdoor being use permitted. 23. That any new outdoor lighting Iixturos s{iall be downllt and directed away irom the adjacent re~identfal propertios. 24. That sub~ect property shall be davaloped substantially fn accordance with plans and speciffcations submitted to tha City of Anaholm by the peiitloner and which plans are on iile wlth the Planning Dopartment marksci Exhibit Nos. 1 ttttough 7. 25. 7hat prlor to Issuance of a hullding permit or within a poriod nf one (1) year from the d~to of tt~is r4solution, whichr~ver occurs tirst, Conditfon Nos. 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19 end 21, above•montfoned, shall be complied wfth. Extenafons for turthor time to complete said conditions may oe grantai in ~ccordance with S~ction ~8.Q3.090 nf the Anahelm Municipal Ccxfe. 26. That p~~lor to finat buildfnfl and zoning inspuctlons, Condition PJos. 1. 2, 3, 8, 9, 11, 18, 23 nnd 24, abovQ-mentioned, shotl be complfed with. 'L7. 't'hat approval ot this ap~lication constitutea approvai ot tho proposed requQSt only to tt~e extent that it cort~plles with the Anahelm Municipal Zoning Code and any other appl(~;able City, State and Foderal reguiatfons. Approval does not include aizy ectfon or fir~ings as to compitance or approvai of the request ragarding uny other appllcable ordinance, regulation or requfremont. ,5. i'C9A-12A ........»..,~... .... . . .. ..... _ ., ~..n..wrt~.__.~.wu,t...,..r,.~..a,u..,..._...au,.u~nu.r,.a~...,..., v...:nw~. ,,.,,~>n»~, . . ~ . ,._....~ ~ ., , ~ ..,op.. , BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning ~ommisslon does hereby find and determine that adoption of thls Resolution is expressly predicated upon applicant's compliance with eacli and all of the conditions herelnabov~ set forth. Should any such conditfon, or t~ny part thereof, ho daclared invalid or unonforceable by the ifnal jucigrnent of any court of competent ~urisdictfon, then this Resolution, and any approvals herein contained, shall be d~emed nuli and void. 7HE FORE(~OING RESOLUTION was adopted at the Planntng Commission meeting of Septembor 7, 1994. ~ ~~,~~-~ -~ ~~d.:~~., CHAIRW MAN, ANAHFIM C~PLANNING COMMISSIpN ATTEST; ETARY, AN~ CITY PLAN~ OMMISSION ~ STA7E OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CI7Y OF ANAHEIM ) I, Janet L. Jensen, Secretary of the Anaheim City I~lanning Commission, do hereby certify that the inregoing resolution was paesed end adopted at a meeting of the Anahe(m City Planning Comrnlssiun held on ~ept9mber 7, t99~i by the follow(ng vote of the members theroof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOYDSTUN, CALVWELL, HENNINGER, MAYER, PFRAZA, TAIT NOES: COMti11SSi0NER5: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: MESSE IN WITNES3 WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 7~ , day of ~~~,~~~ t 994. e~~._ ~ ~ RETARY, AN E CI1Y PLANNIItiG COMMISSION .~_ PC9a-~ z4